Taming “The Beast” [FF]

This another one of my university sexual exploration and awakening stories. As usual directly relevant details to the participants have been changed to ensure their privacy! I really appreciate feedback and PMs about all my stories since I am looking to improve my writing.


I’ve always been fortunate in that I have had a lot of luck in the past seducing girls looking to take their first exploratory paddles in the wide open sea of lesbianism! Thankfully none of them ever turned around later after the event and angrily accused me of “turning them gay” or any other such nonsense since I am not sure how I would have coped with that.

One of my best conquests ever, there was this one girl. Again – six foot tall, masculine frame, massive thighs, smoking hot, my type of girl. She was a lovely girl honestly with a great personality!

Unfortunately for her though due to her robust and non-delicate non-traditionally feminine frame some childish mean guys at Uni had given the unfortunate nickname “Beast” basically because she was A) pretty timid but at the same time B) was absolutely massive and they thought that contradiction was really funny! I am sure you can imagine – in corridors “How are you today Beast?”. “How’s Beast doing?” etc etc! She played it cool obviously, but it was horrible for her and she really didn’t like it.

Anyway, I ultimately managed to ravage The Beast…

We ended up in a shared kitchen area talking. Then she just suddenly burst into tears spontaneously about how unhappy she was and how she couldn’t take the teasing any longer. Not wanting others to see my friend cry I moved us into her bedroom so we could have more privacy. I reassured her she was pretty, but just different to most girls – that old cliche. She clearly had massive long-standing insecurities about her (sexy!) body and clearly the recent teasing wasn’t helping at all with that one little bit.

Anyway before long one thing turned to another. I suggesting that plenty of guys would love to have the chance to fuck her. She was *very* upset by that point and thought she’d die, alone, friendless an old maid etc. As well as guys I also suggested that some other “deliberately unspecified” people would love to fuck her too. I just threw it in their quickly, just to see her reaction and see if she took the bait! She was definitely intrigued and totally took the bait! Who are these other people? Why was I being vague? Where could she find them?

At that point I winked at her, and she suddenly realised what I was talking about!

Delicate exploratory kisses on salty tear encrusted cheeks followed rapidly turned into more – much more – years of unfulfilled carnal lust raging in The Beast! Me unbuttoning her pants, trepidation from her. My reassurances, telling her that no “of course she wasn’t gay” and “not to worry about it”. Rolling down her panties. Me feasting on her pussy over and over again lapping at her pool of inner wetness. My hands grasping her *huge* buttocks. My tongue gliding over the beasts wet salty pubic fuzz. Her massive clit, like HUUUGGGE, the biggest i’ve ever seen on a girl like a tiny girl dick fully erect and unsheathed…mmm.

And you know what? From that day onwards The Beast went out with a twinkle in her eye and a spring in her step and a clear, healthy, don’t give a fuck attitude that suprised and confounded her former tormentors!

Anyway, ultimately we fucked loads more that term. My bedroom, her bedroom, outside, ladies toilets in clubs, you name it! The boys who teased her before suddenly weren’t laughing anymore when I was keeping them awake at 2am with The Beast’s hot moaning and sexual grunting!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hncp1q/taming_the_beast_ff


  1. >Thankfully none of them ever turned around later after the event and angrily accused me of “turning them gay” or any other such nonsense since I am not sure how I would have coped with that.

    How about “you’re welcome,” for helping them realize what was already true before you came along?

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