Lisa my queen (gentle femdom, impact play, anal)

It was the afternoon of a day off and we were binge watching Game of Thrones on the big TV. She was sitting on the right side of the couch with my head in her lap. I was beginning to drowse off.

Her right hand was gently rubbing my hair, and her left hand was on my side between ribs and hips. She slid her left hand down my torso until it rested on my ass. “I want to play with you today.”

I woke up. “You’re my queen.” Whenever she plays with me it hurts. But I always submit. “I’ve bent the knee.”

She moved a bit. A deep breath? Using both hands she cradled my head into her stomach. “You’re my King in the North.” I’m a complicated man with emotional issues but this is my happiness. 

Holding my head, she said, “We need to talk about what I want to do.” 

That was a bit alarming. She’s never asked ahead of time. “Um, what did you have in mind?”

“The last time I tied you up I went too far. I know you’re nervous about me doing that.”

With my head cradled against her stomach and her hands holding me, I wasn’t too nervous. “I’m not worried about that anymore, Lisa. You can tie me up.” 

“I’m worried I might go too far. You won’t even use a safeword.” 

We have a yellow and red light safeword for me to use if needed. She picked them both. The red word is “spiders.” She’s an incredibly courageous woman but she can’t handle spiders. I used to be the one who killed spiders, but lately I just take them out. I’ve become a gentle soul. I try not to kill anything. 

Except cockroaches. I kill every one I see. They know what they did.

“I feel like using a safe word is letting you down.”

She made a noise of exasperation. “The first time I spanked you I made you cry.”

“You did. I think part of why I cried was that being spanked was so unexpected. You’ve done worse since and I haven’t cried.”

She pulled my head tighter to her stomach. “Please don’t say ‘worse,’ baby. I don’t want anything to be worse.”

I rolled upward to face her. “The worst you do is the best I’ve had. I never thought I’d like these things. I don’t always like it. I’m ok with that.”

Since she’s been dominating me I’ve been very sentimental. I don’t cry when she spanks me anymore but I cry sometimes from the intensity of my feelings. It’s strange being so emotional. Lisa is always the one with the level head.

Not now. I could see her eyes watering up and her chin trembling. Seeing her like that was like watching her being hit by a bus. It affected me so strongly that I had chest pain.

I sat up and pulled her head into my neck. I cradled her head and rubbed her hair. “What’s wrong sweetie? Tell me so I can fix it!” I was sort of freaking out. My heart was racing and I was breathing really hard.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and took a deep, shuddering breath.

I’ve learned that sometimes I just have to wait. When we’re hugging each other I’ve got the rest of my life.

Eventually she was ready to talk. “I’ve been abusing you.”

“No. It’s not abuse.” It’s hard to articulate these new feelings but I gave it a shot. “I feel a closeness to you that I never felt before. With anyone.” That didn’t really explain anything. “I feel like I’m giving myself to you. And you’re accepting me. Even though I  don’t deserve it.”

“Oh, my sweet baby! You deserve everything!” She hugged me harder and I felt a bubble of emotion that almost ended in a sob.

She was quiet for a while. Then, “I’ve been hurting you. Causing you real pain.” She breathed in through her nostrils, a runny nose sniff sound. I reached behind her and grabbed a Kleenex from the box on the end table. I handed it to her and then held her again.


She sobbed, “Does that make me a bad person? I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. Why am I hurting you?” She blew her nose loudly, with copious snot noise.

Under my breath, “Sexy!”

She laughed and gave me a little push. “Now I’m going to hurt you for a good reason!”

“If you want to hurt me It’s for a good reason.” I considered my next words. I wanted to reassure her but I didn’t want her to think she could do anything at all to me, however painful. I mean, she probably could, but I’d rather not give her ideas.

“I love you no matter how much it hurts. I never doubt that you’re taking care of me.”

She almost yelled. “But why? I don’t understand why you put up with that! I need to know!”

It’s something I’d been thinking about for weeks. I didn’t have a good answer. I tried anyway.

“Because I want to give you everything you want. Whatever it is.”

“Oh baby.’ She hugged me hard. “Are you sure?”

“Can’t you tell?”

“Yes. Yes.” She kept hugging me. I was very happy.

“You’re in for a hard time today …” I was very scared.

“You’re my queen.”

She got up. “Stay here. I’ve got something for you to wear.” She left the room and returned with leather items in her hands. One was a collar. “I want you to wear this. Take off your shirt.” 

Taking my shirt off, I said, “I’ll wear anything you want me to wear.” I’m not really submissive. Truly, I’m not. If you met us anywhere in the world you’d never suspect that my wife has her way with me. But … she does.

The collar had rings around the circumference, I suppose for attaching other restraints. Lisa fastened it around my neck. “Put your head up. I want to see it on you.”

I modeled for her. She turned my head back and forth. “It’s very sexy on you. I love the way you look in leather.” Since our new relationship she’s been very appreciative of my appearance. It’s not like she didn’t compliment me before, but the way she does now makes me feel different. Almost feminine.

She clipped a leash to one of the rings on the collar. She gave it a tug. “Let’s go into the bedroom.” I got up and followed her.

She had me strip and then put a blindfold on. She put cuffs on my wrists and ankles.

“Get on the bed. On the edge. Lie on your side.”

I lay down on my left side. She moved me around. “Scoot over. Bend you legs up and put your hands behind you. Keep your ass over the edge.”

With my arms behind my back she clipped the cuffs on my wrists together. Then she pulled them upward to the small of my back and connected the leash from the collar to the cuffs, forcing me to arch my back. She connected my ankle cuffs together and leaned back, I guess looking at me.

She ran her hand down my side. “You’re so totally mine.” Her voice was husky.

I was breathing hard and didn’t think I could talk normally, so I said nothing.

She pushed me over onto my stomach. The way I was tied I was helpless.

She put her left hand above my ass and below my hands. Her right hand rubbed my cheeks.

“Don’t consider this punishment. It’s more like a scientific experiment.”

In these situations I often try to act like everything is normal. “What’s the hypothesis you’re testing?”

She rubbed something that wasn’t her hand on my cheeks. 

“Which hurts more? A leather paddle or a leather belt?”

She hit me with what had to be the paddle, hard enough to cause immediate pain. Alternating cheeks, she kept up a steady rhythm, with each stroke making me moan and squirm. She kept striking me and the pain became overwhelming. My eyes got wet. 

“Please, baby, that hurts too much!”

She paused for a minute, gently rubbing her paddle on my burning ass. “You know how to make me stop.” She grabbed my hair and began striking me again.

“Please don’t hit me anymore, Mommy!” Being called “Mommy” is her thing, not mine, but if it makes her happy I’m on board, especially if she stops hitting me.

She did stop for a second, and set the paddle down next to me. “That’s not how you make me stop, baby. But you can have a break.”

She squirted something cold in lines over my cheeks, which made me jump. Then she gently rubbed the lotion into me. “I’m really surprised how the paddle does. I’ve spanked you pink, and red, but with the paddle you turned burgundy right away.” She squeezed a cheek, making me wince, and asked, “Are you going to be able to sit down? It looks like it really hurts.”

I was still short of breath, but I didn’t want to lose the chance to get her sympathy. I blurted out, “I don’t know if I can sit down. It hurts a lot.” Both things being true.

She kept rubbing me gently. “Ok. Let’s collect some more data.”

I heard a metallic clicking and knew she’d picked up a belt. I thought I recognized it as one of my dress belts from the sound of it.

She began striking me, the looped leather slapping together making dramatic sounds. I was already very sore, and from the first stroke I began gasping and trying to squirm away.

“Please Mommy!” 

This time she didn’t stop. She kept belting me. I tried desperately to escape, but the way I was tied I had no leverage, and she was easily able to hold me in position with her hand on the small of my back.

I could feel the tears coming, and between gasps, I sobbed.

She stopped hitting me. “I can’t believe how fucking stubborn you are.” She set the belt down but kept holding me in place with her left hand. She was quiet for a while.

“Stay there.” Like I had a choice. She took her hand off and walked into the other room.

When she came back she put a hand in my hair and one on my behind. “Your ass is so beautiful right now. Dark red with stripes. We can’t waste it.” She rubbed my head, which felt good. And ass, which hurt.

“Ok, on your side.” She moved her hands to my shoulder and hips and pulled me towards her. She rolled me onto my left side and positioned me with my butt hanging off the bed.

I heard lube squirting and then her wet finger in my anus. She was already breathing hard.

With both hands on my right hip, she plunged her dildo into me, burying it until her hips were against my cheeks. I made a noise that I can’t describe. Moan and groan and something feral.

She held herself hard against me, her pelvis painful against my bruised cheeks. I was trying to wiggle away, but I was only making my shoulders sore. I was totally helpless.

She fucked me rough. Thrusting hard and fast, with her hands everywhere. My pelvis, my shoulders, my neck, between my legs. Everytime she entered me she hit my sore ass cheeks, hurting causing pain inside and out. Then she started withdrawing entirely, and plunging back in, which was a whole new painful yet erotic sensory overload, 

I’m bad at describing non verbal noises, but I was making them between gasps. I could hear her orgasm approaching and she reached her hand around me and began stroking my penis. 

She timed my orgasm to hers and fell over me, still thrusting in twitches while I shuddered with sensory and emotional overload. I wish I were a better writer so I could explain my mental state. 

After some time she sat up, her toy still in me. She rubbed my chest and hair. “Ok, baby. We’re going to the next level. Unless you stop me.”

My intelligence allowed me to say, “Huh?”

She pulled out and pushed me back onto my stomach. I heard a snapping sound, like someone putting on a rubber glove.

“I want you to use your safe word. I really didn’t think I’d have to tell you that. You’re a smart guy.”

I heard the lube bottle making a farting sound and squishing noises. Then she squirted a large amount between my cheeks. She began rubbing her fingers on and then into my anus, penetrating slowly.

“I’m going to fist you now. Unless you use a safe word.”

It’s been a point of pride that I never made her stop. I wanted to make sure she wanted that now. It was hard to talk though.

“Mommy, wait? Can I ask you a question first?”

She stopped pushing in, but kept her hand moving around. 

“One question only.” Her voice was thick.

“Do you want me to stop you?”

She stopped for a second. “I want to do it. But I need to know you feel able to let me know when to stop. I don’t want you to wind up feeling abused. Or hating me.”

I sighed. “Spiders.”

She pulled her fingers out and unclipped my cuffs, releasing the pressure on my shoulders. My arms collapsed to my sides and I groaned. She unclipped my ankle cuffs and then I could theoretically move again, but I was weak and my muscles were sore. My thinking wasn’t too clear.

“Roll over sweetie.” She nudged me towards the center of the bed, but I couldn’t help. Seeing that, she pushed lower and rolled me onto my back.

Climbing into bed she lay next to me and put a leg over my torso. “Lift your head, baby.” She removed my blindfold, throwing it behind her, which wasn’t a big change because my eyes were closed. She caressed my forehead and cheek.

“Are you ok, love?”

“Uhh.” Mr. Articulate.

Holding my head, she kissed me gently on the temple. “I’m so proud of you. You were very brave.” It’s a warm feeling when she talks that way.

“Stay here, baby. I’m going to get you some ice cream and cuddle you all night.”

“I’m not going anywhere, my queen.”


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