Jaydn’s Growing Love

Author’s Note: This contains unreal proportions and vore. Deaths(?) will be involved in this story so if ya don’t like that go read something else. On mobile so wonky formatting and some grammatical errors. With that out of the way let our story begin.


I was walking down a somewhat shady street due to the city renewing the roads. As I was walking down the street a purple-ish tent appeared in a rather dark alleyway. “Come in to this (not shady) tent,” echoed an eerie voice. The voice seemed to draw me in. Almost hypnotically, I dragged myself to the tent. I entered the tent to be greeted by a strange, old woman in a dark robe that proved to be too large for her. “What is it that you desire most, mortal?” asked the strange lady. “Why do you need to know?” I replied. In a booming voice the lady shouted,”YOU DARE QUESTION ME MORTAL??!!” “No ma’am,” I responded. Like a person with split personalities, she reverted back to her eerie self and repeated the question she asked earlier. “I desire Alex’s love. To be Alex’s dream girl. Very well mortal. I shall grant you the power of being the most attractive women to this Alex. However, there is a twist. You must eliminate your love rivals that stand between you and Alex. How you must eliminate them is through vore. Specifically cock vore. You will be given a more suited body for this wish. Do you understand and accept this? Yes, I do. Very well mortal. Now, off you go.” I was suddenly sent back to where I was walking a fee minutes ago, only to have the tent vanish like it was a dream. I felt a sort of heaviness at my chest, ass, and crotch area. As I felt my body my breasts were currently at F cup. My ass felt wider and more plump. The deal breaker came when I felt a sudden bulge at my crotch area. I was met with a 12in penis and softball balls. I went to look at my watch. “Oh crap! It’s almost first period! Gotta go,” I thought to myself.

~At School~

I was staring intently at Alex’s head. I watched him as he started to dose off. Then a sharp piercing screech broke my “inspection” of Alex. “Jadyn! Jadyn! Please answer Question 5,” asked Ms. Henderson. “What page are we on Ms. Henderson?” I asked. “We are on page 65 in our textbook. Please pay attention to the lecture next time.” Ms. Henderson scolded. I quickly flipped through my book. “I need to vore my rivals is what that lady said. She said that I need to eat them with my new dick, but how will I fit them in my dick!?” I contemplated. The lunch bell rung and my entire class got up to go to lunch. “Apparently that lady said that my rivals would be surrounded by a yellow aura. She said something like ‘it’s for plot convenience’.” I thought. I small girl in our grade was soon illuminated by a yellow aura. “That bitch. She was ALSO after my precious Alex.” I said mentally. I striked a conversation with her and asked her to meet me in a secluded room and the bitch agreed. Yes! Yes! YES!

~At the Room~

“Uhhhh… where’s Alex?” asked the girl. I closed the door behind us and locked it. “Is this some sick prank, Jade?” I didn’t answer. “This isn’t funny, Jadyn.” I undressed and revealed my 12in cock with a pair of softball sized balls. She was immediately disgusted. I walked toward her and she backed away from me as I approached. I soon cornered her into a wall. My cock was now 24in long and 6in wide. “W-What are y-y-you going t-to do to m-m-me,” she asked shakily. My cock suddenly latched on to her head and immediately slurped her down my urethra. Her muffled screams could barely be heard but eas overpowered by the waves of pleasure I was experiencing. She finally slipped into my right ball. The outline of her body could be seen. A sudden rumble could be heard then my right ball grew smaller and smaller back to it’s original size with me penis coughing up her clothes. Then I grew taller and was now over 5’6. My tits exploded past G cup. My ass grew larger than the student desks in the school. My cock grew past 30in long and 7in wide when flaccid and balls past basketballs. My meat sceptor would soon be revealed but I wouldn’t care. As long as I got Alex to love me I wouldn’t care who judged me. One rival down. Many more to go.

~After School~

The day went on like usual except that I was getting stares at due to my transformation. Was it a bad thing? Not at all. I got to capture Alex’s attention. He was staring at me head to toe. It was nearing the end of the last period of school when I spotted another girl surrounded by a yellow light. “Another hoe?! In the same day?!” I thought. As school ended and the bells rang I approached the girl and told her to come with me. I led her to the backside of the school and dropped my skirt and panties to unveil my schlong and balls. “W-what are y-y-you?” she said disgustedly. That was when my cock went hard and soon towered above me by a few inches. My cock was well over 4′ long and 2′ thick. I felt my cock pulsating as it grew. My cocks urethra looked like an exasperated mouth breathing in and out for air. My cock began to leak pre cum almost like it was salivating. Then my cock pounced on her face and began sucking her in. If you listened closely you could hear her screams as she tried to claw out of my cock only for it to all be in vain and pleasure me deeply. She soon slipped into my balls and began squirming about. Due to her moving around, my girlcum was loudly sloshing. She continued to fight and thrash around until it seemed like she finally gave up. She was absorbed into me and I grew past 8’1 easily making me the tallest student in my school. My breasts were immediately overcome with pleasure and ecstasy as they grew past Z cups and began leaking a dribble of what I presumed was my milk. My ass began to grow rounder, plumper, and softer. It swelled and swelled with my ass almost taking up an entire couch. My cock started to twitch and then suddenly exploded and flopped onto the ground. My cock easily surpassed my height with it being 10’3 long and almost 6’0 thick. My super cock was given balls that were past the size of the largest yoga balls, being able to store 50 gallons each of my girlcum as I would soon find out. This was the point of no return. This growth spurt however was more efficient. When I thought about it the girl I engulfed sported G cups and had a very curvy ass. Though her aura seemed different. The first girl I absorbed had a murky yellow aura to her but the one I just absorbed had a more neon yellow aura. “Could it be that different auras determine how much I can absorb from them? Now that I think about it, it does sound like that,” I mumbled. I checked my phone and it was almost 6PM. “Oh crap!” I shouted and began to waddle my way home.

~Jadyn’s House~

I finally got to my house. I felt so exasperated due to the excessive “running” I did to get here. When I was “running” home I garnered quite a few stares. Mostly from lustful women and jealous men, though they were both baffled to how big a cock can be. As I felt their stares my cock began unsheathing itself from the foreskin. I somehow managed to get home with my super cock and balls paired with my new bouncing tits and jiggly ass. When I walked in my parents were immediately scared and confused as to why their daughter was so large paired with her other “assets”. Immediately I started to devise a plan to execute them. As I thought of that my cock grew and was now up against the living room’s wall. My cock was now a little over 9’0 thick. My parents were dumbfounded at her their daughters new asset just expanded taking most of the room’s surface area. Just then my cock turned its head toward my mother, cum dripping from its gaping urethra. Almost suddenly, it swallowed my mother down in seconds and slithered across the ground meeting my dad’s feet. My dad was intimidated and started questioning how their daughter turned into this monstrous sight. Monster was what escaped from his mouth. In that moment I grew furious and my dick pinned him to the wall. It grew a tad bit. What he saw was the remnants of my mother’s clothes. He fell to deepest hole of despair and give himself to me. “You’ll be joining mom in my balls, dad,” I said sexually. No response. My cock slurped him and he soon fell into my balls where mom was. Then a rumble came about with my dick spitting out my dad’s clothes. My cock was going flaccid when my balls started shaking and my cock started furiously twitching. My cock stretched pass being 15’0 long and almost 9’0 thick. My balls began growing. Now my balls took 1/3 of the living room. I began growing to 17’4 tall with my boobs doubling and then re-doubling again and again until my tits reached the base of my shaft. My fat ass began to take more space. Now my ass was able to take up 4 couches at once. “Now this is an ass,” I remarked. Then I felt drowsy and fainted from the explosion of pleasure.

~The Next Day~

I woke up to find out that my shaft had grew but shrunk while I was asleep. In fact, most of my features had shrunk. I now stood at around 13’9 with my breasts a little above where my shaft rests. My ass now could take about 1 or 2 couches (I have no fucking idea why I keep using couches as a measurement for the glutinous maximus) with my cock at around 7’0 long and 4’0 thick. My balls were each larger than 2 yoga balls bound together. When walking to school I felt the same stares I felt from yesterday: horny women and jealous men. .y cock began to grow a bit from the attention and surged pass 11’0 long and 6’0 thick.

~At The School~

Ms.Henderson’s class felt very tight as I took up almost 1/4 of the classroom. Needless to say I wasn’t ever called on, I dont know the specific reason why but I’m sure it was because of my meat sceptor. As I walked down to the cafeteria I saw a bright yellow glow emitting from a person. That person was Alex’s best friend, Tod. “And here I thought guys weren’t included,” I thought. I joined in on Alex’s convo with Tod. Alex soon left Tod alone. Tod was like a flashlight pointed at my face. My eyes burned when I tried looking at him, though I managed to sweet talk Tod into a secluded area if the school. We entered the room and I locked the door. My cock came bursting out of my skirt with its balls sat behind it, looking as plump as ever. “Suck it Tod. B-But… I can’t. It’s too bi- TOD SUCK IT RIGHT NOW BEFORE I HAVE MY PARTNER HERE DEVOUR YOU!” Tod immediately began sucking my cock. “Oooooooooo~ Yeah… that’s the stuff,” I moaned. When Tod saw the white trickling of cum he stopped and pulled away from it. “Tod, you better not test my patience if yo- I was immediately cut off by my cock blasting thick ropes of my milk into Tod’s face. This continued for 2 minutes until all the pre dropped from my tip. Tod was somewhat bloated with my cum and was immobilized due to the torrent of cum that knocked into a wall, leaving him unconscious. My cock opened its urethra and swallowed Tod whole. My dick was expanding due to Tod being inside me. My dick turned rock hard while Tod was still inside me. My dick was now at 20’0 long and around 14’0 thick. My balls began churning and churning cum as Tod was sinking into them. My balls soon took up half of the room with my dick being pushed by the wall. Finally, Tod sank into my ballsack filling my right ball. After 5 minutes or so my dick began to spit out Tod’s blazer and boxers, leaving a trickle of cum out of my dick. I soon anticipated for the moment where I absorbed him and that I would grow to 30’0. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes passed. “C’mon. Hurry up! Lunch is abou- when I was cut off by my cock breaking the wall of the school. That was when I’d feel the greatest orgasm ever. My cock grew and grew. It didnt seem to stop until I felt a glass surface against it, I later learned that that was a very tall law firm. My God-like cock fell onto the ground creating a loud thud. Then it grew and grew which would surpass over 60 miles in length and over 40 miles in width. My balls began to break my confinements and soon I felt most of the school under me, luckily my Alex was not there as he was outside. My balls soon grew to be over 40 miles each in diameter. I grew to be over 60’0 tall with my mountainous breasts passing over 90 miles around I spotted my Alex and grabbed him. He sat on my left breast like a little ant. Just a dot on my goddess-like body. My ass soon rumbled and grew to be over 200 miles across. I picked up Alex sat him down on my hand. “Heard you’re into this kind of stuff. Why are you so big? How are you so big? And why do you know about my kinks? A lady never tells her secret.” Then I remembered something that lady said to me. “If you want to achieve maximum sex appeal to this Alex guy, suck him off.” I proceeded to put Alex on my lips, trying not to eat him alive. After a while I felt a liquid substance in my mouth. Then I blacked out.

~1 Hour Later~

I woke up only to have Alex on my shoulder a slightly bigger than he originally was. “So what happened when I blacked out? Wait, you blacked out? Uhhh… yeah. Well, when did you black out. When I felt a liquid in my mouth other than my saliva. So after you sucked me I began growing a little bit, but a more peculiar event occurred. You started glowing like the fucking sun. Then all of a sudden I felt my member being as hard as hell. Harder than fucking steel. I’ve tried making it go down for a while but it never did. Then you’re body started growing, being invincable to spraying of bullets and missiles. Your dick started acting up and began growing. All of a sudden it swiftly got up and decimated the tanks, fighter jets, etc. What I’m guessing is that your dick swallowed them because I felt vibrations from your breasts, oh what a sight to see. Then you magically floated above the ground and your dick grew into a massive fucking pillar. All I could see was you and that pillar of meat. I assume that the Earth was swallowed by your dick cause another yiu started growing larger and larger. I don’t even know how we’re still alive. Everything was pretty boring after that. Your fucking tits were bigger than Jupiter and your dick green infinitely bigger. That was pretty much it.” Oh wow. I felt my tits and was immediately overcome with pleasure as my hands sank into them. My dick felt a weird force blocking it from growing in length so it grew in width. My meat sceptor was now thicker than it was longer. My balls felt a small heat. This only enticed my balls as it began expanding, the sloshing of my cum still being heard. My ass felt free until it met another great force, the same thing my cock was feeling. My balls soon felt that too along with my breasts. *crack. My assets felt free again and began to expand only to be met by the same force. It broke within mere seconds. My vision was obscured by my mountainous bosoms. My breasts grew too fast it forced Alex, who was now on my breast, into my mouth, specifically his dick. I was met with a creamy liquid that fueled my growth even more. The more Alex came the more I grew. After 15 minutes of sucking him off we managed to somehow pull his dick from my mouth. “So I guess this life now. Well it won’t ever be boring with you in it Alex.”

The End

Alright so this my little section where I just type something relatable or funny I guess. This was a fucking doosy to type down. I will never EVER type down a story like this in one sitting. But uhhhhhh… I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did type. I kept on getting a hard on while typing this as I was both typing down the shit and imagining how Jadyn would grow. Welp. I’m done with this fuckong story and thanks for reading. Cya later.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hg1trl/jaydns_growing_love

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