The Nurses, Chapter 11 [NSFW]

It had been an exhausting week working at the hospital and every night when we got off of work, Adam and I used the remaining energy we had to shower (usually together), eat, and curl up in a naked clump on the bed and pass out. We were too tired to be horny but in the morning, when we woke up to do it all over again, we had enough energy and time to fit in some hot morning sex.

The first morning I woke to his erection pressed against my ass and hips and it instantly made me wet. I turned around and pulled the covers over my head and started kissing on his head, which easily sprang free from his pajamas once I gave the waistband a simple tug. By the time he woke up I was already working on his shaft, dragging my tongue up and down his substantial length. I felt him move a bit underneath me so I knew he was getting comfortable. This morning felt like an intimate blow job rather than a slutty porn star so I sucked him slowly and gently, taking in every last molecule of his cock as if it were the elixir of life.

He moaned, I rolled my tongue around him, he moaned more loudly, and I sucked him with more intensity. We repeated this insanely sexy cycle until he found me under the covers and pulled me up to meet his face. He kissed me, despite the fact that I just had him deep in my mouth, and pulled me down on him. I loved fucking him when I was on top because I got to see his chest rippling and he always squeezed my tits, which turned me on big time.

We found our rhythm; he pushed his hips up into me as I pushed myself down on his cock, then I lifted up and he pulled away and we continued this way until we orgasmed. We looked into each others eyes when we came, sometimes he’d reach up and hold my throat or sometimes I’d reach down and grab his balls tightly–no matter what we tried, we always liked it and came so hard into one another.

This morning, however, we woke up far too late for any funny business. Priority one was just getting to work before we were really late, because then we knew we’d hear about us dating, coming in late together. It wasn’t us being a couple that was making us late–it was us being stressed out and overworked during a pandemic. But we all know HR is there to protect the company against its employees and they wouldn’t see it that way.

We rushed, pulling on whatever clothes we found scattered on the floor around us. Somehow, we made it and once we were at the hospital we realized we were both wearing the clothes we wore to the hospital yesterday, and we looked like crap. I managed to braid my hair and put on some chapstick I’d left in my locker. Adam smoothed his hair down and once we were in scrubs, we just looked like worn out nurses.

“I guess the alarm didn’t go off,” he said to me as we sorted supplies together in the closet off the ICU. I shrugged.

“I’m more bummed that we missed out on any morning fun,” I said, winking at him. He smiled at me then moved to where I was, kneeling next to him, his leg rubbing against mine.

“Well, there’s always tomorrow morning,” he said, knowing that even offering up an evening pleasure session was completely not going to happen since the evenings had been too exhausting for us.

“I actually need to go back to my place tonight,” I said, disappointed that it was true. “It’s been a few days and I need to water my poor plants and do some laundry. I think I wore the same jeans all week,” smiling, I squeezed his thigh. “Can you make it a night without me?”

His face went into a cartoon-like frown. “I don’t want to make it a night without you.” Swoon.

We were working together again today, as we did most days. When I tell you that we really never got tired of one another, it’s the truth. We were like magnets for one another–wherever I was, I found Adam a few paces behind me and vice versa. We were a good team of nurses, no doubt, but we were also instinctively drawn to one another.

On our lunch break, Adam ordered food for us at a deli down the street and said he’d pick it up. I went to our favorite spot at the edge of the parking lot and laid out a blanket for us to have a picnic on–something we’d grown to love doing. When Adam arrived, he was carrying a bag of food on his right arm and his left hand was closed tightly, as if something was in his palm.

His hair was long enough to stay smoothed back for a bit and I could see he just smoothed it. His scrubs had sweat spots on the armpits–a sign my man worked hard and it was sexy! His handsome face was coated in a thin layer of stubble–too many long days at work had prevented him from his usual grooming habits. But I liked the stubble. Hell, I found him to be insanely gorgeous no matter what he did.

“Got something for ya,” he said, shaking his closed fist at me, palm up.

He sat down next to me and put the bag of sandwiches between us. I held his hand in both of mine and slowly began prying his fingers up to open his hand and expose his secret. He pretended to fight me each finger, slowly tightening and then eventually loosening his grip. I leaned in and kissed him, his lips tasted like salt and I loved it. I looked down and saw a silver key in the palm of his hand.

“It’s a key to my house.” I stared at him, my heart racing wildly in my chest. This was a big move and having a key to his house on my key ring–having a key to my hot boyfriends house–it made me wet.

“I don’t want you feelin’ like you can’t go to your place if you want to. But I want you to know you can come and go at my place as much as you want, too. Even if I’m not there.” I was pretty sure at this point he could hear how fast my heart was beating. I kissed him passionately, letting my tongue overpower his.

“Okay, so this is a good thing?” he laughed as I snatched the key from his palm.

“Adam, this is really nice,” and then I had to stop myself from saying anything else like ‘I love you’ or ‘I like really seriously love you’. Because we all know when the moment gets pivotal I am not good with words. And I also wasn’t ready to admit to myself or to Adam that I was actually very much in love.

We ate lunch together on the blanket in the sun, the vitamin D soaking into our skin and souls, replenishing one of our basic human needs that we didn’t even realize we were hungry for. I pulled out my phone and sent Adam a Venmo for lunch, something we took turns doing. We kissed a little but had to stop because he was getting hard and his huge cock was impossible to hide when it was erect.

We went back to work but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t extremely horny now. A key was moving us forward in the relationship and it came from Adam, which meant he liked me and us enough to move us forward. On my break, I told Adam I needed to reapply deodorant, check the schedule for Leah and do a few other things. He nodded and headed to the cafeteria for coffee. I slipped into a private bathroom and locked the door.

I couldn’t help myself. A stronger woman would’ve just been horny all day, touchless edging through the entire work day until sweet release at home. But I was weak and all I could keep seeing is me opening Adam’s front door with a key.

I reached down into my panties and parted myself, feeling my own warm and juices immediately. Ahh, I wish it was Adam’s hand instead of mine but I started strumming. I moved my fingers against my clit quickly, as I knew time was limited and I had already been building to this moment all morning.

I could hear my wetness as I rubbed, I felt my nipples grow hard, and, imagining Adam pressed against me, I began to cum into my panties, just moments after I had begun masturbating. My body spasmed wildly as I came, releasing a rush of relief that I desperately needed so that I could get back to the day.

I washed my hands and came out of the bathroom. I met Adam in the hall where he handed me a coffee.

“You’re glowing,” he said, noticing my post-coital complexion.

“It’s the key,” I said, smiling.
