A Penny for Your Bi Curious Thoughts

Penelope loved going out. In her late-twenties now, those opportunities were fewer as work and family took more of her free time. She didn’t mind, but some of her friends felt she was settling too early and abandoning them. This caused some tension, but Penelope had more to worry about than a few party friends getting salty.

Trying to network in the corporate world was proving harder than she’d imagined. Her coworkers were all in their early 40s and worked together for years before Penelope joined the team. This meant when they went out to lunch or for drinks after work, they often forgot to invite her. While she pretended it wasn’t a big deal, it really hurt when they all came back laughing from lunch, walking right past her office. But, things were getting better, she was even invited to join them at a local restaurant on Friday. Well, invited was an overstatement. Two coworkers were talking about plans while in the copy room and mentioned that everyone was welcome.

So Friday morning saw Penelope get up early, do her hair and makeup and grab an extra outfit for the evening. Generally, she wore thin blouses and dress pants. She had a tight ass that she liked showing off, just not at the office. Her chest was average, but her tanned skin made any lingerie set she chose look amazing. She pulled out a tight pair of dark jeans and a shirt that showed more cleavage than her traditional office clothes. If she showed her coworkers that she knew how to have a good time, they might start inviting her more.

The day dragged on like normal until 4:45 when one of her coworkers stopped by her office on his way out.

“Are you coming to The Brew?” he asked as he leaned in.

“Yep! See you there in a bit.”

“Good, see you.” He gave a quick nod and headed out. Penelope finished up her email and shut down her computer for the weekend. A few more coworkers filed by, waving. She made a quick stop in the bathroom to slide into her jeans and check her hair. She usually kept her dark hair up, but today it was down and slicked straight. Running her fingers through it, she was satisfied it looked glossy in the bright lights. She locked her office then followed the secretary out the door.

When she got to The Brew, she immediately ordered a drink. Partly to buy time in looking for her group and partly to get that alcohol courage going early. A hand pressed lightly on her shoulder as the bartender handed her the beer.

“Hi Penelope, we’re over there.” Her coworker Fran was the one catching her attention. She thanked the older woman as they made their way to the table.

The group dynamic of her coworkers was interesting. They all teased each other constantly and had dry senses of humor, and didn’t seem to take the mandatory sexual harassment training to heart. There were jokes about “choking the chicken” and “eating carpet” within the first few minutes of her sitting down. Penelope laughed along, but didn’t have enough booze in her system to throw in the innuendos yet.

“So! Do you have a boyfriend, Penelope?” was the first attempt by Fran to engage her in conversation.

“No, I-”

“What about a girlfriend?” called one of the guys from across the table. “It is the 21st century, Fran.” The table chuckled.

“No, I’m not dating anyone.” Penelope smiled.

“Ah, smart girl,” cried the same man. “Playing the field. Wish I still did. I’d be swiping on the Tindr!” He made a motion with his hand and knocked over his drink.

“Easy, Dave! You know I can call Liz.”

“She’d be happy to get rid of him,” joked another woman. “20 years of marriage to him? She’s probably hired a hitman already!”

Her coworkers went on teasing Dave about his apparently gorgeous wife, Liz. More drinks were ordered and Penelope was enjoying the night, when she noticed a wild group of 20-somethings enter. Among them was an old FWB whom she hadn’t seen in months. Not wanting to run into him just then, Penelope turned slightly to hide behind Fran and attempted to distract herself with her coworkers’ new topic.

But it was hard.

Sam had been her FWB for a long time and they’d just lost touch a few months ago. Sam had started seeing another woman exclusively and Penelope wanted to give him space to try an actual relationship. She was fine at first, totally engrossed in her new job and moving apartments, but as she began settling into her new routine, she found she missed him. Not just the sex, but the work-outs they did at the gym, the movies, the latenight food runs, just the friend stuff.

Peeking around Fran, Penelope saw Sam’s group settle on the other side of the restaurant in a corner booth. She turned back to her coworkers confident he wouldn’t see her now.

They were still laughing and drinking, but as 7 o’clock came around, their group had grown. Some spouses, some former employees, and mutual friends had joined now, threatening to topple more drinks with the lack of elbow room. Penelope got up to grab a water from the bar. She was having a difficult time keeping pace with the drinking as no one was ordering food yet. The alcohol hit her blood stream and she could practically hear the buzz burning in her brain. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sam’s table crowded with hot girls and guys holding a myriad of half-empty glasses and all talking at once.

Making her way to the bar proved difficult in her buzzed state, but she managed to order a water and close her tab for the moment. As she turned back, Penelope noticed her coworkers were switching tables. Some shifting around had happened to accommodate the new, larger group, and they had moved some tables over. To her surprise, her purse had been left on the old table and the new one didn’t seem to have a seat for her.

Fran looked up as she squeezed through the growing bar crowd.

“Oh, Penelope, uh…” she looked around awkwardly, “Guys we need a seat for Penelope.” A few people looked up and started looking for a chair.

“I don’t see a chair over here,” one of them said flatly then turned back to the group.

“Sorry, maybe you can ask them over there for a seat?” Fran gestured to the next table where there clearly wasn’t an open chair.

Penelope felt hurt.

“Um, ya know what? I should probably go.”

“Oh, are you sure? We could try to make room…”

“No, that’s fine. I have dinner plans anyway,” she lied smoothly as she backed away, water still in hand.

“Okay, have a good night, Penelope!” Fran waved. A couple other people on the same end of the table nodded polite goodbyes as Penelope turned. Hurt and embarrassed she grabbed her purse and bent her head down as she entered the crowd which barred the way to the door.

“Oh, oh no!”

Penelope had stepped smack into someone’s chest, spilling water everywhere and dropping her purse.

She heard a drunken “whoop” followed by the yell of, “Party foul!”

Her coworkers all turned to look as well as everyone in the circle of bodies on that side of the bar. But all of that passed in a second. A second later the smell of light cologne and a familiar laundry detergent hit her full in the face. She looked up from the chest she’d slammed into and saw Sam. He was looking surprised, but not angry.

“Hi, Penny.”

“Uh, hey Sam.” She meant it to sound casual but her voice shook.

“How are y-”

“I’m sorry!” They spoke at the same time, her apologizing for splashing him.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s just water,” he brushed it off eyeing her mostly empty cup. “Who’re you here with?”

“I’m just heading out actually. Those are my coworkers.” She gestured to the table awkwardly while bending to retrieve her purse.

“Penny Carns leaving a bar at 7pm on a Friday. Never would have believed it.” He smiled like he was joking, but something in his voice sounded a little bitter.

“Right, well….bye.” She dodged his massive frame, heading for the door. The emotions she was always fighting down were working their way up and her eyes had begun to swell with tears.

“Penny, wait! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” But what he didn’t mean, she didn’t hear. The bar noise had escalated again and her back was now to him as she fled. Suddenly, the door was blocked by a petite, busty blonde.

“Oh, so YOU’RE Penny!” she beamed and Penelope was stopped short by her stunning smile. “Hi, I’m Dakota, Sam’s girlfriend.” Penelope knew who she was, her picture was splashed all over Sam’s social media with cheesy hashtags and cute couple quotes.

“I’ve heard all about you. You’re not leaving, are you?” She practically bounced as she talked, blonde hair swaying in a short bob.

“Yeah, I am.”

“Are you going to the foam party?! We’re going too! It doesn’t start until 10pm, but I wanted to go eat anyway.” Penelope just stood there as Dakota blocked the door, bubbling on about their plans for the night. Sam came up behind her, close, she could feel his breath on her neck.

“Sam! Do you want to go get some food with Penny? She’s coming to the foam party too! I’ll go close our tab and tell the others we’ll meet them later. Why don’t you guys wait outside? It’s nuts in here!” She bounced off into the crowd toward the bar leaving Penny feeling like she got hit by a tiny, sexy tornado.

“Uh, let’s go.” Sam put his hand on the small of her back to guide her out the door while Penelope, still reeling from her encounter with the bubbly Dakota, let him.

“Dakota seems friendly.” The awkwardness now that they were alone outside was palpable.

“Yeah, she is. Those are mostly her friends in there. I’m sorta tagging along tonight.”



Penelope’s mind started racing with excuses she could use to leave. Every single one sounded lame and she knew Sam would see right through them all. She decided honesty was best.

“Look, Sam, this is weird. I’m just gonna go. You can hang with Dakota and her friends like you guys planned. It was nice to see you though. I’ve missed you.” That might have been too honest.

“Penny, don’t go,” Sam sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He always did that when he was hot or frustrated. “I…We need to talk. I told Dakota about us.” He paused.

“Okay? I mean, she’s your girlfriend, I assumed you told her about your past.”

“Yeah, but not what I meant. I told her everything….everything. She likes the details.” He gave Penelope a significant look.

“You told her I’m bi? Dammit, Sam, I told you that was a secret!”

“I know, I’m sorry. But she’s just so interested. She wanted to hear about all the stuff we did. She kinda gets off on it.” He mumbled the last part without looking Penelope in the eye.

“All of the stuff?”

“Yeah, the poly stuff too,” he smiled sheepishly.

Penny’s mind raced. She likes hearing the details? She knows everything we did, and still invited me out with them.

“So, why does she want me to come out with you tonight?” Penny asked, already guessing the answer.

“She’s been curious about you for a couple months. Actually wanted me to text you a couple times…”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I don’t know, it’s weird, right?”

“Your girlfriend wants a threesome with your former friend with benefits. Eh, I’ve heard weirder.”

“Have you?” Sam smiled mischievously. “You sound more like the old Penny now. What happened in there?”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just having a bad night.”

“Well, let’s see if we can make it better!” Dakota joined them with fresh, alcohol-induced enthusiasm. “Where should we go eat? I’m starving!” She giggled and tipped into Sam.

Penelope suggested a little hole in the wall sandwich shop around the corner. They made their way down the sidewalk, swaying slightly. Each ordered a sandwich and plopped into a booth in the dimly lit shop.

“So what’s it like, having sex with a girl?” Dakota’s blunt question caused Penny to choke on her sandwich.

“Geez, babe! You could at least make an attempt at subtlety.”

“Why? It’s not embarrassing. I just wanna know!” She took a huge bite and eyed Penny with that determined, drunken stare.

“It’s, uh, softer? Less hairy, slower. There’s more kissing, I guess?” Penny had never been asked to describe it by another woman. Guys were always curious, but since they knew what sex with a woman was like, they usually wanted to know the horny details. This was a gorgeous woman asking her about sex with women. It threw her.

“That makes sense. Ugh, I’m so horny. Penny, you’re not wearing that to the foam party, are you? I think that blouse could get ruined. And your jeans will be soaked!” Dakota was like a hummingbird, buzzing all over the conversation, bringing up random topics, and flitting around with ideas. “You can come back to my place to change if you want. My apartment is on the way to the party anyway.”

Penelope knew where this was going. She’d been a hard partier and had a few threesomes and a foursome or two. Dakota’s attempt at getting her to the apartment would be just a ruse for sex. Especially if Sam was telling the truth, that she had asked him to text her. With the buzzing dying down in her head as she ate, and Dakota occupying Sam’s attention with a joke about pickles, she had time to weigh her decision.

She was definitely attracted to both Sam and Dakota and the idea of getting some tonight was appealing. Penelope had been working so hard lately that a little release of tension would be good for her, she thought, taking an aggressive bite of her sandwich. Several awkward encounters taught her that couples and threesomes didn’t always mix. What if Dakota changes her mind or gets jealous? She wasn’t sure she could take Sam throwing her out on her ass if his girlfriend sobers up and is suddenly not bi curious anymore.

Their laughter brought her back to the conversation.

“How’s your sandwich, Penny?”

“Great, I needed some food after all that beer.”

“Me too!” giggled Dakota.

“Babe, you had one beer!”

“Ya, but it was a big one beer.”

“Lightweight, but a very cute lightweight,” he teased as he kissed her. Penelope watched their kiss turn a little more serious and found herself imagining what it would be like to kiss Dakota.

Sam eyed her as they pulled apart.

“All finished?”


As they tossed their trash, Sam’s hand grazed over her ass. She caught a wry smile forming at his lips, clearly he was teasing her. It worked.

“So you have something I can borrow for the foam party?” Penelope asked, putting her arm over Dakota’s shoulder.

“Yes! My apartment is just around the corner. We can stop there to change.”

Penelope had the satisfaction of catching Sam adjust himself briefly at the sight of the two women walking together. Then they all made their way down the sidewalk.

“It’s not much, but I like it,” Dakota announced as they entered her tiny studio. The kitchen was immediately inside the door, with a little space for a table and chairs. Straight ahead was a rich yellow love seat facing a small television mounted on the wall. Behind the couch, a curtain partition was pulled open to reveal a big bed with a deep purple comforter.

“It’s cute!” Penelope complimented and she meant it.

“Does anyone want a little wine?” Sam asked as he took off his shoes. This was the part she knew well. They’d all have some wine, then experimental drunk kissing between her and Dakota would lead to more.

“I’ll get it! Sam, show Penny the balcony… and show her that thing I was telling you about.”

Sam’s arm wrapped around her waist while his fingers teased the skin under her blouse at the very top of her jeans. Penelope shivered.

“Come on,” Sam whispered gruffly.

Dozens of memories flooded back as she let herself be guided. Sam’s voice as he begged her to cum, his sweaty frame as he leaned over another woman with her, the way he’d moan as she rode him. Every late night booty call text they exchanged flashed through her brain.

“The bathroom’s through there,” he pointed to a door as they ducked through the curtain into the bedroom area. “This way is the balcony.” Steering her to the left, Sam showed her a glass door on the opposite wall from the bathroom. He stepped around her, hands trailing across her stomach, to slide the door open.

The balcony overlooked a long street leading into the main part of downtown. As the last of sunset faded in the sky, lights popped up from streets below them and buildings further away. A small sofa occupied the most of the balcony space with a little black coffee table in front. Sam left the door open behind them and leaned over the railing.

“Still afraid of heights?” he teased as he leaned backwards over the railing with a grin.

“Not as afraid as you are of mice,” Penelope snickered.

He reached out to grab her and pulled her closer to the railing and himself. “Hey, those creepy little critters will bite your face off!”

They laughed together.

“Penny… you know where this is going, right?” He hadn’t let go, but was now wrapping both arms around her. “Do you want to do this?”

“Of course I know where this is going, Sam. That’s why I’m here.” She kissed him hard.

He melted under her kiss, folding her in tighter and pressing his whole frame against her. She could feel a familiar hardening under his jeans as they kissed. His hands found her ass again and squeezed.

“So you think Dakota is hot?” He pulled back sheepishly to see her face.

“Yes, I told you that when you met her. Remember?”

“Right. And you want have sex with both of us?”

Penelope knew what Sam was thinking, how important consent was to him and making sure she was comfortable. Even when they did movies or parties, he was the host checking on everyone, making sure people had a good time or got home safely. She gave her answer confidently.

“Yes, I want to fuck both of you.”

“Well, that’s good news,” Dakota appeared in the balcony doorway with three glasses of wine and the bottle tucked under her arm. “Because I want to fuck you too.”

She passed around the glasses, “Cheers!” Then downed half her glass.

Dakota’s perky chest heaved a sigh as she gulped the wine. Penelope found herself drawn in by her cleavage peeking out of the deep v neck t-shirt. She could feel Sam’s eyes on her as she stepped toward Dakota.

“You’re tits are perfect. Can I?”

Dakota giggled and set down her glass, “Please do, Penny.”

She set her glass next to Dakota’s and fondled her breasts over her shirt. They were firm and full, slightly large for Dakota’s petite frame. A soft moan escaped her lips as Penny massaged her. Those lips were pale pink and pouty, the exact shape so many women tried to get with fillers, but Dakota’s were clearly natural. Penny slid her hands around Dakota’s back and pulled her in for a kiss, which she eagerly returned. Their soft lips collided in a sticky, wine-scented kiss.

With their lips locked, Dakota let her hands begin to explore Penny’s body too. She’d felt up a woman before, mostly as a joke on a drunken dare, but this was different. Here she had a beautiful, tanned, sex goddess willing to help her experience new things. She felt Penny’s soft hips and smooth back while working her hands around to her tight ass. Sam was right, it was fun to grab.

While the two women made out and explored each other, Sam sipped his wine, smiling. He’d imagined this a hundred times since Dakota told him her fantasies and it was just as good as he’d pictured.

They’d been talking about previous sexual relationships and Sam was always careful to keep his time with Penny vague, but Dakota had pressed for more.

“Why didn’t you say you dated her? Why do you just call her a friend with benefits?” she’d asked.

“Because we didn’t date, we fucked. We were never exclusive and especially not in bed.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well…” Sam sighed, knowing he was risking loyalty to Penny and his relationship with Dakota if she was disgusted with the idea. “Well, Penny’s bi and somewhat poly.”

“So she only dates girls and had sex with guys for fun?”

“No, she does both. Sometimes together, ” he shrugged.

“Are you poly too?”

“No, I don’t know, maybe? All I know is we had sex together and sometimes with other people too. Threesomes and foursomes. But look, that’s over, I’m in a great relationship with you…hopefully still and you’re not disappointed with me.”

Luckily, Dakota had been perfectly okay with his past and even more than okay with the idea of trying some of his sexual preferences.

As he finished his glass of wine, Penny tugged Dakota’s shirt off, letting her breasts bounce out in their white bra. Then Dakota returned the favor, revealing Penny’s violet tank top.

A whistle somewhere down below reminded them that they were only on the 5th floor and it wasn’t quite dark yet.

“We’d better go inside, unless you’ve added voyeurism to your list of sins,” Sam teased in a low voice. Penny laughed and grabbed the glasses, while Dakota picked up their shirts.

The bedroom was dark compared with the city lights and Penny fumbled a bit in the dark. Dakota’s hand caught her around the back and led her to the edge of the bed while Sam found the switch for a set of fairy lights Dakota had hung around the ceiling. Their glow was intoxicating.

“Sam, I think it’s time you showed me what Penny likes,” declared Dakota, taking the glasses from Penny’s hands.

Sam pulled off his shirt by grabbing the back over his head and pulling in one yank. His muscles rippled as he dropped the shirt and gently pushed Penny onto her back. Then like a predator hunting, he climbed onto the bed and hovered over her.

“I thought this was about fulfilling her fantasies?” Penny whispered.

“Well, this is part of it,” he replied as his mouth descended on hers.

Dakota watched them make out for a while. She sipped her wine and smiled as Penny moaned under Sam’s weight. When he pulled away to remove her jeans, Dakota set down her glass and sank onto the bed.

“My turn to try kissing again.”

She climbed over to Penny’s flushed face and started kissing her the way she saw Sam doing it, with sweeps of tongue and gently nibbling her bottom lip. Meanwhile, Sam was unbuttoning Penny’s jeans and pulling them off slowly, kissing her legs as he went. Then he took one step around the edge of the bed and grabbed a fistful of Dakota’s skirt. She lifted up her body and he removed it with one swift yank.

With both women now lying side-by-side, Sam was able to shift back and forth between them, teasing their pussies over their underwear. He thoroughly enjoyed the moans of appreciation and gasps of surprise when he switched from one to the other. They continued making out as he played his game with their bodies.

“I need to see your tits,” Penny gasped as Sam let off her clit for a moment. She sat up and straddled Dakota, feeling behind her to unhook her bra. As she released the clasp, her breasts tumbled free, full and white, with perfect pink nipples. Penny leaned in burying her face into them. She was vaguely aware of Sam climbing up behind her and pulling on her tank top. Penny let him pull it up over her head then went back to sucking Dakota’s nipples. She felt Sam rubbing her shoulders and kissing her neck down her back to Dakota’s wet panties.

“These should go too,” he smirked. Dakota was now completely naked lying under Penny while Sam teased her clit.

“Okay,” she gasped, “I’m naked! What about you two?”

Sam immediately went for Penny’s panties, tipping her over in his haste to get them off. Dakota undid the front clasp of her bra and marveled at the naked woman now lying on her bed.

“He’s still got pants on,” Penny whispered. She and Dakota launched off the bed at Sam, unhooking his button, ripping at his zipper, and finally grabbing pants and boxers to peel down. The attack knocked Sam off balance a bit and he had to kneel onto the bed to keep from falling.

As the women stood up from having successfully stripped their prey, Dakota landed a smack on Sam’s ass.

“Love that view, babe!”

“Ow!” Sam fell forward laughing.

Penny liked their playfulness, so far it had been easy, the foreplay. But the tougher stuff was coming. Awkwardness of choosing who to fuck first, who to kiss, when to slow down and switch or how to change positions was just a part of having multiple partners.

Dakota, despite being the least experienced at this, took the lead.

“Penny, can I lick you?”

Blunt questions seemed to be her M.O. Penny nodded and let Sam pull her onto the bed. She laid next to him while Dakota climbed up her body, stopping between her thighs. She spread them apart slowly and pressed a finger to the spot just above Penny’s clit. Her full lips lowered onto Penny’s pussy lips and she kissed softly around her slit.

A quiet moan escaped Penny.

Dakota added some tongue and pressed her finger lower to rub the tiny clit in front of her. She’d watched plenty of lesbian porn but actually doing it was already turning out better than she’d imagined. She loved the way Penny tasted and sounded and the way she arched her back. Sam appreciated that too. She could see him in her peripheral hardening as he watched.

“Be a team player, Sam, suck her tits!”

Penny and Sam laughed at Dakota’s request, but Sam willingly complied.

Soon Penny could feel the tension in her building, she was going to cum, she always came fast especially in group situations. With Sam sucking her nipples and neck while Dakota ate her out, she didn’t stand a chance. Dakota was a natural at timing her rubs and licks. She finally sent her over the edge by sliding two fingers from her other hand into Penny’s wet pussy.

“I’m cumming!” Penny shook and her legs stretched hard. She gushed into Dakota’s mouth as Sam pinched her nipples. She felt the orgasm in her toes as they tingled and pointed. The release relaxed her more as the wave faded away.

Dakota slowly removed her fingers and smiled.

“That was hot.”

“You’re telling me.”

The couple seemed pleased with their work. Penny pulled Dakota up to her to kiss and taste herself on the blonde’s face.

“Can I return the favor?”

“Please!” Dakota flopped onto her back giggling.

Penny slid down to her pussy and pushed her thighs apart to see a tight, pink, soaked vagina. She gently spread the lips and licked just inside to taste her. Dakota shivered. Taking that as a good sign, Penny dove in, rubbing her clit, licking her pussy, and sliding a finger teasingly with her rubs. When she looked up, she saw Dakota arching and smiling as Sam brought his now fully erect cock to her mouth. With Dakota and Sam both getting oral, the moans multiplied in the small room.

Then Sam pulled out of her mouth and Penny felt more than heard some quiet communication between them. With difficulty Dakota started to sit up as Sam rose from the bed. He stalked around the edge, grabbing something from the night stand. Penny stopped now.

“Can I?” His erection had her full attention as he approached. His large cock was veined with a big mushroom head and tan from all of the blood flow. She drew her eyes away to see the condom clasped between his fingers. She nodded. This must have been their quiet decision, he’d fuck Penny first.

Dakota pushed herself back on the bed to make room for Penny to lay down. She could hear Sam opening the wrapper and sliding the condom down his massive shaft as she looked up at Dakota’s ceiling. She felt the wet spot on the bed touch her back from where she’d been licking Dakota. She wanted to taste her again.

“Sit on my face?” Dakota started a bit at the request, but readily agreed.

Sam sank on top of Penny just as Dakota straddled her face. The feeling was unbelievable. Two bodies crawling onto hers to receive pleasure, it never got old.

The juices from her wet pussy felt cold as Sam parted her legs and positioned himself. Not able to kiss her face, he massaged her tits. Then she felt the familiar sensation of Sam’s cock sliding into her. She moaned into Dakota’s pussy which caused Dakota to catch her breath from the vibration.

Sam smiled at the chain reaction he’d caused. Penny’s pussy felt just as tight and wonderful as he remembered. She was soaked from cumming already and he was easily able to pump in and out of her slick slit. He looked up to see Dakota’s eyes roll back as Penny did some silent tongue work below him. Leaning forward, he wrapped a free hand around the back of Dakota’s head and kissed her. His cock in one woman while kissing another was his favorite feeling.

The kiss from Sam and suck from Penny sent Dakota reeling. She’d never imagined oral like this while her boyfriend fucked a girl in front of her. The feeling of Penny’s tongue was bringing her to the edge as were the sounds she was making from Sam’s fucking. The tingling built, her shoulders tightened, then Dakota heard louder moaning as Penny came beneath her. This sound, the extra force from Sam moving Penny’s body, and Penny’s tongue sent Dakota over the edge too. She convulsed and soaked Penny even as the other girl orgasmed into her pussy.

After Dakota collapsed onto the bed next to her, Sam slid out of Penny and eyed the two.

“Well that was…simultaneous?”

“Shut up. That was amazing,” sighed Dakota.

“So hot,” gasped Penny.

Sam laughed and handed them the remaining sips of wine as they lay recovering on the bed. His erection slapped his thigh softly.

Penny sat up and took a sip. She wiped Dakota’s juices from her face with the back of her arm and peeked over at the other woman. Dakota was watching Sam sink back into the bed with his hard cock. She set down her wine and picked up another condom from the side table.

“I’d like to take a ride on that please.”

Penny slid over to make more room and watched the couple do a quick condom exchange. Dakota climbed back on the bed and straddled Sam. Penny couldn’t take her eyes off them. Dakota seemed so confident and sexual as she lowered herself onto Sam’s cock. She saw why Sam liked her. There was no pause to enjoy the sensation, Dakota immediately began bouncing on his big shaft, tits flopping gloriously. Dakota smiled and shook her chest a little more at Penny. Taking that as an invitation, Penny crawled over and wrapped her lips around a nipple. She felt Sam’s hand grab a fistful of her ass as she sucked Dakota’s tit.

“Slap it, baby,” Dakota commanded. And he did. Penny squealed, more for effect than any actual pain.

Sam smiled at the squeal. His cock was rock hard inside Dakota as she rode him and Penny’s perfect ass in his hand felt hot under his touch. He heard Dakota getting closer to another climax and watched her head fall back slightly in pleasure.

“I’m cumming!” she moaned.

He watched as Penny quickly sat up and pinched both her nipples gently while kissing Dakota’s neck. That sight got Sam right to the edge. He had to take a few deep breaths to keep from cumming while Dakota orgasmed. Her breathing slowed as she came down from her high and she bounced slowly to keep Sam excited. His erection throbbed inside her, aching for release.

“Almost, babe,” she smiled, pulling him out and taking the condom off.

The women exchanged a knowing glance and as Dakota tossed the condom, Penny stretched her mouth around Sam’s member.

“Oh, fuck,” Sam moaned.

Then Dakota brought her face down to his balls and sucked one in. They took turns on his cock and balls as well as kissing or tonguing each other over him. Finally, as Penny sucked his head and Dakota his shaft, he felt the orgasm build. Both hot women worshipping his cock broke him and he came violently, spewing ropes of cum loosely over their faces and his torso. The two giggled as the hot cum dripped off their faces.

“You guys look great. You should add that to your beauty routines.”

“Haha, very funny!” He got a playful slap on his thigh from Penny. She was sitting up stretching her back while Dakota grabbed towels from the bathroom. They all wiped down a bit and both women used the bathroom.

“What time is it?” Dakota asked as Sam came back from the kitchen with water. She’d found a fresh pair of panties, but was still topless.

“It’s 10.”

She smiled wryly, “We could still go to the foam party.”

“I don’t know, it’s past Penelope’s bedtime,” said Sam solemnly.

“Very funny, Samuel.”

“Come on, I’ve wanted to go! Boot and rally, folks!”

“Your girlfriend has too much energy, Sam,” Penny moaned falling onto the bed. She was still naked and her tits jiggled.

“Get up!” whined Dakota, kissing one of Penny’s nipples playfully, “and put these on.” She tossed a white crop top and blue shorts across Penny’s naked body. She was already pulling on a white tank and pink leggings.

Sam put his clothes back on while Penny and Dakota washed their faces and reapplied a little makeup. When they walked out of the bathroom, he knew he was going to be the most envied guy at the party because no one could look like those two he’d just fucked.

Penny saw the grin spread across Sam’s face as they came out together. She could practically read his thoughts.

“Careful there, sir, if you don’t mind your manners, I’ll take your girlfriend home with me.”

“Hmm…I like when you call me ‘sir’ let’s explore that next time. Shall we?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hfy5mz/a_penny_for_your_bi_curious_thoughts

1 comment

  1. this is so hot!

    I love the consent mention, it’s really nice to see that.

    I hope you write more

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