The time I [F] got myself crazy horny for my husband’s [M] dick by putting away groceries

Hallo! This is my first time posting any kind of sexy story on the internet. This experience felt very “take one leave one” so I have decided to post my story. I am told I am not good at telling stories. And being an avid reader of these stories, I sympathize with getting bogged down in the non sexy details. so before I start anything in brackets [ like this] is can be skipped if desired.

Ok, so where I live we have been under a fairly strict lockdown for several months. This has actually been pretty good for me and my husband’s sex life. I have recently begun playing a kind of game with myself using one of my other reddit alt accounts (I have like 5 lol). I subscribed it to normal stuff I read, but also to a few of my intense sexy subreddits. So as I go through randomly during the day, occasionally I’ll come across a hardcore sexy post that piques my interest and I get thrown into a sexy mood. It is fun and my husband is a BIG FAN.

In this case, my husband and I were bumming out on our phones before he was planning to go grocery shopping (where we live only one person can go). I come across a story right before he leaves, which results in what follows.

I am SO MAD but I can’t find the story now. If I do find it I will add an edit. It was all about a couple in a mild sub/dom scenario that was all about making the sub as aware as possible of just how much she craved/needed being filled by his cock.

First detour for background on why this caught my attention so much!

[I was raised in a household with a very strict religious upbringing that was not common for where I live. It also has a *very* bad view of women sexuality. As a result, university me had no real clue about sex, or any real experience. What I did have was my own bank account, a hungry curiosity, and online shopping skills. Cue the first of MANY sex toys, a ridiculously sized jelly dildo. Poor innocent me had no clue other than “sex feels good and it’s about penis in vagina” so I just bought the “most popular” fake penis I could. So my first experience was trying to take this monster of a dildo with no lube. Pain city. I was frustrated and sad and felt broken, guilty and wrong. I dont know why I did this next bit, but it saved my sexual life. See Dong Kong came with a “free gift” of a little cheap bullet vibe (the kind with the cord and little box). I was sore and sad and honestly frustrated/horny, so I looked at its box. On the back was a super duper vague line drawing of a woman holding the vibe in her crotch. So I tried it. And lo, did the gates of clitoral bliss open up before me. After that I was hooked, and now I’m only a little embarrassed by my massive vibe collection. But I never went back to penetration, until my husband. That was it’s own adventure and I’m already rambling, but long story short: I have only in the last few years or so discovered the insainly delicious pleasure of craving being filled up by a good cock, and the waves of ecstatic abandon that comes when that craving is finally filled. It’s my latest crutch, and I cant get enough of it.]

So I’m currently REALLY into anything that hypes up that craving feeling of needing to be filled. So this story got my ladyboner hard fast. Right as my husband left for groceries.

But the problem is, it takes alot to make me submissive. I’m kinda bitchy in that area. That can work. But not with the story I was reading. Then I was struck with brilliance! I like games with myself. Challenges. So I would dom myself in a way.

With the idea still forming, I ran upstairs to our bedroom (I had time but not that much of it). I opened my toy chest and searched through. Then I found the perfect thing: a small vibe that is designed to sit in the labia and stay over the clit. My husband got it for my when we first were trying penetrative sex, and it was sweet but it did not stay on when things got.. heated. Plus it doesn’t sit quite right, so it is VERY good at getting me turned on, but not very good at actually getting me off.

For what I had in mind, it was PERFECT. Plus it has a remote, even more perfect.

Next I went to the closet and looked through my special underwear. [I keep my undies on hangers, dont judge me] but I knew what I wanted this time. It was a bit hard to find since I dont wear it often, but I had it soon enough: a lacy black thong. Now thongs dont really *do it* for me, but my husband LOVES my ass and I have to admit I look great in it, so I pull it out occasionally to treat him. But I can never wear it long or out because I can’t forget about it. I am always very aware I am wearing the thing.

Again, perfect for my plan.

Finally I grab my sleep shirt. [Again sorta backstoryish, but long story short: I have a weird relationship with my nipples. When I first started exploring, I LOVED pinching and rolling my nipples. Felt amazing. But once I went on birth control in anticipation of sex with my husband (boyfriend at the time), my nipples became crazy sensitive. I get overwhelmed (I actually slapped my husband, then boyfriend, when he did it on my request. took a long time to get over that guilt.) Anyway, but broad pressure, kneading, and soft things sliding over them drives me absolutely BONKERS. Sadly, this is not something that the great sex toy makers put any stock in, so I never had a good toy for my post birth control boobs, until this shirt.]

It’s my husband’s, and whatever man cotton it’s made from is PERFECT. If I’m in the mood and wearing this, it’s like a constant background noise of horny.

I go to the bathroom, and see a marker on my vanity [its pink and has those big ball lights, so fun], and in a moment of inspiration grab that as well.

When I’m finally stripped naked in front of my bathroom mirror, probably 20min later, the planning already has me going, and I can see my lady lips are glistening with anticipation.

Quick about me: I’m not short, but not tall. (About 1.74m) I used to be fairly lean, but adult life is hard and I have a bit of cushion now. I have some scars from a surgery I had below my belly button and along my right hipbone. [I hate them but my husband loves on them. Partly because for whatever reason, when he brushes the hip scar, it feels to me like he is touching just beside my clit. He calls it “second clit”. I may be weird but so is he.] But my legs look great and my husband LOVES my ass. I’m also attracted to my boobs, big but blessedly not “break your back” big. I normally have shorter pixie cut blonde hair, but now it’s more shoulder length because you know pandemic. I’m in my mid 20s, my husband early 30s.

I slowly got the vibe in place and couldnt help a little massaging of my clit as I got it right. Once its snug in place, I pulled on the thong, which held the vibe surprisingly well. Already I was aware of the thong between my ass cheeks, not great or bad, but very present.

Then I grabbed the marker, and way more turned on than I expected, I wrote: “use me” across my upper chest. “FILL ME” just above my mound. And “grab me” on each ass cheek. Seeing myself like that in the mirror, I could already feel that swirling feeling in my groin, that need/want to be filled already building.

On went the shirt, brushing against my chest brilliantly, and a pair of everyday around the house bike shorts.

The plan/game/challenge was simple: On the outside I would be as normal around the house appearing as possible. Regular old wife. Underneath, on the inside, I will do everything I can to be a horny, craven, slut for my husband’s godly cock. Everything designed to keep me just how aware of how badly I needed to have him inside me, filling me. But not giving anything away. The only way I can have him would be to be taken by him. For him to discover just how crazily needing of him I really was.

Because I am the most cruel dom in existence, I immediately switch the vibe on and watched myself. I talked up to me how amazing the feeling of being filled would be. When I finally got close enough that it was too risky to continue, I was already more wanting for him than I had been in a while. This would be good.

It was also way longer than I thought. Because I had just gotten a bit calm when I heard the door open and my husband calling for me. Flustered I checked myself in the mirror. I noticed that some of the writing on my ass peaked out if I bent over but had no time to fix it. I grabbed the remote for the vibe, and only then realized I had no pockets. [Fuck. Womens. Clothing. ] in my panic I grabbed a zip up hoodie from ontop of my dresser and threw it on. I clicked the vibe onto low and setting 1 a soft breathing kind of pulse. Then I put the remote in the pouch pocket and hurried downstairs to the kitchen, being careful not to dislodge the vibe.



  1. How delicious. I read both parts and they were magnificent.

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