[M/F] My perfectly, imperfect night.

She looked in the mirror at her reflection and wondered what he would think. – If you are curious, our “heroine” is going on a sort of blind date; simply put, the history is a bit complicated – but… she sighed as she looked in the mirror. Such was life, she thought. Maybe it was a mistake but then, some of the best things in life start as that.. beautiful, fiery and passionate. Who knows where one moment can lead?

It was going to be an amazing night.
She smiled brightly thinking of all of the lovely messages they had shared, put one last touch to her red lipstick and passed her hand down the side of her black, velvety dress. She closed her eyes and took a deep, soothing breath.. don’t fret, she thought, just be yourself. Then, with a little shake of her head and a blush on her cheeks, she swept out the door to catch her cab.

All through the cab ride she wondered to herself.. Do I really know this man? But as much as logic said it was impossible to care for someone you’ve never actually met, she gazed out the window at the fading blue sky with it’s dark, threatening clouds, and the passing city as she neared her destination… and yet, as ridiculous as it seemed, she did care for him. Very much.

The cab pulled up in front of a very nice restaurant, the front canopy holding some French sounding name or other. She giggled at their little inside joke, feeling excited… what an amazing man. She paid for the taxi and, taking a deep breath, walked inside the restaurant, almost laughing a little as one of the waiters walking past who gave her a long glance. She looked down at her sweetheart neckline, faux diamond bracelet and black high heels, wondering if she might have gone a little overboard. Oh well, she sighed, it’s too late now. She then inquired and was led to the table where her date was waiting, ignoring a few heads that turned her way in interest. She almost blushed… she hoped he was interested too… well, maybe not that interested, she thought as an intriguing looking man with graying hair swept her up and down with his eyes and gave her a roguish smile. Oh dear, she thought, I guess I don’t look bad, and gave him a quick smile back.

Her date had reserved a quiet table on one side of the restaurant, a little away from the others, which she appreciated. As they approached, she almost gasped. Nothing escaped her gaze. The nice suit he wore or the polite but silently demanding way he sat and glanced occasionally around the room. But of all the amazing things she noticed about him, the one thing she couldn’t stop looking at was his handsome face. He looked so intriguing and intelligent. His lovely black hair combed elegantly and his lovely mouth wearing a peculiar smile.. oh so many perfect little things caught her eyes as she drank in the scene of this amazing man waiting for her. For her? She thought suddenly as she realized that she had stopped walking and was simply standing and gazing silently with her mouth slightly agape. Oh dear, she thought, as the server stood waiting near the table looking at her questioningly. She took a quick, steadying breath and nervously stepped forward.. then he looked up and their eyes locked, some strange electricity humming in the five feet between them. Oh those eyes… she couldn’t look away. They were such a lovely shade of dark, tantalizing Blue.. like something she could get so completely lost in. She smiled brightly at him and walked forward.. He kept his eyes locked on hers as she approached the table, and though she loved looking into his, she wished his eyes would rove her body as every other man’s had. You see, this particular girl, well, she loved conversation and engagement in her partners… but say what you may, if there was a connection and also physical attraction, that was the equivalent of a perfect date for her. As the server pulled out her chair and she approached the table, he stood up politely and finally, let his gaze take in all of her.. He quickly glanced up then, something dark and beautiful flashing in his lovely eyes. Her insides did a little flip and she blushed scarlett; if there was an option to have him look at her like that every single time they met, she was going to take it. Well, I guess it’d be contingent on whether they did meet again but she silently forced the thought from her mind. Tonight she was just there; no expectations and no reservations, she was just a beautiful, yes beautiful, and she would be forever indebted to him for making her believe that… Now, where was I? …. She was just a beautiful woman sitting across from a handsome man in a fancy restaurant, wanting and praying that the night would never end.
As the server walked away, he looked at her with a peculiar glint in his eyes and a smile on his mouth, “It is such a pleasure to finally meet you, Allie”.

I don’t know, dear reader, if this man ever found out but I will confess to you now that simply reading her name in this man’s lovely sentences, had for whatever unexplainable reason, always made our young heroine’s stomach buzz and heart soar. There is something so erotic, if you don’t mind me saying, about how her name left his lips.. Even if he wasn’t aware of it. So imagine how she reacted.. an amazing, intelligent man looking at her with such interest, saying her name so sweetly.. It made her whole body hum with life and desire. As if the passions she had always held so deep within herself were ready to burst out in flames because they had finally found a place where they could burn dark and powerful.

Now reader, I am so terribly sorry, but other than that small detail of their conversation, I cannot share their intimate conversation. Because intimate is what it was. For, even to a stranger such as myself, reader, it was so beautiful to see the scene play out; for me, I looked at them and smiled because it seems to me that this is a thing that happens only by chance and not everyday.

After the meal they stood outside under the canopy above the door to the restaurant, her leaning intimately against him and his hand lightly around her waist. Her head longed to fall against his chest as they both silently considered what would happen next. The dark clouds above them threatened with repercussions if a decision wasn’t made and so the short, light haired head turned up to the tall, dark haired one and asked in a laughing voice, “So, where are you staying?”. Looking a bit like a rogue with his teasing smile and laughing eyes, he pointed to a hotel a few blocks away and asked if he shouldn’t call a cab to take them there. Skipping from underneath the canopy and into the light drizzle that had started, the young lady laughed exuberantly, “And miss this kind of weather?”. She smiled brightly as he scowled a little and followed her out into the weather, cringing a little as the water started to make quick work of his suit.

A block later they were both soaked and looking longingly at the hotel entrance, so near yet so far in her high heels. She stopped then and frowned a little down at her heels, “Oh blast it!” She said as she quickly took her heels off and put them into one hand while she held the other out to her date. He looked at her questioningly and then startled as she grabbed his hand and started running. At that moment the clouds decided that they had been patient long enough and released a torrent of rain onto the couple. To any who cared, they might have been a little crazy looking, but they were both smiling and laughing too hard to notice. Once they got into the outer lobby of the hotel he stopped in front of her and, taking his jacket off, wrapped it around her naked, wet shoulders. She smiled brightly and he laughed a little, “Come on, mon cher”, he said gently as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her into the hotel towards the elevators.

All the ride up to the floor where his room was, she leaned her head against his warm, wet chest; the gentle rise and fall soothing her giddiness. When they got to the room they looked at each other, a handsome man and a beautiful lady smiling brightly at each other. “Oh dear..” She looked down at her low cut dress that was already tight but literally was clinging to her body now. She looked up nervously and he bent and gave her a quick kiss on her lips as he stroked her cheek with his thumb. Her eyes gazed up at him dark and playful. “There is an extra bathrobe in the bathroom that you can use.” He smiled as she thanked him and flew into the bathroom. Once the door was closed behind her, she leant against it, her chest rising and falling quickly in excitement. She put a hand over her heart to calm herself and slowed ran it over the slope of her breast where it pressed scandalously against her dress. Does he want me like that? She wondered as she took off her bracelet and peeled off her nude hose… what would being with him be like? She reached for the back of her dress and couldn’t quite reach the zipper of her dress. “Blast!”, she whispered, then opening the door called for help, “Do you mind, Jay?” She asked, blushing, as she turned around and turned to look in the mirror with him standing in back of her while she presented him the offending zipper. He hesitated for a few seconds then unclasped the little detail above the zipper and slowly pulled it down her back, his hand holding one side up so it wouldn’t fall open. Lower and lower down her back he dragged the zipper until it crept onto her ass. He glanced up sharply, locked eyes with her reflection and absently brushed a lock of hair from her forehead, “How far do these things usually go?”. She nervously chuckled and shrugged, her eyes sparkling dangerously as he turned back to her zipper. This time he didn’t ignore the feel of her skin against his finger and lightly trailed his fingers down her spine, the skin prickling as his fingers danced seductively along her back. As his fingers reached the base of her spin and curved out into her ass, she let out a thin breath and learnt back into his chest a little and glanced up at him in the mirror, both their eyes flashing with desire.. His head bent down to her exposed neck and his arm wrapped possessively around her waist pulling her fully into him. His lips moved effortlessly on her neck as she moaned and played lightly with his hair still looking at them in the mirror. Then, she suddenly took an unsteady step forward and leant with her hands on the sink to stable herself as her chest heaved. She looked over her shoulders at his gentle but sad face as he took a step forward and gently kissed her forehead. “Take your shower and we can talk if you want.” He smiled and turned to go but then she rushed forward and grabbed his hand, kissing it. They stood there for a moment, chests heaving, eyes hot. Then she slowly reached towards her breasts and released one at a time from their confinements. When her breasts were bare, she then started to strip the tight dress from her body.. Over her wide hips, her naked ass and down fluttering uselessly onto the floor. She stood the naked. Shy, scared of rejections from someone who she admired so much. She raised her eyes to his and felt such feelings for him, seeing that beautiful fire flash between them. Desire. Connection. She took a step towards him, her stark nakedness against his clothed body forcing searing heat to her core.
She stood in front of him, reader, with every part of who she was exposed and gazed up into his dark eyes, uncertain of what was happening. He stood there with a look of utter shock on his handsome face and stared at her with lust and desire. She reached forward and unsteadily unbuttoning the top buttons on his damp dress shirt exposing his gorgeous chest. She gazed up at his half lidded eyes as she spread her hand on his chest and drew herself up and lightly nibbled the underside of his jaw. She nuzzled her head into his shoulder, pressing her naked body into his clothed one as he put his arms around her, pulling her completely against himself, gazing down at her. “Are you sure, Allie?” She gently thrust her hips towards him, that ever-teasing smile playing on her lips.. “I’m sure, Jay. I want you to be my first.” His eyes softened, “It might hurt, ma cher.” She started kissing his exposed chest and murmured erotically, “I don’t mind because it’ll be you.” He groaned and lifted her chin to look at him, eyes on fire and hands gripping her ass as she lifted one leg and grinded against him. He leaned down then, she put both feet on the ground and stood on her tiptoes to reach his lips. She eyed him dangerously, “So, what are you waiting for?”.. Her smiling eyes gazed into his. At that his mouth came down on her’s, dark and passionate. Their lips locking, battling and blending so beautifully. She opened her mouth to his as they deepened the kiss and his arms wrapped around her waist tightly. She threw her arms around his neck and his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her up making her wrap her legs around his waist. He walked into the main room and held her against the wall, her hands frantically removing his shirt as their kiss finally broke. Both of them were panting, wanting more. Needing more. “So what now?” She panted. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Well now, ma cher, I will give you a night that you will never forget.” He carried her over to the bed and…. Well, it was a night that neither forgot.

Dear reader, I’m sorry to drag you away from this scene but something, like two people who care about each other and share their bodies with each other, sometimes it is too perfect to interrupt. You may ask what will happen reader, and I understand your curiosity but, some stories do not belong on paper. Some stories ma cher….. Like the one of a girl who never could trust because she was afraid that no one would catch her when she fell. These stories weave through the fabric of time and space, melodies of passions gone past, current and yet to come. They are not written on paper but in hearts.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hmi7bi/mf_my_perfectly_imperfect_night

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