I let my Australian, sur[f]er-boy neighbor take [m]y virginity when I was 18, part 1 [fm]

I love reading this sub, but this is my first time writing one of these. I’m a little nervous, but this was a really special experience for me and I just really wanna share it. There’s a lot of backstory, but I think the backstory is kinda sexy. Just so you have an idea about me, I’m about five foot seven, skinny, blonde, small perky little boobs, pretty big ass for my build, but not much hips. I’ve looked pretty much the same since I was 15. I get compared to Taylor Swift a lot. This took place a few years ago, and at the time I was fairly innocent, and I think it showed. I definitely looked young. I was 18 then, but with a bit of a baby face.

So a bit of backstory first. My mom worked in the offices at a really nice private school, so I got to go for free, and all my friends were super rich and I was a bit of an outsider at school. I didn’t have a car, couldn’t afford the school trips. Still I was really lucky to be in such a nice school. The summer immediately after graduation, before we went away to college, one of my friends, Jessica, invited me to their family’s summer home in Hawaii.

They had a really nice, “barn style,” concrete place on this giant five acre lot of gorgeous land. They talked it down like, “oh it’s so small, it’s just a little beach shack,” but it was so much nicer than any place I’d ever stayed. Jessica and I shared a bed up in the little loft section, like a converted attic. Her two little sisters, who were like 12 and 9, and one of her nine-year-old sisters’ friends were also staying there, so there were five of us up there. It was kinda the “kid” section.

One day, her family threw a little dinner party and invited over some of their friends on the island. Their friends were another family of five who also just came to the island for the summer. They lived a few lots down on the same stretch of country road. Their family was the dad and stepmom, and then three boys. The oldest was probably about 25, the middle, Ryan, was 21, and the youngest (half brother I always assumed) was like 12.

Ryan and his family were from Australia, and Ryan had the most amazing accent. He was really big on surfing, and had that kind of surfer vibe. He had really blonde, curly, beachy hair that went about halfway down his neck. He wore a puka shell necklace, but it wasn’t corny on him. I basically never saw him with a shirt on, and when he had a shirt on it was usually one of those lifting tanks with the giant armholes, and he wore swim trunks as shorts. He was fairly muscular and really tan, about six foot one I’d guess. He had the best smile and a goofy laugh that made me melt.

So he came over with his family to the dinner party. All the kids were playing upstairs, and I didn’t really feel comfortable being an “adult” with Jessica’s family, so I would stay upstairs and hang out with the kids. I like kids, and I was fine with playing “babysitter” a bit because the family was doing so much for me. Jessica would hang out with us in the playroom/TV area sometimes, or would “make an appearance” downstairs, but was usually just facetiming with her boyfriend over in her room

After dinner, some black squid ink thing that I really did not like, I went back upstairs with the kids and put on a movie for them, High School Musical I think, but it might have been one of the sequels. About ten minutes into the movie, Ryan came up to hang out. I remember thinking “why would he come up here, he’s 21, he’s like fully an adult.” He said hey, and asked if he could join us. I was like “sure!” We hadn’t talked at all so far except for the awkward introduction when I met his family before dinner. He immediately came and sat right next to me.

He talked to Jessica’s sisters a bit, and helped them fashion the pillows on the couch into a fort to watch High School Musical from. He sang along with one of them to one of the songs in High School Musical. He was an okay singer, but was so confident and sure of himself. He didn’t really talk to me much, he was so good with the kids, but his leg and arm seemed to keep brushing up against my thigh or shoulder. Jessica kinda came in and out.

The party kept going later and later, and the kids were getting sleepy and just kinda laying on the couch pretending they weren’t sleepy. At this point the movie was over and they were watching something like Gravity Falls. Ryan and Jessica and I ended up in her room, all sitting on her bed. She was playing a playlist of stuff that all sounded like Lorde on her laptop. Ryan got my name again and gave a little half apology for “ignoring” me which I was like “don’t apologize!”, but in hindsight was such a deliberate move on his part.

Jessica kept giving me eyes and suggested we play never have I ever. Ryan protested a lot, but we forced him. Jessica had done a lot more than me, and Ryan had done a lot more than Jessica. I had never really gone past second base (and that was one quick time through clothes). I learned a lot, like that in Australia they call making out “pashing.” I didn’t believe him and googled it. And I learned a lot about what life at college (he called it “uni”) is like.

At one point I said “never have I ever given road head,” directly teasing Jessica about a time she got caught giving road head and got in a ton of trouble, and she shot back “It’s cheating for you to say sex things since you’re still a virgin!” I blushed so hard, I felt like my whole face was burning up. I was playing it really cool still, and was like “whatever,” and Ryan put his hand on my knee and said in his cute accent, “you don’t have to be embarrassed, there’s nothing wrong with that. A lot of guys find that pretty fucking attractive,” and looked me dead in the eyes. I felt that feeling like dropping on a roller coaster through my whole body and it lingered for what seemed like forever, and then he picked up on his turn and continued with the game.

Eventually his parents were getting ready to leave and his brother came up and got him. He said it was really nice to meet me and left. Jessica immediately started teasing me as soon as he left. She was super insistent that he was into me. I wasn’t so sure. But then she told me that he had never come up to play with the kids before and doesn’t really hang out with her that much. He normally just hangs out with his older brother and the other adults downstairs. I started wondering if it was just a coincidence, or if he actually came upstairs just because of me. I tried to fall asleep but I laid there for hours while Jessica snored. I was so nervous and excited.

I kept seeing Ryan at the beach and at Jessica’s house for the next week or two. We never really got any alone time or anything like that first time. But he seemed to always be around me and the kids, and maybe it was my imagination, but it felt like he would find little excuses to touch my side or the small of my back.

One night, Jessica’s parents threw a giant party, ostensibly for Jessica’s sister’s 13th birthday but it seemed like it was really for the parents of Jessica’s sister’s friends. They rented a giant tent, and well over a hundred people came. There was a DJ and an appetizer station and a bartender, who I think was just some friend. A bunch of drunk moms dancing, and then a bunch of middle schoolers running around.

I made sure to wear my tightest little beach dress, a clingy yellow little off the shoulder dress that was a bit too short for me. You could see my bra straps, which at the time I thought was so scandalous. I wanted to show off a bit. I also had a few glasses of champagne. I hadn’t drank much outside of, like, prom and graduation and a summer party the last year, so a few glasses of champagne was a big deal to me, and I was kinda tipsy. I was feeling myself, and when he showed up I got goosebumps a bit. I walked up and said hi, and he said “how are you?” in his little accent.

Soon enough we were on the “dance floor.” We were dancing near each other to bad mom pop, and getting nearer and nearer, but it felt like we were never gonna dance with each other. Even when some really good music came on, he didn’t ask, maybe because we were in the middle of all the adults. I was getting impatient. I said I was gonna go play with the kids. He said that sounded fun.

We got Jessica and went to where the kids were all sitting. Jessica’s sister was clearly so bored with “her” party. Ryan immediately went and hugged her and said happy birthday and she cheered up a bit. He asked if everybody wanted to play hide and seek. It was dark out and they had a giant bit of land with a lot of little groves and bushes and foresty areas. It sounded pretty fun, even to a “grown up” like me.

Ryan said he’d start and covered his eyes and started spinning around, counting backwards from 60. All the rest of us made a break for it. I ran to a tiny grassy clearing I knew about in a thick grove of trees and stood there, trying not to make a sound. I could hear the party in the distance, but could barely see anything. I had to use the light of my phone to get around.

Within about a minute I saw another light coming towards me, and I saw the outline of Ryan. “How did you find me?” I asked. “I peaked,” he said. He walked up closer and turned his phone light off. He kept getting closer and I felt my heartbeat starting to go wild. I was thinking, “there’s no way this is real.” He put one hand right on top of my hip, and put the other one up to my cheek. He gently leaned in and kissed me once, gently. He pulled back and asked, “Do you wanna pash for a bit?” I wasn’t sure if he was being cheeky about me not believing the word was real before, or if it’s just such a regular part of his speech he just says it. I said yes.

He kissed me again, and again and again and eventually his tongue brushed my lip a bit, so I parted them and we started making out. I didn’t really know how to kiss well, so I just tried copying what he was doing with his tongue. I had had a few kisses by this point, but I was still inexperienced enough that kisses tasted a bit funny to me. Every once in a while I opened my eyes for sec and looked at him, nervously. He moved both of his hands to the small of my back, then a bit lower, so his pinkies were just barely grazing the top of my ass. I had my hands on his biceps at first, but then moved my arms to his shoulders, like prom dances in movies, and pressed my chest up against him. The second I did that, he moved one hand up to my hair and gently held my head with my hair through his fingers, and pulled me closer.

We started kissing harder and more passionately. His other hand moved a bit further down, testing the waters, so I started feeling bold. I took his hand in mine and moved it fully onto my ass and pressed his hand in so he would know it was okay to squeeze. He started feeling my ass and pulling my body closer to his. My dress was riding higher and higher, my ass had been basically hanging out of it even before this, and soon he just reached under it and grabbed my bare skin (I had on a thin little, blue, Pink brand thong that I loved), rubbing his fingers along it. I couldn’t help myself and moaned into his mouth just a little.

We pulled back to catch our breath for just a second, him holding my waist. “You’re so pretty,” he said, “you’re really just so beautiful.” I was so happy I wanted to cry. “Really?” I asked. “Yes, absolutely,” he said. I felt like melting, and leaned in to kiss him. I kissed him a few times, more confident now, and slipped my dress down over my shoulders and let it fall around my feet. I had on a little, white Aerie push-up bra. I leaned in for another kiss, and he reached for my breasts. I felt like they were swelling from all my hormones rushing. He felt around a bit and brushed his hands over them. He moved one hand to the small of my back again, pressing me up against him, and started grabbing and massaging one of my breasts with his other hand. The feeling of his hand on my bare back was incredible.

I used one of my hands to push my bra straps off over my shoulders. He took the hint and reached behind me and unclasped my bra, letting it drop on top of my dress. He reciprocated and took off his tank top. He was just in his swim trunks, and I was just in that little blue thong. He pulled close again, and grabbed my ass in one hand and my upper back in the other, pressing my tits into his chest. I could feel my nipples rubbing up against him and getting harder as we made out. He reached up and gently caressed my breast, rubbing his fingers across my nipple. As he did, I felt him get hard through his trunks. I pressed myself up against his cock and I thought I felt it pulsing. I felt myself getting a little wet up against it. It felt like electricity. He squeezed my breast gently over and over, massaging it, rubbing my nipple every now again, switching sides eventually.

After a while, he moved his hands away from my tits, grabbing my ass and holding my back again, as he started working his way down my cheek and neck, kissing and letting his tongue brush against my skin. He got to my tits, down on one knee at this point, and kissed around them before finally starting to gently kiss and suck on my nipple. “Have you done this before?” he said. I shook my head. This was already the furthest I had ever gone. “Let’s go slow,” he said. He started to very gently nibble and lick at my breasts. I started breathing heavily and moaning a little bit, trying to stifle it. I could feel my heartbeat between my legs. I started rubbing my finger around on my clit through my panties. I could feel myself getting really wet by this point.

He noticed me, and got down on both knees and looked up at me, and just gave me a little kiss on the wet spot on my panties. “Oh you’re so wet for me, love,” he said. I felt my pussy quiver a bit just at the thought of him being able to smell me and feel me. I let out a loud sigh. Then he stood up, held my face, and gave me one really long passionate kiss. “We should probably get going,” he said. He picked up my bra and handed it back to me. He kissed me on the cheek. “That was really nice,” he said. I was dumbfounded and couldn’t say anything. He put on his tank top and walked off, and I shivered a bit. I shook the leaves off of my dress and pulled it back on. I heard him shout, “found you, finally, that took forever!” in the distance at one of the kids. I wasn’t really sure how much time had passed at all. Finally once he had found everybody he came and “found” me.

Jessica shot me a look, clearly realizing exactly what had happened. We all walked back to the house, and I told her I’d talk to her once we went to bed. I had another glass of champagne, and soon the party died, and Ryan waved goodbye. We went up to bed and I proceeded to freak out, describing everything to Jessica. I made a little journal entry about it to help me remember and fell asleep. I probably would’ve masturbated if I wasn’t sharing a bed, because I was still so horny. I felt like I was in a movie or in love or something.

I’m only halfway done, but I feel like this is getting so long. The next time I saw Ryan, I ended up losing my virginity, so if people are actually interested in a part two, I would love to share that story. Thanks for reading this much. Please let me know if you liked it and want more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hfx92e/i_let_my_australian_surferboy_neighbor_take_my


  1. This was so cute and incredibly intimate. The setting made it extra saucy too. You’re also an excellent writer. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I miss this nervous excitement from first experiences as a teenager! Beautiful writing and please give us part 2!

  3. You are a good story teller. I love a long build up. Looking forward to part 2!

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