The Flat Party, Part 1 [FF]

What follows is a description of my first FF encounter, which happened many years ago now. Names, and certain other personally identifying parts of the story have been changed to protect the identity of the participants.


I hesitated for a split-second outside the flat door. “What are you waiting for?” Lucy asked. Irritated, after a split-second delay. I proceeded to knock on the door.

My irritation was due to Lucy’s new-found mock bravado. The fact was that neither me or Lucy knew this group well. They lived in our hall of residence building and were having a flat party. We had received a leafletted invite earlier that day, stealthily slipped just under the door earlier inviting us to their flat party that evening. Although generous with their invites, we had debated earlier whether to go. Neither of use knew anyone in the flat, and the block gossip said they were cliquey! At the same time, I hadn’t made *that* many new friends since starting Uni one month previously. Also I had been working studiously all week, trying to make a good impression my first course assignments. I felt like I needed a break and I definitely wanted to let my hair down now after a very busy week. For all Lucy’s supposed bravado and confidence now, earlier she had been incredibly hesitent, and I had to practically drag her out of our flat.

Without warning the door suddenly exploded open in front of us! “HIIII!” proclaimed multiple voices in unison together. We said our hello’s to the hosts, and proceeded directly to the shared kitchen. There a crowd of people were stood around a central table covered with alcohol bottles and plastic cups. I placed my contibution of blue WKD and Smirnoff Ices – my drink of choice then back in the day! – and stepped away.

“Hey, Lucy!” I turned my head to see Lucy talking to a bloke over in the corner. It turned out he was a guy from one of her Psychology tutorials that she knew. They left the kitchen together and began gossiping in one of the bedrooms about the other members of their tutorial group. So just like that, and despite mine and Lucy’s prior agreement I found myself abandoned and friendless at this houseparty with a bunch of strangers. I gulped unsure what to do. I couldn’t leave, because this would obviously look incredibly rude having only just arrived. But the fact was I didn’t know anyone. My own social isolation was a huge contrast to the people all-around me who were engaged in animated, not-quite sober, free flowing conversation! Inwardly I felt my anger at Lucy’s treachery slowly rising.

Mercifully, one of the other girls approached me. “Hi, sorry I’ve seen you before, you live downstairs right?! I’m Steph, so glad you could come. Sorry I don’t know your name!”

“Jes!” I clarified. Steph was a tall girl. Nice face, blonde hair. Pretty in a way. But it was hard not to notice she was large. Not noticeably fat but…muscular. She had huge hands and massive thigs I noticed. Later I was not surprised to discover that she was in the Uni wrestling club. Steph certainly had the physique for it.

I gulped. “Do you live here Steph?” I asked. “No, I live in another flat on this floor though. I’ve known the girls in the this flat for a while now. We met way back in the first week of Uni.” I nodded. “Yeah, we live upstairs, its pretty good group in our flat. We’re doing Pharmacy, Psychology, Maths and some wierd engineering sub-specialism, material science I think. So with the exception of Lucy we’ve all been busy. Not much time for socialising over these last few weeks.” Steph nodded understandingly. At that precise moment we were interrupted one of the male hosts came round with a tray of shots. Some kind of clear spirit with a strong Aniseed aroma…Sambuca? Not wanting to be seen as a killjoy I joined the others in downing my shot. Sambuca, definitely Sambuca!

Conversation with Steph resumed. I could feel my cheeks flushing now. This always happened when I drunk alcohol, much to my irritation. Previous boyfriends had assured me my fluh reflex was “cute” but I hated it. Also I couldn’t help but notice someting else a little odd. Steph’s eye contact was just a little bit more…intense than what I would usually expect from someone I had just met for the first time. Lingering in fact. She’s probably just a little nervous and being purposefully friendly I thought. At that moment Steph touched my elbow and an involuntary shiver went through my body suddenly. Steph leant in to me. “It’s really loud in here! Shall we go into one of the other rooms?!” I nodded in agreement, and Steph and I topped up our glasses and left the kitchen. The next couple of hours went by in a blur.

Amongst many other things, Steph was telling me that she was lucky to go to Uni at all. She’d had a serious-sounding medical issue, that had involved a lengthy spell of in-patient treatment. “So I’m just glad to be here really.” I proceeded to tell her about Lucy and her earlier abandonment of me, and we gradually moved closer to one another huddling conspiratorially. “Hmm..that’s not good. But, still I am glad you came Jess she said leaning in to me.” Steph took her hand and deliberately moved a lock of hair out of my face and pinned it back behind my ear and smiled. I hesitated slightly. Steph’s earlier behaviour made much more sense now and I suddenly felt like a complete idiot. How had I not noticed this before? Steph was flirting with me!

I was intrigued! I didn’t know anyone in a same-sex relationship and had given precisely zero thoughts to my own sexuality before. But at the same time there was definitely something strangely alluring about Steph and I was utterly captivated by her. There was just something so indescribably sexy about her almost masculine muscular toned body, combined with here female delicateness and vulnerability. Brushing my hand down my clothes I noticed that my nipples were hard. I gulped and shivered slightly as Steph again lightly brushed her fingers against my cheek. Surprised at myself and my own reaction to Steph I stared into her eyes. The biggest surprise of all was yet to come though.

“Shall we get of here?” I blurted out, before I knew what I was doing. I had frankly no idea what we would do. All I knew I just wanted to spend some more time with Steph, alone. Steph’s face broke into a smile. “Yeah, let’s go!”. “My flat’s downstairs” I reminded Steph. There was still no sign of Lucy, but fuck Lucy I thought, she had totally abandoned me and I hadn’t seen any sign of her all evening.

Turning the key to the door of my shared flat we were both greeted with the sound of slightly muffled moaning, grunting and the unmistakeable sound of flesh slapping on flesh. It was suddenly very obvious where Lucy was and she was obviously busy! Steph raised an eyebrow, and I sniggered. Not wanting to linger in the corridor, I immediately opened the door to my bedroom and Steph and I fell into the room giggling in our mildly inebriated state. I immediately turned around and turned the twist-catch on the door. I was unsure of what was going to happen next and I certainly didn’t want any unexpected interruptions!

Steph turned and strode towards me from across the room. She lifted my chin and planted an exploratory kiss on my cheek. “I’ve never done anything with girls before” I admitted, vulnerably. “Don’t worry about that” Steph said, “I’ll show you the ropes”. Steph drew right into me planting kisses right on the nape of my neck, and stopped for a second. Steph then halted, obviously waiting, wanting to judge my reaction to her kiss. Any casual observer could not have doubted my consent since I immediately turned into her and agressively snogged Steph on her mouth like I used to do with my ex-boyfriend in his car. “Wow, You’re a natural!” Steph exclaimed sultrily as she turned and cupped my breasts effortlessly from behind with her huge hands. Feeling utterly dominated and powerless in Steph’s powerful grasp my body was like putty and practically melted into her.

The next few moments passed in blur. Before I knew it I had shed my vest top and Steph had unclipped my bra expertly. “You’ve done this before!” I said. Steph replied, “Me and a girl in Sixth Form were close. In-between boyfriends we used to help each other out. This is not my first time with a girl – or even my tenth in fact!” she said sniggering. Standing in front of me she placed my nipple in her mouth she softly sucked on it causing me to moan with pleasure. Steph placed a line of soft kisses on my chest and abdomen moving downwards, with a slow methodical inevitably towards the waist band of my jeans. “May I?” she asked. I nodded to give my assent, and Steph unbuttoned my jeans. Glancing downwards at my own crotch I gasped.

There was a huge dark wet spot right in the centre of my grey knickers. That’s interesting I thought in a detached way. My friend, who incidentally I have only just met, has done that to me. I decided not to dwell on that particular thought for now.

Steph’s eyes lit up when she saw my dampness. Deep-down, I knew there was no going back from this point. There was no way I could change my mind suddenly and decide actually I was totally straight after all. There was no way that I could reasonably pretend to Steph that I wasn’t enjoying this. All the evidence was there, plain to see! “Mmmmm…” Steph said sultrily, “someone’s enjoying themselves!” A strange guttural noise emerged from my mouth that I didn’t initially recognise. A soft feminine moan of both assent and pleasure.

No sooner had she said that with a single deft movement Steph slipped her hand inside my jeans. What felt like a sudden jolt of electricity went through my body as her fingers brushed against my clit. Without a word, Steph deftly began tracing circles around my clit with her fingertips. I went weak at the knees and practically fell into her as she continued with this, methodically building up pressure and intensity expertly. Then suddenly, without warning her fingers plunged into me. This continued as Steph expertly alternated between applying fast darting gliding movements across my clit and deep plunging come hither motions inside me. Overall the feeling was just indescribable. For an eighteen year-old I thought I was reasonably sexually experienced, but this feeling was like *nothing* I had ever experienced before with any of my prior boyfriends.

Dazed slightly, I realised I could hear sexual moaning sound. Startled, I realised that wasn’t Lucy OR her dude they were from ME. Those were MY sounds coming from MY mouth, and they were gradually increasing in both tempo and intensity as a result of Steph’s deliberate actions. Slowly – inevitably – a wave of pleasure built up inside to me to a near crescendo, and the dam suddenly burst as I orgasmed, panting loudly and breathily, clutching Steph hard.

Once I had caught my breath, Steph extracted one of her fingers, wet and freshly sticky from my pussy and sucked it clean. She did this slowly, and carefully, very deliberately, emphasising that i was hers now. In my post orgasmin bliss I simply didn’t care and let out a sigh of pleasure. “Right Steph said, time for round two,” as she began peeling off my jeans….


Thanks for reading my story! I would love to hear your comments and feedback – please PM me! If there’s a positive response and enough interest I will complete the second part of my encounter with Steph, and maybe write some other stories describing some of mine and Steph’s other sexual escapades.



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