The Student

Finals week! Ugh, she thought as she sat down in the quiet corner of the library, unenthusiastically thumbing through her chemistry notebook. She new she would never make it. She wasn’t dumb, that wasn’t her problem, no, her problem was that she knew she had a…disadvantage when it came to studying. 

She was perfectly capable and had no problem adsorbing information, but like all students, she needed a stimulant. She had tried coffee with very little positive effect, and she refused to venture elsewhere in search of answers, such as with Adderall. 

The only thing she had found in her four years of college that helped her even in the slightest when it came to studying was…come. Lots of come. And, preferably from as many different guys as she could get it from. 

She had come across this quark in her second semester of her freshman year. That was all the way back when she had a boyfriend. She can’t explains why it works, all she knows is that it does. 

Her second year is when she really struggled. Her boyfriend had broken up with her and when midterms came around she was at a complete loss on why she had done so poorly. By the time finals came around she was beginning to wonder if she didn’t know how to remedy her problem. Sex, and lots of it, and the kind where come was involved. This might mean on her face, inside her, and even on her tits. But she found she performed her best in school if she got as fresh a load as possible in her stomach. 

Now, this isn’t something she hates doing, but upon discovered this fact, and having no steady boyfriend meant, well, that she was fucking a lot of guys. 

During midterms she sucked off a fellow student in her Organic Chemistry class in the bathroom not five minutes before the exam was to start. She aced it, and, from what she heard, so did he. 

The problem was that she had no time to form lasting relationships or maintain a boyfriend. School, or more specifically, her future, was her passion, and she was willing to do anything she needed to do her best. 

She found the the best formula for success was getting fucked the night before an exam and swallowing a load a soon as possible before the exam as she could. Since she had no boyfriend and anywhere from 5-6 exams to take every midterm and end of semester, well, that meant she was propositioning a lot of guys. 

God, a boyfriend would make this so much easier. Logistically speaking. 

Much more can be found on my blog [](
