It was THE biggest cock I’d ever seen, and it belonged to my gym teacher…[Mf, Teasing, Public, BBC]

“Thank you so much for your volunteering services, parents! We appreciate you during this time of return from COVID-19. As you’re aware, the new sanitizing procedures set out by the Center For Disease Control are stringent and utterly impossible to adhere to without your help, so give yourselves a round of applause!”

The principal and deans gave huge smiles and led a raucous applause of parents patting themselves on the back. I was the youngest one there. I needed to feel like less of a failure after being laid off. How were they *so* much older than me? I could hear them doing the math in their heads.

In case you were wondering, seventeen. I was seventeen when I had my Charlie. My parents had had whisked me away when I got pregnant. They didn’t want the rest of our town to hear about how their good Christian daughter was really a godless harlot. Time never really progressed past 1967 in Albanyville.

Now, I was back. They were dead. At least the town had something to talk about.

“Your assignments are at the front!” the principal smiled. “Lets make this the best school year ever!”

Even she didn’t seem to believe it. I stood shoulder to shoulder with another blonde woman in her late thirties. She pushed forward trying to see where she was assigned. She ran a finger down the plain white printer paper with about thirty lines of parent names.

“Mrs. Frotego is still alive?” she laughed.

“And teaching, apparently,” I smiled.

She turned around to face me as the crowd thinned.

“Rebecca Silatka,” she shoved a hand forward. “Class of ninety-five.”

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “I would have thought maybe five years older than me.”

“Why?” she asked. “When’d you graduate?”

She meant when was I supposed to graduate. My parents’ foolish action in moving us away cost me a year of school. I gave her the less embarrassing number.

“Class of ’08,” I giggled.

“Jesus!” she laughed, “and you’ve got a kid in—”

She saw my face look away slightly and stopped.

“Right,” she nodded, “lets see where you are at. What’s your name, dear?”

“Dani Bright,” I replied. “Probably under Danielle.”

Rebecca raced her finger down the page.

“Billings, Bright,” she muttered, “Oh, come *on!*”

“What?” I gasped. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s just not fair at all!” she shook her head.

“Oh, crap!” I whispered, staring at my name beside Coach Brown’s. He still taught? I mean, of course he did. He was really young when he started. “Well, sanitizing all that equipment is going to be a lot of—”

“Oh I bet you’re gonna be sanitizing the hell out of his equipment in no time,” Rebecca shook her head. “Probably will take a long time to scrub off equipment that big.”

I blushed. I remembered staring at him open-mouthed, trying to make out its exact shape through his soaked shorts. The entire volleyball team was mesmerized. The boys seemed intimidated.

“How’d you even hear about—” I giggled.

“Little sister,” she replied, “Plus, news travels fast. Anyway, good for you. Enjoy the view, Dani!”

Rebecca walked away. So did my only semblance of an acquaintance in Albanyville. I yelled after her.

“Hey, since it’s still preplan, do you wanna get lunch today?”

She turned around and sighed.

“My husband was supposed to meet me,” she shrugged.

“Oh, no worries!” I smiled, trying to hide my disappointment.

“But I gotta hear about your time with Big Dick Brown, so yeah. Lunch it is!” She laughed, pressing the door and exiting.

I was alone, same as always. It felt odd to leave Charlie alone at home, but he was fourteen. He honestly seemed pleased as punch to push me out the door. I began to wonder if he’d started to see someone. I remembered how eager I was to have the house alone at that age. Maybe I’d hurry home after volunteering.

The gym had the same industrial smell it always possessed, if a bit stronger now. Industrial cleaners seemed to scour every inch of each surface in the place. I jumped as the rear doors flew open and a dozen sweaty boys came jogging in from the track outside.

“Why are there—” I wondered. Students shouldn’t have been on campus yet. A loud whistle made me jump.

“I want you changed and ready for practice in five!” a man’s voice boomed. “Let’s go, Bears!”

“Yes, coach!” they returned, stealing glances at me as they passed. I would have worn gym shorts that covered a bit more if I knew there were going to be kids present. It reminded me of my time as a teenager, except my shirt would have been tied in the back, even though it wasn’t allowed, and my hair would have been pulled up into pig tails. I knew how to get boys’ attention.

Then, Coach Brown came barreling in. He shut the rear doors and flipped on the switches on the back wall. The turbofans along the ceiling activated and caused a constant whirr to invade my ears. He wiped the sweat from his face and finally noticed me at the front. I waved with my fingers, shuddering in the cool breeze.

“Can I help you?” he shouted.

“Oh, yeah, coach!” I grinned, jogging across the meticulously kept floor. “I’m your volunteer for the—uh—COVID stuff?”

“You mean that stupid crap that ain’t gonna stop a damn—” he groaned. “It’s gonna be a lot of work, for you.”

“Well, I’m ready,” I smirked and gave a thumbs up.

“My kids are trained,” he explained, tossing his towel to the bench. “They already know that touching your face with anything but a fresh towel during practice is a quick ticket to five laps. They’re really being careful. They’re washing their hands like crazy, but the CDC wants every dang ball and bench wiped after every period.”

“I mean it’s just caution,” I shrugged. “I can handle it. Whatever we need to do to keep our kids safe.”

“’Our kids,’” he laughed, staring back at me. “Like you got one of your own here? You from UT?”

I wasn’t sure whether to be offended or flattered. My face decided to blush.

“Uh, no,” I laughed. “Charlie Bright is my boy. He’s a freshman this year.”

Brown cracked his neck and then looked back at me.

“You’re a mom?” he whispered. His eyes narrowed to examine me a moment later. He pointed a finger in my direction. “Wait—did you go to school here?”

He kept repeating “Bright, Bright, Bright,” and pacing, trying to identify me.

“Yeah, I did,” I nodded. “Just a couple years tho—”

“Danielle!” He clapped, thoroughly proud of himself. “Danielle Bright!”

“That’s right!” I smiled.

He reached out his hand for a proper handshake. I met it and gasped as he crushed my petite palm.

“Holy hell, I’m so sorry for treating you like that!” he laughed. “We get a lot of university kiddos with big ideas and little drive. I didn’t mean to assume—”

“You thought I was a college girl?” I laughed.

“Well—” he chuckled, holding a hand behind his head. His slick triceps and forearms stuck out. My eyes popped as my jaw dropped. He wasn’t flexing. He was just—breathtaking. “You look very young, Mrs. Bright. It’s a compliment, I promise. Usually when young women in gym shorts and their Uni shirt come in, it’s because they’re cute little coeds who are here to distract my guys during practice.”

“Wow!” I laughed, shaking my head. “You managed to take a really nice compliment and turn it into a chauvinist insult! That’s skills, coach.”

“I’m sorry—” he grumbled at himself. “I hang out with guys all summer long and forget how to—”

“First of all, it’s Ms. Bright,” I laughed, “Second, are you calling me a cute little coed too? Should I think about bringing up sexual harassment to Mrs. Flanderson?”

“No!” he gasped. “I mean, please don’t. I didn’t mean any offense. Let me start over. You’re not a coed. You’re a clever and intimidating woman, Ms. Bright. I’m sorry that—”

“But I am cute, to be clear?”

His jaw fell. He had no response.

The locker room doors burst open and the boys jogged out in their basketball uniforms. I kept my smirk painted on until the last boy walked out, still looking sweaty.

“Anyway, I’m gonna go get to work,” I giggled. “Those benches aren’t going to clean themselves.”

“Oh, Ms. Bright, God be with you!” Brown laughed. “Wear gloves!”


“And he didn’t say anything else?” Rebecca gasped. “You’re a little—wow. I can’t believe you had the balls to straight up ask him if he thought you were cute. I’m starting a countdown. You’re gonna get that big black poker in two weeks, and counting.”

I blushed and looked down at my plate of pulled pork.

“No, he—” I muttered. “He’s married anyway, right?”

“They’re separated,” Rebecca laughed, chomping down onto her hot dog. “She filed for divorce last week. Just waiting on him, I believe.”

“Last week?” I gasped. I felt very dirty, especially given exactly what I was feeling inside whenever I thought of Coach Brown. “Shit!”

“Shit?” she laughed. “Wow, I thought I’d have to do way more convincing to get you to let that meat puppet pulverize your ham wallet.”

“What the fuck?” I giggled, attracting the ire of the tables around us. Albanyville wasn’t used to hearing its residents talk about anything but Jesus, Trump, the weather, and the ice cream parlor in town. I spoke again quieter, in a whisper. “You’re terrible!”

“The only thing terrible is that you’re not already—” Rebecca huffed. “Listen, Dani, I know we just met, but I’m gonna level with you. I love my husband, adore him, but I need to live vicariously through you right now.”

“Really?” I chuckled, “I will say I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Rebecca smiled and tilted her head.

“I swear, the prudes in this town drive me bananas. I wonder if I got dropped off on the doorstep one Christmas night, because I’m so different from the rest of my family.”

“I feel that,” I nodded. “When I got pregnant—”

The tables around us hushed. I rolled my eyes. Why couldn’t my parents have owned land in a metropolitan area? If it wasn’t rent free, I would be gone in a flash, but inherited land was a very attractive lure. Plus, it was worth jack shit, so selling it would buy me about six months of a shack in Springfield.

“I bet people weren’t kind,” Rebecca sighed, looking around us.

“That’s putting it mildly,” I whispered. “Everyone was talking about how my parents should have seen it coming. How I was always—”

I stopped. I thought I was ready to talk about it but being surrounded by the same judgmental faces I’d left once upon a time made me feel like I was a scared seventeen-year-old again.

“How bout we take the rest to-go?” Rebecca smiled. “I’ll get the check.”


There was a can of Coke waiting for me on the bleachers when I got back. It had a note taped to the side.

“*In the cafeteria for lunch. Sorry about this morning. Hope we can start over.*”

With the basketball team gone, I got to work mopping the locker room. It was so damn hot. There were no more students coming for the rest of the day. I took a hairband from my wrist and tied my shirt up higher on my chest. The air conditioning was out. I popped in my earbuds and swayed to the soulful rhythms of Smokey Robinson.

“—And if you want it, you got it forever!” I sung to myself as I ran the mop along the filthy floor. I wasn’t sure how a dozen boys could make that much of a mess so quickly, but I had an idea. Charlie was a bit like a tornado. His room always resembled the path of destruction that news crews so loved to exploit after the summer storms. I was most surprised by how many boys managed to forget their underwear. I’d picked up two pair already. How do you leave without underwear?

I felt a wave of humidity hit me. The heat was punishing. I thought about taking my shirt off, but that sounded way too much like one of those things that only happened in porn.

I did dribble some of my ice-cold Yeti out on my rubber flip flops. It felt amazing. I mopped up the mess and sighed in satisfaction as the floor shined back at me. Steam wafted in from the showers. My heart hammered.

I suddenly understood how the boys in those teen movies felt when they snuck into the locker room of the opposite sex. He must have already been in there when I entered. I couldn’t believe that he didn’t hear me.

Despite this, the solution was easy. If the showers were still running, then I’d just leave. No harm, no foul. Our perfectly professional relationship could continue. I’d leave right away, STAT, henceforth, maybe?

Why couldn’t I just leave? My flip flops were glued to the tacky floor. I swallowed a gulp from my water bottle. I was shaking like a leaf. Seeing Coach Brown reminded me of how I felt as a teen. He was huge, fucking enormous. He probably could have juggled three of me. I was the world’s shortest German, and he was an NCAA basketball player once upon a time.

I did something worse than staying. I took a large step to the front and right. I still couldn’t see shit. The warm mist enveloped me as I crept closer. Another step brought me toward the foremost drain in the shower stalls. Yet another let me see that he was in the third one, with the curtain open. I sidestepped and felt a moan escape my lips.

He had a Marines globe and anchor tattooed above his left hip. It snaked up the side of his chest. I couldn’t see his dick. I saw his ass though, and I saw that it was good, very good. His toned cheeks dripped in the shower spray. He was a runner. I could tell by his thighs and muscular calves.

His back was a set of ribbed bands of muscles. He had a slight tummy, I could tell, but his core was powerful and strong. He wasn’t cut along his abs, but it was like a bear’s abdomen. He was powerful. His biceps were a different story. They probably each had their own zip code.

He rotated slightly and his cock swung briefly into view.

“*Oh, my God!*” I mouthed, fanning myself. There was no way that monstrosity would fit, even in a best-case scenario. Maybe he was just a “shower,” but what he had showed was about the thickness of my forearm and a similar length.

Usually, in movies, when watching someone shower, they tend to give you warning before exiting. They spend a while fiddling with the knobs, or gathering their supplies, and this provides ample time for our lucky hero, or heroine, to make their escape.

Reggie Brown flipped the knob and turned in one swift motion. He faced me dead-on and the blood drained from my face. In porn I would have said, “great cock, babe,” or he would have said, “you’ve seen me, now I get to see you,” but in reality, he gasped and covered himself while I slipped on the wet floor like a cartoon Coyote and slammed my head to the tile.

“Jesus!” I heard him yell.

I opened my jaw wide, but the eyesight on my right side was blood red. It was like everything was tinted a pleasant rose.

“Shit!” I groaned, trying to sit up.

“Whoa, fuck, don’t move!” he exclaimed. “I’m gonna go put on pants and get a wheelchair.”

“I’m sorry that—” I groaned, my head swimming. “I didn’t see anything.”

“Don’t give a shit!” he yelled, his voice fading. “You need stitches!”

I looked down to the floor and immediately saw what he meant. A simply ridiculous amount of blood was flowing down toward the shower drain, running in reddish fingers along the cracks in the tile.

“Oh—fuck,” I whispered. I would stay right where I was until he returned.


Reggie Brown was quiet and polite as he took me to to get medical attention. He let Mrs. Flanderson, the principal, know before informing her that he was going to drive me to the hospital. She offered to call me an ambulance instead, but I decided to save the school money and allow Mr. Brown to take me instead.

At least, that’s why I said I did it.

The kind coach told the principal that I’d slipped while mopping, doing my duty. It might have been frowned upon that I slipped while ogling the teacher I’d had a crush on for almost fifteen years. He sat by my side as the doctor stitched me up. I didn’t call Charlie. He’d just worry about me. Plus, it was more explaining than I wanted to do, sitting beside his mountain of a coach.

The nearly silent man brought me water in the hospital bed. He kept the TV on while we waited for release. He even wheeled me out when it was time to go home. He was almost perfect. He nearly held it together the entire time. Then, we were sitting at one of the five red lights on the way back into town. We watched an old man cross painfully slowly across the intersection. He leaned forward onto the wheel of his F-150 and started to laugh loud, hearty, guffaws.

He slapped the steering wheel.

“What is it?” I gasped, looking at the old man. “He’s just old!”

“Not that, damn it!” he wheezed. “I tried to hold it together, I really did, but then I thought about how you wanted to report me to Mrs. Flanderson for my comment. You called it sexual harassment!”

“Well—I,” my face got red. “I don’t see why it’s funny.”

“You don’t?” he laughed, looking at my tiny broken form in his passenger seat. “You don’t see why I might find it funny that you cracked your skull open trying to take a peek at my dick.”

My face went from a pinkish to a lobster red. I turned and looked out the window. My hands felt hot. My chest heaved.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I snapped back. “That’s insane!”

Denial was more than just a river in Egypt.

“Oh, alright, okay,” he nodded. “That’s how we’re gonna play it?”

He pulled into the parking lot of the old abandoned mill and shifted the truck into park. My heart almost sprang through my ribcage. Was he about to rape me because of my sass? Was I a racist for thinking that? Would it even be called rape if I was begging for it?

“Look, Ms. Bright,” he chuckled, rolling his eyes, “our story is that you busted ass mopping the floor because you’re sloppy.”

“Hey!” I objected. “I wouldn’t say sloppy.”

“Neither would I!” he admitted. “You did a damn good job with the floor and benches. You cracked your skull trying to spy on me in the shower. I’m laughing because—that sounds like something *I* should report as sexual harassment.”

I was caught. I was hyperventilating. I did something that tended to get sweet women out of tough situations with men. I let my emotion flood me.

“I’m so sorry!” I sobbed, throwing my head into my palms. “I was so stupid, and now I cost the school money, and everyone’s gonna know when they see where the bloodstain is. I shouldn’t have been such a bitch, I just—I was so—so—”

“Hold up, Ms. Bright,” he shook his head, placing a palm over my shoulder, “I’m just playing with you. Listen, I’m sorry for taking it too far.”

“No,” I sniffed, turning to him, “I’m sorry. I violated your privacy. I—fucking—if I were a guy, I’d be in jail!”

“True,” he nodded, “but only if I reported you, as a—woman? I’m not sure, the metaphor kinda got twisted on me there. Either way, I’m saying—it’s very flattering.”

I turned to look at him with a sudden hopefulness.

“It—is?” I whispered.

“Yeah,” he shrugged, trying to act cool again. “I mean, you’re fucking—”

He looked at me, and just for the quickest of moments his eyes raked down my body. I felt a tingle between my thighs and my tears seemed to dry, compensating for the sudden flush of wetness elsewhere.

He cleared his throat and shook his head.

“We should get back to school.”

I slammed my hand over his atop the gear shift.

“We’re not going anywhere until you finish that sentence, Reggie Brown.”

He raised an eyebrow in my direction. His face was one of shock. I don’t think he expected a slight thing like me to use such force. He forgot one crucial detail; I was a mom of a teenage boy.

“Fine!” he sighed, sitting back and releasing the brake. He collected himself. “I was going to say, you are—an—incredibly—intelligent and kind—”

“Oh, bullshit!” I hissed. “Stop being PC and tell me what you like.”

“You got a fat ass, alright?” he barked.

“I’m sorry—what?” I screeched.

“Yo, shut up. You don’t get to tell me to drop my rehearsed bullshit and get pissed off when I say it. You got a big ole booty and I fuckin’ love it.”

Of all the things I expected Coach Brown to say, that was not one of them.

“I—I—don’t even,” I stammered. “I was expecting, you’re beautiful, or sexy, or even, I like your body, but I ‘got a fat ass’?”

“Yeah, well the bullshit went out the window when you peeked at my dick,” he chuckled again. “Can we go now?”

I pressed my hand to the shifter again as he tried to leave.

“No, back the fuck up! We’re not going anywhere!” I yelled.

The coach ran a hand through his tight wiry hair. He groaned and slammed a palm to the wheel.

“What now?”

I was angered, disgusted even. How dare he say a thing like that. I should have known after our initial conversation that he was a pig.

“You’re just—ugh!” I screamed, slapping his arm.

It felt like I’d slapped a concrete wall. I squealed in pain and tried not to clutch my hand too tightly.

“Ow!” I howled. “Fuck!”

“That’s twice you hurt yourself today ‘cause of me.”

“Oh, bite me!” I roared.

“When and where?” he asked.

My inner fountain of rage became tainted by the waters of lust. I looked out the window again.

“I—” my face had a heartbeat it was so red. I tried to steady my shaky voice. I wasn’t going to give away just how turned on I was. “I think—I should just go home.”

“Fine,” he groaned, shifting the car into reverse.

I shook my head. I was so mad. How did he make me so angry, yet I just wanted to tear his clothes off.

“No!” I roared. “Fucking park!”

He slammed the gear shift upward with tremendous force. The truck rocked as he forced it into park while it was still rolling. The engine whined in complaint.

“What?” he shouted.

“I’m sorry!” I screamed.

He was not expecting that. He shook his head.

“What?” he said, sounding entirely befuddled.

“You’re totally right,” I groaned. “I was peeking because you’re so goddamn sexy and I’ve been thinking about that day in the rain for like fifteen years.”

“Day in the rain?” he wondered.

“You know?” I rocked in the seat, feeling like I wanted to crawl out of my skin. “You were making sure everyone got back inside right at the beginning of the school year. It was fucking pouring outside. You were—drenched.”

“Yeah, so?” he laughed.

“Well—” I turned away again. I couldn’t look at him while I said it. “Girls volleyball was practicing inside and you marched in with those shorts just—glued to your legs.”

“Oh, my God,” he muttered. “You’re not saying—”

“We all saw—it,” I whispered, “Is that what you want to hear? We saw the outline of your—thing, and a lot of the girls started saying that you were the biggest—um—”

He was giggling. It wasn’t even a “*you’re stupid*” giggle, it was more like, “*that’s how the rumor started?*”

“God, you’re cute,” he mumbled.

Why did we have to be parked? Why couldn’t we be driving? Why were there only three police officers in the whole town? If I was scared shitless that we’d be caught, I probably wouldn’t make a terrible decision.

I heard clothing rustle beside me. My heart stopped.

“Did you get a good enough view in the shower?” he asked.

I closed my eyes. This wasn’t happening. There was no way. He wouldn’t be this brazen.

“I—uh,” I stammered, “Did I get—what?”

“If you want a better one, I’ll count to five. After that, we’ll just drive home as two professionals. You’ll go about your day and I’ll greet you with a smile tomorrow. We can pretend I never, uh—did this.”

My heart, after its momentary vacation, began pounding like a club beat after the drop. I knew what the clothing he’d removed was. I was in shock. I never would have suspected Coach Brown had it in him to expose himself to a mom like he was.


*Oh, shit,* I thought. It was actually happening. Was I considering actually looking? Would I touch it?


“Oh, my God! Time’s running—” I mouthed.


I turned back to face him and held eye contact. His arm was moving. What was his arm doing? Jesus, did I want to know? How could I not?

“*Two,*” he looked into my eyes.

I looked down.

“Fuck!” I covered my mouth with both hands.

It was resting just over the bottom of the steering wheel.

“Hoooooly!” I giggled like an airhead. “Fucking hell!”

My eyes were as wide as a mile as I kept glancing back and forth from his engorged member to his face, and then back to his beautiful dick.

“Can—I—touch?” I whispered in reverence.

His jaw was hanging open. I don’t think he actually expected me to call his bluff.

“I—” he chuckled, “Yeah, long as I get a grip on that ass.”

Half of my smile lifted in a lusty smirk. I scooted across the bench seat over to him. My fingers approached his larger-than-life dick carefully, like a scientist examining some form of extraterrestrial life. I wrapped one palm around it, and then the second. There was almost room for a third near the top.

“It’s gotta be,” I whispered in disbelief. “Like—”

I giggled, wowed by his grandeur as I stroked with both hands.

“Gotta be a foot, right?” I snickered.

“Pfft, c’mon,” he laughed. “Now you’re just trying to make me feel good.”

“Thought that was obvious,” I looked up into his eyes, stroking him. I bit my lip and raised my eyebrows.

“It’s a bit over ten,” he replied, sliding a hand down my back. His one hand wrapped across my entire bare ass. He groped it, teased it, then retreated. I looked up, wondering why he left, then he slapped me across my shorts. I moaned.

I withdrew the top hand and licked my palm. I could taste him on me. I closed my fist and spit into it.

“What you ain’t gonna lick it, Dani? It’s melt in your mouth, not in your hand.”

I held eye contact as I worked his tip and upper shaft much more quickly. He groaned and leaned back.

“Not today, coach,” I whispered into his ear. “Maybe if I catch you in the shower again, I can drop to my knees, take you into my mouth, and—”

Red and blue lights began to flash behind the truck.

“Fuck!” I screamed, giggling like a schoolgirl who’d been caught.

The cop was fast. Reggie barely had time to stow his trouser anaconda before the officer knocked on the window. I yelped in pain, but he was too busy sweating to notice.

“License and registration, sir?” the officer muttered, looking up into the cab with suspicion.

“Oh, yeah, sure, officer. Right away,” Brown chuckled. He was nervous, scared stiff. I didn’t get it at first.

“Mind tellin’ me what the hell you were doing here? You alright, ma’am?”

The officer peeked in at me, checking whether I was there of my own free will.

“Fine, officer!” I smiled, blood running down my forehead. “I just—he saw my stitches bleeding and wanted to take me back to the hospital. You know, Coach Brown, our incredible district champion. I told him to give me a minute and I’d have the bandage fixed again. I was just being silly and clumsy, you know. I think it’s just about good, see!”

I pointed to the bandage that had a spot of red from where I’d tugged on it as the officer walked up. I owed Coach Brown an excuse, in addition to an orgasm.

“Well you be careful, little—” the officer stopped. “Say, you aren’t Trevor and Linda’s girl, are you?”

I sighed. Fucking small towns.

“Yeah, that’s me,” I waved. “Dani.”

“Damn shame about what happened to them,” he sighed. “Glad to see you back in town.”

“So—great—to be back,” I lied.

“Well,” the officer adjusted his belt and handed the papers back to Reggie. “I suppose I better just let you off with a warning this time. Either get her to the hospital or home, but you gotta clear out, alright?”

“Oh yes, officer, thank you, sir!” Reggie smiled a fake grin.

“Wait, a warning?” I hissed. “Warning for—”

His hand squeezed my thigh on the seat, out of eyesight. I gasped. It was a vice grip.

“You both have a good one, now. You hear?” the officer smiled, tipping his hat.

“You too, officer!” Reggie laughed.

He shifted the truck into reverse right away. The fake smile dissolved.

I wanted to say something, even if it was just sorry, but the whole day had been so goddamn overwhelming. I directed him to my house, and we didn’t speak of the incident. We didn’t say anything, not a word, until he stopped on the street in front of my home.


“Your head alright?” he interrupted.

“Yeah, no, it’s fine,” I chuckled. “Sorry about—”

“No, honestly, I don’t want to talk about what happened,” he shook his head.

“Oh, I didn’t mean that,” I smirked. “Sorry you didn’t get to finish.”

His surprised gaze met my face.

“What, you didn’t cause enough trouble, almost getting us arrested?” he growled, “Now you wanna bring up—”

I don’t know why, but I couldn’t help myself. He was a sad, frustrated, man and I just had to do it.

I kissed him, square on the lips. It wasn’t sexy. I didn’t slip him any tongue, but I wanted him to feel cared for in that moment.

“Goodnight, Coach Brown,” I smiled. “I’ll see you in the morning, alright?”

“Right,” he laughed, leaning back into the seat. “See you—”

“When you pick me up,” I added, “because my car is still at school.”

He exhaled a breath through his mouth.

“Course it is,” he shook his head. “I get there fuckin’ early, you know.”

“It’ll give me time to mop up the blood,” I winked. “See you around seven?”

“Six fifteen,” he grunted as I exited.

“Fuck,” I sighed, shutting the door behind me.

He wouldn’t look at me. He just scowled as he shifted the truck into drive. I frowned. I walked up the long driveway to my parents’ home.

“Hey!” his voice called out as the window rolled down. “Give that ass a shake for me as you go!”

I rolled my bottom lip inward and smiled broadly. Luckily, we were quite alone in the mountains. I dropped my right hand to my gratuitous ass and smacked it. Coach Brown hooted and the engine roared.

I giggled and blushed as I entered the gate code.

Who knew volunteering was going to be so much fun?


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