My [F] relationship with a married lawyer [M]

This is a long story of over 2 years broken into multiple parts

March 2018
me-Zoe 21yo
I was called in for Jury duty at my local court, I got dressed up pretty good for it mostly in black,black top and skirt with my long black hair and with dark eyes and red lips. There was a lot of waiting around, the case was delayed for a couple hours so I went to the cafeteria and sat down with a coffee, soon a guy sits down in front of me at the other side of the table, It was very busy and virtually the only seat unoccupied. I looked at this guy and was like Damn!! I was bored to hell and now a really hot guy dressed well in a black suit is in front of me, he looked mid 30s. As I sat scrolling through twitter I was becoming less interested in twitter and more interested in fantasizing about this guy in front of me. As the minuets passed I wanted this guy more. I sat and thought how I could possibly have this guy, as I was thinking I was fiddling with a pen that had been left on the desk and then all of a sudden I accidentally flicked it onto the floor. Then the hot man went down to pick it up for me and in that moment I had the instinct to slightly pull my skirt up and spread my legs open as he was at eye level with my legs, he picked up the pen and as he passed it too me stopped for a second and looked straight up my skirt. I had tights on with red panties on, easily visible to him. Then we were back to where we were he continued drinking his coffee and looking at his phone. I was pretty excited at what I had done and was getting a little wet. I then thought I have one last move, I had to take the chance. I passed him my phone with my number on the screen and just said “do you want this?” he took my phone and looked at me and typed the number into his phone and gave me back my phone without saying anything. I stood up and left to go to the bathroom.

All that day I was horny as hell and so desperately waiting to get a text from him… but no text.
That was Monday, I was expecting something on Tuesday and also Wednesday but nothing! By Friday I was talking to a friend (Mark)22 at uni and that night I invited him to my house for pizza and chat but really my plan was to shag him… and we did. By Saturday the incident back at court was gone from my mind. The following weekdays I still didn’t receive any texts. Friday night I had mark round at my place to shag again. Saturday night I was lying in bed reading a book and get a text, I look at my phone and its from an unknown number saying “Hi this is Josh”………. my heart started racing with excitement, I was so excited!!!

We texted for about 4 hours, the details of the texts were really interested and but its too long to fully break down but basically he began by acting really innocent but eventually told me he was 35, married and a lawyer. We didn’t get too intimate or sexual or plan anything. but honestly I was touching my clit for almost the entire time we were texting I was so horny and excited about the potential.
Next Saturday he texted me and again we had a long chat, this time it got deeper and we began to get sexual, I got him to explain all his sexual interests, kinks, history and fetishes. He had a huge pantie fetish! and told me about how amazing it was when he saw my panties back at the court cafeteria. Again this time as we were texting I was in euphoria from teasing my clit with my pure lust and excitement.
We planned to have a night together the coming Friday night, the plan was to tease him with my panties and give each other massages. I told him that’s as far as I wanted to go, but that was a total lie, in reality I was at peak lust!



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