Exchange student [F] teasing [M]e

Long time lurker, but frequent commentator. I thought I might start contributing some stories as well. Some may consider them lame by the standards of fucking random strangers, but those who share my kink of teasing and build-up will hopefully find some pleasure in this story about the time I barely managed to hide my excitement while teaching at university.

This happened a couple of years ago when I was in my late 30s and used to teach university courses occasionally. Once I had a course in a program specially designed for international students who spend a year abroad. The teaching has always been fun, especially for the various backgrounds and interests of students. They were mostly in ther master, so roughly between 22 and 26. Many of them were both very interesting and fun to talk to, especially on the many excursions which are always an integral part of the course. And, to be honest, so far in every course there were 1-2 female students, whom I would have loved to flirt with, if I wasn’t in a relationship, a lot older and teaching them. However, in one course, there was an Asian student from the US who drew my attention in a special way – let’s just call her Lynn. Not that I have a spedicifc “type”, but she was hot af (petit, but not too thin, quite busty, short dark hair (a bit butchy actually), dark eyes (the kind you can loose yourself in when looking into them for too long), full lips (always a turn on for me), nose and tongue piercing (the latter being even more of a turn on if I’m into a woman, they instantly make me think about certain situations). This might sound very superficial, but what really caught my interest was that she’s damn smart, witty, got a great sense of humor and a smile that would simply make me melt. And God she loved to tease! In a class where many students usually don’t dare to talk at all (after all the class was in German, many of the exchange students were struggling with this language or simply avoided it by taking courses in English only), she would not only give smart answers and comments, she also loved to contradict me or make really good ironic remarks. In a way, I loved her for that already after two sessions, because it actually made my teaching much more fun….

From the first week, Lynn sat it the front row, approximately some three meters away from me. I should probably add that it was a spring term, which means that it started in a somewhat fresh April and ended in a pretty hot July. I remember one day, when I gave the students a task in small groups. As they were working by themselves, I had some idle time, checking my phone, taking notes and observing them studying. It was one of the first real spring days, everybody was feeling the vibes these days. Actually on this day it struck me for the first time, just how hot Lynn was. She wore a tight black top and a not too short black mini skirt without any stockings. And I bet she knew how hot she looked in it! She sat turned towards her peers, turning her back to me, and I was definitely checking out her legs and butt one too many times. I don’t know if she realized it, but I noticed her turning around a couple of times (pretending to take a look at the whiteboard, but I knew she was looking at me, since there wasn’t anything to see really on the screen). Whenever she turned around, I instantly looked away, on the floor or grabed my phone, hoping I wouldn’t be blushing or behaving too obvious in any other way. When the group work was finished, Lynn – as all the other students – turned around, now all facing me again. I quickly focused on my teaching, but definitely paid more attention that I should have to her lips, her tight top and her cleavage. So far, so usual.

However, when class was over, Lynn asked if I had five minutes. Since I only teach occasionaly, I don’t have an office at university, so the only way students could talk to me face to face was before or after class. When everybody else had left, she came to my desk. She looked directly into my eyes, put her hands on my desk and bent over, putting her cleavage basically right in front of my eyes. This, and maybe even more the fact that she presented herself to me like this got me rock hard immediately. It was obvious by the way she smirked and looked at me, that this is exactly what she wanted. (to be honest I almost get hard again just by thinking back to this moment). And she definitely knew what she was doing! I don’t recall how long I just stared at her cleavage, but when Lynn called my name, I felt like I just woke up from a dream. I probably turned red as alobster and wasn’t able to reply anything smarter than “erm, yes, please?”. She just laughed at me and I tell you this was an amazingly sexy laughter. At least in my interpretation it said “I know you’re rock hard because you’ve been watching me for the last 90 minutes and now I almost threw my tits in your face. I know the only thing you can think about right now is my body, but my question was actually related to the topic of next week’s class”. After a moment of dwelling in my fantasy, I cleared my throat and tried to answer her question as professionally as I could. Then the The first students for the next class started entering the room, so we weren’t alone anymore. Lynn politely thanked me for my answer, turned around and smirkingly whished me a “great week”. (I should add that she spoke German with such a cute accent, but I guess I probably just liked anything about her at that time). I took a deep breath, basically waiting for the bulge in my pants to disappear. I still remember that that night was the first time I fantasized about Lynn and it won’t surprise anybody that I came hard. I didn’t know at that time that this wasn just the beginning…

In the weeks after this “encounter”, there was some kind of tension between Lynn and me in class, but we both ignored it more or less. Yet, a couple of weeks later we went on an excursion and had to wait for a train. I was sitting on a bench, she sat down right next to me. As if nothing had happened, she started telling me in her cute accent and with lots of cute smiles how much she enjoyed the course, that it was definitely her favorite one during her stay aborad and that I was one of the best teachers she ever had. I felt really flattered, since even though my courses were always rated pretty good, this kind of direct positive feedback is absolutely rare, so I took it very professional. This changed when she suddenly put her hand on my knee and looked me in the eyes, and asked me if I had a girlfriend. Now the thoughts on my mind were different. I caught myself fantasizing about just putting my arm around her, pulling her towards me and kissing those mesmerizing lips of her. Luckily another inner voice reminded me that she is my student and that we’re currently on an official excursion and that some 20 other students are waiting for the train with us. I politely thanked her for her feedback and got up. This was still before the beginning of summer…

The summer was very hot, at least for Germany. Temperatures were above 30 degrees Celsius for weeks, and thanks to the great 1970s architecture of the university, it felt like 40-50 degrees inside. Hence, everybody tried to put on as little clothes as possible without appearing obscene. This means a lot of cropped tops, some even braless, mini skirts, summer dresses and the like. (No surprise I guess that sometimes these extremely hot days make it especially hard for me – pun intended). I still remember this one day in class, when Lynn entered the room, and I thought my eyes would fall off. She was wearing denim dungarees (very short shorts, but with a kind of drop fly, I hope you get what I mean). She wasn’t actually revealing too much, but when she turned her back to me for a minute, I could clearly see that she wasn’t wearing any bra or top underneath the denim. Before class, she came straight to my desk. She walked slowly, making sure my eyes would follow every single step of her, watching every inch of her amazing body. Given the two previous episodes, knowing there was nothing but that blue fabric between me an her round firm breast, plus how teasingly she looked at me, was enough to get me excited. I don’t know if she had put on that dress specifically to tease me or if she just realized by my gaze what effect it had on me. She started telling me something about some extension she needed for a paper, but all I could focus on was her bending down again. A soft moan escaped my mouthm then I managed to pull myself together and whisper “Please!!!”. She just smiled deviously (her smile telling me “I know I have you, and I know you’d never dare to act on anything while were in class”). She turned around again and walked back to her seat ever so slowly, actually wiggling her nice ass a bit. After class, I rushed out of the room with the other students, trying to avoid a one-on-one situation with her. As soon as I got home, I started to stroke my throbbing hard cock – needless to say that it didn’t take me very long to cum…

To be honest, this is pretty much what happened between the two of us. There were a couple of more “episodes” of the same kind, after which Lynn was my favorite masturbation fantasy, but next week I would act just as professional in class again. There clarly remained a tension between us, but for the most part we turned it into a witty-ironic kind of conversation, which was big fun and very appealing in itself. I remember one more day where she wore a very sexy black summer dress. I definitely tried to check out whether she was wearing anything beneath the thin fabric, and couldn’t detect any signs of straps or seams. But this day, she didn’t come to my desk and there wasn’t any on eon one interaction between the two of us. Maybe I had made it clear that I wasn’t willing to cross a certain line. A couple of weeks later the course ended and I never saw her again. But until today I keep asking myself if I should have been more brave. And honestly, just thinking back to her teasing is still a huge turn on for me.

I know I could have made it a lot juicier, but I wanted to keep it real. Hope at least some of you appreciate that. Please let me know if this just excited me or if it is actually fun for others to read.


1 comment

  1. This is very hot yes! A shame you didn’t take it further at the time, she clearly wanted you. And I bet there were a couple of weeks after the end of the course that she was still around but technically not your student anymore.

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