The priest has a new way of removing my desires….. [MF][Age play][Religion kink]

The following is a collaboration between a fellow r/dirtypenpals redditor and myself. Feel free to join us, or reach out with stories or fantasies you’d like to play out. We hope you enjoy!


Alice took a deep breath as she walked into the church, She slowly moved onto the bench kneeling in front of it before closing her eyes and praying. Her bright blue bra was visible through the mesh like stop she was wearing, She wasn’t sure why her body changed nor why her emotions started to change. She needed help but both her parents were busy building their empire.

The priest recognized the young girl as soon as she came in, not only because anyone entering the chapel broke the long silence, but she caught his attention in particular. She was young, and beautiful, and….. Naive. He consciously busied himself with something else while keeping her in the corner of his eye.

Alice slowly stood up walking forward as she cleared her throat smiling awkwardly to the priest “Es es..excuse me..” She muttered trying to get his attention before saying “Ca ac.. Can I.. confess..I just don’t feel at peace without it…”

“Of course, my daughter. Please step into the confessional and I’ll be right there.” He gestured to the dark mahogany confessional with two doors.

This girl is so young! He thought to himself. What could she have possibly done? As she turned to walk down the side of a row of pews, he let his eyes linger on her form longer than he should have. She walked like a young girl, not like a woman, but even so… She held a sex appeal that he could not deny.

He adjusted his robes, and tried to raise his thoughts to perform his duties. It’s been harder to keep a clear head recently. He stepped into his side of the confessional and looked through the slats to see her there. “Go on my child…” He led.

Alice knelt on the other side moving closer to the mesh, She lowered her head before speaking with her softest and most relaxed tone. “Father, I have been having weird, unholy feelings for people, towards men… towards boys”

“Tell me more my darling, I mean my daughter.”. The priest caught himself. “What are these thoughts? And how do they make you feel?”

Alice takes a deep breath as she responds “I.. I know it’s wrong but.. I started to dream about kissing guys..each day it’s a new person..” she pauses before nervously completing herself. “And.. being curious about how they look.. n..naked…”

“All of God’s creations come into this world naked. It’s only until later do we feel shame for it. There’s nothing wrong with being naked. I’m sure that you are sometimes disrobed…. As am I.” He paused closing his words carefully. “Can you imagine me naked? Surely it would be difficult to think of God’s servant so….”

Alice nods her head as she responds to his initial statement “I Know..” with a pause she nods her head before responding in shame “I I ha have..”

“You’ve thought about me already? Well that’s ok child. I have thought about you too. See? There’s nothing unnatural about that.” A thought occurred to him. “In fact, if it would take these evil thoughts away from you…. We could undress now. Would that help my child?”

Alice shivers as she shakes her head nervously responding “It’s not abo about being naked.. I have been dreaming about.. sexual things…”

“Sexual things? Like what, my dear? Have you had impure thoughts?

“Ye Yes, Impure desires, thoughts, dreams…” she continues with a nervous tone.

“Come now, it can’t be anything too severe… I’ve heard a lot of fantasies while I’m behind this thin wall. Tell me, girl. Tell me what they are. I… I want to know.,”

“I have been wanting to have sex… I know I shouldn’t have watched those videos on my dad’s computer..” She replied while nervously breathing, with a soft gulp she continued “I.. I can’t stop mastrur…”

The priest glances through to thin screen to get a look at the girl too see if she is touching herself. It’s not a bad idea and he slowly started to touch himself over his robes. “Masturbating?”. He makes a disappointed tsk tsk noise. “Well that is a sin indeed. There will have to be some sort of penance for this my dear. What should it be….” He considers.

Alice takes a deep breath as she says “I wanted to stop the guilty pleasure, I don’t know how I can stop.. it”

“Well let me think….. There are a couple ways to stop it. You could say a couple Hail Mary’s,…. Or you could pray and light a candle…. Or there is a new method that my colleagues have been developing. It’s a radical new method, it involves overstimulating a certain desire, the idea is that shame perpetuates these evil things, so if we can experience the desire, without the shame, it may simply go away. Do any of those sound good, child?”

Alice softly respond “I have tried praying, I have tried lighting 101 candles by now.. wh what’s the other method father?

“In order to embrace these feelings, I encourage you get in touch with yourself. Literally. If you’ve struggled with masturbation, then I’m going to ask you to do it somewhere publicly. Do it somewhere that one of God’s children may see you.”

“Can you accept this form of repentance?”

“So th that my body will, refrain from doing it?” Alice asks with a doubtful tone. “Wh wher where sh should I do it father?”

“Embrace it with your body, it will satisfy the mind. I suggest you practice this little ritual…. In school. Yes that will do. Practice this in school and return to tell me if it has worked.”

Alice nods her head as she slowly says “Yes Father, I will. bu but where in school?”

“It doesn’t matter where child as long as there are people around. In class, during lunch, while you gaze at your teacher…. Give some imagination to it.”

Alice nod her head as she responds “Ye yes Father”


On the next day Alice walks in wearing a rather elegant outfit, She gazes around before standing near the area where she confessed with a blush across her face. The priest emerges from a back office. Seeing young Alice he approaches carefully. Seeing the blush on her cheeks, he nodded towards the confessional to see if that’s where see wanted to go. Alice smiles over to the priest as she slows bows in respect “I need to confess!” She says in a hurried tone.

The priest was excited to see her, not only because he wanted to hear her story, but that dress had a way of swinging that gave him a glimpse of her thighs. His eyes followed her stockings as high as he could see.

As soon as he stepped into the confessional, he said ” Tell me how it…. I mean. Bless you child, what brings you here today.”

Alice speaks with a wider blush and a bit of disappointment as she rushes towards the confession booth kneeling down right away.

She waits for the Priest to step in as she says “I did what you said… bu but”

“You did what we talked about…. Good! How did it go?

Alice nods her head as she responds “I I did Father…” her voice shudders nervously as if she is embarrassed.

“Go on, child. Don’t be ashamed. Remember that the shame is what is bad? Tell me what happened.”

Alice takes a deep breath as she says “I ,, I went to class.. and.. I did what you told me to.. I masturbated in my Math class…”

The idea of it instantly turns on the priest, who let’s his head roll back. “Please tell me more, it’s important that I know the details.”

Alice takes a deep breath as she begins to speak “I was curious all night, I know I was .. told to use this method to get contorl of my urges, but.. ever since you said this. I wanted to.. rush to school, rush to my class.. I felt as if I should do it over and over… I don’t remember when I fell asleep thinking about it Father..”

“That’s ok, remember that DOING it is what takes away the desire. Did you masturbate the night before?”

Alice nods her head as she responds softly “I I did.. I’m I’m sorry.”

“that’s ok…. Tell me about math class….. What happened?”

“I was seated toward the back and during Math class when he was teaching .. something, I flipped my uniform skirt up and I used the tip of my pencil to rub against the crotch area….” Alice blushed as she covered her face in embarrassment.

“How did that feel? And what were you thinking about?”

“I was thinking about… finishing it.. bu but.. my thoughts changed to.. what if someone sees me do it…?” She softly replied “Why did it felt …”

“I bet that felt nice, to satisfy that urge right there in class. ” The priest could barely hide his arousal. “And did anyone see you?”

Alcie nodded her head, her view was pointed to his face and torso. “Tw..two..” She replied as her cheeks blushed.

“Oh no…. And when you noticed that they saw you…. What happened?”

“I.. I ..” I paused gulping “I felt more turned on…I couldn’t stop.. I.. I couldn’t back out”

“Were these two people classmates or teachers?”

“My classmate saw me first… and.. and finally my teacher”

“Oh goodness child. I hope you didn’t get in trouble. We might have to address this with them eventually. But what about the urge, do it go away? Did you finish in class?”

I shake my head side to side “The urge didn’t go away..” With a pause she responds “Y ye yes”

The thought of Alice touching herself in class with two sets of eyes on her was incredibly attractive to the priest, and he could no longer hold himself back. “My daughter, let me show you how natural this… I have felt excited by this conversation, so I am going to touch myself too. You see… I don’t want to feel this later, so I’ll satisfy this urge now.” He says. And he slowly pulls his throbbing dick out of his priest robes. He gently starts to stroke as he continues. “Can you see this? I don’t know how thin this confessional is.”

Alice opens her eyes lowering her head as she gasps in shock seeing his cock erect and throbbing, her left hand drops down as she press against the front of her skirt as she whimpers “No.. No faher.. pleas.. please stop..”

“It’s ok, my girl, remember that this natural. It is only a sin if you are ashamed. Are you ashamed of seeing this? Or wanting to touch yourself right now?”

Alice slowly rubs her finger tip against the front of hr skirt discretely as she nods her head “’ll mak make.. me..”

“very good. See? You’re making progress already. Now…. What should we do about those that saw you…. ?” He continues as he slowly watches her gently touch herself.

“I I don’t kn know” her voice studders as her body shivers, her fingers press against her clit area pushing her thick skirt as she grinds her finger tip.

As both sinner and “saint” gently rub themselves, another church patron can be heard entering. ” My dear, I must tend to my flock. But you still need some sort of process to help you, right? It’s ok to feel these things, in fact, you may need to actually receive the touch of a man in order to satisfy those feelings. So your goal for tomorrow is to rub yourself against another man. It may be while you are passing by someone, or while you are scooting past one if the boys at school. You must your sensitive area against them, but you must do it discreetly. That will help to take away these needs. ”

Alice gasps as she nervously lick her lips rubbing herself a bit faster out of curiosity as she asks “Ho How can I..? Father.. tell me how…If I lift my skirt they will know.”

“You don’t have to lift your skirt, it can be done over clothes. But you must somehow get your sensitive area to touch another boy.” He paused, “Do you want to see how it should feel before we finish?”

Alice nods her head a couple of times as she respond “Ye yes”

The priest opens a small door between the two rooms, which removes any barrier between them. He gently reaches out and puts his hand at the bottom of her skirt. He slowly slips his hand underneath and follows her leg until he gets to her crotch. He places his hand firmly over her pussy with a tight squeeze. “Can you feel what this does to your body?”

Alice grabs onto his arm as her body shivers while his fingers glide along her inner thigh, Just as his fingers grip onto her white cotton wet panty, she lets out a whimpering moan, shivering as she slowly grinds herself against his fingers, spreading her wetness along his finger tip as she says “I i icna can’t st sto..p”

“Embrace this my daughter. If you keep practicing, I’ll let you take the next steps to divinity with me. Would you like to feel my cock inside of you?”. He asks. Alice shivers as her grip tightens around his arm, her hip moves to and fro, grinding herself against his fingers as she moans in pleasure. Her voice studders as she apologizes “Im sorry Im so so sorry” as she nods her head before saying “Please fu fuck me….!” But he knows he can’t. Very frustrated, he stands up quickly and leaves to meet his other patron. her eyes remains closed but just as he stands up and leaves she falls onto the side shivering as she is edged.

The priest attends to his other clients, but his mind is with the young girl who is still in the confessional. He is torn knowing that he is encouraging her to embrace her sexuality at such a young age, but he is so turned on by it that he can’t stop. He realizes that he’ll have extra prayers of his own today. He just hopes that he gets to see young Alice again… And when his mind isn’t on his priestly duties…. He can’t help but think how he can corrupt this young girl to do his bidding


On the next day, Alice rushes to Church right after reaching home, She puts on a new outfit and walks into the church looking around for the priest. The priest is with someone as Alice walks in. And he notices her dress, thinking that maybe she is feeling more confident. He leads the church goer to the door. He speaks loud enough for Alice to hear “I apologize for being short with you, but this young girl needs quite a bit of help. She has really been struggling recently. ” The other person leaves while giving Alice a side glance that reveals what they think of her.

Alice smiles over to the patron before stepping into the chamber kneeling down preparing herself to confess or explain what happened earlier that day.

The priest readies himself and joins her. “Go ahead child. What do you need to confess today.”

Alice takes a deep breath as she says “I did what you wanted me to do, I I made contact with.. a man…”

“Go on, my child. How did it go?

“I wanted more…” Alice shut her eyes as she continues “It was amazing”

Oh god, I would give you so much more. Thinks the priest. “Tell me what happened, how did you find someone? And what did you feel?”

“I was in the bus.. In my school uniform.. It was pretty crowded and.. I was standing near a seated man, his hand was gripped onto the side arm..I tried to pretend as if I was bumping into his hand.. but I kept bumping my.. my.. spot onto the back of his fingers” Alice blushed as she slowly gulped “And..”

“Yes my dear, go on.”

“I did it at the park too”

The priest raises his eyebrows. “Both places….! I can tell you really want to work on this. What happened at the park?”

“I I sat on a boys hand while he was doing the monkey bars.”

“Oh really, that’s very bold of you. Did you feel ashamed of those things? Did you feel like a little slut?”

Alice nods her head as she continues “The boy looked up my skirt..”

“He did? And what did you do, or think, when he did that?”

“I I couldn’t stop grinding against him..” She replied biting her lip as if it was both embarrassing as well as arousing.

“I’m glad that you’re embracing this. And really leaning into it. Tell me what your body was communicating. I wonder if your private parts reacted to this.”

“I was turned on for both, I was more unstoppable near the boy… I couldn’t stop even when he was trying to hold onto the railing”

“Very good, my child. And did he finally let go? How did that interaction end?”

“he kept looking up as I was grinding on his fingers, he lost his balance and fell onto the ground…I ran away when his mother rushed to help him up”

“I hope he wasn’t injured. It would be a disaster if your youthful desires caused someone harm.”

Alice nod her head a couple of times “I am sorry that I sinned for my desire and pleasure”

“Is there anything else you want to tell me before we talk about how we can fix that?”

“I I felt addicted to the touch”

The priest looked like he had an idea that crossed his mind. “I’m curious if you have changed your panties since this happened. Sometimes you can tell HOW MUCH someone is addicted. Do you still have on the same pair?”

Alice shakes her head side to side as she says “I haven’t changed it…”

“if we are going to really see how addicted you are, will you slip them off so I can examine them?”

Alice nods as she slowly stands up, With the priest seeing the hem of her dress, She moves her hands underneath her dress on both sides, pinching her panty as she slides it off, The white panty slides off her thighs giving out a musky aroma as she steps out and slowly slides it down the gap underneath the filtered screen.

The priest examines a pair of light grey lace panties. They have light frills on the hip and a solid front and back. He carefully peels them apart to examine the middle. “Ah just as I expected….. I can see your juices here. ” Hoping that she doesn’t see, the priest puts the cloth up to his nose and breathes in deeply.

The panty would have a fresher wetness to it, Like the juice of an alovera, She would be busy kneeling back down and lowering her head with her eyes closed “I’m sorry for being… aroused”

“Are you aroused even now? Even though we have not touched? Do we need to do another exercise like we did yesterday?”

“Yes Father.”

“yes my dear… In fact you’ve proven faithful enough that you’ve earned it. Come join me on this side of the booth so that I can see you properly. ”

Alice pushes herself up as she walks out and then steps into the cubicle from the main entrance, She stands with her hands behind her back and head lowered. The priest holds out her panties like a dog owner scolding their pet. “Do you see how much of a slut you are? Will you stop being a whore anytime soon? Get down on your knees. ” He commands. “You need to taste this.”. He pulls her panties inside out. “Hold out your tongue.”

Alice shivers in shame nodding her head before lowering herself modestly onto the floor. Her body shivers as the priest speaks in a slightly stern and insulting manner. She squint her eyes shut as she stick her tongue out tilting her head slightly back while muttering “Ple pelase.. Fa fther I I I will chan change..”

The priest rubs her panties over her tongue, maybe a little harder than he should have. Oh god, he just wants to do so many things to her. He wants to take her right then and there and push her against the confessional walls and make her feel like the sinner she is. Alice shivered tasting her slimy goo brush up against her tongue, The scent of her musky, sweaty, juice coated Panty made her gag in disgust. Yet her whole body shivered, as she felt the goo coat a slimy layer along her tongue. She held her breath while responding “Yu yuck!”

“Ok my child. I was hoping that you would have learned by now…. But I can tell you’re a slow pupil. There is one other thing that we can try. We will really need to push things though. We would have to satisfy your deepest urges. But of course, I couldn’t be part of that. Not me, bring a man of God. ”

“Wh wha what?” Alice asks unsure of what he was trying to say looking up as her lips brush up against her panty.

“If you can find someone to help relieve you of these desires…. Then I can help you fulfill them. Yes, I think that this will be your next task. Bring someone with you next time you come. We can hopefully resolve this issue.”

“So someone who will have sex with me?” Alice asks with a curious look.

“Well, maybe I have a better idea. Join me outside. ” The two head outside. “This should be a bit of charity work.” The priest approaches a homeless man who sits on the street, a pile of boxes and belongings around him. Right on the street, the priest pulls the homeless man aside to talk. “Can you believe this?” He says. Showing the homeless man Alice’s underwear. “This little slut needs somewhere to spend her.. Excess energy.” “we were wondering if you could help us” he asks the homeless man.

Alice blushes lowering her head in shame, her hands clasped behind her back.

“Please sir…. How would you teach this little harlot a lesson?” The priest asks. The man’s face drops in shock as he realizes the situation. “Uh… I would…. Make her do what we have to do… The homeless have to piss in the street!”

“If you’re going to be a little hooker, maybe you need to prepare for the life. Pull up that pretty little grey dress and go urinate on the street.” The priest commands.

Alice gasps in shock as she nervously mutters “Bu bu but I don’t need to pee”

“Well then, maybe you could help this man, would that be less embarrassing? Maybe he wouldn’t mind a little blowjob.” The priest arches an eyebrow. “Which would you prefer?”

Alice lowered her head as she said “I’ll help the man” The priest hung back around the corner, he couldn’t risk being seen by one of his followers. The homeless man looks this young girl up and down and slowly steps towards her. He cautiously unzips his pants and pulls out his dick. “Here, do with this what you want!” He mocks.

Alice blushes as she gazes over to the priest, biting her lower lip as she tugs on the priests hand “Fa father no.. I I don’t know wh what to do… I feel.. I feel the urge father… Please don’t make me”

“Yes my girl,… You know what to do. I know you’ve seen those videos online. ” He coaxes her closer to the man. “Do you remember how it felt? Do whatever you need to with this man, to make you feel like you did with the boy in the park. If that means suck his dick, do it. If that means use his fingers, you certainly know how to do that…. Do it.”

Alice tugs on the priests arm as she shakes her head “I won’t be able to stop.. father. please.. I wanna go inside.. ” her head turns to the homeless man’s cock as she says “Please.. hi hide it.. please cover it..”

The priest moved her closer. Taking the hand of the homeless man. And shoving it under her dress. The shocked man froze, obviously enjoying it, but surprised. “Yes, isn’t that what you liked?!” Alice was already drenched, her inner thigh and pussy was soaked and drooling with her juices, Feeling the rough fingers made her body move on it’s own grinding back as she moaned softly.

The man, encouraged by her feedback slowly lifted his middle finger gently slipping it inside of her. Meanwhile the priest grabbed Alice’s left hand encouraging her to grab him. The man let out an audible gasp as her hand wrapped around his penis.

Alice tilts her head back dropping her lower jaw open groaning in pleasure, Lowering her body as more of his finger slips into her tight wet hole. her left hand grips onto his warm manhood as she strokes it without waiting muttering “Make me st stop”

“No, my child… Now is not about stopping, now is about embracing the woman that God made you to be. Focus on the feelings, focus on what your body tells you. ” The priest stepped up behind Alice, wrapping his arms under hers to grab her adolescent breasts.

Alice moans out as she strokes the homeless man’s sticky cock, while grinding and bouncing on his finger, groaning in pleasure. As he moves in behind her he gently whispers in her ear. “You’re going to help this man until you come. Your first orgasm with a man will be right here on the street.” But just then the priest gets a devilish idea, seeing Alice writhe in pleasure, he decides that he will lead her right up until orgasm, until she is in the edge of it, and then take it away. He watches closely to see when Alice is just about to climax…..

Alice rolls her eyes upwards bouncing faster and faster, her stroking motion reduces as she focuses more on her own pleasure leaving the man’s cock unattended. Just as Alice is close, her eyes rolled almost completely back in her head, he pulls her away from the hand that had been so kind to her. “You don’t understand, child. Charity work is not for yourself, but for others. You don’t get to finish. He does. Kneel before him and open your mouth.”

Alice groans desperately shivering and shaking as she is edged. Falling on her knees as she sobs in denial. Turning to the man and opening her mouth wide “Ahh” The man eagerly puts his dick in her mouth. The priest watches as Alice’s lips slowly slide past his throbbing head and down onto his shaft. He can see Alice wince as it gets deep into her throat. “Good girl!” The priest encourages. Take him into you. And she does. The man thrusts harder and harder while choking and gagging noses erupt from Alice’s mouth. His moans increase in volume and intensity. He is getting close. He obviously hasn’t had the pleasure in a while, and clearly isn’t focused on lasting. Just as he is about to finish, the priest chimes in with “He is about to cum, where should we put it, sweetie?”

Alice moves her head back and forth even though it’s not making her comfortable, she moans as she slurps on his musky salty penis, enjoying the taste of a man. The priest hovers over this pupil while she chokes and gags on the homeless man’s cock. ” He’s going to cum soon my child. And if you’re a good girl, you’ll let it spill onto your face. We can’t waste the seed of this man.” He says. He watches as the man gets nearer and nearer to orgasm, his fingers curling into the hair of the young girl. Just then, his ejaculate explodes out of him.

Alice pulls her head back with a mouthful of his cum, while letting him squirt onto his face.

The man shudders as he releases his load into her. “Very good my child.” The priest encourages. He takes a quick look around the fairly empty street, but notices that a group of boys had stopped about a block away. They seemed to have observed culmination at least, and were content to stay and watch. “Those boys must be about your age, I think. What would they think of you? Here like this?”

Alice closes her eyes as she makes a bit of choke gestures while trying to swallow the cum that was in her mouth. She open her eyes looking at the boys as she mumble “Le let me ha have sex pl.. please please father”

“Are you still feeling the desire, child? I know that we didn’t get to your orgasm, even though it was close. Your bit of charity was well received.” He acknowledged the man, and bid him leave. “Maybe it’s time that I give a bit of charity.” He pondered to himself. “Stay here, girl.”

The priest walked over to the group of boys. As he approached they became nervous and they all looked at their feet. “Did you all see what just happened there?” The boys all nodded in the affirmative. “I am feeling generous today. And it seems that God will smile on one of you. Have any of you had sex yet?”

Alice slowly licked her cum coated lips, moving her hand over to her own crotch rubbing herself while looking at the boys shamelessly.

The boys shuffled uneasily. Two of the three boys raised their hands, not knowing what to make of the situation. “Perfect,” the priest said. He grabbed the boy who had not raised his hand. “I assume you’re a virgin?” The boy timidly nodded his head.

Alice slowly moaned shivering as her fingers rubbed herself faster.

“God works mighty miracles through virgin flesh…. But we may also need some experience. Come with me boys. And they walk back to Alice. “Alice, do you recognize any of these boys?” Alice shakes her head as her fingers grind her clit, moaning lowering her head in pleasure and shame

” They’ll do nicely then. Boys, today God has given you his miracle. ” The boys hardly listened as the priest talked. They couldn’t keep their eyes of the pretty young girl with her grey dress hiked up, fingering her pink cunt.

“She needs help here, won’t someone lend a finger?” And one if the braver boys stepped forward. He reached out his have, but cautiously looked around. “Don’t be ashamed boy. But maybe we should find a secluded place. ” He said. Worrying that more of this flock might see.

They headed to a close alleyway. The same boy moved in, and lifted Alice’s dress to examine. He moved his hand close and touched her hips. Moving closer to her pussy. “Alice dear, explain how this feels as he touches you.” The priest said.

Alice moaned softly shivering and opening her legs apart “I feel m.. My desire… Growing… I need a cock in me… Fuck me.. Please…. Everyone…!”

The closest boy quickly unbuckled his pants, erection popping out immediately. He grabbed Alice but the hips to spin her around. “Wait! “The priest interrupted, “Let’s give the honor to the virgin.”. He grabbed the boy by the shoulders leading him to Alice’s exposed ass.

“Go ahead boy. Pants down. ” And the boy did. He eagerly approached her dick in hand. Using one hand to guide his dick, he gently guided his dick toward her. The boy slowly slides his dick inside of her. Gasping with pleasure. He moves both hands to her hips and pulls her deeper down onto him. The first boy, still with his pants down moves to her head. He gently leads his cock to Alice’s face, going to get it sucked. The young virgin pushes harder and harder. His thick cock sent waves of shock through her ass as he pounded her. His face betrayed his youth and inexperience and within a minute or two he was spent. I could see him pull out with his pecker already shrinking, glossed over with his milky white sperm. The boy who was getting a blowjob seized his opportunity and slipped around to her backside to penetrate her. He didn’t seem to mind the markings of the previous boy, and Alice certainly needed more.

One off the other two boys came tentatively around to her face, and Alice didn’t waste a second nearly ripping off his pants and putting his dick in her mouth. She was ravenous, and the priest hoped that these young boys couldn’t satisfy her. He hoped for his turn. As soon as one boy was spent, the one from her mouth would move to her pussy, and so it went. Until the last boy finally came with spasms of pleasure

“How are you feeling my daughter. Are you satisfied yet?”

“No… please….. please I need more. I haven’t come yet.” The priest approached her face, flushed red with pleasure, and put his hand under her chin. “Are you ready to see the hand of God in your life my girl?” To which she quietly replied “Yes father.” He couldn’t tell if her volume was due to humility or because her jaw was spent after having 3 boys in it. The priest took her hand and escorted her to a couple of milk crates that were stacked in the alley. He gently sat her down on them and pushed her back until she was lying on a couple of them stacked together. The priest slowly lifted her legs by the ankles and cocked her knees so that he could approach.

He pulled his robes to the side just enough to pull out his massive erection. By now the boys had one by one staggered off, embarrassed or spent or both. The priest gazed down at the young girl on her back, with semen already flowing from her juicy slit. He gently tapped the thick head of his cock on her labia, letting her know what was coming. As he pushed in, she gasped sharply. The priest wondered if none of the boys had been big enough or deep enough to break her hymen yet. He pushed deeper and deeper until his entire shaft had plunged in as far as he could. Alice was gasping and slightly sobbing. The priest, practicing his cold determination, pushed harder and deeper. Waves of pleasure surged through both. The old priest invigorated by a fresh young pussy and the young girl taking in the full breadth of a man

The priest reached one hand down and found the pulsing mound of her clit. Her body buzzed with pleasure the minute he touched it. Every stroke and rub heightened her pleasure, encouraging her to move her torso and grind her hips into him even more. As the priest built his rhythm she squirmed more and more, trying to pull away from him. The priest reached up to grab one firm breast to make sure she didn’t move and tugged even harder when she tried to pull away. “Give in to me girl.” He would coach. “Let the feeling build inside you.”

Alice, buzzing with pleasure, gave in to the feeling and let his thick cock pull her into higher and higher levels of ecstasy. “I think I’m ready, father. I think th.. I… I Oh my god…. Oh my GOD! OH GOOOODDDD!!!!!” she started to scream. “Yes girl,” the priest encouraged. “give yourself to God. Give yourself to ME!” He kept thrusting harder and harder while caressing her clit. Alice finally reached orgasm which was punctuated by a high and long scream, which slowly melted away into a quivering coo. The priest wasn’t far behind her. He gently pulled his veiny dick out and gave her his seed. Thick lines of semen squirted up her torso, some reaching her chin. Alice looked down her body lovingly, scooping a bit of sperm with her finger and sticking it into her mouth. Alice, exhausted from her penance, relaxed her body, going limp on the milk crates in the alley.

“Are you satisfied, my child? Do you continue to want?”

“No father. You have taken the desire from me.”

“Good my child.” The father said. “We may need to practice this form of repentance to be sure that this desire doesn’t return. Should we schedule something next week?” He asked.

“Maybe sooner” she sighed, and her head rolled back and passing out. The priest scooped her up and took her back into the Lord’s house to recover.
