Unwanted infidelity

This wasn’t the Ritz. It wasn’t even a four star hotel. Lightly faded beige carpet and an acrid smell of old cigarette smoke weren’t quite an aphrodisiac, and for a moment Rebecca felt ridiculous.

She knew she shouldn’t have been there, in this grubby little room in this grubby little B & B just off the motorway.

A slick of red lipstick, a spray of perfume, perfectly curled brunette hair tumbling around her shoulders. Yes, she knew she looked ready for him. But was she?

Rebecca adjusted her black lace bra. Her breasts protruded invitingly, begging to be explored. Matching panties skimmed her curvy hips and she felt an electrifying excitement at the prospect of him pulling them off her, finally, after all these months of dizzying attraction.

She sat on the bed, and waited. Silence cloaked her and she twisted her white gold wedding band nervously. She pushed her husband from her mind. She didn’t want thoughts of him here, in this room, on this night, with her lover.

She checked her phone. No text. And he was almost 15 minutes late now. A familiar sense of anxiety crawled up her spine and she wasn’t certain if it was the guilt over her infidelity or a latent fear of rejection.

A knock. Gentle. Rebecca stood and her knees shook a little.

“It’s open” she said, nervously. She glanced in the mirror, surveyed her soft curves, aware that her hard nipples showed through her bra.

And then he was in the room. This handsome man so full of virility, his dark hair complemented by a coffee coloured tan. His muscular torso highlighted by a tight t shirt. Rebecca felt her cunt ache with excitement.

He stood and stared at Rebecca, drinking in her body, her hair, her pert breasts, her underwear. His breathing grew heavy. All those months of waiting, wondering and now, in this room, it was too late to turn back.

Rebecca didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing. She watched as he closed the door, locked it behind him. She wanted him, she was sure. But in the deep recesses of her conscience her mind was screaming at her to stop this. How could she be unfaithful to a man who had loved her unconditionally for so many years? What kind of woman was she?

He approached her, slowly. His breath smelt of alcohol and Rebecca wondered if he was drunk. Suddenly he pushed her onto the bed.

She gasped, surprised by his strength. She felt the familar anxiety begin to overcome her and a flicker of fear crossed her face. Was this all a terrible mistake? How could she think about having another man inside her?

He didn’t speak. She watched as he undid his jeans. His hard cock swelled in anticipation and Rebecca knew she couldn’t back out now.

She turned her head and closed her eyes in an effort to stop the anxiety. To assuage the guilt, she tried to pretend he was her husband. It was her husband pulling down her panties. Her husband laying on top of her, her husband licking and biting her nipples, her husband roughly exploring every crevice with his hands, her husband pushing his fingers deep inside her wet pussy.

Finally the guilt became too much.

“Don’t” She gasped.

But it was too late. As he entered her, his hardness felt alien, moving slowly at first, rythmically. She opened her eyes and saw him staring down at her intensely, into her eyes, into her soul.

A warmth began undulating from between her legs. She knew with each movement she was closer to orgasm. He stared, silent apart from the occasional groan, and carried on fucking her, his tanned face ernest in its passion.

His hand slid around her neck. He began applying pressure, just enough to shock her a little. “No” she gasped but he ignored her plea. Her body betrayed her, she felt her cunt grow even more wet, tightening around his hard cock. She knew any moment she would cum.

Then suddenly he stopped and moved away. Confused and unsatisfied, Rebecca moved her hand between her legs and deftly rubbed her clit, determined to orgasm.

As she lay there, playing with herself, she felt him push her gently onto her side, then onto her front.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

And then she felt his hard cock between her buttocks. “I don’t…” but it was too late. As his wet penis pushed into her bum she rocked with pleasure, this new sensation, the idea of his hardness in THAT place, moving back and forth. She felt his warm breath on her neck and he tugged her long hair. A tingling began to emanate out from between her legs and she moaned.

She came, unwillingly, quickly, hard, crying out for him to stop. She felt him move faster then, and suddenly a warm wetness filled her and she knew he had ejaculated.

He stayed inside her for a few moments, enjoying the sense of control. She, sweaty, disheveled, her panties hanging from her ankle, beneath him – and he watching her closely, proud of his conquest. She was his now.

He rolled off her then, and said nothing as he got dressed. She clambered for the blankets, trying to pretend she still had some dignity in his presence.

He smiled at her and nonchalantly threw some money on the bed. “For the room” he said, before turning and leaving.

Rebecca let the silence cloak her. She waited for him to leave before digesting what had just happened. She knew she would have to pretend to be normal with her husband this evening. Dinner and chit chat, possibly vanilla sex. How could she ever explain this to anyone?

A buzzing noise startled her and she saw she had a text.

“Thursday. 2pm. Room 505”.

It wasn’t a request. It was an order.


It wasn’t as though she had wanted an affair with her boss. Her life had been ticking along perfectly and to the outside world, Rebecca had it all.

She loved her cosy flat, filled with ornaments collected on various holidays, sunny snapshots adorning the magnolia walls and carefully chosen oak furniture that complemented her elegant and minimalistic taste. Her husband had little say in the decor bar a Gibson guitar perched in the corner of the living room.

She recalled how he would write songs about their relationship and play them for her, in the beginning, when life seemed a little more romantic and a little less stressful. Her eyes closed as she remembered those sweet moments. How long since he had done anything so thoughtful? 5 years? 7? Certainly not since the accident. She sighed heavily and began thinking about her day ahead.

She knew she would have to wear what HE had told her. Her lover had given explicit instructions in his text, and she was pleasantly surprised to receive a parcel in the post containing a stunning red basque, stockings, suspenders and matching underwear. She had chosen her black kitten heels to match – stilettos always made her wobble and she didn’t want to look foolish in front of him. She had a sense that today would be more exciting, more deviant, more intense than the last assignation.

She eyed herself in her floor length mirror, happy with the way her breasts perched in the basque. Her waist looked equally as defined in this outfit and, even though she was curvy, the stockings gave her legs an even more feminine shape.

Her long red nails grappled with the suspender belt and she almost gave up trying to put it on. Finally the clips stuck in to place and she felt a sense of relief – she knew her lover would be angry if she didn’t wear each piece. She had seen his anger once before – in brutal daylight amongst office stationary and half drunk coffee cups. It had shocked everyone when he had screamed at that young admin assistant, his face contorted with rage and his voice echoing through the walls. A vein in his neck had pulsated throughout the verbal assault and Rebecca had found it strangely mesmerising, until he had caught her staring and given her a furious glare.

Nobody wanted to upset him, least of all Rebecca. She needed this job and wasn’t about to risk losing her financial security. If keeping her home and supporting her husband meant total subservience to her boss, then she would do it. What other choice did she have?

Rebecca curled her hair carefully and began applying makeup. She knew he approved of her postbox red lipstick and took extra time in smoothing it on to her heart shaped lips. He had told her she should highlight her green eyes by wearing smoky eyeshadow. Of course, she obeyed, scrutinising Youtube makeup tutorials to ensure she got the look exactly as he wanted it – somewhere between Moulin Rouge and Burlesque.


When she arrived at the hotel, Rebecca was alarmed to find he had already checked in. She had wanted to have a drink first, to relax, to literally and metaphorically hang her coat up and adjust to this new environment. She knew he would dominate the room as soon as he entered, both physically and mentally, and relaxation would not be allowed. Now, knowing he was waiting for her, she felt her familiar anxieties growing in her stomach, climbing up her spine like a cancer.

The door was ajar and a chink of light broke free from the gap, stretching out towards the bed. She could see his muscular silhouette, dense and predatory, hunched in a chair in the corner. She closed the door behind her and offered a weak smile, unsure if he could quite see her face in the darkness.

As she undid her coat she scanned the room for a light switch or a lamp but just as she spotted one, he spoke.

“You won’t need the light”, he said, his voice gravelly from his 20 a day smoking habit. She thought she heard a slight slur in his speech and assumed he had been drinking in the dark for some time.

“OK”, Rebecca replied, waiting for her next order. She felt like prey, vulnerable in her skimpy clothing, unsure where to move or what to do.

Rebecca nervously twisted her hair, painfully aware of his eyes boring into her like a drill. A prickly heat and slight nausea began to move through her body and for a moment she felt like bolting out of the door. Of course she didn’t. She couldn’t.

The silence crowded around them for a few more moments until he stood. She realised for the first time that he was completely naked – and her eyes rested on the shape of his huge hard cock.

He approached her and leaned in to her ear. Rebecca felt herself recoil from him and mentally chastised herself – she had to play along, he expected no less than full participation. She expected him to say something risque or suggestive but instead he simply whispered, “close your eyes”.


Rebecca found herself holding her breath as he wove the soft fabric around her face. He tied the blindfold – a little too tight for her comfort – and as he stood behind her she felt his obvious excitement push against her. He pushed her forward, one step, two – then onto the bed.

She wasn’t sure if she liked being blindfolded. Her vulnerability was evidently heightened but so, too, were her senses. Suddenly she could smell his expensive aftershave above the cloying scent of tobacco and alcohol. She could feel the strength of his hands as he pushed her up onto the bed, and moved her hands up away from her head. She felt a cold pressure on her wrist and heard a click. This was it. She was physically stuck- her weak wrists manacled to the bedstead. She wriggled her arms, certain she would be able to release herself if she needed to. She heard him chuckle under his breath and realised she was completely restrained and had no ability to escape.

Unsure what to say or do, panic began to overwhelm Rebecca. Her mind raced with a hundred different scenarios – what would happen in the next few moments, what she would say to keep him calm, how she would plead to have her arms freed from their prison. As her breathing quickened, she was struck by the sensation of lace on her skin – her panties slowly pulled down. She felt his hot breath on her thigh then, and wriggled slightly, trying to find some physical comfort in this unnatural pose. “Please” she whimpered, ” can you unlock my wrists?”. Her voice sounded guttural, drowned as it was with fear – not like her usual soft tone at all. Of course she was met with silence, and she became vaguely aware of his hands pushing open her fleshy thighs.

Rebecca arched her back as his tongue began flicking her clit. He moved it slowly and the sensation sent electrifying goosebumps through her entire body. She didn’t want to enjoy this; total submission was her ultimate humiliation but still her cunt grew wet with sexual thrill. She moaned quietly as his tongue deftly moved around, speeding up then slowing down, before moving down to her ass.

It felt like an out of body experience. This couldn’t be her body writhing as waves of pleasure overwhelmed her body. It wasn’t her voice crying out for this man to fuck her quickly. It wasn’t her cunt dripping wet and ready for him to enter her.

And then he did. He grabbed her leg and pushed it up around his shoulder. Pushing his shiny hard cock inside her, she felt it deep inside and cried out as he began fucking her. He was quick and rough this time – much more so than before. It was rythmic, yes, but much more intense and hard and deep and she heard him groaning over her as he pounded her, intent on consuming her body and soul.

As she came, she felt him push two fingers into her mouth. “Take it” he grunted in the heat of the moment, watching the inside of her mouth as he fucked her. Her orgasm rocked her whole body and she heard herself scream. She was barely aware that he had cum inside her, such was the power of her body reacting to these new sensations. She knew he must have cum when he stopped and lay on her, breathing into her ear. She felt his semen slowly trickle down between her thighs and onto the bed beneath her.

They lay that way for a few minutes, the exertion having exhausted their energy, both breathing in unison. Rebecca wondered if she could ask to be released now. She felt her face flush at the thought of how exposed she was and how her orgasm had surprised her with its intensity. She hadn’t wanted to enjoy this experience and felt ashamed at herself for cumming so hard on his cock.

He released her eventually. She sat up and rubbed her sore wrists, noting the red swollen marks that had appeared there. She had no idea how she could explain these to her husband. A gym injury, maybe?

As before, he left without really saying anything. As soon as he had dressed in his expensive blue work suit, he placed a wad of money on the table. Rebecca knew the drill- pay the balance on check out. Wait for a text. Try to act normal at work. Luckily she had a day off tomorrow so could attend to her wrist injuries.


She arrived back home at 4pm. Her husband wasn’t due home until 5 so she knew she had time to shower and wash her clothes. As she flung her coat on the bannister and ran through to her bedroom, she heard a car engine approach. Panic stricken, Rebecca began tearing at her suspenders to get them off, and pulled down the straps of her basque hurriedly, flinching as her painful wrists brushed the material. She had begun slipping her basque down when the bedroom door opened and her husband was there, right in front of her, his mouth open in shock.

“Rebecca?” he said “what….?”. His eyes scanned his wife’s body, her breasts hanging out from her basque, her smeared lipstick, her stockings on the floor besides her. Rebecca’s eyes pleaded with him for understanding. She couldn’t tell him the truth- he would be devastated.

“Rebecca were you dressing up..for me?” her husband asked, incredulous. Never in their 20 years of marriage had she ever done this – and they had never discussed the topic.

“Yes” Rebecca replied, sounding much more confident than she felt. “You caught me. I was dressing up for you. I rushed and made a mess of it!”. She gave a nervous laugh and began pulling her basque over her breasts. Her husband, still confused, realised he was getting a hard on looking at his wife. He wasn’t quite sure he believed her version of events but seeing her smudged makeup and lacy basque was enough to drive him wild.

They hadn’t had sex since the accident. He had sunk into a deep depression and been unable to fulfil her needs. His were non existent. So Rebecca was doubly surprised when she found her husband caressing her breasts and kissing her lovingly.

She didn’t have the heart to say no. She was sore from the fucking she’d had not less then 2 hours previously, and aware that her lover’s cum was still inside her cunt. She closed her eyes and prayed her husband wouldn’t realise.

In bed he was gentle, like always. Nuzzling her neck, kissing her boobs, her belly, her clit. Rebecca ran through the motions, secretly aware that this man couldn’t compete with her lover. He had neither the skill nor the masculinity to make her cum as hard as she had earlier today. Nevertheless, she made the right noises and tried to show him she was enjoying herself.

As his tongue moved slowly around her clit and down further, she felt him stop suddenly. He looked up at her, a puzzled look on his pale face. His mouth was filled with a metallic taste – a taste he had never experienced before, and she watched as he swallowed uncertainly. Rebecca realised – her husband was tasting her lover’s semen. She said nothing, and wrapped her legs around his neck, pushing his head down between her legs.

Her husband came quickly after that – on some unconscious level he knew exactly what had happened and the thought, quite to his surprise, excited him beyond anything he had encountered before. He finished licking her cunt and then moved up for a passionate kiss, imagining his wife getting fucked by some strange man.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/honj5j/unwanted_infidelity