The sexy stranger at the gym gives me a vigorous post-workout in the sauna (Mf)

“I’ve just got two more sets. Hitting triceps and then that’s me I think, I’m pooped already. Going to hit the pool after for a quick dip.” The gym stirs at every corner with activity as the post-lockdown frustrations are vented. Conversation is buzzing and everyone is aggressively hitting the weights after weeks of calisthenics and boredom. I check my arms out in the mirror, trying to ignore some of the creepy looks from the meatheads nearby. The light shining off my dark bronzed skin and creating a nice angle for admiring my tired muscles. My friend Rachel is working out alongside me, her hair neatly done up in a bun and her face straining red as she tries to finish her dumbbell curls with a huge last effort. The weights come flying out of her hands onto the floor as she stands up and catches her breath. It had been a long session, almost an hour. Lots of reps. 

She looks at her watch and furrows her brow.

“Damn, lost track of time, I need to get going. Travis is cooking something.”

I roll my eyes, boring boyfriend Travis striking again. I couldn’t see what she saw in him. It was like dating a damp old sponge.  

“You’re going straight home? Rach, c’mon, come for a swim, it’ll relax you, look at you, you’re all tense and worked up, you need some way to properly settle down.”

Balancing the weights on my legs I try to pump myself up for the next set. Deep breaths, deep breaths, one, two, three. Hauling them in the air I lean back and stare up at the ceiling, taking a lot of effort to curl my triceps on my last set. They were on fire. I didn’t have much left in the tank. I continue to grunt and moan with each re, the lactic acid building up to unbearable levels. My hair gets matted under the bench as I struggle to get the eighth rep up. One last push, one, two, three, with a huge strain I get the weights halfway up and Rachel spots me the rest of the way giving me the final psychological boost to get there.

I drop the weights besides the bench and hurl myself up to face her, hands on my hips and blowing wind through my nostrils as I smile and try to move the blood out of my arms. 

“I do not miss this, give me yoga and zumba any day of the week. At least there I’m not in those classes snorting like a rhino in heat.” Rachel laughs and hugs me quickly.

“Babe you’ll get it back, few more weeks your strength will be back…guaranteed.”

I check my arms out in the mirror again, still weedy, still far too weak for my liking but there was some definition happening again after the months of trying and failing to do more bodyweight workouts. I go to turn to Rachel to show her the tricep but her attention is elsewhere completely.  

“Don’t be too obvious but look over there.” 

“What’s that?  What?” I’m completely taken back by the question.

“Check out the far squat rack in the corner. Hunk alert, look at that guy. Wowee”

“No such thing exists in this gym. Over by the squat rack?” It’s probably a mirage, this gym was just meatheads and try-hard college bros with a bunch of Karens in the group classes. I look to the squat rack and catch my first sight of him. He’s darker skinned,, maybe a final year, it’s difficult to tell, huge sexy legs and a beautifully symmetrical back punching through his tank top. He’s not overly muscled though, he has that swimmer’s look, long and fit but definitely not skinny either, Just the right point in-between. Damn, he is hot. He goes down for one last squat and aggressively jerks the weight back up without the female spot standing next to him.

“Okay Rach, you might actually have a point this time. I’ve never seen him before around here, is he new?”

“No idea.” She hurls back after re-racking my dumbbells. “I hope so.” 

He re-racks the weight and leans over the bar for a second stretching his shoulders and shaking his legs. 

“Who’s the girl he is chatting to? They look close. Look.. she’s stroking his arm. Don’t look straight at them, she’s looking around. Damn, she nearly caught us.” Rach giggles as I pretend to look at the mirror,

He talks to the girl for a second and waves goodbye as her hand lingers on his shoulder and she swoops around to the girl’s changing room. 

“Okay, she’s leaving, maybe they just know each other.” My heart leaps a little bit as she leaves him alone.

“I gotta get going babe. Are you going to marry him or what?” Rach has her hands on her hips as she raises her eyebrow to me, rearing all her sassy moods into full effect.

“Jeez, he is just my type, he’s a giant, look how toned he is, look at the size of his legs, I love his definition. Are you sure you don’t want to stick around?” I was a kid in a candy shop with him around. 

“Yes he’s hot. How old are you fourteen?”  

“Will you relax…please! It’s just an innocent schoolgirl crush, just admiring from a distance, didn’t realise that was illegal. You should try it sometime, might shake Travis out of that thick skull of yours.” I return her sassiness with a nuclear bomb and she smirks a little, playfully shoving me. We tussle with each other’s arms as she tries to nip me.

“Oh hush.” As she tells me to be quiet, I feel his gaze come over me. I catch a look in his direction and watch him move. He has the most brooding look, like a man who could be very violent if he wanted to be but just about keeps it in check. It is unsettling in the best way possible. Eyes ablaze with determination and lust. 

“He’s looking at me, do I look okay?” I turn to the mirror and adjust my messy hair, moving the sweat soaked strands pushed against the side of my face.

“He’s stopped looking, relax Cinderella.” I turn back

“Will you stop? Nothing’s going to happen. Just a few flirty glances here and there.”  

“I gotta go. You work this crush out in your own time okay.”

“Okay, if you have to go, go, jeez, you’re so lame. I’ll catch you back at the flat baby girl, okay?” I blow her a kiss and wave goodbye as she kisses me on the cheek and picks her training bag up onto her shoulders, quickly veering into the crowded mess of bodybuilders and college students working out on treadmills. 

Damn, I need to relax, I feel claustrophobic with him around here. It was time to go for a swim and cool down.


Try as I might, I just can’t concentrate on the laps. My front crawl is everywhere today, totally sloppy. My breathing is off, my wall turns equally as hopeless. He’s got way too much real estate in my mind. Look, I’m even wearing my skimpiest little swimsuit. He could tear these bikini bottoms off me so easily and just insert himself in wherever he likes. I’ll just do these last few laps and get out of here, go home, bring the wine and cookies for Rach and just have a sensible all girls night-in. Men like him are far too bad for me. I can’t get stung, not right now. 

I settle into a gentle breaststroke pattern, fanning the water away from me, just to get back into a rhythm. Slowly does it. Technique over flash. My legs kick out with each stroke and I make my way down the pool, bobbing my head up and down through the water and fogging my goggles up.  

But there’s one problem.

The doors at the far end of the pool swing open and he walks in, all six foot five of him. Of course, he looks amazing without a shirt on, beautiful lines cutting across his stomach, forming a perfect V down his happy trail, outlining naughtier things for my eyes to appreciate. There’s all manner of things my imagination wants right now. I just want my hands all over him. He looks like he could manhandle me, pin me down on the bed however he wants and claim me, his helpless little crush.

Fuck, the butterflies start doing somersaults in my stomach as I take deep breaths to try and calm down.

He dives into the far end of the pool travelling several metres under the water and surfaces into a breaststroke pattern, in the far lane just over from me.

Don’t swim towards me. Please don’t. No. It’s too much. 

I can’t take it, I have to go somewhere else.

The place is almost empty, just me, him and an older woman swimming the shallow lane, just doing gentle strokes with a bemused look on her face. In a mad dash I climb out the pool and walk into the sauna across the wet tiles, my feet flipping and flopping on the floor as I try to not make eye contact with him. But I feel him on me, his gaze burrowing far into me, passed the veneer of impartiality. 

The sauna door shuts as I collapse on the nearest bench, steam fogging up the door and boiling heat overcoming me. I have to close my eyes and empty my thoughts, I’m lost in an erotic fantasy that I need to escape from before it goes too far. This isn’t me at all, I can indulge a crush but this is outrageous levels of turned on. I have to bring myself down, stop the torment. 

Meditation. That’s the key. Channelling my breaths down into my belly, I try to relax and clear my mind from him. Breathe in and out, in…and out. It’s useless. I still feel like I want to start shaking and fidgeting, what the hell is wrong with me?

Creaking. The sauna doors bend open as I peer out of my right eye. It’s him, what am I going to do? I can’t escape this, I have to talk to him, say something, anything, just break the ice, nothing flashy. 

“Hey. How are you? I’ve…never seen you around here. I saw you working out just a little bit earlier.” My voice is surprisingly steady, reverberating through the air, no nervousness yet. 

“Oh hey, thanks, yeah I joined last week. Nice to meet you.”  Scrap that, nervousness just came back. His voice rumbles at a beautiful frequency, every little word giving me a couple of shivers and pricking my attention up. I shuffle in the seat, loosening my bikini top a little from digging into my traps, hoping I’m staying subtle. 

“You look really strong out there, really masculine, hope you don’t mind the compliment.”

Oh lord. I’m losing it already.

He smiles as his arms splay out along the bench, the rippling muscles and tendons pushing the veins of his arms to the surface, a tribal tattoo smeared across his chest. His swimming lycras are not leaving a lot to the imagination, I try to peer past his giant legs but don’t feel confident enough to take my first peek.

“Compliment taken.” 

“Sorry, that probably sounded sooo stupid, me and my big mouth.” I’m giggling and blushing like I’m in 10th Grade again attending the rave and getting the boys’ attention. His legs are even wider on the bench and I steal a quick glimpse, a firm and more than sizable bulge resting against his leg, distracting me for a good few seconds.  

“Don’t sweat it. I bet you use that line on all the guys.” Good sense of humour. 

“That girl you were talking to? Is she…” My voice trails off as I try to d

“She’s a friend, philosophy class. I’m single at the moment.” Check. 

“Class, you’re at college? Wow, you look so much older than that. I thought you were in your late 20s.”

He looks about ten years older than he actually is, in the best possible way, far more mature and world-weary than a man in the later phases of college. Far more experienced, far more exciting than the average college douche that awaited me. Flashing eyes of amber pierce me as he tenses his arms on the seat to stretch his thighs and swivel his neck, the tattoo shifting across his chest like a sandstorm. It takes a while for me to find my voice again. 

“I’m just out of school, starting in September. I’m eighteen, it feels amazing.” Everything I’m saying sounds stupid. Incredibly stupid. I see him suppress a little smile. 

“Enjoy it. Explore as many different things as you can. You’ll have a blast.” The word ‘explore’ sends little thunderbolts of tingling to my stomach and my core. I think I would enjoy it a lot more wrapped up underneath you. 

“I’ve not really had a chance to explore the city yet, guess I don’t meet the right people.”

“I think I’m ‘the right people’.” Fuck, this can’t be happening. Is he actually into me? What was that?

“Wow, you’re so forward. I love it.” I laugh, all too willing to play along with Mister Smooth. 

“Life’s short, I’ll show you around sometime. Why the hell not?”

Tension simmers like a fine mist between us, our chemistry playing with the tendrils of the stream, burning electric hot. I can feel his rampant sexual energy undoing me one strand at a time, making the words spill out of me completely carefree. 

“I’m a good girl, I can follow instructions, let’s do it, let’s explore sometime.” It’s official I’ve stopped caring, I just want him to make me submit under his big frame, to make me behave like a good girl for his pleasure. I can’t deny what my heart really wants in the moment. My words sound innocuous enough on the surface but they are laced with all of my most wanton thoughts. 

He stands up to stretch, grabbing his leg behind his bum and massaging his quads and hamstrings. He pulls his arms up to the ceiling flexing his rock hard stomach, perfect right angles jutting out from each muscle down there. My hands turn slightly white, gripping onto the bench harder as my fingernails try to tear into the wood. Trying to cut the tension I chuckle and address the elephant in the room.

“You make me kind of nervous, in a good way, you’re really hot, I don’t see guys like you around much. All the other guys, well, I often wonder if there are any real college guys out there. You totally upend my expectations. When should we explore?” 

“How about right now?” His stunning frame stands in front of me, like Zeus astride Olympus, the huge spear in his lycra protruding further out to where I can nearly touch his bursting hardness. He leans down and caresses my lips with his, sucking on me gently as the first beads of sweaty anticipation drip down my forehead and onto my cheek, the sauna’s unbearable heat weighing down on my hair. 

“Wow, you really don’t ask for permission do you? Can I at least get your name?”

“After.” There’s no question to it, no discussion. Fuck, it’s such a tease. 

He tugs on my bottoms, teasing the elastic with his fingers as he continues his assault on my lips, lashing his tongue against mine as my hand instinctively reaches for his arms, running the tips of my fingers up and down against his big biceps. Blood courses through me, the sweet movement of desire clenching inside me as he slides my bikini to one side. 

The outside world is closing off to me more and more rapidly, as he glides his finger tenderly against my aching flower, the moisture from the steam and my slick arousal allowing his hands to move effortlessly down there. There could be ten thousand people staring through the window. I wouldn’t care, pure bliss as he .

“Shit, what if we get caught?” He muffles my mouth with a big paw, as he plunges his fingers inside me, making me exert a quick moan. He has no intention of stopping as he starts pulling and tugging his fingers inside me, letting quick spurts of wetness leave me. He’s clearly no amateur at this, his power and speed on quick display as he folds my legs behind my head and continues to 

“We’re going to have to make sure about that aren’t we.” 

I’m clawing at the wood and the steamy residue to stop the sensation building up too quickly. Droplets of sweat and hot moisture glistening my breasts and upper chest.  

“You really know how to use your fingers don’t you? Keep stroking me like that.” I murmur into his ear, latching my lips onto his again, letting them slide across him as he pins me down with his hulking frame. My legs flail out at his lycra trying to drag them down his legs but he gives me a quick slap and plunges his fingers deeper as retribution. Eyes squinting, I look at the scorching hot blaze in his hooded expression as he propels his fingers inside me a dizzying speed. My breathing is out of my control, gasps turning into hyperventilation as the pressure rises to impossible levels within me, my chest and heart burning with agonising desire.  

“Fuck, keep doing that. Can you feel me writhing on your hands? I can’t stop myself.” I feel everything swelling inside myself, my delicate spot enlarging, covering all of his hand as he keeps his delicious rhythm going. 

“Can this be our little secret? I can’t be sharing you with the other girls, they can’t know how good you are.”

He works me down there expertly

“Thrust me, you’re so strong, you move my entire body when you do that. Harder. Harder. That’s it. Ooh, fuck, ooh, that’s going to drive me over the edge if you keep rubbing my clit with your thumb like that.” I slam my palms down on the sauna bench to steady the impending explosion. He snatches a glance outside quickly checking the coast is still clear, at this point I didn’t care if we got caught, there was no going back. I was my own worst exhibitionist. 

“Faster. I need you to be brutal with me.” He pins me back even further and slaps me hard across my face and my ass until I put up a little protest. He’s treating me like his little fuck toy right now. I need it. God, I’ve craved it for so long. His fingers are like pistons in an engine. There’s no way I can stop myself now, on the brink just waiting for him to tip me over. 

Don’t stop. Please, don’t, never stop with me. I clench for impact, tightening my core and my sore skin as I moan quite loudly and squirt a steady stream all over his rapid fingers. He stays unrelenting as the sounds of my sticky wetness bounce off the sauna walls. 

“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…I can’t, I can’t.” I flail around on the sauna bench, yelling through his hand I lose all control over my legs and try to grip onto his back, tearing into his thick layers of flesh, my nipples completely on fire through the bikini and sweat pouring down my stomach. My body becomes rigid as the orgasm shudders through me, ricocheting against the bench and my fingernails rip into his back leaving my mark on my Adonis. 

Loud moaning turns to heavy breathing as I gradually catch my breath. My clit is so sensitive, as I urge him to go slower, needing a second to come down from the heights of ecstasy. 

“Woah, that feels so good [kiss]. I think I get why that girl was paying you so much attention in the gym. That was amazing, I can’t believe no one saw that, this sauna is usually so busy. That was so naughty.” My eyes readjust to the winding typhoons of steam and I look through the glass back out at the pool. My heart freezes, we aren’t alone. There’s someone here. 

“Wait, wait a second, there’s a guy in the pool at the far end, we should stop, we should stop. This is bad. Oh my god, what if he sees us? Please, what if we get caught, I don’t know if I can keep going.” Reaching for my panties, I stagger to try and hide the evidence of our dirty deeds but he stops me, choking me hard with his vice-like grip, my teeth gnashing down into my lower lip. Unsheathing his length from the lycra, I hear his pants hit the floor through the tendrils of steam as he unhibits himself.

“Shut the fuck up, you’re going nowhere. I want you.” His voice is vicious, gone is the charm, it’s him in charge right now and there’s going to be no back chat with exactly how he wants to finish me off.

“Oh my god, what if we get caught? Oh my god, okay, okay. Look how hard you are. Please. I want you inside me, let me be a good girl for you and take care of that throbbing cock.”   

I close my eyes and let him hold my ankles as he pushes himself inside me at an agonising speed. He is exquisitely slow with his entry, sifting back my wet folds as he fills himself all the way up inside of my pulsing core. He balances his weight with his strong abs as he kneels on the bench below and teases me extra slowly, his eyes locked on mine as he pins my legs back with his mountainous chest. I know you could pound me at any time you want, but you choose to tease me. 

Gulping and panting hard, I express my satisfaction and nod with my eyes wide as I try and acclimatise to the pace. He eases back and piles into me once again, driving deeper this time as he admires the full extent of his length pressing against my walls. 

“So big, I love how you fill me up. I’ve never been so full before. Start slow, please, please not too fast, you’re going to make me explode. I’m dripping everywhere.”  I plead with him

He continues to ease in and out of me slowly with quick checks to the swimming pool as our unsuspecting guest swims up and down in the far lane, away from an immediate view of the sauna. I close my eyes and let my ears attune to the erotic noies of my sticky slit being worked with his superb technique.

“Can you take more?” He runs his hand along the side of my face and hooks his finger into my cheek as I gag momentarily on his finger, before he strokes me down across my chest, wiping the building residue from my shaking body. 

“Oh yes, oh my god, yes, oh, that feels so good, keep doing that. I want to take all of you.” He holds my hips and slides in faster letting me take him all the way to the hilt. I’m so wet

“You feel so good, wow  

“Fuck me, yes, just like that, oh, you’re so good, you go so deep. Use me, please, yes that’s it, choke me again, nice and hard.” There’s a whimper in my voice, I’m submitting completely, no fight left in me, just pleading to be fucked like a good little girl at this point. I’ve never had anyone as big as him before. Looking into his eyes when he has me like this, just makes me lose myself in him.

My eyes steal a quick glance at the stray swimmer, he’s getting closer, doing laps, he’s going to see us through the door. There’s no way he can’t at this point surely. Is the sauna soundproof? I look at my Greek God above me for support but he reads me like a book.

“Focus on me, ignore everything out there, you’re in my world, you do as I say.”

Louder moans and cries leave me as he hikes a leg up onto the bench and penetrates me deeper, pulling my hips tighter into him and moving his own in perfect unison with mine, a firm cracking sound splitting the air as the wet sound of our slapping skin and the pressure of the rising temperature sets off another fire within me. He grinds me harder and harder, letting the top of his pelvic bone slide across my throbbing clit. He’s unrelenting, building up a thunderous pace as he leaves my flower in a frothy mess.

“Oh my God, I think you’re going to make me cum very hard if you keep doing that. Can I be your girl? Can I be your little secret? Please. That’s all I want right now, more than anything. Make me yours.”

His hips slam into me faster and faster, smacking himself against my pulverised core. Holy shit. So deep. Sweat drips from the tribal tattoo on his chest onto my stomach as I struggle to hold him back, my legs quivering and my own whimpers straining to leave my body. I stare up at him, begging with every thrust as my voice gets more muffled and my breathing intensifies beyond anything I’ve ever felt in my life. 

“Who taught you to be so good? You’re better than I ever imagined.” It’s not fair. He’s far surpassed my erotic fantasies at this point. 

His body is a blur at this point, his hips like duelling machine guns as he splinters me in two, his pelvis grinding my clit into a complete state. 

“That feels too good, I’m going to fucking cum, I’m going to fucking cum. Don’t stop, don’t stop, oh my gosh… oh my gosh…”

I explode onto the sauna bench and scream into his hand which acts as my muffler. My screams last for ten seconds at least as he keeps the momentum going. My body seizes up, my chest breaking out in red flares as the climax overwhelms me, attacking all of my nerve endings as I kick out at his firm body and slap the bench for some relief but he’s not done yet. 

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m shaking, my clit, oh it feels so, don’t pull, please, fill me, fill me, don’t stop, I’m begging you, fill me to the brim. I want you. I’m so vulnerable with you.”

“Stay still, good girl, I’m going to fill you up.” He kisses me deeply, passionately, grabbing the base of my hair firmly and ripping my attention to his eyes pooling with desire for me. I see it and can’t unsee it, we’re inseparable in this glorious heat. 

“Oh god, I’m cumming again. Cum with me, please, please, oh please, don’t stop, fuck this little girl, I need your release.” 

He pumps me for countless more strokes, a perfect arc to his hips and groin drilling into my sex. I don’t think I can take much more of his stamina. Finally, he begins straining against the bench and convulsing as he unloads his seed far within me, huge ribbons of his vigour propelling inside me as I cup my hands around his neck and hold on wide-eyed, basking in the beauty of the moment. My heart thumps and my thoughts slosh around my head in no particular order, searching for something rational in the midst of all the chaos. But I let my emotions carry me through.

We kiss tenderly as I hold onto him and he cradles me. I bask in his smell, the potent mixture of the alluring cologne and the sauna moisture putting me in a dreamlike state. 

“That was some pretty good exploring.” We both laugh as he lets me nestle into him, sinking into his searching eyes and tasting his full masculine power. I feel his warm breath against my hair and his low growls of approval as he strokes my strands from out of my face.

“Yeah, let’s do some more exploring at some point.”

But reality pulls me abruptly from the moment. The swimmer from outside has jumped out of the pool and stares directly at me. I recognise him, an old high school colleague. Really not who I wanted to see right now. Can he please not come over here?

“Oh no, I think the guy outside just saw me. Damn.  I’ll pull my bottoms back on, good job you didn’t rip them off me.” I giggle and scramble to slide my bikini bottoms back into position as he grabs his lycra and slides them back up his gigantic legs. 

“Oh shit, he’s coming in here.”

I can’t believe it, It’s a guy I used to know in high school, he always had a thing for me. Can’t stand him. Darren Foreman, a real creep, complete freak, with the personality of a squid. He slings his towel up on the hook and takes his sliders off. As the door swings open, my Romeo positions himself back on the opposite bench and tries to act casual. Darren smiles as he sees me and reclines on the nearest bench to me, sticking his gross belly out. 

“Darren! It’s so good to see you, this is my friend from college…” Shit, we never exchanged names. C’mon brain it’s time to think of something. Awkward silence permeates the air as Darren flicks his eyes from side to side. 

“We…erm just met.” 



  1. Any feedback on the writing please let me know! Constantly looking to improve x

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