My new job (part 1) [Ds] [exhib] [spank] [Mf]

The first time sliding into the pool for my swims is always the hardest. It’s so cold, every damn time. I know it is temporary but I still brace against it. It turns out to be helpful because in practicality I slide in, adjust my goggles and go. After one lap I can’t feel the cold, and at the end I always get out hot and tired and having lost track of all the stress and tension I started with.

Lately, I’d had more than my fair share of stress and tension. Everybody falls on hard times but, holy hell, I needed this move to be a success. The job seemed ideal, my small amount of front desk experience qualified me, the pay was decent, they provided housing, benefits and had a gym for employee use only. I was going to make it work no matter what.

I cut my swim a little short to make sure I had time to make myself look presentable in the locker room. I had just finished getting dressed, sensible heels, black tights, skirt, blouse and my nicest cardigan, when a woman approached me. She was stunning. I had done my best and was still going to be under dressed. Fuck.

“I’m Lydia, I don’t recognize you. Thought I might come make a new friend.” Her huge smile was disarming enough that I forgot that this was quite possibly the most awkward way to meet someone. Who doesn’t need a new friend on their first day at work?

“Sophie. Nice to meet you.” I reached out and shook her hand. We had a little small talk about the gym, my first day nerves and she offered to walk me to coffee and then to drop me off on the 10th floor where I’d be meeting my new boss. After assuring me we had time she marched me off, arm around my shoulder towards the elevator.

As it turns out Lydia knew my new boss, Mr. Carter. She had worked with him in the past but was now working with a colleague of his on the same floor. I was thankful for her to ease our introductions. Her assurances so far seemed correct. He was warm, kind and when he greeted her with a hug his hand stayed on her ass. I could hardly blame him.

I was getting a little swept away trying to understand the way they were touching each other and then all of a sudden, she was gone and he turned his attention to me. It was like he could look right through me. I tried to cover up how it made me want to squirm. I could smell his cologne as he got closer to me, placing his hand on my back to lead me to a computer by the door.

“I know it is a bit of a strange set up to have you here in the office with me but we are still sorting out the details of the position. I’ve set up a computer for you over here. Please make this space yours, do what you need to be comfortable. Go ahead and follow the instructions to set up your login, e-mail etc and I’ll come check on you after this meeting.” I could swear he caught a glance at my tits, a quick smile, and he was gone.

I settled in to his instructions. All standard first day stuff. I was moving through it nicely when his office door opened. Lydia.

“Hey honey, how are you in here?”

“I’m doing well, I just got a little caught up with trying to…”

“Hey, I wanted to let you know, the meeting is going well. Mr. Carter should come back in a good mood. He seems to like you so I wanted to uh, give you a little tip?”

“Great! Yeah, whatever you think. I’d love anything helpful.”

She looked at me a little deeper, still disarming, she came over and sat on the desk. She nodded at the meeting room. I could see through the glass that they must have been taking a break. People were pushed back from the desk, relaxed. “Mr. Jennings has a specific way he likes meetings run. I’m going to go back in now and I want you to keep watching. If you like what you see, and you think you could do it yourself, you should make Mr. Carter aware.”

I didn’t have to wait long to figure out what she meant. I watched her walk into the meeting room and get everyone started again. Then, before everyone was seated she began unbuttoning her blouse. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Button by button she revealed her lacy bra. She began to sit when her boss motioned for her to come over him. She walked over, and sat on his lap obediently. He unclasped her bra and took one tit in each hand. He let the bra fall to the floor as he rolled her nipples between his fingers, letting the whole room see. I could see him run a hand up the inside of her thigh as he told her to go back to her seat with a little swat. She did, without bothering to pick up her bra. And the meeting continued, Lydia’s tits out, while she took notes, fetched coffee, brought someone a new pen. I couldn’t take my eyes away and my mind was racing. I wanted a better view. I was transfixed. Could I do that? I reached into my own blouse to feel myself. I wanted someone’s hands on me like that. I wanted to be good.

I was watching Lydia’s tits as she gathered up papers, not recognizing that meant the meeting must be drawing to a close, when I realized not everyone was paying attention to Lydia. Mr. Carter was paying attention to me.

Immediately I looked back at my computer screen, embarrassed. What a fool I was. I’d watched so long my computer had gone to sleep. I wasn’t finished with my tasks yet. Frantically I tried to get logged back in before he was back in the office. My screen was still loading when he walked in.

“Sophie. How are you doing in here? That list going ok?” His tone had changed. He was still warm but he meant business now. Why were we talking about the list? Remembering what Lydia had said I tried to find the words to say I wanted him to touch me but I couldn’t get them out. I had always been too shy. Instead I fumbled and said that I had made it about half way.

Silence. He took a breath and let it out as a sigh. I couldn’t calm my thoughts. I was reminding myself how much I needed this job, how much I needed a break, how much I needed some order in my life and to relieve some stress. I could feel my cheeks burning and the wetness between my thighs from watching Lydia only made my embarrassment worse.

“Did you get distracted?”

“Yes. I got distracted by watching Lydia in your meeting. I uuhhhhh, think I could benefit from learning more about those kinds of tasks.”

“Oh?” I tried my best to maintain eye contact as he took a step closer to me but I couldn’t. In my quick glances away I noticed his shoulders, his neck. How his arms moved as he set down his papers. “Well you can start by addressing me properly. Frankly I’m surprised I’d need to go over that so I guess we’ll have to start slowly with you.”

“Yes sir, I understand.”

More silence. Then he touched his fingers to mine. Slowly, he ran his hand up my arm. Wrist to elbow, elbow to shoulder, shoulder to collarbone. He was taking his time. He traced his fingers down the collar of my shirt, pulling it ever so slightly down. He caught my eyes briefly before dropping them to my chest again as he pulled my top down to expose my tits. Then he turned and left me standing there, shirt half on in my bra.

He walked to his desk, loosening his tie and rolling up his sleeves. “Go on ahead and get back to work.”

I turned, exposed still, back to the computer and began looking for where I had left off. I was so turned on I couldn’t think straight. My heart was beating so loud I didn’t notice him stand back up and walk over to me until I felt his hips press up against my bare skin exposed above the chair. “You already forgot your first lesson.” Hands on my shoulders. “You seem like you’re the type that will need a lot of guidance. And perhaps a touch of discipline.” His hands slid down my chest to my tits, avoiding my nipples. I tried hard to hold still.

“I’m sorry sir for forgetting. Please let me fix my mistake.”

“That’s good. Now work.”

With his hands tracing the lines of my bra and his eyes looking down on my in my chair I began to find my place again on my to do list. I couldn’t focus with his hands on me. He slid his hands under my bra and gave each tit a firm squeeze. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “Topless. Now. Everything off from the waist up.”

Obediently I reached back and unclasped my bra, letting it fall over my shoulders and setting it on my desk. Then I took my top over my head and placed it next to the bra. Without realizing what I was doing I looked to him for approval. “Good girl.” And with a smirk he walked away again.

I tried to focus but couldn’t. I was just too aware of my tits out in this office. Wondering what he was thinking about, while watching me. I could feel my wetness had soaked my panties and hoped it hadn’t made it through my dress. I tried not to sneak glances at him sitting behind me but I could feel his eyes watching me. Once he got a phone call and started pacing the room. He paced over to me and reached over almost absentmindedly and lightly pinched a nipple, then the other. Coming over to grab some tit became part of his pacing until he wasn’t walking away anymore.

All the sudden he ended his call and his focus was back on me. “Stand up.” I stood.

“Where are you on the list?”

“Number 8, sir” I could feel him pressing up close against me from behind as he ran his hands from my tits down to my hips.

He stepped away. “Bend over and put your hands on the desk.” I did as I was told. He reached for my dress and pulled it up, exposing my ass. I could see people working through the glass in his office door. What if someone saw! With my dress out of the way he hooked his fingers around the top of my tights and pulled them down. “Soaked through your panties I see. Good girl. You should stay wet for me. Unfortunately, you didn’t finish your other tasks for today. Do you know what that means?”

I was pretty sure I did. “No sir.”

“You’ll have to learn your lesson. Two tasks undone, two cheeks. Seems pretty simple to me.” With that, he gave my ass a squeeze and then a quick spank. “One.” Then the same on the other side. Squeeze and a quick spank. “Two.” I was so thankful my panties were still up. Maybe it slightly hid my wetness, I didn’t want him to know yet just how much I needed this.

He left me bent over and walked around to stand slightly in front of me. I could see his hard cock through his pants. “You haven’t been to employee housing yet, have you?”

“No sir.” “Good. Stay like this and finish your tasks for the day. When you are done Lydia will come collect you and show you where you’ll be staying. If she tells me you got dressed again it’ll be a problem. You did well today.”

“Yes sir I understand.”

He left me there. Ass up, tits out. Just waiting and wondering what the hell just happened. I couldn’t stop thinking about his hands all over me. Wondering what kind of ‘problem’ we would have if I dressed, worrying what Lydia might think when she finally came to collect me. Luckily it didn’t take long. She opened up the door with a smile. “Well I guess you didn’t waste much time letting him know you’re up for the job.” She handed me my bra and top, letting her hand graze my tit ever so slightly.

“Come on. I’ll show you where we sleep.”


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