I [25M] slept with my boss [45F] for a promotion [MF]

You know it happens to women a lot, but let’s be honest, men do it a lot too. You just don’t hear it about it. Short bio of me: am in a relationship with an amazing woman. We allow ourselves little “extras” and we have a relationship that is incredibly fulfilling.

Nicole was a divorcee with three kids, all teenagers. She had divorced in her late thirties, as I learned later, and never really had or looked for another another boyfriend or partner. She had married rather young and I would soon discover she had decided to experience (and enjoy) what she felt she had missed during those years, that is, casual sex with men, especially younger men.

I have an office job and Nicole was my direct boss. A project manager, she was pretty much in charge of the entire company; its new projects, new developments, etc. The company was growing and it was mostly thanks to her and her business acumen.

As for me, I was just coming out of college and happy to find a decent job – not an entry level one – that would easily net me twice what I earned from my previous, pre-graduation job. From what I learned, I had been selected from a pool of over one hundred candidates.

Looking back at it, I have to admit my physique probably played a certain role in getting me hired, especially given Nicole was of course in charge of hiring new candidates. I had put “bodybuilding” in my list of hobbies (the most typical mistake graduates make on their resumes, who cares about their hobbies really?) and I believe this word alone got me an interview. As for the interview itself, I think looking the way I do (muscular) helped quite a bit.

I’m nowhere near an expert in bodybuilding, but it’s pretty obvious I lift. My lifts themselves are nothing special and were more average the time ( around 325 squat, 225 bench and maybe 350 deadlift), but I did look very muscular. I’m 6’1″, black hair and overall solid and clean appearance, with just enough facial hair to look manly, even at my age

As I said, looking back at it, it’s obvious Nicole liked me. I started working under her almost immediately.

Nicole was tall, slender, and didn’t look her age at all. You would believe her to be in her late thirties at most. She took great care of her skin and body, using creams and… And everything women use to keep looking as young as they can. She had a bit of a reserved look, as I said, wearing long pants and blouse that didn’t do any of her thin and slender body, and rarely smiled. She was authoritative, having no problem telling people what to do, and held her hair tightly in a ponytail behind her hair.

Nicole knew I had a girlfriend, but if that made her feel any particular way, she didn’t show it in any way. Our first real adult discussion happened back at a company happy hours, when I happened to discuss how happy I was with my salary, and how much it was. She replied something along the lines of “oh, you can earn a lot more with this company… it all depends on what you do.” And then a bit later she strongly implied she was in charge of promotion.

It had been near three months at this company and Nicole had barely shown any interest towards me. In fact, I had no idea she would have even the slightest interest in me. She had never complimented me, invited me out, asked me personal question or shown interest; in fact, I don’t think she had even smiled to me once.

So the way it happened – extremely fast, that is – shocked me more even more.

I didn’t know it, but after three months, I was already up for a review of my work, which could lead to a promotion, at least in terms of salary. Very few people got promotions after only three months and I certainly didn’t expect any, but at the minimum, I wanted a good review. I had done fine for myself, doing work I was frequently thanked form.

We had a project with strict deadlines and Nicole asked me if I could stay tomorrow night (we were a Thursday) and I of course accepted. Very soon, our office went from several employees working over time to just a few (many had families to take care of) to, well, just me and her. I would say it was around 6PM and I was getting quite hungry, having been working since 9AM. She asked me if I was getting hungry, I said I was, and she said we could take a break to go eat sometimes.

We ended up at a bar just on the other side of the street (the closest and fastest place to eat, so we could be back at work as fast as possible). She said the company was inviting as I was forced to stay for work. She asked me if I wanted something to drink. I of course refused at first, given that we were at work and still had a few hours left, but she insisted I get a beer and a large one. I ate some fish plate and she ordered a burger. Then the discussion got personal.

It was a bit weird to connect with her in that way, given that she was often so distant, seemingly only thinking about her work. She asked me plenty of questions – on my training, if I went to the gym a lot, how I managed to build that physique, etc. I told her nutrition was the key, that I really wanted to break 1k on my lifts one day (Squat+Bench+Deadlift), etc. Then, as we drank some more (she had two glasses of wine), she started asking about my personal life, my education, and then of course my girlfriend. Where I had met her, how long we have been together, what we did together, etc.

Alcohol helping, the conversation quickly turned a bit more… adult-themed. I don’t know why I spoke or said too much. Of course the beer (my second large one) helped, but I think I just wanted to please her, get a good evaluation at work, etc. I told her she was my first. “So that means you never slept with anyone else?” I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to lie to her, but I also didn’t want her to believe I had cheated. Of course, I didn’t want to tell her we had kind of an open relationship neither.


I think she noticed how much I was fumbling and hesitating. I’m usually quite direct and straightforward. Confident and all. She didn’t let me get embarassed for long. She had that little, that excited little smile. It was the first time I saw her smiling.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” she said as she leaned forward towards me, gently rubbing my hand.

I think about it now, and from her point of view, given how embarassed and stuck for words I looked, she could only have come to one conclusion: that I had cheated on my girlfriend in the past.

She backed down from personal questions a bit and spoke a bit more about her. She had met this guy in high school. Been very happy with him for over twenty years. Then their bedroom just… died. Guy had gained over 150 (!) pounds). Lost his hair, been depressed and she even – yep, she said – turned impotent. Just uninterested in sex altogether.

“He’s a great father with kids and all, but… It just wasn’t the same in the bed, you know.”

“I understand.”

I was feeling sooo embarassed but alcohol helped disguise it. She giggled.

We went back to work and finished pretty fast. It was around 9:30PM and she thanked me for staying, saying she would definitely give me a positive work evaluation and almost certainly a raise. I didn’t expect it so quickly, so I blushed and thanked her. Then she said the night was still young and asked if I would accompany her for another drink. I of course accepted.

We went to that fancy cocktail place. I think we looked too serious in our work clothes and all, but we still enjoyed it. She insisted to offer me the first round, to thank me for finishing this project in time. I refused and said I would pay this time, she said I would get the next round. Which I eventually did.

I hadn’t realized it, but I was a lot more tipsy than I thought. Not drunk, but I could definitely feel the alcohol. I didn’t drink often. As we left the place, Nicole thanked me and kissed me on my cheeks. If four drinks had had their effects on me, I would say four had a much bigger effect on her.

I saw her grab her keys and realized it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to drive (of course this was all planned from her part). I immediately told her to order a taxi. She then said she lived nearby, and would just walk to her place. I said “okay.”

“Oh, wow… I have to bring so many files and papers home, from that project and all. That’s why I wanted to drive… Could you please help me? It’s only a few minute away.”


She carried a rather large briefcase and handed it to me. It was rather heavy. We walked on the dark streets for a good fifteen minutes before we got to her place, some rather luxurious apartment in a large building.

“Their dad kept the house. I think it’s better like that.” I remember thinking it was. Given that she was more of a businesswoman than a family woman. “Would you mind helping me carry them up? I live on the fifteenth floor.”

“Of course.”

We took the elevator and only now could I smell her perfume clearly. She had definitely applied some fresh perfume at some point.

As we got near her door, she didn’t even leave me a chance to not get in. “Leave it on my desk in my office. Second room on the right,” she pointed, referring to the briefcase I was carrying.


Her place was vast, beautiful and clean. Definitely a upper end condo with several rooms around. There was a big living room in the middle with large sofas and couch, as well as a giant TV.

“Big day today, huh?”

“Absolutely, but it was worth it.”

“Of course. You get paid double for overtime.”

“I do?”

“Yes. I heard earlier you liked whiskey? I’m not a big whiskey drinker, but my husband enjoyed scotch from time to time. Here,” she said, grabbing a bottle. “Work’s over for the the week, I’ll fancy a glass.”

Without any word from me, she poured us glasses and came towards me. She told me sit on the couch and handed me a glass. Then, she sat down next to me, her body turned towards me. As far as whiskeys go, this one was top-end. Of course, if you know anything about whiskeys, you know that one thing about them: they cannot be drank fast. It takes a while to drink one.

“You mind if I change into something more comfortable? I’ve worn those all days.”

“Oh no, go ahead.”

It was as if words came out of my mouth by themselves. She excused herself to her room, didn’t close the door entirely, and came back a few minutes later, the high heels, tight blouse and tight, belt-laced pants gone.

Instead she was wearing a much more relaxed, looser dress that hung from her shoulders to her mid tights. The thing you would wear at home, not exactly for sleep, but to relax. I had no idea at the time, but this was literally the only piece of clothing she was wearing. No bras and, duh, no panties. I glanced briefly at her, still shy, and only now did I see the beautiful women that was in front of me.

Her outfit wasn’t exactly sexy or too revealing, but it was a stark contrast to the stuck up businesswoman image she had at work. Even her hair was now hanging loosely over her shoulders instead of being trapped behind her head. The dress exposed her curves, her hips, her breasts, beautiful and round, their shape well visible under the thin piece of fabric.

Only at that moment, and at that moment only, did I realize what was happening. What she was trying to do, what she wanted. And I didn’t mind it one damn bit.

I was young, though, and kind of hesitant. For some reason, I felt embarassed. And shy.

She came to sit near me again on the sofa, asking me if I wanted a refill for my drink. I was not even halfway done and told her I was fine. I was speechless, blushing a bit, as I said, why. I coughed. “It’s the alcohol.” It wasn’t her age really, it was mostly how sexy her dress was – and also how easily she had brought me here, without me suspecting anything but that I was here to help. Well, technically, I was here to help, but…


She started playing with her hair, finagling with it as she looked at me and smiled.

“This dress was a gift from my ex-husband.”

“Oh it was?” It was kind of forcing me to look at it. Yes, her body was beautiful. Think, smooth skin that looked beautiful. She had applied a fresh coast of makeup, extremely fast apparently. She stayed silent as I observed her. I couldn’t believe how fast things had escalated.

“I’m very happy you could stay tonight. You were the only one else. Without you, I would have needed to spend all week-end on this.”

“Welcome. Many of the employees have to take care of their kids and so on. So they couldn’t stay.”

I was. Still. Observing her. Had trouble placing words. She smiled even wider.

“I think it’s time we start talking about your work evaluation.”

“Oh, sure.”

“She opened a file she had left on the living room table. She squeezed closed me as she opened it, so we could both look at it. Her naked shoulder touched me. I didn’t back down.

“You do a fantastic job at work,” she said.

“Thank you.” She said something funny about how they couldn’t do without me, and giggled. We exchanged a few pleasantries and, I think it was the proximity of her body, her warmth, her smell or something, but I started getting really aroused.

I… I started getting hard. And looking back at it, I think she noticed it. Just a bit more of her shoulders rubbing me, of smelling her perfume, of me catching a glimpse of her breasts in her dress, and…

At the time, it shocked me, but she backed away without a word, closing the file. She moved away and said that was all.

I was… Stunned! I was sure she had invited me for… for this, and now, as I was super close, she just backed down? Said that was all?

I stayed silent for a bit, disappointed, but for some it made me want her even more. She had moved away, yet I had gotten harder and harder. Almost as if I couldn’t get her.

We both stayed silent for a bit. Didn’t know what to say. My heart was pounding.

“You know, I really miss having someone sometimes. I’ve been single for a while. I miss coming back home and having someone greet me and all.”

“I understand.”

“It’s been forever since someone kissed, can you believe that?” She paused. “Alright, as for your evaluation, I grade it as excellent. You definitely deserve a raise, yet given you’ve only been there for three months, so it’s very close as we don’t usually give raises that early.”

“I understand,” I said. Weird how you can say the same thing, twice, in completely different ways.

She slid on the couch all the way towards me and looked at me straight in the eyes, a huge smile on her face. My heart started pumping hard again.

She put a hand on my thigh. She leaned forward and went to kiss me. I kissed her. The hand that was on my thigh moved upwards and stared gently moving over my half-erect penis, just barely touching it at all. I instinctively shot my hips up so my dick, still under my clothes, touched her hand a bit more firmly.

This seemed to fire her up. She started kissing me deep and hard and climbed on top of me, my dick just a few layers of fabric away from her pussy. We made out for a bit as she grinded my dick gently, making me pant.

I felt the warmth of her body, and how much of her was exposed under that loose dress, and how sexy and beautiful she was. She unbuttoned my shirt, asking to see my pecs, and I put my hands under her dress to grab her ass. I realized she had no panties and decided just wanted to see her naked. I tried to pull her dress up to undress her but she stopped me briskly, a bit angry.

She went back to kissing and soon things were back to normal. I was fully hard now and she said it must hurt, being so tight. She unzipped my pants and lowered my boxers, revealing my dick. She took it in her mouth and sucked me until precum started to leak out. That was apparently her sign I was ready.

She helped me remove my pants and other clothes, then dragged me by the hand to her room. Closed the door, turned off the light and I heard her dress being removed.

“Be rough. Leave marks. It’s the week-end, no one will see”

Nicole was authoritative, severe at work, but in bed, she liked to be… I’m gonna say “used.” One good point about women her age is that they know what they wanted. Nicole liked to be choked while I fucked her. Harder, harder, always harder. She got her first orgasm right as I started thrusting in her, my hands firmly around her neck. I felt a warm pool of liquid come out on my balls, on my thigh as she moaned in pleasure.

“Order me to clean you.”

I did and she licked her juices from my dick. She had me call her a slut, a whore, then had me fuck her again, missionary style. She asked me to carry her up – easy given my “hobbies” if you remember – and fuck her against a wall. Not the most comfortable position, but it seemed to do the trick for her.

Then, she had me fuck her over her kitchen table, from behind, as I called her name. She asked me to be rough, to leave marks, again. Scratch her, pinch her, push her around. Nicole liked me to pinch her nipples as I fucked her from behind. As for me, I was hard as a rock as I was about to cum, I asked her if I could come in her. She said I should come on her face and I did.

It’s a picture I’ll never forget: my boss, naked, on her knees, her face covered in my semen. Looking at her, I understood why she didn’t want to be seen naked in full light before. I could notice stretch marks on her abdomen as well as a scar from a Caesarian birth. Maybe she was shy about it.

Dragged her back to bed, she sucked me until I was hard again, then she climbed on top of me. As she was fucking me, she said: “Had my eyes on you ever since you arrived, you know?”

“Oh, I know.”

“Nah,” she giggled. “You had no idea.”

“… fine.”

“I want you to have sex with your girlfriend when you go home. Don’t clean up. Just put some cologne on”

Taking a short break from fucking, she got over me and rubbed her wet pussy – filled with her juices and mine- all over my stomach and pecs. Satisfied, she put me back in her.

“I want you to fuck me with everything you got. Hurt me.”

I flipped her over, grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head, then thrusted in her as hard as I could. I pushed so hard her head bumped against the bed frame, but she had asked for me. I let my body fall on her, almost crushing her, and fucked her as hard as I could, almost hurting myself. She let herself moan long and hard as she came again.

She asked me to finish on her, wherever I pleased. Since she had marked me with her scent, on my stomach, I chose to do the same with her, ejaculating all over her abdomen.

She asked me to kiss her good night. Repeated my directive not to clean. It was hard as I was covered in yucky, sticky fluids. I was exhausted.

I dressed back as I could, then walked back to our business to drive home. I was in complete sweat, covered in her juices and mine. All I could do is spray some spray deodorant to mask the smell.

“You’ve been with another woman,” said my girlfriend as I joined our bed. “Come here. Was it good?”

I had no idea I could get so hard, so fast. For the third time in a row. She immediately took control of it and dragged me so I would get in her, then started asking all the details as I was thrusting in her. Crazy how that turned her on.

She had me repeat a few of the manoeuvres I had done earlier, including pinning her wrists and fucking her as hard as I could, and she orgasmed almost immediately. I was exhausted and we both fell asleep together.

That being said, I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

“Got some extra work tonight if you’ve got time,” I received as a text. This wasn’t Nicole’s number. This was another number she used for… that kind of stuff, I think.

“Sure,” I said.”

“8PM my place. Be with your gf first. Don’t wash.”

Nicole had something about smell, odors, that kind of thing. It turned her on.

There was no whiskey or casual talk on the sofa this team. She was wearing a nightrobe and had me come to her room to fuck her right away. She texted again for a “quick one” Sunday afternoon. Nicole had a voracious sexual appetite.

On Monday, I learned I was getting a 30% salary increase, which was insane. From $24 to $30.

And itt was the first of a long serie of raises, if I’m to be honest with you.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hnmo46/i_25m_slept_with_my_boss_45f_for_a_promotion_mf


  1. That’s a, uh… 25% raise. But great story. And you’ve got a keeper of a girlfriend.

  2. Thank you for this. I’m now going to have to have a play to my videos that my bf and I made over the weekend

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