The Adventures of Seria: The Goddess of Time [Chapter 1 – Clothes?]

The Adventures of Seria: The ~~Goddess~~ Slut of Time


This story has fantasy elements.

**This chapter has some forced elements in it.**

Proceed with caution.


Chapter 1 – Clothes?

The doorbell chimes and the Receptionist looks forward to see a young naked girl that looks like she is in her early twenties maybe even younger. She isn’t tall but her figure is slender and has perfect proportions. Her almost white golden hair flows down to her knees and her piercing bright golden eyes looks over to the now in awe receptionist. She snaps her fingers in front of the receptionist’s face in order to regain his attention to her need and not her body.

“Hey you!” Seria addresses the receptionist with an authoritarian tone. “I want you to give me some clothes.” She says as she points her finger at the lone receptionist.

“I’m sorry ma’am but this is an inn, we do not sell-” The Receptionist struggles to keep his eyes on Seria’s face and can’t help but wander his eyes downwards.

“My eyes are up here.” Seria says as she puts a hand on the hip. “Whatever, so far from my experience here in ‘civilization’ every human has been trying to have a piece of me.” She strokes her chin and her eyes are distant. “What is up with this whole clothes thing? Why do humans even bother with it?”

“Humans?” The receptionist is now visibly confused and heavily aroused as he inspects every centimeter of Seria’s body.

“The other Gods don’t care about clothes, why should I?” Seria asks herself out lout.

“Wait, you are a Goddess?!” The receptionist shocked and honored at the same time. “Please excuse my terrible behavior!” He bows his head down as he apologizes for whatever horrible deed he may have committed.

“Shoot… Didn’t mean to tell you.” She says as she scratches her head. “Well, you aren’t going to remember it anyways.”



The doorbell chimes and the Receptionist looks forward to see a young naked girl that looks like she is in her early twenties. She isn’t tall but her figure is slender and has perfect proportions. Her almost white golden hair flows down to her knees and her piercing bright golden eyes looks over to the now in awe receptionist. She snaps her fingers in front of the receptionist’s face in order to regain his attention to her need and not her body.

“Hey you!” Seria addresses the receptionist with an authoritarian tone. “I want you to give me some clothes.” She says as she points her finger at the lone receptionist. “And yes, I know that this place is an inn but I do not care… And my eyes are up here.” Seria says as she puts a hand on the hip.

“I’m sorry ma’am but like you said, we are an inn, we do not sell-” The Receptionist struggles to keep his eyes on Seria’s face and can’t help but wander his eyes downwards.

“Don’t you guys have any clothes at all? You guys are a in after all. People stay here. How do you guys don’t have clothes? What kind of inn even is this!” Seria shakes her head.

The receptionist is taken back by her statement. “I’m sorry but most of our customers have common sense and decency to wear and bring clothing to this establishment. If you are looking for hand outs, please try the streets. I am sure you will have better luck there.” He says as he motions towards the door.

“Nope, it didn’t work out so well. All most all of you humans wanted a piece of me.”


“Ah just forget about it.”


The doorbell chimes and the Receptionist looks forward to see a naked Seria. His face flushes red once again and he can’t help his wandering eyes from soaking in all the details of her body. Seria steps forward but this time, her eyes glow a intense pink and she stares deep into the receptionist’s eyes.

“Ahh… ah…” The receptionist grows motionless and his eyes glow an intense pink as well.

“Ha, a simple charm spell should do it. I maybe the Goddess of Time but doesn’t mean I don’t know other spel-” Before Seria could finish her statement, the receptionist lunges for her, tackling her to the ground. He presses her down with his body weight as he rubs the tent he pitched against Seria’s body. “Hey stop it!” The receptionist forces his lips against hers and pushes his tongue into her mouth. He attempts to force his erection inside of her but to no avail as his pants are in the way. Instead, he compromises with humping Seria relentlessly. Seria tries to break free from his grasp but he is physically stronger than her human form. The man begins to rapidly piston against Seria’s clit bringing her to the edge of her limit. But before she was brought to her limit, the man’s humping came to a stop as he groans in pleasure. Drips of semen begin to soak through the fabrics of his pants as he breaks from his kiss.

The man’s eyes dim and return to his normal shade of brown. He looks down at Seria who is panting under him with fearful yet longing eyes. “I- I’m so sorry ma’am!” He bows down apologetically as he has no idea what has gotten into him all of a sudden. Seria sits up from the ground a is faced with the thick musky smell of semen in front of her face. Her cheeks flushed red as she bit down her primal urge to begin licking the cum stained pants.

“Just get me some clothes… please.” She says in a weak voice.

“Why didn’t you tell me you had these before?” Seria says as she looks at a duplicate copy of herself in a mirror. She twirls around a little in her new acquired maid outfit. She tugs a little uncomfortably around her waist and chest as the fabric slides against her skin.

“You never asked…” He says in a quite hush tone. Seria shoots him a glare and he shrinks into himself.

She takes a good look at him and sees him still cupping his hands over his crotch. “Let me see that.”

“No. Its okay.” Seria grabs his hand and attempts to force them out of the way. “No please!”

“I insist.” Seria says through her teeth. With a sudden burst of strength, Seria pushes his hands away but gets hit in the face with a jizz covered tent.

“AHHH! I’M SO SORRY!” he bends down to help her up but Seria refuses.

“Its fine, its my fault anyways…”

“What do you mean?”

“I… I actually casted a charm spell on you and that is why you reacted like that.” 

“You WHA-”


Seria does a little twirl in her maid outfit as she admire herself in these set of clothes. “Its a little ticklish.” She comments.

“It is made mostly of silk so it is very comfortable.” He says as he admires her figure in that outfit. “Say, why were you naked in the first place?”

“Would you believe me if I told you I was the Goddess of Time that was now trying clothes on for the first time?”

“That would be impos-” He stops to think about it for a moment to process the info he just heard. “Oh my gods… You are the-”


Seria looks at herself and flips around to look at her back. Her ass is basically exposed and the lack of panties makes it especially hard for the poor receptionist from pitching another tent.

“Say, do you have any underwear?” The receptionist says as he tries to constraint himself from looking at her.

“Whats underwear?” She says as she gets closer to the mirror.

His jaw drops. “Who the heck is this crazy girl and what the fuck did I get myself into…” He says to himself.

Chapter 2 – Manager?

“Do I have to wear these?” Seria lifts her skirt up and tugs on the white lingerie around her waist. The receptionist quickly looks away with flushed cheeks as Seria displays herself supposedly unaware of her indecent acts.

“Yes! You need to wear them! How could you not wear them!” He sneaks a glance but quickly rebukes himself for even thinking about it.

“Ugh, I’m still not use to this whole clothes thing.” She says as she wiggles around her maid outfit. “But… I think I can manage with it again. I must admit, these clothes are quite interesting. I don’t know what it is about them, but they…” She looks deeply into herself in the mirror. She spaces her legs out and puts a hand on her hip. She looks at herself with a confident gaze and points to her doppelganger.

The receptionist can’t help but stare at her in awe. Her eyes meet his through the mirror and he instantly looks away as if he wasn’t looking. He waits a bit before stealing another glance, but this time, she stands right in front of him.

“Ahhh!” He screams as he falls on his ass. Seria leans into him as eyes him up and down. He doesn’t know what to do. His eyes dart all around the room but occasionally meets with Seria’s golden eyes. She lowers her head down to his crotch, but he does not notice… Not until he feels a hand gliding his zipper down. “Wait what are you- Ahhh~” He moans softly as the sensation of cool but firm fingers grip onto his sperm coated erection.

“Well.” She says in a foxy voice. “You can’t just go out like this can you.” Her eyes dances from his dick to his eyes. “And look at what a mess you made.” She lifts her hand away from his rod but lines of semen links them together. She brings hand up to her mouth and licks the layer of cream clean from it. Her eyes lock with his and a mischievous smile grows on her face. “Don’t worry, I will clean it up for you.”

The receptionist snaps out of his trance and back to reality. This is not like one of his fictions where things like this just happens. This is real life! There are actual consequences! “Hey, we can’t do this here!” He shouts. He attempts to push her away but something in her eyes is stopping him. “You can’t… be…” He struggles to conjure words with his tongue as he stares into her light pink golden eyes. His eyes glow a soft pink as well and his body stops resisting against her. “What… did… you…” His body stiffens and his back thumps against the closed door behind him.

“Oh, nothing special.” She says as her gaze focuses back down to his manhood that is now leaking precum. She descends down to the base of his throbbing dick and slowly licks upwards back up to his tip. The receptionist closes his eyes as he has no choice but to let the sensation of her warm moist tongue wash over him. He unconsciously releases a low moan as her tongue flicks up off his pulsating rod.

Then the door bangs three times behind them and deep voice booms across. “Hey! What are you doing in there!” The receptionist’s eyes widen as his eyes lock with Seria’s.

“Ma…manager…” He weakly moans. He tries to get up, but his body refuses his command. He looks into Seria’s glowing gold eyes as she just smiles innocently and puts a finger up to her lips. She mouths the words “Don’t worry about it” to him but his thoughts betray him. He tries to protest but the warm sensation of Seria’s mouth coiling around his erection freezes him in place. He tries to hold his moans back, but his body won’t let him hide it. His muscles tense up as her tongue dances around his tip. His hips begin to weakly thrust up as she begins to take down his whole shaft into her drooling tight mouth. His teeth grits against each other and he muscles tighten instinctively. His thoughts vanish from his head and all he can feel is the over whelming pressure building up between his crotch. Before he knows it, his hands are on her head, pushing her down deep into his base. His hips thrust upwards like a primal beast. Seria’s moans out in shock as he pushes himself down into her throat. She gags and her throat constricts all around his member.

He moans deeply as he forces her as deep as he can. His manhood pulsates within her mouth pussy. Her watery eyes roll back as ropes of semen shoot down deep into her throat. Her body instinctively swallows most of the cum but the sheer volume of jizz flowing down her throat was too much. Thick white ‘milk’ erupts from her mouth and slides down the receptionist’s base. Seria slowly breaks away from his cock leaving behind a slimy coating of saliva and viscous white fluid. Seria gasps for air as thick white fluids roll down her chin, dripping down all over her. Their eyes lock once again, and she just smiles purely as if she did nothing naughty.

His muscles finally relax, and he pants from the sudden exhaustion. His mind replays the fantasy like event over again and none of this makes sense to him. This must be a dream. There is no way this would happen in reality! Yet… this felt so real… His head swirls with contradicting thoughts but he knows one thing for certain. This girl is crazy, but all he can think about is her.


Hello everybody, thank you for reading this. This was something I wanted to experiment with and I do plan on adding more to Seria’s adventure. Sorry if this feels very rushed, I wanted to type this out as fast as possible before I forget about it. I thought that since Seria was a Goddess, there was no point in wearing clothes for her and she would fail to understand the purpose of wearing one. So I thought it would have been fun to see her first adjust to Society. Please leave any comments, suggestions, and or criticism for me to improve myself for future projects. If you have any questions about this story, please ask and I am happy to answer it to the best of my ability.

Chapter 3 has already been released and is uploaded on Hentai Foundry. I do plan on releasing future chapters here soon as well. If you cannot wait then head over to the link below.

There is a Chapter 0 if that clarifies the background a bit more but it is optional.





  1. I uploaded chapter 2 into the same post and chapter 3 will be coming soon to Reddit. Chapter 0 has a very different tone and may not fit with some views so it is optional. You will not be missing much info by not reading chapter 0 but there are some things in chapter 0 that may motivate future actions.

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