[FM] My [25F] first fight and role play makeup sex with Henry [26M]

One of my [previous series](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gxk4m9/fm_i_24f_let_my_cousins_hot_teacher_26m_finger_me/) described my first date with my partner, Henry. The short version: he was my cousin Shoshana’s long-term substitute teacher (known to her as Mr. Yang), and she and her friends obsessed over setting us up. We hit it off at Shosh’s Bat Mitzvah, but we didn’t tell her because (1) we weren’t serious yet and (2) she had no chill and would be a distraction in class. Her parents, my second-cousin Miriam and her husband Aaron, knew, but Miri didn’t approve out of a mistaken belief that Henry was a heartbreaker. In reality, I was the commitmentphobe.

In April, a month and change into us dating, I was actively avoiding all conversations attempting to define our relationship. Henry was bemused but didn’t push it. I was convinced my interest in him would disappear the second we slapped a label on it, and I worried our chemistry would fizzle if we became too domestic and lost the magic of sneaking around. It was obviously nonsense, since I loved every second I spent with him, but logic didn’t play a heavy role in my fears.

Each Sunday, I would tell myself that I should see him a maximum of twice that week, but we usually ended up spending at least two weeknights together, as well as the whole weekend. It scared me how much I enjoyed spending time with him, especially the way I just never got bored of him. I ended up with a weird mixture of dread and extreme happiness each time I looked back over my week and realized I had seen him more days than I hadn’t.

My birthday was on a Friday in mid-April, and I decided not to tell Henry. We weren’t connected on social media yet and didn’t have any pre-existing mutual friends, so I didn’t worry about him finding out. My plan was to go to class during the day, get dinner with my cousins, and then crash in Henry’s apartment before having an all-day park party with my grad school friends on Saturday. And then go back to Henry’s Saturday night. It felt like a pretty solid birthday weekend.

Two weeks before my birthday, Miriam called me, barely waiting for me to answer before launching into speech. “Lily, I’m so sorry, Shosh’s choir concert was just rescheduled for your birthday. Is it ok if dinner is on the short side and then we all go together?”

“Of course! I’d rather not have the evening be all about me anyway. I‘ll ask Henry to come to the concert and leave with him afterwards.”


“It’s my birthday, Miri. No judging.”

She sighed into the phone. “Fine. But use protection. You don’t want to be stuck with him for the next eighteen years.”

“I’m going bareback, and I’ll name our spawn Miriam Junior just to spite you. No matter the gender.”

We bickered about Henry and birth control and ironed out some details before hanging up. I then texted him to let him know the change in plans. Middle school choir concerts are not the best form of foreplay, but I was genuinely looking forward to seeing Henry in his professional element. And maybe finally convincing him to let me call him Mr. Yang in bed.

Suddenly, it was my birthday. I fielded calls from family and friends between classes and stopped by my apartment to drop off the baked goods I had accumulated throughout the day from my classmates, as well as to shower and change into a nice sundress and some wedge sandals. I wanted to feel fancy but not so fancy that Henry would ask about the occasion. I pulled my long, curly brown hair back into a half-up half-down and shoved a toothbrush, phone charger, and extra panties in my purse, knowing Henry would let me borrow anything else I‘d need.

At dinner, my cousins and the restaurant staff all sang “Happy Birthday” and gave me a huge slice of tiramisu. I sprayed chocolate powder all over the table as I blew out the candle, and I split the dessert with Shosh and her little brother Isaac, our spoons battling for the biggest sections of cream. Shosh jabbered excitedly the whole car ride to her school, unsubtly asking me if I thought Mr. Yang would be there. “Dunno!” I said casually, “But weren’t you setting him up with your Spanish teacher?”

She folded her arms. “Ms. Reed is a lesbian,” she said grumpily, “and they’re roommates. I saw them carpooling, so I asked if they were married.”

Of course she did. Probably during class too, knowing her signature, subtle touch. Ms. Reed, known to me as Samantha/Sam, was indeed one of Henry’s roommates and a new friend of mine. I knew I had to inform her of Shosh’s hilarious disappointment over her sexuality. “That’s a shame. They probably would’ve been a cute couple,” I said innocently, surreptitiously texting Sam and Henry on our group chat.

“Lilyyy. Why won’t you give Mr. Yang another chance?” Shoshana whined, kicking her feet as if she were eight and not thirteen, “You should talk to him tonight!”

“I told you, Shosh, he’s nice, but just not my type,” I lied.

“How can he not be your type? Are you grossed out by hot people?”

“You caught me. I’m exclusively interested in sewer trolls. The slimier the better. Know any you can set me up with?”

“Gross,” Isaac laughed.

We parked in the lot beside the school, and Shosh darted ahead of us to change into her choir robes and join her friends. The rest of us lingered to grab the bouquet of flowers we had hidden in the trunk. Once inside the auditorium, I spotted Sam and chatted with her while Miriam, Aaron, and Isaac claimed a row of seats. Henry walked up next to us and smiled at me, holding out his hand formally. “Nice to meet you again,” he said in a mock-serious voice, “Molly, was it?”

“Close enough,” I joked, shaking his hand gruffly.

How was it that lightning still shot up my arm from his touch? I had spent the last six or seven weekends in bed with him and teasing him for always crying at the ends of movies, but he still somehow nearly made me fall apart in public the second he touched me. Even platonically! Miriam waved us over, standing to call across the crowd. “Ms. Reed, Mr. Yang! Would you like to sit with us? I’d love to talk about Shoshana’s progress in Spanish.”

She might not have approved of Henry, but fuck if she wasn’t a great wingwoman anyway. What a saint. Henry and I exchanged grins as we filed into the seats, Sam subtly sliding in first to let me sit next to him. We all chatted until the lights dimmed and the first choir flooded the stage. They were terrible. Cute as hell but god awful. Henry’s hand found mine around the armrest, our fingers lacing together in the shroud of darkness. I glanced over at him. He watched the horrible choir with a pointedly casual expression on his devastatingly handsome face, only a slight smile on his lips giving anything away. I bit my lip, grateful the darkness hid the blush spreading across my cheeks. We obviously went out on dates, but usually to 21-and-over bars or hole-in-the-wall restaurants out of town so we wouldn’t run into his students. This was comparatively incredibly public.

Shosh ran up to us in the lobby as soon as the concert ended, laughing delightedly as Aaron gave her the bouquet. She accepted high fives from Henry and Sam, and they turned to go congratulate their other students. She stopped them before they could get far. “Wait! It’s Lily’s birthday today, Mr. Yang!” she called out excitedly.

My stomach dropped. FUCK. I had been so careful separating Henry from my different circles, but I hadn’t thought to prevent contact with the main blabbing risk. Henry turned around slowly, his surprise quickly smoothing into a soft smile. “Happy birthday,” he said politely, “How are you celebrating?”

“I’m just going downtown with friends tonight.”

“And you have a party tomorrow!” Shosh reminded me helpfully, “Maybe Mr. Yang would want to come!”

Little shit. “That sounds so fun, but I have plans,” Henry said kindly, his jaw tightening subtly, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but I have to say hi to my other students. Can’t be playing favorites, Shosh.”

“Yeah, but I AM your favorite, right?” she prodded.

He laughed and waved goodbye. Shit fuck damn. He was definitely upset that I hadn’t told him. Sam lingered to offer me a ride “downtown” in front of Shosh, thankfully providing me with an excuse if I was seen leaving with them. While Miri admonished Shosh for being rude, I congratulated and chatted with Shosh’s friend group, a crew of girls I frequently supervised for sleepovers, all the while the pit in my stomach kept growing. My family left soon after, Miriam giving me a tight squeeze as she hugged me goodbye. I took a deep breath and joined Sam to the side of the lobby, leaning against the wall. “Happy birthday, Lil,” she said softly, “Henry looked pissed. You didn’t tell him?”


“Why not?”

I shrugged, not really able to answer the question myself. Henry finished speaking with a couple teachers or school administrators and then joined us. “Where can we drop you off?” he asked loudly, jingling his car keys as we passed a group of Shosh’s classmates.

He led the way to his car by several feet, not once looking over his shoulder at me. Fuck. Sam rubbed my back softly. “He’ll get over it,” she whispered, “He’s probs more hurt than angry.”

That didn’t make me feel better. I nodded but couldn’t swallow the lump in my throat. The car ride was tense, and Sam made up an excuse and dashed into their apartment as soon as we parked. Henry sighed and took my hand as we walked up the steps. He opened the door for me in silence, and we placed our shoes on a mat by the door before walking into his bedroom, Henry turning on the lamp on his bedside table while I shut the door behind us. I stood by the door, not really sure what to do or say. He pulled off his tie and hung it up, his back to me as he spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday?” he asked softly.

“I don’t know,” I said honestly, “This is so new. I didn’t want to pressure you to plan something or get me a present or whatever.”

“Isn’t it my choice? I feel like such an asshole now. And I feel like a double asshole for getting upset with you on your birthday,” he said softly, turning towards me as he sank into his desk chair and started unbuttoning his shirt.

I sat down on the edge of his bed, my chest tightening as I curled in on myself. “I thought you might do something too much too soon.”

He laughed humorlessly. “So this is back to you thinking we’re moving too fast? I mean, what are we doing here? Are we just hooking up? Because you have to know by now that I want more than that. I feel so fucking stupid for thinking you did too. Finding out it was your birthday from Shosh — it just, it made me feel like you’ve been intentionally hiding shit about yourself. I thought I could handle you not wanting to talk about us because I thought we were on the same page, but this made me feel like you just see me as a casual fuck.”

I couldn’t meet his eyes. Guilt and shame flooded my veins. Henry turned away from me and changed into a t-shirt and basketball shorts in his en-suite bathroom. This was not what I hoped would happen when we got to his apartment. He sat back down in his desk chair with a sigh and leaned his elbows on his knees. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to start a fight on your birthday,” he said softly, rubbing his face with his palms, “We can table this.”

“No,” I murmured, “I’ve been avoiding it. We should talk.”

I finally met his eyes. He looked like I had just slapped him, an expression of surprise and fear and sadness on his face. “Oh,” he said softly.

“Oh my god, I’m not ending things, Henry,” I insisted, grabbing his hand.

The look of relief on his face was so sharp it took my breath away. “Oh thank god,” he breathed, his face breaking into a watery smile as he came to sit next to me on the bed.

I hugged him tightly, tears pricking at my eyes as I buried my face in his shoulder. “I’m still pissed, though,” he murmured, his face muffled by my hair.

“I know. I’m so sorry, Henry. I didn’t think of it as hiding something about myself, but it was definitely weird and secretive. We aren’t just hooking up. I’m so sorry I made you question that.”

We sat there on the bed, taking advantage of the opportunity to hold each other for a moment before continuing our fight. He pulled back first, placing firm kisses on my cheek and pausing when he felt my tears. “Hey,” he said softly, brushing his thumbs over my cheeks, “It’s ok. Why are you crying?”

I shrugged and let out a watery laugh. “I’m scared.”

“What are you scared of?”

I pulled back and swiped at my face with the backs of my hands. “I don’t do relationships. Every time I’ve tried, it ends in disaster. I’ve never had a real, serious boyfriend. The few girlfriends I’ve had don’t talk to me anymore.”

“It’s pretty normal not to talk to your exes, Lily,” he laughed softly, bringing his hands down to hold mine in his lap.

I shook my head. “Some day I’ll tell you about [Jillian](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/h02q7i/fm_fucked_my_21f_exs_22f_uncle_40s_m_at_her/), but that’s not a conversation for right now.”

“Ok,” he said slowly, “Are you still in love with her?”

“No,” I answered honestly, “It’s been years since I’ve talked to her and almost seven since we broke up. But there are still some scars, you know?”

He nodded and squeezed my hands. “I get that. Don’t feel obligated to tell me before you’re ready. And only then if you actually want me to know.”

I kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

Henry nodded and settled us fully onto the bed, my body half draped over his. “So what’s scaring you, then?” he asked softly, rubbing my back and kissing my forehead.

I shrugged, playing with the fabric of his shirt with my fingers. “Ok, Lily, you need answer this,” he laughed, tilting my face up to look at him.

“I just—“ I started, pausing for a second, “I like this.”

“I’d hope so,” he teased, “But that can’t be what’s up.”

“Isn’t it enough for me to tell you that I like what we have going so far? I don’t want to say something and mess this up.”

He sighed as he leaned his head back and stilled his hand, staring at the ceiling so he didn’t have to look at me as he asked his next question. “Ok. Are you sleeping with other people?”

“Fuck no,” I said honestly, turning his face back to me.

“Do you **want** to see other people?” he asked, his brow furrowed slightly.

“Absolutely not. Why, are you seeing other people?” I asked, my chest tightening with jealousy at the thought of him holding someone else the way he was holding me.

“No, I’m not,” he said softly, smiling at me.

I flushed, the jealousy disappearing. “Well, good,” I murmured, letting go of his face and looking anywhere but at him.

“So,” he said slowly, “Does that mean you want us to be exclusive?”

I nodded, biting my thumb and blushing madly as I smiled softly. He laughed and turned, pulling me flush against his chest. “Good,” he whispered, stroking my hair gently.

I buried my face against his neck, peppering kisses against his skin. “Can I meet your friends tomorrow?” he asked, tilting my face up to look at him.

My fingers played with the soft hair on the back of his head. “I want to keep my circles separate for a while longer. Is that ok? I’m just not ready to combine these two parts of my life.”

He looked disappointed but nodded silently. “I promise, I’m hiding them from you, not hiding you from them,” I insisted, brushing back his hair and then cupping his face with my hand, “They’re a group of psychopaths.”

“Have you told them about me?”

“Yeah, of course. They exclusively refer to you as ‘Mr. Yang’ and make a lot of ‘hot for teacher’ jokes.”

“What else did you tell them?”

I shrugged and pressed my cheek against his chest, blushing wildly. “That you’re a sex god?”

He guffawed and stroked my back. “Oh, is that what I’m good for?”

“And I told them that I really like you,” I muttered into his shirt, tears pricking at my eyes again.

“What was that?” he smiled, having clearly heard me.

“Don’t make me repeat it,” I laughed, sniffling slightly.

“I’m so sorry, I seemed to have temporarily lost my ability to speak English for a moment. Could you please say that again?”

“You know what I said, Henry,” I murmured, burying my burning face into his chest.

He laughed and held me tightly, peppering kisses across my forehead and the top of my hair. “Is there anything else that’s freaking you out? Anything I should know?”

I shrugged, pulling myself as close to him as possible. “I don’t know.”

“You’re not going to scare me off, Lily. I’m way too happy with you.”

“You’re cheesy.”

“No, I’m communicating. You should try it sometime.”

Fucking Henry and his fucking emotional intelligence. I took a deep breath and pulled back, looking him in the eyes even though it took every ounce of my self control to not burst into tears and throw something as a diversion while I ran out the door. “I like you, Henry. I really fucking like you. I like spending time with you, and I like having sex with you. I’m open to this being more of a defined thing down the line, but I don’t want to label it or introduce you to my friends or plan too far in the future just yet. But I also don’t want to date or fuck anybody else, and I don’t want you to either. Is that enough for now?”

“Yes. For now. But we will revisit this whole no labels, separate circles thing ‘down the line,’ ok? Because that’s not something I’m comfortable with long term.”

I nodded, secretly thrilled he was thinking about the longer term even though it made me incredibly anxious. “Thank you. Is there anything you want to tell me?”

His eyes flickered between each of mine as he hesitated. “No,” he said finally, “Everything I would want to say is stuff I should wait to talk about until you’re ready to hear it. But that means it’s up to you to initiate these kinds of conversations, ok?”

“Ok,” I said softly, my chest tightening in both panic and excitement as I lightly traced my fingertips across his pecs in indiscernible patterns, “Are we still fighting? Because I really need us to be ok, Henry.”

He pulled me on top of him in a straddle, his hands cupping my face as he kissed me increasingly deeply. I gave myself over to our kisses, placing my whole weight on his torso and desperately exploring his mouth with my tongue as I gathered his shirt in my fists. Relief washed over every inch of my skin, and I resolved to do my best to never make him feel uncertain about us again, even if it meant I had to share my feelings daily. I pulled back after a moment, my palms resting on his chest to hold myself up.

“Is that a no to the fighting?” I asked, laughing softly.

“It’s a no if you let me spoil you a little for your birthday.”

“Only sexually.”

“And breakfast tomorrow.”

“Fine. Chocolate chip pancakes. And fresh fruit if you have it. But that’s it.”


He sat up, holding me tightly as he nibbled at my lower lip. I grabbed his shirt in my fists, needing to be closer to him. Keeping one arm around me and placing the other on the bed, he flipped us over so that he laid on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and slid my tongue into his mouth, in complete disbelief that our first fight was over and out of the way. It could’ve been way worse, considering the screaming matches I used to get into with my exes. “You’re so beautiful,” Henry murmured, his hands trailing up and down my dress, “Did you specifically wear this for your birthday?”

I nodded, blushing. “I wanted to feel pretty,” I shrugged, laughing at myself slightly.

Henry snorted. “You’re always pretty, you idiot.”

“Even when I’m hogging the covers and drooling on your pillows?”

“Especially then. Have I not told you about my drool fetish?”

“Hmm must have missed that one.”

I pulled his face down and kissed him roughly, wrapping my legs around his waist. He rested his weight on me, his large, warm, muscular form crushing me slightly in the most wonderful way. I moaned softly into our kiss, my fingers sliding through his hair to tug harshly on the roots as I bit down on his lower lip. He groaned softly and broke the kiss, looking down at me with a smirk as he ground his cock against my pussy through our clothing. “You’re trying to make me get rough with you, huh?”

I batted my eyelashes, knowing my wide eyes, freckles, and long, flowing hair would make me look like the epitome of innocence. “I don’t know what you mean, Mr. Yang. I’m sorry for turning my homework in late. Am I going to be punished?”


“It’s my birthday,” I reminded him with devilish grin.

“My students are thirteen. Can we at least age you up a bit?”

“Yes, Professor Yang.”

“Thank you.”

Henry kissed my neck and got off of me. He walked slowly around to the bottom of the bed and then suddenly grabbed my ankles, pulling me down the mattress roughly until my knees were off the bed. He leaned over me, one of his hands sliding up my dress on the outside of my thigh, goosebumps exploding in his wake. “This is the second time this semester, Lily. I told you there would be consequences if your homework was late again.”

My panties flooded, my breathing becoming more ragged. “I’m sorry, Professor,” I whispered, spreading my legs widely.

“You were sorry the first time too. Apologies mean nothing. I’m going to have to make sure you never forget again.”

He hooked his hands around the waistband of my delicate panties and ripped them in one harsh movement, throwing the tatters angrily on the floor. “Get on your knees on the bed,” he commanded.

I did as I was told, my heart beating wildly and my pussy dripping with excitement as I got on all fours, arching my back and flipping my dress up to expose my ass. We had played around with some light domination, and I always begged him for more. He was always hesitant, desperately wanting to express his natural dominance but deeply afraid he would hurt or scare me. This was a dream come true. “How late was your homework, Lily?”

“Th-three days,” I stuttered, wanting to start off small and work our way up.

He spanked each of my cheeks once, my ass smarting and my pussy clenching with pleasure. “That was two, sir,” I whispered.

“Lily,” he laughed humorlessly, his fingers gliding against my stinging cheeks, “Do you think I don’t know how to count?”

“N-no, Professor Yang.”

“Do you think I need help figuring out how to punish you?”

“No, sir.”

He shoved two fingers into my pussy without warning, pressing hard against my g-spot. I moaned loudly, but he removed his hand just as quickly. He placed another two hard spanks against my cheeks, the slaps certainly creating ripples on my ass. I moaned again. “Please, Professor,” I whimpered, “I’m sorry.”

“Take off your dress,” he ordered, sitting down in his desk chair.

I pushed myself off my hands and pulled my dress over my head, laying it next to me on the bed. “Your bra too, unless you want me to take points off your next test.”

I unhooked my bra and slid it off my shoulders, draping it on top of my dress. “Lay back and spread your legs,” he ordered.

I sat down at the bottom of the bed, placing my feet on the mattress and spreading my legs as I leaned back. “Do you want extra credit, Lily? You have to do exactly as I say in order to pass my class.”

“Yes, Professor.”

“Touch yourself.”

I trailed a hand down my body and spread my labia for him, showing off my drenched pussy and gliding my middle finger up the center to drag my wetness to my clit. Slowly, I started circling my clit with my fingertips. “Is this how you masturbate, Lily?” he asked softly, his breathing becoming ragged.

“Yes, sir,” I whispered.

“What do you think about when you touch yourself?”

“You, Professor Yang,” I answered honestly.

“Every time?”

“Yes. Ever since the start of the semester.”

Henry slipped his hand under his shorts to jerk his cock, showing me the swollen tip over the waistband. “What specifically do you think about?”

“I think about your lips and your tongue on my clit. I think about your hands touching me until I cum against your fingers. I think about your cock stretching my pussy as you use me for your pleasure.”

“How often do you touch yourself?”

“At least once a day, Professor. Unless I know I’ll be seeing you.”

“How many times do you make yourself cum each time?”

“Usually twice. More if I use my vibrator, sir.”

“Tell me about your vibrator.”

“Um, it’s small and pink and shaped like a thick ‘U.’ It vibrates against the sides of my clit.”

“It doesn’t go into your pussy?”

“No, sir.”

“Have you thought about having my cock inside you while you use your vibrator?”

“Yes, Professor,” I breathed, increasing the pressure on my clit.

“Insert your fingers in your cunt.”

I stopped my circling and slid my fingers down to my entrance, pushing inside and pulsing them, the sounds of my wet pussy reaching my ears and making me blush. “How wet are you, Lily?”

“Dripping, Professor.”

“Show me.”

I removed my fingers and held them up for him as I spread my vulva with my other hand, my panting breaths making my torso rise and fall rapidly. He stood up, pulling his shirt over his head and dropping his shorts and boxer briefs to reveal the rest of his erection. Slowly, he walked over to me and grabbed my wrist. He brought my fingers to his face and sucked them into his mouth, locking eyes with me. Still holding my wrist, he guided my fingers back to my desperate pussy, sliding them inside me. He forced me to finger myself, watching my face as he moved my hand. “Does this feel good?”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered, my eyes fluttering closed.

“Taste yourself.”

He pulled me upright and then let go of my hand. I placed my feet on the ground and sucked on my fingers, closing my eyes and suctioning my cheeks against them. “Describe your taste,” he commanded.

“I — I taste sweet, sir. And a little salty.”

“If you want to pass my class, you’ll make yourself cum in the next two minutes.”

He placed a hand on the back of my head and shoved his cock in my mouth and pumped a few times before retreating, tugging his now lubricated erection while he watched. Winded and even more turned on from his unexpected forcefulness, I rubbed my clit roughly as my eyes closed instinctually. “Look at me,” he demanded, his hand tightening around his swollen cock.

I held his gaze, my cheeks flushing and my breathing getting heavier as I played with myself for him. “I don’t think I can cum that quickly by myself, Professor,” I admitted.

“I don’t usually allow students to ask for help, Lily. But you’ve been good so far, and you‘ve earned a reward. Do you need me to help you cum?”

“Yes, sir. Please.”

“Lay back.”

I leaned back against the bed as he knelt and pulled my legs over his shoulders. Flicking my clit rapidly with his tongue, he sank two fingers in my cunt and his pinky finger into my ass. His other hand reached up to tease and pull roughly on my nipples. I moaned loudly, one of my hands tangling in his hair. “Oh! Oh, Professor, please don’t stop!”

Henry buried his nose into my mound and shook his face back and forth quickly, his tongue vibrating against my clit as he pounded my pussy and my ass with his fingers. He sucked my clit into his mouth and rolled his tongue against it over and over again, sending me careening towards an orgasm while his fingers maintained their punishing rhythm. Within a minute, I came apart, my thighs clenching around his ears. I called out loudly, completely forgetting his roommates were probably in the apartment. He slowed and gently removed his fingers, placing a final kiss on my clit as my pussy finished pulsing. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and kissed up my body until he reached my face. “You definitely earned an A,” he panted, sucking gently on my chest and neck as his erection rested against my skin.

“I’d really love an A+, Professor Yang,” I murmured, grabbing his face and kissing him roughly as I tugged his cock with my other hand.

He bit down hard on my lower lip and then pulled back. “Get a condom.”

He laid down on the bed against the pillows, his arms resting behind his head. I took his cock in my mouth and began bobbing my head, but Henry grabbed me by the hair and pulled my face up. “Did I tell you to suck my cock? No. I told you to get a condom. Don’t make me spank you again.”

Panting, I grabbed a condom from the bedside table and ripped the wrapper open with my teeth, pinching the tip and rolling the condom down his erection. Straddling him, I angled his cock and sank down on it slowly. We both moaned as he stretched the walls of my cunt. Placing my hands on Henry’s chest for balance, I began bouncing on his cock, first on my knees and then placing my feet on the bed so I could spread my legs and show him my wet, swollen pussy. He stared at the meeting of our bodies as I impaled myself on him, his cock disappearing all the way into my pussy as I rode him. My pussy lips kissed his pelvis with every bounce, stimulating my clit each time, but my hips started to hurt, and I couldn’t increase my speed. I whimpered softly in frustration, needing more. He grabbed my waist and held me in place, placing his feet flat on the bed so he could thrust up roughly. I moaned loudly and held onto my tits, his thrusts jostling my entire body with their force. He watched, his mouth open slightly as I pinched my own nipples. “Take out your hair tie,” he commanded.

I released my tits to take down my half ponytail, fluffing my hair slightly and leaning over to kiss him while I placed my knees back on the bed. Our tongues battled, one of his hands releasing my hip to pull my hair roughly and elongate my neck. He scraped his teeth against the sensitive skin on my throat as he continued his relentless, punishingly harsh thrusts, pounding me roughly from below. “Please, Professor,” I moaned, still needing more.

“Please what?”

“May I touch myself?”

“Not yet.”

Henry stopped fucking me and pulled my face down to kiss me again, his arms looping around my torso. He adjusted my legs and rotated us until he was on top. I wrapped my legs around his waist, moaning as he pumped into me incredibly slowly compared to the rough fucking of the minute prior. He grabbed my legs and pulled both my ankles to rest on his shoulders, my moaning getting louder as he thrusted deeper inside of me, the new angle allowing him to stroke my g-spot with every long movement. “Now you can touch yourself,” he murmured, his voice strained with pleasure.

I rubbed my clit aggressively, so turned on that I could handle more considerably pressure than usual. He planted his knees solidly on the bed and held my waist tightly, gradually increasing his speed until our bodies slapped together at a tempo I had never experienced. My mouth opened, my brow furrowing and no sound coming out of my throat as I became so overwhelmed and overstimulated that I could only scrub at my clit and grab a handful of sheets in my other fist. My orgasm built and built and built, rising from a place so far down inside me that I wasn’t sure if it would ever be able to break. My face contorted with pleasure and frustration, a loud, whimpering moan spilling from my lips. Henry wrapped his arms underneath me and held me for leverage, groaning loudly. He turned his face and kissed from my ankle up to the top of my foot. “Cum for me,” he begged, “Please, Lily. I need you to cum, baby.”

I slapped my clit rapidly and finally pushed myself over the edge. An inhuman groan bubbled up from deep within my chest, bursting out of my lips as I tensed and shook against the bed. My pussy pulsed violently against his cock, my whole body exploding with pleasure as wave after wave crashed over me. I closed my eyes and vaguely registered the fact that my groan had turned into an open-mouthed shriek. The intensity of my orgasm scared me, a confused sob interrupting my screams. Henry pounded me triumphantly through my peak, not granting me even a moment of reprieve. His hand replaced mine to slap my clit softly but rapidly with his fingertips, prolonging my orgasm and not letting me tap out despite the tears leaking from the corners of my closed eyes. At long last, he groaned and stilled, his cock pulsing inside me as he moved his hands to hold my thighs tightly. He held me there for a moment, my body still spasming with occasional aftershocks as I finally opened my eyes. We locked eyes as we both panted, our faces flushed.

Henry slowly released me and gently lowered my legs to the bed, pulling his cock out of my exhausted, swollen pussy. He removed the condom and tossed it in the trash. Laying on his side, he grabbed me and held me tightly. He kissed all over my face, brushing my hair back and murmuring sweet nothings. “Are you ok, Lily? You did so well, sweetheart, you’re incredible. Did I scare you, baby?”

I held him back just as tightly, burying my face in his neck and too overwhelmed to speak as he rocked us gently, one of his hands rubbing my back. Eventually I calmed down enough to kiss up his neck and jaw, searching for his lips. He kissed me deeply, nibbling softly on my lower lip as he continued holding me. I broke the kiss. “That was amazing,” I whispered, my heart still pounding, “You didn’t scare me, I promise. I was only freaked out because I came so fucking hard.”

“It looked and sounded really intense,” he laughed, “Was that because of the domination or the emotionally-charged make-up sex?”

“Both?” I smiled, cupping his face and kissing him again softly.

After a moment, he pulled back to look me in the eye. “I’ll buy you new panties,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry for not asking first if I could rip them.”

I laughed loudly. “I brought an extra pair for tomorrow anyway, so no harm no foul. It was really fucking hot. I don’t need to have any left if it means you’ll do that again and again.”

He laughed and kissed me again deeply. I sighed contentedly against his lips, never wanting him to let me go. All too soon, he released me. “You’ll kill me if you get a UTI on your birthday,” he said softly, smacking my ass gently.

Placing another chaste kiss to his lips, I got up, grabbed my purse, and walked into his bathroom. I took my time: cleaning up, brushing my teeth, washing my face, slipping on my replacement panties, and pulling my hair into a high ponytail. I paused for a moment and then placed my toothbrush next to his in the holder. Baby steps. Henry was still naked on the bed when I returned, looking up from his phone and smiling at me. I huffed like a bull and shook my face, swiping my foot against the floor. He laughed and put down his phone, opening his arms for me. I gave myself a brief running start and then leapt onto the bed, covering him with my half-naked body and kissing all over his beautiful face. We wrestled gently. I obviously lost.

Henry captured both of my wrists with one of his large hands, barely panting as he looked down at me. “You’re so weak,” he laughed, “I could do anything I wanted to you.”

I rubbed my covered pussy against his thigh. “Do it, then,” I challenged.

“Another time,” he promised, releasing me, “I can’t go again tonight. Domming takes a lot out of me emotionally and physically.”

“I can suck you off. You could just lay down.”

“No, thank you, I’m genuinely too tired,” he said softly, kissing my neck, “And you’re not giving a blow job on your birthday.”

“Then, as the birthday girl, I require you to cuddle me.”

“That I can do.”

He spooned me tightly, kissing my cheek. I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers. “Are we ok?” I asked softly after a moment.

“Yes,” he replied without hesitation, “We are definitely ok. Great, even.”

I sighed happily and leaned into him more. He made me feel so safe, so warm. “Besides the fight and the awful singing, have you had an ok birthday?” he asked softly.

I nodded, lacing my fingers over his. “Even though I didn’t want to tell you it was my birthday, I still really only wanted to spend it with you. Is that weird?”

“Pretty much everything about you is weird, Lily. This doesn’t even make the top ten.”

I laughed and rotated to cuddle him face-to-face. “Can we watch a movie? Something happy so you won’t cry? We’ve had enough tears today.”

“Bold of you to assume I won’t still find something to cry about. But yeah of course. Pick one out. I’m gonna get ready for bed. Do you want a t-shirt?”

I nodded, and he got up to grab me one from his dresser. “Can I have one that smells like you?” I asked softly.

He smiled and passed me his laptop and the t-shirt he had been wearing earlier, kissing me on the forehead before walking over to the bathroom. I picked out something light on Netflix and then checked my phone. I had several more birthday texts, including a series from Sam.

>*Sounds like you made up* ?
*Professor? Yall are nasty*
*If you arent faking it you need to marry him*
*But one or both of you MUST soundproof this fucking apartment*

I laughed and sent her an insincere apology before scrolling through my other messages. The number of texts from Shosh alarmed me, so I checked those next.

>*lily omg*
*i JUST realized*
*u like women sometimes rite??*
*ms reed is a LESBIAN*
*u guys would be so cute togeth!!!*
*dont respond. im making this happen*
*u need to come inside for monday pickup*
*but otherwise ill take care of everything*

Oh Shosh. I screenshot the messages and sent the picture to the group chat along with a couple texts.

*You’ve got competition, Henry*

*How can we turn monetize this into the plot of a sitcom?*

*Also do we mess with Shosh y/n?*

His phone chimed repeatedly on the bed, and I grabbed it to silence it. I didn’t mean to snoop, but my eyes instinctively skimmed a series of texts from Sam on his lock screen that included my name before I could stop myself.

>*Yassss exclusivity ftw so happy for you*
*Love Lily x100*
*Obvi not as much as you love her*
*But still*

My stomach tightened. There was a hint of genuine panic, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I couldn’t tell if she was just teasing or if there was truth behind her use of the L word. I climbed under the covers. Henry returned from the bathroom before I had too much time to freak out, and I pointed to his phone. “You got a ton of texts,” I told him, “Some from me, to be fair.”

He threw on a t-shirt and his boxer briefs while scrolling through the first few messages and then tossed his phone on the bed, kissing me deeply with a hint of minty toothpaste. He then kissed along my jaw as he climbed under the covers to spoon me again. “So you’re leaving a toothbrush here, huh?” he teased between kisses.

I blushed. “Is that ok?”

“Lily, I’d give you half my closet space if you asked.”

“Can we start with one drawer?”

He smiled against my neck. “Of course.”

Henry adjusted the laptop beside us, turned off the lamp, and wrapped one arm around me, propping himself up with the other one. “Hit it, birthday girl. I’m fucking drained, so don’t get mad if I fall sleep. And remember, you agreed to let me make you pancakes, so you’re not allowed to call me cheesy when I bring you breakfast in bed.”

I giggled and settled in against him, my heart full enough to burst. “Yes, Professor.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hktxll/fm_my_25f_first_fight_and_role_play_makeup_sex


  1. I’m not sure who I like more- Professor Yang, or sweet angel aftercare Henry! I’m so happy you found someone who truly understands you, I can’t wait to have my own Henry someday. Absolutely wonderful story yet again!

  2. Is there any particular reason as to why you chose Lily as your alias?

  3. I know it doesn’t fit with the theme of this sub, but you’re going to have to somehow work your cousin’s reaction to when she learns about you and Henry into a future story.

  4. Now listen, I did not come here to cum and cry.

    Yes, yes, I did, actually.

    Your writing is amazing and you guys are goals!

  5. Been a fan from the start, but this is the best one yet! Is it weird that I read your stories for the drama just as much as the sex? You’re fantastic at both

  6. I hope Lily never learns to do her homework. Great story as always.

  7. So ummmm… I think I have a thing for professor and student now. I’m 100% gonna try this with my girlfriend. Very good work as usual.

    Btw I really wanna hear about Shosh’s reaction to finding out that you and Mr. Yang were together.

  8. This was an amazing story! I love how honest you are about your insecurities at the time, it makes the story much more genuine and real. It also makes the sex so much hotter! I love how emotionally honest your relationship is. You’re my favorite writer in these subs.

  9. Just chiming in. Loved this one too. Hard to beat the reveal from the classroom story but the drama was right there too. Loved Henry’s reaction when you told him you weren’t ending things. You described it beautifully. The toothbrush thing was super cute too and the fact that he noticed it. I went through the same things with my girlfriend. She is slowly commandeering more of my shirts while we do a long-distance thing for COVID. Another well-written emotional and sexual rollercoaster. Looking forward to the next one. Happy 4th!

  10. I am honest to god dead at “my students are thirteen. Can we at least age you up a bit?” Oh my god!

    Every time I read the story between you and Henry, I cannot stop myself from going gaga like a lonely middle aged woman getting high from seeing others’ cute stories!

    So adorable and beautiful to see you two together! ❤️

  11. Tense drama, hot sex, and for the kicker, Shosh making me laugh out loud :-)

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