I’m writing a book.

I have been spending the last few weeks writing an actual full on book. I usually write short erotica here but I thought I’d try my hand at a full on actual book, so far up to this point I’m 24 pages and 4 chapters in. I still have much to go but considering I’ve only been at it 3 and a half weeks, I don’t think that’s bad.
Is about a dystopian survival story, but for adults, so I have a bit of sex, murder and lots of drama so far.

If you’d like to talk about and discuss ideas with me, it will be greatly appreciated.

The story follows the life of a young woman through a post apocalyptic dystopian world . she meets 2 people on her journey and befriends them. but things develop and tragedy hits where one boy is killed. the lead protagonist proceeds to start a family with the man.

I’ve only got to there in writing so far, but I’m writing everyday .

Back to writing.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hlpa2j/im_writing_a_book


  1. All the very best. Sounds interesting. Looking forward for it.

  2. Forgive me but what’s a dysplasian survival story? I mean I know what dysplasia is but are you talking cancerous cells?

  3. Good luck, a few years back I self-published a couple of books.

    Best tip I have is try to get someone else to proof read for you, because you know whats being said your brain will skip otherwise obvious mistakes no matter how many times you read through.

    Don’t expect to get rich! But hopefully you get some nice reviews, it’s a good feeling knowing someone in the world enjoyed your work.

    Keep going, and if you are not in the mood, don’t force it, wait till something just pops into your mind and get it written down before you forget!!!

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