[mf][FF] Wife and I Make friends at a Rezz show (Rave/MDMA)

Some people go for the music, some go for the community, and some go for the drugs. My wife and I have been raving for years and we sit firmly between numbers 2 and 3. If you’ve never seen a light show, this may help.


To paint the picture, My wife was 32 yo, 5’3, 117lb with light skin, 34DD after market accessories. With her light skin and colorful half sleeves, she looks like she belongs in a Suicide Girls shoot even after 3 kids. Dig down in history for an idea. I am 33, 6’0 and 190lbs. white, generally fit former Marine with a lot of ink.

This story takes place at one of my favorite shows to date. Rezz and Ghastly on one stage. On this particular night, I wasn’t feeling 100%. It had been a long week at work when we finally dropped the kids off for a sleepover at their grandparents house. I had bought the tickets a month ago knowing our 3 month break was almost over ( please for the love of God, Roll Safe guys). We got to the hotel and I unpacked our bag as she got in the shower.  The nerves were getting to me this time. Anxiety maybe? My pulse was already elevating. My breath hitched every so often. My body knew what was coming. 

 Knowing we had an amazing night ahead of us, I layed out my clothes and went to join her in the shower to get out of my own head. The floor to ceiling tiled bathroom was fogged over as I pulled the curtain to the side just enough to step in and close it behind me. She was almost finished so I stood with my back against the wall watching her head lean side to side as the water ran down her neck between her breasts and down here long tight torso. 

She had already removed any evidence of hair from her body. Every place I touched was warm and smooth and just our skin contact was electric. We held each other for a few minutes silently, knowing that we had been waiting months for this. The feeling when everything else in the world fades away, When the mucic takes over your emotions, and when every person you touch on the crowded dance floor  is feeling the same way you are. The tension inside me faded away as I shut off the water. 

9:30 rolls around and it’s go time. I give my wife a 10 minute warning as I call the Uber. She walks out of the bathroom and my jaw about comes unhinged.  Her outfit for the night consisted of a grey and red pleated skirt that is quite short but not obscene, a fishnet shirt that left nothing to the imagination allowing her nipples to poke through,a red banana tied bandit style around her neck and fresh white Chuck Taylor’s. I had gone more utilitarian. A pair of black jeans, grey V neck shirt that hugs my chest and arms and a black hat with matching bandana. We looked good and we felt good.   Wallet, phone, led gloves, baggie o fun… check. 

We get into the car and I fish the bag from my pocket. Grab one pill, break it in half and catch her eyes. A faint flash of panic quickly replaced as I put the half G6 minion on her tongue. We both kiss and know there’s no turning back. My hands are fidgety and keep wandering during the ride. The Uber driver was appreciating her outfit as I was exploring it absent mindedly.  Her lotioned legs felt so smooth. My fingers keep moving forward to be stopped by her panties. She takes a deep breath as my hand leaves her warm thighs and traces up her side around her breast. I give her hard nipple a quick pinch and she smacks my hand away. We both smile as we arive.

The venue was already packed for being just past 10.  We grab a drink from the bar as we feel the MDMA start to seep into our conciseness.  I’m hot now and need to move. Her pupils are already blowing up and she’s sucking on her lower lip.  We grab another drink and head in to the main room to come up. 

The music is incredible. Lights and lazers are perfectly choreographed to the hard EDM drops and beautiful melodic choruses. We hold each other and sway, in constant contact with each other as well as everyone around us. The feeling is indescribable. Between rolls, I allow my eyes to look around the room and take notice of the people for the first time.  This wasnt the typical PLUR Kandi crowd. It was a bunch of people like us. Rolling fucking tits to a great show with great people. 

There are quite a few Glover’s already working the crowd. She is standing directly in front of me as I get sucked into a light show as Ghastly starts up a long but heavy build up.  The micro strobing LED’s have me in a trance when my wife pulls my hand up to her mouth and puts two of my fingers in her mouth and starts to suck. His flow is good, not great but his enthusiasms and charisma while performing for us made up for it. Her jaw is wanting to move hard now, her tongue moving effortlessly over and between my fingers. The feeling is almost too much. My hands are free and begin groping her body. The Glover’s eyes are rolling back in his head so I can only imagine what we look like to him.  She grinds her ass back into me responding to the feeling of my touch. She is panting as my tongue and teeth find her neck and I bite, neither taking our eyes off of the show in front of us.  I roll her nipples between my fingers causing her knees to shake.  This is why we are here. We feel so amazing and connected to each other.  We continued like this for a few minutes.The song ends and our friend drops his bandana to reveal a handsome guy, no more than 22-23yo.

I thank him with a huge hug and our foreheads rest against each other for a moment. It’s the kind of beautiful moment you can only feel with a stranger when rolling together. After we hug my wife lunges into his arms wrapping her small body into his hug. She leans up and asks if she can give him a kiss. He smiles sweetly and says absolutely. He leans down as she raises up on her tippy toes and their lips connect.  It was a sweet and beautiful kiss. A small thank you. I give him another hug and grab my gloves from my back pocket. I ask if you would be willing to trade shows with me later and his eyes lit up.  “I’ve actually never gotten a light show while rolling” “I don’t have a rave family so I just practice at home”.  I pull out my phone and he puts his number in a new text window. I told him we’re about to redose so I’ll let him know when to meet us up on the balcony. I offer him a half pill booster which he happily accepts. 

My wife thinks she has to use the restroom so we head that way promising to text our new friend in a little bit.  I wait outside far longer than needed until she returns. Her eyes are full wiggle mode and I can tell she’s feeling amazing. I still can’t believe how lucky I am to be married to such a sexy woman. It seems like every other beautiful woman that passed us had to stop and tell her. Most of them would ask to touch her fishnet shirt or her amazing tits. Sometimes two at a time. Their warm sweaty hands caressing her body had her every nerve ending at attention.  The simulation at points was too much and she would lean hard against me for support. 

Rezz comes on and the venue packs back into the main room. As people start moving, she stays back for a moment. Quickly she leans down, pulls her underwear down her legs over her shoes and puts them in my hand. They are Soaked  no wonder she wanted them off. She gives me a sly smile, takes my and and starts leading the way through the sea of packed bodies. Walking through a crowd while rolling balls is an incredible experience. The sensory overload of bodies pressing up against me, gyrating to the music, hands touching my shoulder and back as we excuse us through the crowd is enough to have me fully peaking again when she finds a spot for us. Maybe 30 feet from the stage posted up next to a group of 4 women barely dressed but  to the nines and two men already shirtless dancing together in what looks like a standing orgy.  

This group is fucking sexy is all I can say. Their hand are wandering as they dance and grind. With one look at their eyes, we all confirm each other are rolling. 1am hits and more people are packing into the room. Pressure from behind moves my wife and I directly into the group next to us as we all start dancing and vibing together. I feel the booster coming on and close my eyes for a huge breath. A cool stream of air then a warm kiss on my neck rockets my high to the next level. I feel myself falling and instinctively reach out my arm and catch myself on the beautiful woman next to me. She smiles and laces her fingers through mine and squeezes twice  “you’re ok, I’ve got you hun” was all that was said before her eyes closed, clearly feeling the mucic.  I take another breath as my wife’s hand reaches under my shirt and lightly runs her nails up and down my stomach and chest. She keeps lifting my shirt until I feel her teeth on my nipple. Gently biting the barbells which she knows drives me wild. 

As she’s blowing me up, two of the women in the group who until this point had been kissing each other for about 20 minutes straight turn their attention to her. She welcomes their advances with clear implied consent ( consent is sexy, Get it every time) and their hands are all over her. One on each side as they dance closer and closer to her, they key dancing while hands start roaming. Kissing her neck, rubbing her stomach, pinching and licking her nipples. I join them in worshiping her body. We kiss hard, Fighting each other’s control while simultaneously giving it up. Multiple people’s hands teasing and toying with her body.  At this point she is 100% feelings and tells me this is the best night of her life.  One of the girls had started dancing elsewhere but one remained with us.

As a new song came on, my wife grabbed her and rotated to exchange places where our new friend was in between us dancing. We grind and dance you the mucic. Our friend asks if it’s ok to kiss me as she leans her head back. I lean down and we share a passionate kiss. Her breathing was getting more and more worked up. We stop kissing and take a breath. My eyes open and my wife is removing her fingers from her own mouth with a look that could only be lust. She smiles as she goes back to work on our new friend. Next thing I know, her fingers are pressed to my lips and I’m tasting our new friend on her fingers. Come to find out later that as soon as we started kissing,  my wife pressed her palm under our friends short dress, finding a swimming pool between her lips and couldn’t resist tasting her.  

We move to the beat as the music booms.  Bodies touching bodies, and lazers flashing to blown out pupils.  Soon though,I realize we need some water and we head out to the bar area. On our way, I text our first friend about meeting up. He texts back that he was rolling hard AF and would meet us on the balcony overlooking the stage in 10. We get some water, cool off for a minute and let the high calm down a bit. 

We got some water and take the stairs up carefully. Overlooking the stage and main floor is a balcony with chairs and couches. No venue staff hang there so people often come up to watch the show and trip.  There were others in obvious extacy.  Couches made for 2 lined the railing and I pulled her hand until i found is an empty one near the end. I sat down heavily and she straddles me and immediately started kissing me.  This wasnt sweet, this was raw.  Her body seemed to be on fire anywhere I touched. As our tongues danced,  I take each of her nipples, that are pushing through the fishnet top and start rolling them in my fingers. Her mouth misses a beat as she moans loudly. Without giving her a chance to pull away, my left hand grabbed the heavy, sweaty hair on the back of her head and pulled her head to the side giving me access to her neck. The heavy sigh morphed into a moan as two fingers on my right hand moved down her body, under her skirt and bury to the knuckle inside her.  She breaks the kiss and lowered her forehead to my neck.  I continue working her with my fingers in long strokes in and out. I quickly realized that she had been dripping for hours. The inside of her thighs is cold and damp and her skirt is just wet.


Her loud moans egg me on as Rezz starts really getting into it. I’m kissing and biting her neck when the lights go black and only bass fills the air. She tries pulling my fly down to release my cock and I pull on her hair harder. She understood immediately this was about her. The tempo of the beat builds. Single lights strobe, only quickly illuminating the throng of people moving to the music below us then back to blackness. My fingers are pounding up into her. Deep and wet letting her know what I want. Her moans build and build until the lights cut out again and I remove my fingers from her completely leaving her empty and needing more.   She grabbed my wrist and shoved my wet fingers into her mouth immediately trying to make me fuck her mouth with my hands but I have a different idea but want to wait, in case he shows. I let her clean my hands off, tongue circling and teasing each finger until I pull them out and dry my hands.

I now needed to take a second as the most recent pill was in full force and my eyes were jacked. My pulse beating faster than the music. I grab her around the waist and move her onto the couch beside me. As I finish fitting my gloves, a familiar face comes in for a hug. I wasn’t sure he was going to make it but I’m glad he’s here.  I ask if he would help me blow her up and a big smile crossed his face. We quickly talk through our style and I set her up. She is now sitting in the middle of the two person couch feet crossed under her butt.  Her pussy perfectly on display. I move in front of her, start my flow right as a new song starts. Above my head and over my shoulders, she has the whole stage of lazers going ape shit.

About a minute in, she’s been moving constantly. Fidgeting, uncomfortable with how high she’s getting. Each flow and transition causing the serotonin in her brain too dump causing euphoric wave on wave. Noticing her struggle,our friend taps his lights bringing them to life. The purple/green/violet strobe making incredible trails across all of our vision. He moves in front of me on his knees so that we are both facing her, his gloves at the bottom of her vision keeps her eyes from rolling back. With a huge sigh, she settled into the couch. I know we own her now. We keep working together as the music comminutes. After another minute, her breathing starts hitching in her throat. My eyes have been locked into hers, which are watching our show so i never realized she had begun fingering herself to the show. Under my bandana, I smile knowing our friend is maybe 18″ away from her and directly on line with her hand now trying to burrow is way up inside her.  I know he has a great view of the action. Her eyes keep crossing and heavily blinking. I know she’s closed and pray the song doesn’t end. 

Very quietly I lean forward and whisper scream over the music that he can touch her if he wants.  He doesn’t acknowledge what I said but immediately brings his hands up to her face palms in and slides his gloves down her cheeks gently. He danced his fingers down her throat and to her exposed chest and collarbone. Her hands are now furiously rubbing her clit as 3 fingers fill her hole.  Her moans gaining tempo and eyes still locked on the tiny LEDs currently turning her vision into a blur. I move closer and start a very close up show and can tell she won’t last long. Or friends hands move from her chest down the fishnet top dragging the fabric across her skin. He circled her breasts with his fingers, moved half way down her stomach until moving right back up and without warning grabbed her  nipples hard. This was all her body needed after hours of rolling and playing. The second he started squeezing her eyes shot open as if she had been tazed. She gasped for air as the orgasmic rolls took over her body thrashing around while years released from the corner of her eyes. Her moan drew attention over the music from everyone within 20 feet. I continued my flow bringing her down slowly knowing how intense every emotion was for her right now. Our friend, in a beautiful moment moved his hands up to cup her face gently the way a lover would. Whispering to her something I couldn’t hear but didn’t need to.  With that, he stood and stretched his back which I’m sure was cramping after crouching for about 10 minutes. We embraced in a long hug before breaking hold, he whispered to me “thank you so much, this has been one of the best nights of my life”, kissed me on the cheek and walked back towards the stairs.

I hope you enjoyed reading this but i need to finish up with the not sexy part. 

This night was many years ago before I really understood safe dosing of MDMA. I had already tested the drugs. They we’re clean. Retrospectively, yes we took away too much in that night. Redosing so many times is not a good idea. If you use MDMA remember the single most important thing for harm prevention is waiting at least 3 months between rolls. Suppliments, eating and sleep also help, but the best way to stay safe and never “lose the magic” is to respect the molecule and never abuse it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hjy1xr/mfff_wife_and_i_make_friends_at_a_rezz_show


  1. Damn that was hot, and makes me remember the magic of a rave in full swing…mighty odin get the pandemic over with i wanna party

  2. Thanks for sharing fellow rave fam! I orbit personally and just got some gloves myself. Met my girlfriend at Hijinx 2018. Peace and love to both of you

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