Camping shenanigans [F]

So I just got back from camping! It was kind of a surprise, my man let me know the night before we left. So we packed a couple nights ago, and got ready. We ended up at this park, i think called Washington Park? Anyway, when we got there, a few friends and family showed up. I didn’t know who was going to be there, but it certainly wasn’t the friends I was hoping for. All in all, I had a good time camping, but I don’t think that’s what you’re hear for…

My previous post, I explained that my man was teasing me about thinking his cousin was hot. Well, she was one of the few family members that showed up. We were all having fun, eating and drinking around the fire, and talking. It was late, and dark, and i was a bit tipsy and had to pee. I mentioned I was going to find the bathroom. My man’s cousin (we’ll call her Taylor) volunteered to come with. My heart jumped at her saying that, having my previous conversation about her pop back into my mind. But I quickly dismissed it, and said ok.

I was a big intimidated because she had a super fit body. She hasn’t done body building in a few years, but she works out regularly. We were quiet at first, but then started talking about our night. I was happy to have a buddy on my dark walk, she made me feel safe. We got to the facilities, and i let her use them first. I waited outside. Then she let me use them.

I did my thing, and rinsed my face and body off a bit to freshen up. I guess I toom a bit too long because Taylor knocked on the door. I said I’d be just a second, just rinsing my face and freshening up a bit. But she poked her head in and said she forgot her phone. I told her to come in and grab it, if was okay. She came inside and we got chatting a bit again. She complimented me on how I looked so good despite being outside for so long. I kind of just laughed it off and retorted with a dumb joke about her sexy muscles. She laughed and kissed her bicep, and i laughed and kissed her bicep too.

She was definitely shocked, but she laughed and smiled. I took that as a green light and kissed her on the lips. I freaked out after that though, but she smiled and raised an eyebrow at me, with a bit if a smirk.

I panicked and said let’s go back to camp. The walk back wasn’t awkward luckily. But I was so charged after that kiss….damn…

I thought about it all night. After we went to bed, I waited until everyone in our teng fell asleep and masturbated for a good hour and a half until I finally orgasmed and passed out.

The next day went on as usual until we packed up to go home. Taylor and I were putting the camping stuff back in the car when she slapped my ass and winked, saying “see you soon”. She grabbed my ass a quick second and then walked off.

We came home, and i masturbate like crazy in the shower again. Not what I was expecting for my weekend.


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