There’s nothing going on between us she said Part 3 [Cheating][Behind back Cuckold]

“Have a safe flight alright dear?” Das said to me as I looked down at her as we both stood there in the doorway of the main door leading into our home. Where out front was already a taxi waiting to take me to where my wife presumably thought would be the airport. Yet in actual fact I had already paid out a taxi driver yesterday to be the one to come by my home, pick me up before dropping me around the corner where a rental car i had was parked. He would just help to drop off my luggage at a motel a couple of blocks down from our home was earning him an easy hundred bucks for something simple.

“I’ll be fine. I’ll see you Friday evening ok baby? Love you.” I said as I leaned down to give her a quick peck on the lips which I still had a hard time pushing the image that I was probably kissing the mouth that another man’s cock had been in. Yet i forced myself to, which was followed by a quick tight hug and I headed down to the taxi to head to the ‘airport’. As soon as the taxi I was in rounded the corner out of view of my home the driver stopped so I could get out.

“Alright so you just need me to drop your stuff off at the Leaner’s Motel right?”

“Yes just bring it down to the reception and leave it with them. They already know to hold my bags for me. And don’t bother trying to run away with them, there’s nothing inside but clothes.”

“Yeah yeah don’t worry. I’ll do what I got paid for…still man that’s a pity your doing something like this. A wife like that cheating on you would piss any man off. Good luck.” The taxi driver said before he headed off driving down the street.

I could only sigh at what the driver at said at me having to stoop down to such a level just to prove my suspicions. Still I know I had to do this if I wanted to put all this senseless suspicions to rest and find out what I needed to know. So I snuck over to the park that was nearby and sat down on a bench in the middle where I’m able to have a view of my home through the bushes. Yet it was difficult for anyone looking on from outside the park to make out any details of people in the park.


As the day wore on from morning when I first started my stake out, eating the few energy bars I had with me in my pockets. It was already about to reach 8pm at night now and nothing had happened at all, I could vaguely see the figure outline of my wife Das through the windows of our home moving throughout the day. Yet nothing had happened at all which only had made me start to question my own sanity if she really was cheating on me. Though facts are still facts and used semen filled condoms in your trash bag is hard stone cold facts enough to justify my thinking.

I was just about to decide to call it a night and start walking on over to the motel when suddenly the front door of our home opened up and I see my wife coming out in her gym attire. So she was probably heading to the gym for her workout, I was pretty tired at that point and just wanted to go to the motel and just sleep away the night. Until that one nagging thought reared itself in the back of my head, *What if the guy is from the gym?*

So with a hard sigh after seeing her getting into her car and driving off in the direction of the gym which was just a few blocks down I started making my way over there too. I had never actually went into her gym before besides driving by to pick her up sometimes after she’s done when I had dropped her off earlier on during the days. It didn’t take long maybe just about 10 minutes of walking before I finally caught sight of the building in the distance as I made my way ever closer to it.

Where once I was close enough I could see my Das standing there at the side of the building talking to someone a guy definetly, as I strained my eyes to see if I could recognize who that guy was. I had to quickly duck into a building to keep myself hidden as I kept a watch over the two. They just kept talking until finally the guy moved a bit and I could finally see it was the young white man that was my wife’s personal trainer from the gym. I had seen him a few times standing outside the gym talking with my wife when I had drove by to pick her up after her workouts.

Recalling how he was still in university and studying, taking up a part time job as a personal trainer at the gym in order to earn some extra money. I could only sighed as I lost part of my tension when I figured out he was still in a sense a kid and there was no way my wife would ever consider anything with a younger guy. Only for my very thought to be proven wrong almost seconds later where as he then gestured in the direction of the front door leading into the gym, where as she passed by him I could only look on in widened eyes as I watch him giving my wife’s ass a nice hard spank followed by what I could figure out was a hard grope. I was fuming inside and I certain Das was too, thinking that she would turn around confront him before giving him a tight slap to his face.

Only once more to face another surprise seeing her turn around to look at him with a smile on her face, her head moving around as though making sure no one else was around or looking. Then seeing my wife’s hand moving down to the front of his pants and to my utter disbelief I watched her small hand circling and griping something which could only be his cock and seeing her giving it a few squeezes.

My heart was pounding, my head was swimming with dozens of thoughts as I watch a university kid fondling Das’s ass while she was holding onto his cock out here in public! Who was this woman now that I thought was my wife?! That she was never ever this daring with me to do something like even touching me in public. Yet here now she was gripping onto the cock of her personal trainer over his pants and she wa….s now starting to stroke him as her small hand now starting moving in an up & down fashion along his shaft that she was gripping. His palm that was holding onto my wife’s ass I could see squeezing her ass cheek constantly now.

This only lasted a few seconds before I watch her pull her hand away as did him as the front door swung open and a gym goer came out heading towards his car. Unaware of how just a dozen feet or so away someone’s significant other was giving a handjob to the cock of a man that wasn’t her husband.

Their quiet quick action over with I could only look on as they both headed on inside the gym and I was left there hiding in the dark against a building, left with an utterly bewildered head and for some reason a very very hard cock in my pants.


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