(PART TWO) My VIRGIN roommate takes my girlfriend (How my attempt to cuck myself went too far) [MF]

[Part one can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hod86t/my_virgin_roommate_takes_my_girlfriend_how_my/)

I was alone in my apartment for the next few hours, while they did – wait. What *were* they planning on doing tonight? It was in that moment that I realised I had no idea where the two of them were going for their “date.” I hadn’t thought to ask Chelsey, or Luke for that matter. *Doesn’t matter,* I thought to myself as I settled down with a drink, and as I did, my mind began throwing out all kinds of wild possibilities as to what they were getting up to. I tried to keep them within the realm of plausibility. How much would Chels be flirting with Luke? Would he flirt back? What would they talk about? The various scenarios ricocheted around my brain, and as they did I felt myself becoming increasingly turned on at the not-knowing of it all. The being left in the dark. The what ifs, even if they did sometimes seem far-fetched.

Soon enough, I was touching myself, having succumbed entirely to my own deluded fantasies. This was the hottest thing I had felt in my life, and it wasn’t even close to actually being cuckolded. It was good enough for me, though. I jerked off as I allowed the thoughts to get dirtier, until I hit a climax after almost twenty minutes. I cleaned up and decided to watch a movie, hoping to get at least another couple of rounds in before Luke got home.

Around two hours later, I decided to text Chelsey to see how they were getting on. I didn’t receive a reply. I texted Luke. Again, no reply. *Hm.* I thought at least one of them would let me know that they were okay. Whatever, they’ll be getting back soon anyway, I reasoned, but by the five hour mark, I was anxious. It was close to midnight; were they really still out at this time? My stomach started knotting, and the horniess that I had felt at the start of the evening seemed to have vanished. I don’t remember any date I’d gone on with Chelsey lasting this long. We were always home by ten thirty at the latest. I didn’t like this.

Just as I went to call Chelsey, I heard voices from outside the apartment. A moment later, the front door opened and Luke and Chelsey filed through. “Hey, babe.” Chels said, walking over to me and kissing me on the cheek. “Sorry we’re so late. We completely lost track of time.”

Luke came through behind her and sat down on the couch. Chelsey planted herself inbetween us. “So,” I started. “I take it you two had a good night.” Chelsey slipped off her heels and curled her legs under her, resting her head on my shoulder and giggling softly. “Yeah, it was fun!” I put my arm around her and began stroking her arm. I turned to Luke on the other side of her. “I hope you looked after her.” I joked. “Oh he’s been the perfect gentleman, haven’t you Luke?” Chelsey quipped, nestling into me. Luke said nothing, but I saw him smile to himself.

After about ten minutes, Chelsey spoke in almost a whisper as she positioned her head closer to my ear. “Would it be alright if I cuddled with Luke for a bit? I mean, it is technically still *our* date night, and he’s been so nice, I don’t want him to feel left out, y’know?” I have to admit, I didn’t expect this, but I also couldn’t really argue. Until Chelsey went home, I guess her and Luke were still “on a date.”

“Yeah, sure.” I said, releasing her. She leaned over into Luke, who instinctively wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. I checked the time. It was pretty late, so I imagined Chels would want to get back to hers soon. The three of us sat watching late night TV for a while longer until I heard what sounded like – kissing? I turned and saw, to my utter disbelief, Chelsey and Luke actually kissing. Luke held my girlfriend’s face with one hand while the other caressed her lower back, and the two of them were full on *making out.* I sat, frozen, not knowing how to react. *What was going on?!* Only a few days ago Luke had been a sweaty, useless wreck around any girl and now here he was with his tongue down Chelsey’s throat? Had I missed something?

I cleared my throat and sat forward, expecting them to break apart. They didn’t. They continued to kiss, slowly picking up the intensity. My heartbeat did the same. “Uh, Chels.” I said, hoarsely. Chelsey pulled away from Luke and looked to me. She seemed abashed, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “Oh! I forgot to say when we came in,” she began in a fluster. Chelsey was rarely ever flustered. “Me and Luke were talking about something earlier and we were gonna ask you about it.”

“Ask me about what?” I asked, bewildered.

“Luke told me how he’s never had sex – ” Chelsey started.

“No, I told you that.” I corrected her, feeling my face get hot.

“Yeah, well I talked to Luke about it and we both agreed that its about time he did.”

I fell silent. What was Chelsey saying?

“So what I suggested is that me, you and him – ”

Uh oh. I sensed where this was going.

“- have a threesome.”

My girlfriend and Luke both looked at me, gauging my reaction. I’m not sure what either of them was expecting from me in this moment. “A threesome?” I repeated Chelsey’s words. She nodded. “What do you think? You told me yourself that you wanted Luke to get laid.” Yes, I had told her that. But “threesome with him and my girlfriend” had not exactly been top of the list of options for accomplishing it.

“I’m not sure, babe.” I admitted. I wasn’t ready for this. I had loved the idea of them being out together for a bit, and even toyed in my imagination with the idea of Luke fucking Chelsey, but now, with the very real possibility of that happening, I wasn’t so into it. Things had taken a completely unexpected turn.

“Oh come on!” Chelsey pleaded. “He’s your roomie. And *I’m* your girlfriend. It’s not *that* weird.” Not that weird? It seemed pretty weird to me. “Have you ever had a threesome before?” I asked her. “No, but there’s a first time for everything. Right, Luke?” She had her hand on his thigh again. “I’ll be Luke’s first, and you’ll both be my first. Uh, firsts.” She giggled. “It’ll be an experience for all of us.” She looked at me with wide, doeful eyes. “After tonight, we’ll all laugh about it, I’m sure.”

I still wasn’t overly keen, but I really didn’t know what else to say. Chelsey seemed deadset on it, and I’m fairly sure Luke was practically already cumming in his underpants. My stomach rolled as I replied. “Fine, we can try it, I guess.”

Chelsey’s face lit up, and without another second to waste she slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and went to unzip the front, before stopping and turning to Luke. “Would you mind?” She asked, coyly. Luke didn’t need asking twice. He sat forward and took the zip from Chelsey’s hands, slowly lowering it to reveal the bra Chelsey had on underneath. I recognised it as part of a set of lacy, pastel pink lingerie. Luke’s eyes almost fell out of his head as Chelsey shimmied the dress down her small torso, fully exposing her bust. Her tits were almost hanging out of the bra, her dark, juicy nipples visible as the cups slipped down with the dress. Chelsey stood up and let the dress fall to the floor, showing her matching pink panties. “What do you think, boys?”

I stared at my girlfriend, my mouth dry. Luke stood up behind her and, without prompt or permission, grabbed Chelsey’s tits beneath the bra and started squeezing them. Chelsey inhaled sharply; Luke’s massive hands continued to massage her incredible boobs, making my girlfriend moan ever so softly, her eyes closed. My heart was slamming against my chest as I stood in front of them and watched. Chelsey opened her eyes and shot me an erotic look. “Drop those pants, mister.”

My shaking hands fumbled with my belt as I undid my pants and let them fall. I slid my boxer shorts down to my knees as Chelsey took a step toward me and then knelt. Behind her I saw Luke begin to undo his own pants, and I once again caught sight of his bulge. *Holy shit, dude, seriously?* I thought as I saw the outline of his dick against his leg. It was enormous, and as his jeans hit the floor, I saw a small patch of wet on the fabric of his boxers where it was leaking pre-cum. Luke began squeezing the shaft through his underpants as Chelsey began to suck me. It didn’t take long for her to get me hard. She took the whole length of me down her throat before gagging and pulling back. Fully erect my dick was around six and a half inches and moderately thick. Chels began jerking it with one hand as she looked up at me with her most sultry, sexual expression. Less than a minute in I was close, and told her to stop.

She kissed my thighs as I took a few breaths to bring myself back down. “Stay there,” she then said, before shuffling over to Luke, who’s cock now hung, exposed and free. I couldn’t believe it. It was beyond big. It was fucking monumental. *At leas*t nine inches long, perhaps six and half around. It curved ever so slightly downward (not surprising as the thing must’ve weighed a ton) and was ribbed with thick, protrusive veins that ran from its base all the way to the huge, perfectly proportioned head.

Chelsey had frozen in place. She looked at Luke’s cock, then up at him. “Oh. My. *God.”* She said. “I’m not gonna be able to take that thing.” She stood back up. “Babe, I think you’re going to have to warm me up. There’s no way I’m taking Luke just yet.” With that, she slipped her panties down and spread her legs as she laid back on the couch, playing with her tiny, bare pussy. “Okay, uh. One sec.” I said, dashing into my room and grabbing a condom. I slipped it on, walked back out into the living room and leaned over Chels, slowly pushing myself inside her as I kissed her. This was the first time we’d had sex since the afternoon her and Luke had met, and even though I’d masturbated earlier that night, my girlfriend felt incredible. Her pussy was *perfect.* I moved in and out of her as she steadily became wetter, our tongues playing in each other’s mouths. Luke knelt next to us and grabbed Chelsey’s hand, guiding it to his humungous shaft. She started stroking it, only able to reach half way along; each time she moved her hand over its bulbous head, Luke’s whole body jerked. We spent the next couple of minutes like this – me buried deep inside Chelsey’s pussy while she glided her hands over Luke’s engorged cock. Before long, Luke started groaning, his breathing rapid.

*”Oh shit, I’m gonna cum!”* He moaned. And cum he did. Without another second’s warning, a stream of jizz erupted from Luke’s cock, hitting Chelsey square in the face. She squealed, turning her head and pushing him away as jet after jet was pumped from deep inside Luke’s balls. His jizz splattered the back of the couch, running down the leather cushions. After what seemed like an endless amount of cum, Luke’s orgasm subsided. I pulled out of Chelsey as she sat up, wiping semen off of her cheek.

“Fucking hell, Luke!” She shrieked, laughing. Luke apolgised as he turned and sat down. I ran over to the kitchen for some paper towels, handing some to Chels before wiping the cum off the couch. “We should’ve prepared for that, really.” I said with a slight chuckle. “With it being his first time and everything.” As I finished mopping up Luke’s spunk, I noticed that he was still rock hard, a small trickle of cum still oozing from the tip of his cock. He watched Chelsey as she walked over to the kitchen to dispose of her towels and started to stroke himself off. He turned to me. “Can I fuck Chels now?”

I looked at him, bemused. “Dude, you just came. Give it ten minutes, yeah?” But from the looks of things, Luke didn’t need ten minutes. He was still at full, glorious attention. My girlfriend walked back over from the kitchen and saw Luke’s rigid mast, a sticky rope of cum still hanging from the slit in the cockhead. It dribbled onto the seat between Luke’s legs. Giggling, she bent down, picked up *my* boxers and, crouching in front of Luke, wiped up the mess, cleaning his dick in the process. Throwing the now cum-stained underpants to the side, Chelsey stood up and, to my sheer terror, lifted herself above Luke, holding his cock beneath her pussy. She stroked it, before lowering herself down.

“Woah, babe.” I called out. “What are you doing?” Chelsey glanced at me. “Luke’s not finished, and I did say I needed warming up first.” She smiled. “Well, I’m warm now.” “Wait, I’ll get a con – ” I began, but Chels interjected. “Don’t be silly, Luke’s a virgin, and I’m on birth control.” She laughed, and Luke shrugged nonchalantly when I shot a look at him, as though to say *”Can’t argue with that.”*

“Besides, if you wanna pop out and get some bigger ones, go ahead, ’cause I honestly don’t see Luke getting one of yours on, babe.” Jesus, Chels. I’m sure she didn’t mean to suckerpunch me like *that,* but damn. That stung.

My stomach clenched and my heart thundered; adrenaline coursed through my body, hotness swelling up inside me. *Oh god, this was it. It’s really fucking happening,* my brain screamed. Chelsey continued to lower herself onto Luke, and within seconds she was rubbing his huge mushroom tip against the soft, pouty lips of her taut little hole. With my girlfriend astride him, Luke looked even bigger. I could’ve sworn I saw every vein in his meaty shaft throb as the head slipped inside Chelsey. Her mouth was open slightly as she navigated Luke into her, slowly. Ever so slowly. She got it about three or four inches in before saying breathily, “Okay. Okay, let’s go from here.” And with that, she began gently riding the end of Luke’s dick, perched above him with her hands against the top of the couch.[ It looked something like this.](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ba86ea5d5341&02&utm_source=galaxy&utm_medium=RD&utm_campaign=galaxy)

I stood motionless. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t think. Not clearly, anyway. Chelsey had her eyes closed; she was biting her lip and gripping the couch, her nails digging into the leather. Her hips were moving at a steady pace against the monster cock that was barely inside her, and already I could see she was getting wet again. Luke was sucking on her tits and running his hands up and down her back and across her round, bouncing ass cheeks. I couldn’t believe my roommate, my (up until now) *virgin* roommate, was inside my girlfriend’s pussy, fondling her ass, caressing her soft, supple skin, tasting her sweet titties. Minutes went by like this, before Chelsey stopped. “I think I can take a bit more.” She breathed. With that, she lowered her body even further, bringing more of Luke’s fat cock up inside her. Chelsey let out a sudden loud, gasping cry. He was now about half way in. With his hands on her waist, Chels started riding him again, and this time she moaned. Long, wailing moans. Her pussy was being stretched by Luke as he sunk into her, her puffy pink lips almost choking his thick shaft; I did wonder if she would cut off the bloodflow to Luke’s dick, it looked *that* tight a fit.

It was then that Chelsey came. She screamed, her head thrown back and her hips locked in place as she creamed over Luke’s cock. They’d only been going at it for about six or seven minutes, and she had orgasmed already. I had only ever made Chelsey cum by fucking her once over the course of our relationship, and that was after a good thirty or so minutes of intermittent action and a *lot* of foreplay.

*”Fuuuuuck.”* Chelsey groaned. For a few seconds they stopped, Luke looking up at the brown-skinned goddess who had just had a, clearly, very intense orgasm on his virgin dick. “You okay, babe?” I squeaked. “Uh huh.” My girlfriend replied airily. Finally catching her breath, she leaned forward and her and Luke began making out again. Luke pushed himself forward slightly, pulling his shirt off. The sudden motion plunged his cock even deeper inside Chelsey, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs. I was sure she’d wake the neighbours, until Luke stifled her by ramming his tongue back into her mouth.

They kissed for a good couple of minutes more, and slowly Chelsey’s hip movements picked back up again, rocking to-and-fro. They sped up, and with Luke now basically fully inside of her, it wasn’t long before another orgasm hit my girlfriend. This time, however, Luke carried on pushing himself into her, holding her against him as her legs trembled and her hands clawed at his back. They’d now been fucking for almost fifteen minutes, and I was starting to feel a hot, bitter pang of jealousy.

“Chels.” I said, sitting down on the couch beside them. At the same time, Luke fell back, still holding onto Chelsey’s hips, and she began bouncing up and down, slamming herself into Luke, her screaming and cussing reverberating off the apartment walls. I felt nauseous. I was feeling more than jealous at this point. I was feeling humiliated. Luke was balls deep inside my girlfriend, who was making sounds I’d never heard her make during sex, and neither of them seemed to give a single shit that I was still there.

I thought that the best thing to do in that very moment would be to go into my room and wait until they were done, so I got up. I was hoping that perhaps Chelsey would see me go and stop to ask if I was okay; she didn’t. I shut myself inside, listening to Luke ploughing my girlfriend in the next room. Not even a week before, she had been nestled into me as we lay in my bed that afternoon. Now, she was cumming all over my horse-hung roomie.

A short while later, I heard them moving. They’d stopped. *Good, they’ve finished.* I thought. *She’s coming to see where I went.* I got up off my bed, and opened my door just in time to see Luke’s closing across the way. I leaned against it, trying to hear what was going on. Was Luke in there? With Chelsey? I pressed my ear to the door and heard slapping, and – kissing. Then rasping groans and a bedstead creaking. My stomach plummeted. I went for the door handle; locked. I knocked. “Chelsey.” I called out.

The noises not only continued, they got louder. I heard Chelsey’s voice. *”Oh my fucking God! Holy shit! Yes! Yesyesyesyesyessss!!”* A headboard began banging against the wall. A hand smacking an ass. The quivering, rattling groans of Chelsey being overcome with yet another orgasm.

Betrayal. That’s what I now felt.

How the fuck was this happening?! Yeah, me and Chelsey had an open relationship. Yeah, she fucked other guys. Yeah, I didn’t mind. In fact it aroused me a lot. And yeah, I’d been more than fine with Luke taking her out. But *this?* This was not okay. It felt as though Chelsey was cheating on me. And with a dumbass weirdo virgin like Luke? My desire to feel cuckolded had evaporated. This was too much. Things had gotten out of control. I tried the door again before storming back into my room. I wanted to cry, to shout, to scream. Anything. Anything to put a stop to this. It was now almost 1:30 AM. An hour and a half ago they had come in from their “date” and everything had started to go to shit. I put my head in my hands and listened to them for what seemed like an age. Luke had some staying power, I’ll give him that. He’d cum within minutes the first time, but now he was laying down some serious dick. By 2AM, they still hadn’t let up.

I laid on the bed and rolled over, pressing my face into the pillows in a bid to muffle the noises. I must’ve fallen asleep at some point, but couldn’t remember dreaming. I was woken up by the footfall of someone in my room, then that someone climbing into my bed beside me. “Babe.” Chelsey’s voice was inches from my ear. She shook me gently. “Babe, are you awake?” I was, but I didn’t have the energy to talk, so pretending to still be out. After a few seconds, I felt Chelsey’s lips brush against my cheek before she settled down next to me, her face nuzzling into my back. Tears swam in front of my vision. I blinked them away, and slowly reached for my phone. It was 3:15. I buried my face harder into my pillow and tried to go back to sleep, feeling Chelsey’s slow, gentle breathing on my skin. *I’ll talk to her in the morning*, I thought.

The next time I awoke, the room was light. I reached for my phone. 8:37. I rolled over, remembering that Chelsey had gotten into bed ealier that morning, and then my heart sank as I remembered everything. The other side of the bed was vacant. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, before hearing a faint sound coming from the other side of my bedroom wall. Getting out of bed and making my way down the hall, I saw from behind that Luke was sitting on the couch, his arms sprawled out along the top. His head was cast back, and I could hear a sound like slurping. I crept into the kitchen from where I was able to see more clearly; Chelsey was on her knees in front of Luke, both her hands wrapped around his giant cock, stroking it in a rapid up-and-down motion while her mouth diligently sucked on the head. I watched as Luke craned his neck forward to look at her and beckoned for her to stand. She did, and Luke reached out and pulled her onto him, shoving his entire length into Chelsey’s pussy in one clean stroke. They had found their groove, obviously, as they started fucking instantly, with Luke now taking control and thrusting upwards into Chelsey with jackhammer ferocity. She screamed.

Luke stopped after about thirty seconds, and it was then that Chelsey noticed me. Her face was still madeup from last night and was wrought with pained ectasy. “I’m – so – sorry,” she grunted, still grinding on Luke. “He’s – just – *so – big – and – SO – FUCKING – GOOD!!”*

The morning had passed in a blur after that. I’d showered, got dressed and left for class. I think I was utterly numb to Chelsey’s and Luke’s activities by that point.

I returned around lunch time. As I entered the building, I saw our neighbour, Greg, coming downstairs. He stopped and stared at me as though I were some kind of alien specimen that had just landed on Earth. “Uh, hi man.” He said, his face scrunched up in confusion.

“Hey. You – you okay? You look a little lost.” I replied.

“Yeah. I mean – dude, was your girlfriend over last night?”

A knot formed in my stomach. “Yeah, we were hanging out. Sorry, we were up pretty late. Did we keep you awake?”

“Well – kinda, yeah. But dude.” He looked pale. “I’m not sure how to tell you this but – ” He looked up the stairs behind him, then slowly back to me. “If Chelsey’s still at your place, I think she’s got someone else with her.”

I swallowed. Hard.

“What do you – what do you mean?” I managed to get out.

“When I left just now, it sounded like she was, like, fucking around with someone, man. Like hardcore. I heard it last night but just assumed it was you and her.” He pointed at me, still unsure, as though he didn’t fully believe I was standing in front of him. “But you’ve just come in.”

I didn’t say anything back to Greg. I bolted passed him up the stairs. My hands were shaking so bad as I got my keys out for the door that I dropped them twice. I barged into the apartment to the sounds of moaning, grunting, wet, fleshy slapping and bed springs popping. Luke’s bedroom door was cracked; I swung it open. Chelsey was face down on Luke’s bed, her round, brown ass lifted high into the air, her legs spread beneath her. Luke was behind her, slamming himself into her pussy. He knelt on one knee, the other leg up, and held Chelsey by her small, toned waist. He looked huge over her tiny body. The room stank of sweat and cum.

I didn’t want to know if they’d been fucking all morning. At this point, I didn’t care. Nothing mattered in that moment. Chelsey lifted her head up and locked eyes with me – streaks of makeup ran down her face, and I saw what appeared to be Luke’s cum in her tousled dark hair. And then she came. Again. God knows how much she’d orgasmed since I’d left, but she didn’t even make a sound as this one hit. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her entire body convulsed. Her head fell forward again, and it was then that Luke pulled out of her and rolled her onto her back. He jerked his cream-laden cock over Chelsey’s limp body until, with a strained groan, he blew his load. Spurts of thick spunk landed on her face, then on her tits, with the final few bursts dripping onto her pelvis.

“Are you fucking done?” I croaked, tears burning my eyes.

Luke jumped off his bed and grabbed a pair of sweatpants. He pulled them up, his semi-hard cock still drooling strings of cum. He looked at me sheepishly. A response was not forthcoming. We stood looking at one another for a few, still moments, before I spoke again. “I think it’s best if one of us finds somewhere else to live.”

“I’m sorry, dude.” Luke’s voice was small. “I didn’t expect things to happen the way they did. But Chelsey is so fucking sexy, and then things started getting pretty heated last night, and – ” He stopped.

“Whatever.” I said bluntly. “I’m gonna move in with Sophie for a while. I’m leaving this afternoon. I guess you can let Chelsey know.” I looked over at my girlfriend – probably ex-girlfriend, now – laid on Luke’s bed, her breathing slow and shallow, her eyes closed, mouth open slightly. Luke bowed his head but said nothing. I went into my room to pack and didn’t speak another word to either of them. I let Sophie know I was coming and left no less than an hour later.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand what happened that night. What went on between Luke and Chelsey on their little “date.” I’ll never get how my once awkward virgin of a roommate ended up relentlessly banging my girlfriend in our apartment. I heard word around college that they’d been seen together, but *that* was just hearsay, of course. About two and half weeks later, Chelsey’s friend Leah told me she wanted to talk, so I – rather naively – met her for coffee. It was there that, through tears, Chelsey told me that what happened between her and Luke was a “stupid, selfish mistake” and that it broke her heart to know how much it must’ve hurt me. A part of me burned to know why she did it. Her answer was as I expected: “Luke’s just – different. Well not Luke *himself.”* I knew precisely what she meant. Luke’s dick. “That night was just – everything happened so suddenly and – and if I could take it back I would! I’d take it all back! Fuck, I wish it’d never happened!” Chelsey sobbed.

To cut a long story short, we broke up.

A couple of months later, Luke had told me over text that she was seeing someone else, but that she and him would still fuck. Of fucking course. He also always seemed genuinely sorry for what had happened that fateful night and to be honest I wanted to be enraged at him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to hate him. He was a decent guy, Luke. Naive, but decent. He just happened to take my girl from me with his monster dick, is all.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hoenlt/part_two_my_virgin_roommate_takes_my_girlfriend


  1. This was a great read but kinda quite heartbreaking, especially as it’s based on truth. Honestly if that’s how they behaved they’re incredibly shitty selfish people.

  2. Fucking hell, emotional story. And honestly I doubt he seemed genuinely sorry, he wouldn’t have carried on fucking her.

  3. At first I related a lot to your roommate but after you got mega-cucked I really got hit in the feels. It was hot until you got fucked over

  4. Great story, makes a change to read something that didn’t end with double dp. Sorry it wasn’t what you’d hoped for but thanks so much for sharing

  5. This right here is real life. We read stories on here looking to get off and enjoy some fun sexy escapades but this type of stuff happens probably more times than not. I will never cuck myself for this exact reason. Damn

  6. I usually enjoy cuckold stories (from a bull point of view), but what they did to you was so fucked up and cynical that it made this story unenjoyable.

    She’s pretty messed up if all it takes for her to drop her pants is to know that someone has a big dick. I have it pretty big myself and this story disgusted me, it made me feel like a piece of meat. Plus you don’t go out with your bf roommate, even if you have an open relationship. “Open relationship” doesn’t mean “fuck whoever you want”, you wouldn’t fuck her mom because “whatever, we’re in an open relationship”, would you? Because that would be crossing a line, a line she was pretty confortable crossing herself because she’s (by the way you described her) narcisistic and manipulative.

    The guy is just as much a piece of shit as her. The way he was acting when he was drunk, that’s the real him. He’s envious, egocentric and mean.

    This goes beyond every fetish, every sexual taboo. It’s just sadism.

  7. I’m similar to the MC in that I fantasize about my wife cucking me. We role-play a bit with her telling me that her ‘boyfriend’ is bigger and better than me, and it drives me insane with lust to ‘reclaim’ her.

    That being said, I would probably be of the same mind set and feel betrayed and jealous.

    I was really afraid that Luke was gonna turn into a cocky asshole just cause he fucked Chels stupid, so I was glad to see that he didn’t.

  8. I’m pretty open sexually, but honestly I’ve never understood the whole cucking thing…

    I mean, I want to watch my SO have pleasure, but I want to be the one giving her that pleasure instead of watching someone else do it.

    Basically she got dickmatized by his big dick. She didn’t know she was a size queen and effectively became insatiable in that moment. Literally dick-drunk.

    If anything, this story reinforces why cucking doesn’t make sense…but to each their own.

  9. Bro, 1st off I feel for you man. Nothings worse than those “I’ve been cheated on” feelings. It’s literally the worst. Secondly, he may have a huge cock but he’s still a bitch. Couldn’t even look you in the eyes like a man but instead bowed his head and walked away.

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