Her First Year Of College, Ch. 3

“Well, we went back to his place,” Cat started.

“I guessed that myself,” Melissa laughed.

“I mean what do you want to know?” Cat giggled nervously. Melissa smiled.

“Whatever you want to tell me.”

Cat smiled and put her hands between her legs. Looking down at the floor, she squeezed her legs together, trying to decide where to start. She suddenly felt very self-conscious. Did she really want to talk about it? Parts of it had gone by so fast she was sure she couldn’t describe them anyway.

“So you went back to his place, and then,” Melissa prompted.

Cat giggled again.

“Then he pulled out his latex and ball gags and tied you up?”

Cat burst out laughing.

“Oh yeah exactly, you know me, BDSM girl over here.”

She nodded a few more times, and then looked over at Melissa an blushed.

“Mel, it was great,” she smiled.

“I’m sure it was,” Melissa smiled back. “Did you feel comfortable?”

Cat just nodded and blushed.

“And he was gentle and everything?”

Cat nodded again.

“Yeah we started out with some dancing downtown, so I got really comfortable with contact and everything before we went back to his place.”

“Oh that’s so fun!” Melissa beamed.

“Did you know he salsas?”

Melissa just grinned back. Cat blushed again. She knew what Melissa was thinking.

“He said I moved my hips well,” Cat giggled. “And he started doing this thing where we would only spin me halfway around so my butt was up against his crotch.” Cat paused to read Melissa’s face—even Melissa was blushing now. “And at first I didn’t like it, and I kinda tried to move his hands off my waist, but I guess over time I just kinda relaxed and then it was fun.” Melissa was nodding now. “So yeah, he kept kinda grinding up against me, and–”

“That always gets me so wet,” Melissa cut in.

Cat giggled and half-nodded, and then caught herself. She and Melissa caught each other’s eyes—both cracked up laughing.

“Yeah okay so I think he was probably getting me wet already, but I wasn’t really thinking about that, I was more thinking about like, ‘am I going to let him put his hands on my boobs if he tries to.’”

“Yes you will, obviously.”

Cat giggled again, and continued. “So yeah his hands were moving forward, into my tummy, sort of massaging me, brushing against the bottom of my boobs, and I started realizing like, ‘oh he really actually wants it tonight.’ And so–”

“Wants what?”

Cat giggled, “you know.”

“I want you to say it,” Melissa giggled.


Both of them cracked up laughing again.

“You’re a sexy girl, Cat,” Melissa beamed, “you should own it. Of course he wanted to fuck you.”

Cat blushed and smiled. She shrugged. “So anyway,” she paused and swallowed, “I was starting to get worried was going to start like, seriously groping me in front of anywhere, and I started holding onto his hands with mine, but I guess he took that differently, cause he just sort of pulled me up against him all tight, and started really dancing with me, I mean like, really dancing, like digging his hips into me to lead, and–”

Melissa was covering her mouth with both hands again, like she had at brunch.


“No just go on,” Melissa said. “I just think, well, Cat he really wanted you,” Melissa giggled. “I’m so happy for you.”

Cat blushed again.

“Well yeah, so, after a few minutes he kinda whispers in my ear, or I guess he probably was shouting cause it was so loud, but it kinda felt intimate like he was whispering, but anyway he starts asking if I want to go home with him,” Cat paused to swallow again. Her heart was beating into her throat. “So I just kinda nodded, and then, well, I don’t know there’s just something smooth about how he moves, so we’re just kinda out of the club and in his car all of a sudden, but it never really felt like we stopped dancing.”

Melissa was completely enthralled now.

“He had his hand on my thigh the whole ride, and even through my jeans it felt like his hand was burning into me. I couldn’t stop squirming the whole way–”

Melissa shivered at that.

“–and by the time we got to his place I was, you know, like, erm, well like you said, ready to go, and so,” Cat paused again. “And we kinda stumbled into the room, and he turned on this lamp in the corner, and then just kinda pushed me over to the bed, and I was trying to take my blouse off but my hands were shaking too bad to do the buttons, so he just took my shirt off for me, and kinda hugged me, and sorta like, I don’t even know how to describe it, I just kinda had this like jelly feeling, and I blurted out something about wanting his dick–”

“Oh god, I’m sorry,” Melissa cut in, “I was mostly teasing when I told you to do that.”

Blushing, Cat continued, “and I don’t really remember what happened next, except suddenly I realized that I was like, ready to give it up for him, and then I froze.”

“Oh, hun,” Melissa said.

“No it was okay, he sat down next to me on the bed and kinda calmed me down, and told me we didn’t have to do anything, and I leaned against him, and started to feel all snuggly, and then suddenly he…”

Cat trailed off.

“He what?” Melissa prompted. Cat continued, but it felt as if she were back in the room with Jack:

“You’re so unbelievably beautiful,” Jack said. Cat blushed, and reached up, touching his face.

“You’re really handsome.”

Laughing, Jack started to play with her boobs through her blouse, which had now fallen open. Arching her back, Cat could feel her breathing getting heavier. Not wanting to seem overwhelmed, she smiled up at him, trying to control her breathing. His hand that had been at her chest started working its way down, resting on her stomach, and massaging her.

Jack’s other arm was wrapped around Cat’s shoulders now, cradling her next to him on the bed. He was kissing all over her cheeks and neck, behind her ears, softly, then firmer, dry kisses, pecks, kisses with just a touch of tongue, making a trail from her right check, behind her jaw, down to her neck, across, to the front of her left shoulder.

She shivered, butterflies rising up in her stomach, and warmth spreading from between her legs. She had never expected the feeling to be this powerful, or this complete.

Jack continued to work her over, pulling at her sides, massaging her thighs, leaving a trail of wet spots from her shoulder to her chest, circling one of her nipples with his tongue before nibbling at the other. She gasped, grabbing the back of his neck with one hand.

He looked up at her face and grinned.

“I think she likes it,” he said, smirking.

Cat just nodded, too breathless to speak.

Jack’s hand was unbuttoning her jeans now, and she started to buck her hips against his forearm. Grinning and giggling, she kissed his cheek. She badly wanted to feel his lips against hers, but she remembered what Melissa had said. Jack had “a way with girls.” It wasn’t a good idea to catch feelings.

Her pants were off now, and she looked down. He was kneeling between her legs, kissing her stomach. His hands massaged her thighs, and she could feel that some of her wetness had dripped onto her thigh.

“It felt so weird, Mel,” Cat stopped.

“What did?”

“Being that wet, I guess. It just felt like, I don’t know, it felt like–”

“Like your body had taken over for you?” Melissa finished her sentence.

Cat nodded.

Melissa grinned, “it’s fun though isn’t it?”

Cat blushed and nodded again.

When Jack pulled Cat’s panties off, she let her legs fall open. Grinning, he straightened up and pulled his shirt off. Cat’s mouth dropped open. It was like out of a movie. It almost seemed silly to react that way, but she just couldn’t help it. In the moment, filling in the last detail of a teenage fantasy, she lay there, staring.

Jack laughed and smiled.

“Eyes are up here,” he said.

Cat blushed.

Laughing again, Jack laid down between Cat’s legs, pushing her legs further apart. He started kissing her inner thighs. Small kisses, working their way towards her lips, and stopping just at the edge. Cat gasped. Jack kissed up to the bottom of her tummy, up by her belly button, then back to her thighs, and then—

“It’s kinda a blur after that for a few minutes.”

Melissa laughed. “That happens.”

Cat giggled. “It was like, he kissed my clit, and it just hit me like, I don’t know, and I was just so overwhelmed, it’s kinda like this kaleidoscope feeling almost. I’m all writhing around, trying to breathe, trying not to buck around too much, and he’s pulling my hips into his face, and just like this wall of stimulation and warmth, and sort of all white, ya know, and then I don’t even remember realizing I was close, but he must have, cause he started just going really consistent, straight up and down and then–” Cat trailed off again.

“And then you came.”

Cat nodded her head. She was getting squirmy just talking about it.

When Cat came, her whole stomach tensed up. For a second she didn’t realize what was happening. She had never had an orgasm before, after all. It was like this tight ball of tension had formed, and just when she couldn’t hold it anymore, it burst, and spread out from her pussy into her stomach and thighs. Her legs shook, and she felt like she was going to cry.

Jack was on top of her now, stroking her cheek.

“Shhhh,” he was saying, “it’s okay, babe.” He was kissing her cheek.

She looked up at him, flushed, and smiled. He smiled back, and then his lips sank into hers.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hkdfuk/her_first_year_of_college_ch_3


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