Leveling Up [Final Chapter]

Author’s Note: Soret for not posting for the past couple of days I just wasn’t feeling it (when I make stories I go on a huge Writer’s High). I might visit this story again and do a better revise version of this. Everything is the same: Typing on mobile so wonky formatting and grammatical errors. With that out of the way let zuh story begin.

It had been over 2 months after I had been moved to my new cell. My breasts were filled to the vein yet I was still growing. My ass would have taken over an continent back on Earth, but this isn’t Earth. Though my most impressive features were my cock and balls. My balls had swelled past my ass and tits, making my ass and tits golf balls compared to my enormous balls. My balls were filled with cum, sloshing around as it grew bigger. My cock was now over 400 miles long and almost 300 miles thick. Today would be my last night in the kingdom and the last day of the kingdom. I would make it all disappear. My cock began growing again now moving past 700 miles long and around 500 miles thick. The room then shifted. Now I wanted to swallow all of the kingdom with my dick but before I do that I need to analyze what I’m going up against. This kingdom is where the [Hero] party resides. There are 3 heros one of them being the [Sword Hero]. Her powers is just primitive slapping by her dick. She does have raw power but she has little to no patience. Paired with her raw power, you get a barbaric warrior that only thinks with their ass (or rather dick). The second hero is called [The Magician]. Her power us to excessively cum at a fast rate. Though this would, in theory, slow me down her cum potency is lacking. Paired with her ability to not comprehend info quick enough she will blatantly spew cum, making her use up all her mana. The third and last hero is called the [Healer]. She possess a rack that would put any women to shame. But her power dwells in her milk. Her milk is extremely nutritious and can heal wounds and replace missing limbs. She would sound powerful but her breasts are the problem. Her breasts are so big that it completely immobilizes her, rendering her defenseless though nothing would have changed if she didnt have behemoth breasts. She is not a warrior and has almost no combat experience. All she does is sit in the back and get milked, like a cow. After analyzing the heros I feel that cow tits is the first one to go. There is one thing stopping me from escaping and that is the mana crystal. You see, everytime my skin came in direct contact with my skin it would grow. The reason why the room grew was because of the mana crystal. Now, everytime I grew I would push the mana crystal away from civilization. This mana crystal was also the source of electricity for the people living at the kingdom. By pushing the mana crystal far away from civilization, the mana crystal’s effect will weaken. This will cause a blackout and the magicians will have to go down to where I’m at. Little did they know I grew big over the past 2 months. I would lure the magicians to check the mana crystal. It would take them too long. Then I would purposely breakout and eat the magicians. Hopefully one magician has called for backup. By luring their backup, the heros don’t have any allies left. This would make the [Healer] defenseless. Thinking about it made me elated as I began to smirk an evil smirk. Mt cock got excited that it grew to be 1,500 miles long and 1,240 miles thick.

~At 10:00 PM~

The kingdom was now filled with lights. Bright colors flashing on and off. Homes illuminating a golden aura. And my cell, as dark as ever. My cock had doubled in size earlier and the mana crystal was losing power. I soon heard footsteps through my cell. “This is it! I can finally demolish this kingdom,” I thought. As the footsteps died down, I broke my way out of the cell. Now although the cell was elastic, it wasn’t durable. I began slurping up the magicians left and right. I then heard loud footsteps and the clanging if metal. I activated [Cloak] and was concealed. I began to excavate myself from my cell. After about 5 minutes I reached the surface. The [Healer] was easily spotted as she was out in the open. I was currently outside the kingdom’s border. The [Healer] was currently to the right of me. My had she grown bigger than before. After destroying the small city I found I was captured by the heros. One was the [Healer]. She was big, with breasts the size of cities in this world. Now she was almost as big as the kingdom. I then uncloaked to reveal myself. .y penis began throbbing and throbbing. It then swallowed the [Healer] in one gulp. I immediately came. My breasts felt hot and then suddenly covered half the kingdom. Then [The Magician] came out and began firing her jizz at me. All it did was make me grow because of [Cum Conversion: Growth]. My cock was enjoying the growth and soom my cock slammed down on the kingdom. [The Magician was currently under my cock. That was until I felt something pushing against my cock. The [Sword Hero] appeared and began growing. She had a red aura that enveloped her being. It seemed like the [Sword Hero] had absorbed [The Magician]. She began to grow and grow and now had become taller than me by tenfold. I used [Stciky, Dream Endycing Cum Shot] on her and she began to collapse on the floor. I then used [Aphrodisiac Pheromones] and she was now doing the nodding you would do when you’re about to sleep but then wake up. That was when my dick’s urethra wrapped around her legs. It quickly made it’s way up to her chest. “I CAN’T BE BESTED BY SOMEONE LIKE YOU! I CAN’T,” she shrieked. She began to grow exponentially, stretching out my dick. This would cause my dick to become happier and then gobbled her up. She began to thrash around in my dick but that gave me more pleasure. I finally absorbed her after a day and gained a new specialty called [Erotic Desire]. This would allow me to have anything I desired, as long as it was erotic. “I wish to be the biggest futa in this realm,” I waited there and sat until I was suddenly hit by a torrent of pleasure. My dick began growing and growing now over 1,000 times my body size. My balls swelled to be bigger than Jupiter and my breasts were past the size of The Sun. My ass had grew to be the size of Saturn. I sat there , now cumming nonstop, as the cum kept spilling out of my cock. I never felt empty though. I just felt more and more full. My dick never stopped growing and had finally reached the end of the world in this realm. That was my final growth spurt. I now sit on a throne, waiting ti be impressed by the size of a futa.

The End

Uhhhhh… I didn’t know how to end this story so I just, did that. Well, I hoped you enjoyed this story. I am working on a another story. Cya next time.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hlja8r/leveling_up_final_chapter