Friends Mom and the Movie night [MF]

I had just woken up when my friend Jack texted me, “ Hey man I need some help moving out of my house can u come over” Jack has just recently decided to move out of his moms house to live in a dorm. We were both in college. Both of us were very keen to move into the dorms and on our own, but he couldn’t get himself to leave his mother until recently after she told he needed to be on his own.

I texted back “ yeah sure what time?” To this he told me about 6 pm.

The rest of the day I went to classes and just went on with my day. Then came 6. I made my way over to his house. When I got there he had already started loading his room into his car, we both pulled his boxes of stuff into his car for about an hour. Once we were done his mom came out and told us she was making dinner, she insisted I stay to eat so I did. I figured I would stay to eat and then go help jack get to his dorm.
I went inside to wash up and his mom was by the sink . “ Thanks for the help” she said while turning to move away from the sink. “No problem” I say in the same tone. We had a little small talk for a minute while the dinner was cooking. Jack was at the table already.

I found a seat at the table across from Jack after we all get our plates. Dinner goes by like normal and the topic of conversation came to movies. Jacks mother had just told me about a movie that she said I might like. “ I will definitely watch that sometime” I say to her. “ Why not tonight!” She says while looking at me. Jack tells her he can’t because he needs to go to his dorm and move in. I try to decline but suddenly under the table she grabs my upper leg and starts slowly rubbing up and down while telling me i should stay and watch.

Suddenly before I can say anything jacks sister Tammy walks in the door. She a few years older than jack and looks very similar to him. “Hi! Sorry I’m late jack I got caught up at work” she sits down and starts some small talk with me and Jacks mom.

By the time everyone was done eating is was around 10 pm. “ Well Jack we should probably get going to your dorm I say” Jacks mother looks at me and says “ why don’t you stay here and watch that movie we were talking about? I know you would like it! ”
“I-“ suddenly Tammy interrupted me and said she can help Jack move since I helped him move already. “Alright” I agree to watch the movie with jacks mother. Jack and Tammy leave after about 15 minutes.
After saying our goodbyes and me telling jack I would text him later, me and his mother were alone. We went to the living room to get the movie started. She sat beside me for the first twenty minutes. Then tells me she’s going to put her pajamas on and pauses the movie. I think nothing of it until she came back in a nightgown that’s a little small for her. She turned the movie volume down which I though nothing of at the time. Then she got a blanket and put it over both of us.
“ Do you care if I lay down I’m just getting a little tired” she asked suddenly. I say that I don’t mind and suddenly she is laying in front of me on this small couch. I tell her I’m also getting a little tired and that I might lay down. I say this just so that I can move a little bit.

Now I’m nearly spooning her under the cover. I try not to touch her and make anything more weird than what it already is. The movie went on for another half an hour then suddenly she pushes her ass against my crotch as she scoots back. I am wearing basketball shorts so I can feel through them. Feeling her round ass against my crotch gives me an erection. I try not to think about it because I don’t think she realizes what she’s doing.

She stayed like this for five minutes with my erection pressed firmly against her ass. I start think about her body differently than I ever had before. She has always had a fit body with thick thighs and a round ass. Then she puts her hand under the cover while still watching the movie and lifts up her gown. She then with the same hand lightly tugs on my underwear. We say nothing as she pulls down my pants from the front. She is acting like nothing is happening.

I slowly feel her put her erection on my hard dick and put it in between her thighs. My cock is pressed up against her pussy and I can feel it nearly dripping. Then I feel the warmth of her thighs. I also feel every crevice of her crotch as she suddenly closes her thighs, trapping my dick In-between her thighs. She suddenly starts moving back and forth. She still doesn’t say a word as this all happens. She is at stroking me with her thighs in a spooning position.

I don’t know what to do in this situation except enjoy. Suddenly she uses her hand to slide me inside of her. I decide this is the time to lead and I start thrusting as I get the first few pumps inside her. It was so wet and warm inside her that I nearly came as soon as I went in. She let out a sharp gasp the second I had penetrated her on my own. She then grabbed my hand and put it on her tit as it was falling out of her gown with every pump. This was the most passionate thing I had ever experienced, as the only light was coming from the tv and showed me only parts of her body.

She pulled me out and rolled over onto her stomach as she started to pull off her gown. She pushed her butt into the air as if she was preparing for something. Then suddenly I realized she was wanting me to take full charge. I got to her level on the couch and began thrusting into her. This lasted about 15 minutes as we went slower and faster. She moaned occasionally and the only other sound was the slight sound of my body entering hers. At the end I was about to cum so I grunted as a warning.

She once again took charge and pulled me out to push me down on the couch. She then rode me and kissed me. Her breasts rubbed agains my chest, The wet warm was of her insides got to me and as if she could read my mind just suddenly sat there on my cock without moving. I was balls deep and cumming. She looked me in the eyes as this happened. The light from the tv shining on her face as she did this. We stayed there in that position for what seemed like an eternity in heaven.

The she gave me a long kiss, climbed off me and lay down softy while pulling me down. She turned of the tv and we slept there naked until the next day.

The next day she thanked me for watching the movie with her and I went home. I still think of the passion that I had experienced like nothing before.



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