Becoming a Pro Dom’s Kitten, P. 2: Hitching a Ride [FM]

[The First Night](

*At the end of this, there’s some rambling stuff in italics. If you want JUST the sexy stuff, read on, ignore the italics, and wait for part three. If you want the more honest truth about these events, keep your eyes out for italics.*

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Everything my life was, everything I thought I was…was different. I felt magical, vibrant, alive. With renewed confidence, I continued pursuing friendships. Put my nose to the grindstone academically. My parents planned a trip to come see my sister and I–my sister had started university in Nearby City two years previous, and she and her boyfriend would be hosting Thanksgiving that year. I was looking forward to it. I’d been missing them, even though I was quick spending all my time with new friends.

And speaking near-constantly with my new Sir.

Rick was….

Rick was a god to me. I can’t explain it any other way. His confidence, his presence, his aura in the company of others in the scene. He had been a professional dominant for many a year at this point, and I felt beyond blessed to be in his presence. I felt honored that he had noticed me, an eighteen-year-old BDSM virgin. A froshie university student, far from home, who was oh-so-vulnerable.

*oooomiiinouuuus muuuuuusiiiiic*

Every time I thought about him, I wanted him. All my kinky dreams had the opportunity to become a reality! On Fetlife, I was even quick striking up conversations with others. Angelic especially was someone I looked up to. Even though her English was not fluent, her kindness and charisma drew me to her. She had been a friend of Rick’s for many a year, and she told me that she had certainly been surprised by how quickly Rick had taken a liking to me.

Surprised, and though she did not admit it at the time, a little worried.

Rick and I were quick to trade I-love-you’s, speaking on the phone regularly. I’ll spare you with the details of a 43-yr-old man and an 18-yr-old girl trying to make awkward conversations, heh. I should’ve known at this point that he didn’t know me whatsoever, but I was starstruck.

I was starstruck, and everything in my soul was crying out to see him again.

You see….

Rick was a resident of Nearby City, and there in NC, he lived in a flat. In his flat, lay his dungeon. He hosted events from it regularly, and it was simply known that I–as soon as possible–would be joining him there.

The time for Thanksgiving’s parental visit came and went. It was really good to see my family again, and I felt a bit strange, keeping the secret of Rick. I never would be able to explain to them properly what this relationship was, nor what it would soon become.

So, you can imagine their confusion when I told them I wouldn’t need a ride back to University Town, and how odd it must have seemed when I made sure they left before Rick came.

I still remember sitting in the coffee shop, waiting for him to meet me. How anxious I felt when I saw him enter, tall and sleek, a vision of a man. His piercing blue eyes that found me instantly, and devoured me down to my soul. He didn’t speak, just gestured with a curled finger towards him. Without waiting for a response, Rick turned, and left the store.

I was on his heels before he made it five feet, immediately finding my place at his left-hand side and two steps back. Even though he never once told me to do so, every time that we walked together, my feet would refuse to come closer. I was his pet, his lesser, and my place was not at his side–but never, ever out of reach. (To this day, I still find myself heeling beside anyone I consider an authority figure. Drives my current partner CRAZY!)

He did not speak again until we had crossed the road, and made it to his flat.

I picture it so clearly now….

Scarlet walls, black leather. Entry hall with cubbies for shoes, and places to hang bags and coats. Spanking benches. Elegant St. Andrew’s cross, made of a dark walnut, black leather, and silver fittings and chains. A bar to one side. Bedroom on a raised platform, below which lies a built-in dog cage. Massage table. Throne. Confessional. A gynecologist’s room.

“Welcome, Kitty.”

“Th-thank you, Sir.”

His hand found its home upon my shoulder, and a full-body shiver ran through me. His touch was steel, and I was flint, waiting to be struck. I was his toy, waiting to be played with. I was his submissive, waiting to be dominated.

I was his Kitty, waiting to be trained.

And I needed to be trained.

I needed his lips as they pressed to mine. I needed his hand as he slid it around my neck, softly tensing.

I needed him to choke me.

I needed him to hurt me.

I drowned in his kisses, pressing up against him. One hand dropped to my ass, squeezing the eager flesh. I closed my eyes, every bit of resistance dropping from me as I submitted.

“I want you, Kitty,” he growled into our kiss, tugging my lower lip between his teeth. “Are you ready?”

I was shaking so hard now I could barely speak, barely think as I told him yes. The walk to his bedroom, my hair being used as a leash to keep me close, felt far longer than it had any right to be.

A large bed with black covers, a sex swing, and a giant computer screen dominated the small room. Above the bed sat a shelf sex toys–dildos, vibrators, and more. On the bedside table sat a fishbowl full to the brim of condoms.

I whimpered as he stripped me, a satisfied growl escaping his lips at the sight of my nude body. He stripped as well, his cock rising from his hips. Not speaking, he gestured to the condom bowl.

It took me far too long to get one onto his cock, my hands were shaking so bad.

Finally, my Sir pushed me to the bed. I fell onto it, my legs spreading instantly, hands gripping the sheets as he climbed between my legs. He smiled softly at me, tweaking my nipples with his fingers before slapping my tits. The sounds echoed in the small room, and I felt myself grow wet enough to drown in. I felt myself craving him. His cock, his beautiful cock, ground between my legs. I couldn’t speak, could barely think.

I was going to be taken by him.

I was going to be dominated.

Look….I definitely was not a virgin by this point. In fact, even at the tender age of eighteen, I was a bit of a reckless slut.

But, the way he looked at me, the hunger in his eyes….

Every previous experience was wiped away at the pure presence that this man had.

He was more than me. So, so much more than me.

I would submit to him.

I would be taken by him.

With heartrending finality, he pressed his cock between my pussy lips, and slid inside.

My hips arched needingly, pulling him deeper as my ankles hooked around. His hands gripped my wrists, pinned them above my head. I stayed still, pliable, never resisting as he slowly began to thrust.

His narrow hips, his bones pressing into me, the smell of cigarettes on his skin and on his lips….

I drowned in him, in his dominance.

I drowned in my Sir, a man I knew I’d follow to the edge of the world.

His thrusts slowly picked up speed and depth, and even through the latex, I could feel his every inch. I clenched around him, tight enough he groaned at every thrust. Tight enough he told me I felt virgin-tight, untouched, pure.

Innocent, pliable, fresh clay in the hands of an experienced craftsman.

He kissed me deeply, growling into my lips as I pulsed with my first orgasm around his cock. He released my wrists to wrap his arms around me, pressing me to his chest. I felt so much smaller than him, so much more vulnerable.

And I was loving it. Knowing I was pleasing him, knowing I was satisfying him, those brought me more pleasure than even the orgasms he gave me.

Orgasms I should not have been having for free.

“Kitty, are you cumming without permission?”

I froze. “S-Sir?”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Rick pulled back from me, slipping his cock out with a soft plop. “You need to always ask me for permission, Kitty. Are we very, very clear?”

I felt sick to my stomach, biting my lip. Knowing that, even unintentionally, I had disobeyed him hurt. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

He smiled at me then, but it was not one of reassurance. It was wide, bright with eagerness and a hint of cruelty. “Let’s see just how well you understand that order….” He stood, and extended a hand to me. “Follow me, Kitty.”

I took his hand, lifted myself on shaking legs out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and towards the gynecologist’s room.

I whimpered at the sight of it. At this point, I’d only ever been to the gynecologist once for an issue with my period, and I’d felt terrified then–how much worse would it be when there was a man using me on it?

Still, I hopped onto the table with zero hesitation, and helped him strap my ankles into the stirrups.

The lights above us were surgically bright, near-blinding. I felt so…exposed, so anxious. I felt scared. I had never had a lot of confidence when it came to my body, so knowing everything I was was oh-so-visible made me squirm inside.

Made me squirm inside until he pulled a blindfold off of a hook, and wrapped it around my head.

With the blindfold on, I felt myself relax, untense.

I lay back on cool vinyl of the table, breathing softly. He rubbed his hands across my thighs, and down towards my pussy. With a teasing touch, he started caressing my clit and labia. I moaned softly, trembling at his every touch. “Please….Please more…”

“Please what…?” his fingers slid inside, curling upwards. I jolted as he rubbed my g-spot. “’Please let me cum, Sir’? Is that what you meant, Kitty?”

I nodded fiercely, my legs flexing as he picked up pace. “Please let me cum! Please, Sir, please! I need to cum!”

His response was a laugh, warm and harsh. “Not yet, Kitty. Not yet.”

And so began the longest, most agonizing session of orgasm denial I have ever endured.

I was brought to the edge countless times, and made to beg and plead so much my mouth was dry and my throat sore. My muscles were sore from constant tension, my clit so swollen from constant teasing that even the breeze from the fan made me jolt.

And still he denied me.

Denied me, until he whispered softly, “Do you want to cum, Kitty?”

I could barely croak out a ‘yes, Sir’ at this point.

“Do you want to cum on my cock?”

God, I was so turned on I nearly came at his words!

With a chuckle, Sir pressed his cock back to my entrance. My fingers dug so hard into the vinyl we’d find imprints on it after. He rubbed it up and down across my vulva, pressing into my clit before finally lowering and entering.

I felt…complete as he entered me.

I felt right as my Sir fucked me. As I submitted to him in the most pure, basic sense, my body welcoming his with pulsing, soaking tightness. My hands reached for him, and he bent down enough I could cling to his shoulders as he picked up speed.

We did not take long at all to reach a mutual orgasm. He was kind to me with that one–I barely had to beg at all before permission was granted at long last, and even through the condom between us, I knew I milked his cock into me.

He kissed me tenderly, pulling me close. I drank in his smell as he tugged the blindfold from my eyes, and dimmed the lights when he saw they hurt my eyes.

“Let’s get you home.”

– – – – –

I’ll spare you the minutiae of our drive home, which wound up being in Amethyst and Ryan’s car. I hadn’t realized it at the time, but Rick did not own his own, so we were lucky that Amethyst and Rick had already planned to make the trip. Conversations with them were light and joking, and quickly switched to French while I dozed on the shoulder of my Sir. The pair of them were quickly becoming surrogate parents/friends to me, and often took chances to ask me about my courses in school.

I miss those two….

Anyway, I’ll see you in part three!

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*The truer, non-sexual version of events. The sex aspects were (mostly) true, but I cut out the early signs of his possessiveness/changed things up so they would be more sexual in nature,*

*He did not like me talking to other people, especially Dominants. He did not like me not responding to him immediately, and if I ever missed telling him I loved him before bed, we had a fight. So much of his early signs of abusiveness were ignored by me because I was so enthralled by him, and eventually, because being at his side granted me access to the world of BDSM, and to the friends I had made within it.*

*He also, during the session in the gynecologist room, did not immediately give me a blindfold. The lack of blindfold made me so scared, so vulnerable that I found it hard to respond properly to his touches, and he quickly became angered until he put the blindfold on me. With it on, I was able to respond the way he wanted.*

*It was also around this ride to University Town that it was revealed that Rick had children older than I was.*

*I’ll leave that there.*


1 comment

  1. Wow. Your stories are hot, but I also really appreciate the honesty at the end. The line between a really good dom and an abusive partner is a very blurry one, and I think it’s cool that you’re willing to talk about that aspect of it as well. Excited to read more! ❤️

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