Rite of Fertility Part 1

Chapter 1

You’re sitting on the couch reading. You hear your roommate getting ready. It’s been going on for what seems like forever. You have been smelling the faint perfume emanating from your shared bathroom in your little two room apartment. Even though you’ve been reading, you’re distracted by her. For the last few months you two have lived together, its random, but she will get really made up and do her hair, put on lots of perfumes, take a long bath. And then in the mornings she will get in looking all haggard, with her JBF hair, smelling like the woods, and be extremely tired, but very happy. And glowing. Does she just have a guy or is she just that good at finding them. And if so, what help can she provide to the lack of hard cock that has slowly manifested itself into your life. You’re ignoring what you’re reading in the book anyways and head to the kitchen to wait for her to come out and confront her to get any tips or to find something out.

She struts down the hall once she is finished seeing you stare at her. A little bit of a bite on her lower lip and a shy look down with a slight smile at the ground continues the flirty little nature that you all have shared but not yet acted upon. She grabs some water out of the fridge and starts to drink waiting on the interrogation that is undeniably approaching. Your accusatory, yet wistful, stare must have clued her in on your curiosity.

“Got a hot date?” you ask loudly and playfully, your smile not leaving.

“Maybe.” Melina answers “What’s it to ya?” She playfully responds in her Italian accent that she only breaks out when playing around or when trying to be sassy.

Your response is playful but to the point. “Well, I’ve been sitting around reading, watching TV, and then I see you go through all this trouble to get cleaned up and made up, I get a little jealous. It seems to me you spend all night getting some action and little lonely me here has to have marathon sessions in my bed with nothing but my idle hands.” She walks away to the door and you instinctively follow her to the door and look at down at her ass all while continuing your verbal prodding. “If you got any hot tips on a man,” a slight pause in your cadence and a tilt of your head, “or a girl, I’m curious and interested. Just saying.” A flirty smile spread across your face when her eyes caught yours looking down as she grabbed the doorknob and turned around. A slight little eye roll acknowledging that you were caught but appreciative of the compliment.

“I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you.” The response was a little too matter of fact and not flirty enough. Your curiosity deepens and so does your questioning.

“What is it that you’re doing. I need to know.” You search for her empathy. “I’m alone right now and tonight. I just paid all my bills so I can’t go out. Let me live through you for one night. I see you get all dressed up and come back in the morning looking like you got everything you need. And it seems to always be random. So what is it? Gangbang, swingers club, a married couple? Do you make money from men?” You ask the last question all scandalous, but wondering…

“It’s got to be something. Plus, you owe me one. Remember that guy I had to bring home when we went out. That still haunts me.”

Her shoulders sag in a little bit of exasperation. She must have forgot about you playing the ultimate wingman so she could be with the cutest guy in the bar, while you had to entertain his dorky little friend. She might owe you forever for that one.

“It’s not random, Sherri. Do you know anything about Astronomy, or Astrology?”

You say no, but more in response to not even coming close to comprehending how these two topics could be related.

“If you pay attention to the moon, you will find that the times I go out align with how the moon is during a certain period. I don’t want to explain it all right now, but I assure you, it’s not random, I don’t do seedy gangbangs, swingers” her head tilts back and forth rationalizing, “maybe, but not in the way you are thinking. No married couples… yet. And definitely not getting paid by gross creepy men… anymore.” Her smile communicates the absurdity of the allegation.

The confusion on your face is apparent. She continues “Sherri. I like you. I like being flirty with you. I like the confidence you have. And you got a good bod, with a nice little booty. But what I like most is your maturity and your desire to be better. That’s why I’m considering it.” She’s contemplating. “I can take you with me, but I need assurance from you, right now. Okay?”

Your head nods as your eyes connect deeply. Your curiosity has piqued. You hang on her every word with eager anticipation. Your body contorts itself into a submissive posture and your mouth starts to water just a little too much.

“I will take you, but you have to understand and acknowledge these things: One. You can’t ask any questions about where we are going. Two. You can’t ask any questions about what we’re doing. Three. You must be completely open to the experience. There can be no self-doubt right now. No insecurities. No worry about judgement. Understand?” You give a slow convincing nod before she continues.

“Four. This is the most important. If you really want to do this, and you have to be sure, and I have to be sure, you have to listen to whatever I tell you to do. How I tell you to do it, when I tell you to do it. There can be no ‘buts’ no ‘whys’, none of that. It’s your decision to make,” her finger pokes into your chest while saying this. Your eyes don’t divert, but your body communicates everything. From the finger poking it softens its stance and starts to caress your collarbone. You bite your lip, and still hang on every word that spills from her mouth, “but the decision you’re making is to cede all control of your body and life to something else for the night. You need to be clear that this is what you want, and I need to be convinced that you are willing. So, are you willing to abide by these guidelines with one hundred percent conviction? Tell me now, Sherri.”

Even if there was doubt in you wouldn’t be able to tell her no because of the way her finger smoothly rolled down into the flesh of your breast while gazing into your eyes, her soft melodic siren song crashing into your ears, has you more convinced than ever that you would follow her to death.

“Yes. Yes. I want to go. Please.” Your voice has a fragrant desperation that happens when desire is at its maximum peak and she picks up on it quickly.

“I’m so happy Sherri.” She leans in closer to your ear and you can feel her breath on you now. You listen to the words that she speaks but it’s the gentle rhythm of her short breaths that steal you away. “I promise everything will be explained tonight. I will guide you and make you feel things and understand things that you never even thought of. You want to learn about desire and passion, you will. And it will start to seep into every aspect of your life, and everyone will want what you have, but they will have no idea how to get it. I’m ready for you.”

She leans back and in a normal voice announces, “We have to go now, and I don’t want to be late.”

Your reality snaps back as you now realize you were completely spellbound. Your eyes adjust and you wipe your face with your hands trying to assure her that you’re back to normal. “Do I need to change?”

“Sherri, remember no questions. And, you can’t worry about judgement. I will take care of everything. I will allow this one mishap.” She says flirtatiously before getting serious again, “But no more. Come with me Sherri.”

Chapter 2

The last 45 minute drive out of the city, through the suburbs and into more and more rural roads has been excruciating. Melina has been asking you questions about life in general. Exes, work, college, the normal things that people talk about. It’s so confusing how she can completely ignore what happened. The entire time that you’re responding you don’t know what to do or how to act. The confusion is bad enough by itself. Not being able to ask anything about the future makes it so much worse. Those issues coupled with the raw desire and eroticism racing through your mind obscures normal conversation even more. Every turn, every slowdown you hope is the time she makes you get out of the car, pull your clothes off, and violate yourself with her tongue, lips and fingers. You want it to happen under the trees and the bright moonlight. Or have you do it to her. Whatever. Just some action on the earlier movements. Or at least explain what is going on. Anything.

“Don’t you think that trees under bright moonlight are just the prettiest? I love nature and being in nature. Don’t you.”

“Yes.” Your answer is a little terser than you were willing to let on, so you try to explain, “I just don’t get out in it enough, so I don’t really appreciate it I guess.”

It doesn’t work. She sensed it. It was obvious. But she acknowledges the attempt at covering it up. “I know what you’re feeling and thinking. It’s hard. I know. Thank you for your patience, but remember, you agreed to do this. We will be there soon anyways.”

Your guilt clouds every thought now. Your insecurity at not being able to keep your word suffers your soul. Nothing she says will encourage you, which is why she drives on in the next ten minutes in silence between you two.

“This is it.” She turns onto a dirt road that can barely be made out by the thick brush by the side of the road. Once through the overgrowth by the road, the path and the woods open up. The large canopies of the old growth forest, strangles the plant life underneath, only allowing bits of the moon light to come through lighting the woods just enough so you can see more woods.

An old gate pulls into view blocking the rocky path that the car is noisily running over. Melina pulls up to the gate and stops the car. “It’s time to get out Sherri.”

You get out of the car and follow her lead back to the trunk. Before she opens it, she looks you up and down and gives you an order. “Take your clothes off.” Your first instinct is to question why, or ask “Here?”, but you’re learning. Your shirt comes off first exposing the white flesh of your breasts to the glitter of moonlight breaking through the trees. Then your pants come off. “All of them Sherri.” You nod in submission before loosening your panties and letting them fall to the ground, leaving your naked body exposed to the cool nighttime summer air. You feel the slight breeze that whispers its way around the trees massage your goosebumps.

“Good. Now take mine off.” The trunk is fully open now and you catch a quick glimpse of thin white fabric in the back of the car. “Carefully.” You step to her and look her in the eyes. The suggestive desire burns in your eyes as you reach to her waist and pull on the skirt hugging her curves. You give it a careful tug and a little past her thighs, gravity finishes for you. You haven’t broken eye contact but the allure of her thighs and legs is too much. You look down and instinctively lick your lips. You take her panties off in the same cautious way that you did with her skirt. They too fall to the ground around her ankles. She steps out and spins showing you her ass. It’s uncanny. You have a desire to smack it and grab her and to put your hands all over her voluptuous body, but you refrain so you can continue the night. Her hands go up and you pull her blouse up and over her head warily, so you don’t mess up her hair. The bra easily unsnaps and falls off her breasts through her arms. Your pussy feels so warm and wet in between your naked legs and you wonder if hers is the same.

“Can you pick up the clothes off the ground and put them into the trunk?” You do as she asks, and you bend over into the trunk. “Hand me those tunics.” You bring two of the white pieces out of the trunk. One is thick, brighter, more luxurious feeling. “That one’s mine.” She takes it and places it over head and lets it drape over her shoulders and it follows her curves down over her body to the ankles. “This one is yours.” The thin duller whit fabric is placed over your head and onto your shoulders. Your arms break through and you look down seeing that it’s completely transparent, exposing your entire body. While hers is less sheer, it still clings to every asset that she has on her body. She wears it well and moves with confidence inside of it, almost changing her personality. She takes you by the hand and follows it up with a suggestion. “Let’s go for a walk. We’re almost there.”

Chapter 3

She forces you to keep pace with her by not relinquishing the hold on your hand. She almost floats over the path that had tire tracks in it but has devolved into a walking path unkempt with leaf litter. You continue to look down hoping not to stumble on a root or a rock or a hole, letting her lead you in direction.

“They’re they are.” Two more women quickly approach Melina and they all embrace.

“It’s good to see you Donia. What do you have with you?” You’re confused by the name but your brain quickly processes that it must be some sort of code.

“Idelisa, Venetia, this is Sherri. She wanted to come and experience the night with us.”

They quickly come and embrace you. Their hands are not shy and start exploring, while their eyes dance along your face and body looking you over. Idelisa makes an attempt to get very close and whispers in your ear, “You’re going to love tonight. We will make it very special for you.”

Something is weird. Melina, or Donia, has a raw appeal and allure but the addition of these two have has sent your eroticism skyrocketing. You subconsciously think that your next task should be to lay down, bare yourself to them and give yourself up into their hands, and lips.

“Sherri, you must refer to us by these names. They are our moon names and that is how we identify each other out here. This is Idelisa. It means bountiful. It’s an apt description.” She is right. Idelisa is shorter than any of you, but she has generous breasts, ass, wide hips, thick legs, and very soft thick lips. This to go along with her brunette hair and cute face.

“And this is Venetia. It means blessed. We named her this because of her beauty. Obviously.” And while you didn’t notice completely before, you see it now that she is standing under the bright light of the moon. The symmetry of her face, the nose with a gracious curve along the ridge, and the deep blue eyes that seem to sparkle.

“And I am Donia. It means dark-skinned.” Her dark sun kissed Italian skin stands out obviously from the bright white tunic that she adorns. “I guess it’s time to start telling some of our secrets, hmm?” She starts to walk as Idelisa and Venetia take you by the arms and guide you behind her. They stare at you intently causing a little bit of unease, but their gentle touches affirm that you’re going the right way.

“We all have moon names. But it must be earned, and it has to be given. You earn it by giving up control of your body to everyone else. It is given to you when you experience you first orgasm under the moonlight. And it is given to you by whomever gives you the first orgasm. The Head Priest gave me my name. And Idelisa was named by him. As was Venetia. However, he will not name you tonight.” She stops and turns around. “That honor will be mine.” She turns and walks quickly over a hill glowing with the dance of fire.

Chapter 4

As you go down the hill everything comes into view. Stone steps lead down a hill to a small clearing in a valley. At the bottom of the steps a small stone altar covered in fur hides. To the left many large dark hooded figures that would blend into the night if it weren’t for the large fires to either side and the bright moon. It’s starting to clear the canopy of the trees, the light shining brightly on to the right of the altar. Its bright wash highlights all the other women in the same bright white tunics, shining through and displaying the bodies of the women below the weakly draped garments.

As you come closer to the altar you begin to focus past the altar and on the imposing vision beyond it. A stone stairway leading up to a throne cut from bright gray stone, with moss in random places around it. In the throne is the most imposing apparition. A figure draped in dark cloth, wearing a bright, shiny golden mask with deep set eyes, large cheekbones and a protruding jaw. The figure doesn’t move.

“The Head Priest.” Donia reads your mind and answers the question. “Come, meet all the girls.” She introduces you as Sherri. They all walk up to you, grabbing you, touching you, saying all their names, “Aphria, Maevenn, Lavena,” all the names run together as you try to comprehend the scene around you. They all glow in the moonlight. But your attention and your focus is on the hooded figures, those across from you, and the one in the throne. And the stone altar. What is that for? You start to become uneasy even as the touching and the kissing and hugging continue and you’re showered with affection. Your body can’t help but to become excited, amplified from all the different stages of eroticism that has played out tonight. It seems a world ago where you were in the apartment just reading.

“Prepare yourselves.” The deep booming voice announces from the throne. Donia leads you to the end of the line as all the women line up. She heads back to the front of the line of women, leaving you there to yourself. You watch everything as it happens.

“Men, are you prepared?” the booming figure calls out as he now stands.

“We are prepared, High Priest, to fulfill the compulsions of the Rite of Fertility.” A head nod indicates the Head Priest acknowledges the faceless voice.

“Women, are you prepared?”

“We are prepared, High Priest, to fulfill the compulsions of the Rite of Fertility.” A head nod, again.

“But first, High Priest, if you permit it, we have an initiation to perform. Do you permit it?” His hand spreads with an open palm to the altar, providing the permission.

Donia slightly bows and turns around to face you. She walks to you and along the way taps Idelisa and Venetia on the shoulder to follow her. They come to you. Idelisa and Venetia each take one of your hands. They pull you over to the stone altar, now shining in the moonlight. Donia places you in between the altar and the throne. The figure stares, cutting into you.

“Sherri, your time has come. You are going to be one of us. Men will lust after you forever. Women will want your affection. You are going to become a child of love and you will be able to spread the love through your physicality. You will feel the eroticism of every situation, and you will know to react and pull it out. It is time.”

As Idelisa and Venetia hold your hands tight down by your side, she walks up and places her lips against yours. Rough and full of confidence, yet the gentle caress of a woman touches you and you become even more infatuated. You lean into her kiss, returning it, using your tongue to find hers, even as you’re helplessly held, you return and give what you can. As her tongue probes your mouth, and slides over yours, you feel your womb excite and ignite. A warm euphoria arises and starts to spread through your stomach down to your upper thighs and then up your spine, spreading and infecting all your thoughts and your being. You lean deeper into this previously forbidden kiss, extracting every ounce of craving and desire you can from it, never wanting it to end. Both of your tongues dance together, giving and taking the lead of exploration from each other.

She takes the lead one more time and uses it to pull back, sliding over your tongue, tasting your lips again, before completely severing the connection, leaving you gasping and wanting more. A slightly audible “Noooo.” leaves your lips and all she can do is respond with a smile. She signals to the Idelisa and Venetia. They each grab your tunic from the front and violently rip it off you, tearing it straight down the middle and dismissively discard it onto the neatly maintained ground around the altar. Your white flesh shines brilliantly, a beacon to all the figures. You attempt to cover up, but the gentle touches of Idelisa and Venetia pull your arms away from yourself, allowing you to be exposed to everyone. Your face contorts in awkwardness, insecurity and dread. Everything has been so new to you, it’s impossible to predict what happens next. Donia steps to the side revealing the strong face of the High Priest staring intently at your body. His eyes a blank canvas not able to be read, not allowing you to know where and what he is looking at. You avert your gaze out of pure submission. Donia starts, “I, Donia, the High Priestess, present to you Sherri. I have begun to strip that name from her, and I will now continue.” As she spoke, she circled to the altar, talking not just to the people, but the moon, the stars, the trees, the wind and you. When she finished speaking, she was standing in front of you again, as confident and as pure as anyone you could imagine. Her hands come up and they start to touch you. First your cheeks and you lean into her touch. She recedes and her fingers gently caress your neck, the sides and the back her wrist gliding and bumping creating friction in the chemistry. They come back and take a long journey to the sides of your radiant, heaving, erect, blood engorged breasts. They make a slight pass at your nipples, just enough to tremble them and make them firmer. Her fingertips travel down your sides tracing a route over your ribs and down to your hips before detouring around to your back. The fingers reach around and caress right where your ass meets your back and she touches you slightly, her fingers almost hovering above your skin, but close enough that your most sensitive organ knows where they are. Her hands meet right where your ass does and before she traces the lines from this vulnerable area, she places her lips to yours once more. You eagerly reach out, but as she explores with her hands, her tongue becomes more muted, allowing the distraction so she can feel every part of you. She pulls away again when her curiosity is satiated. “Sherri, sit down.” They gently pull you down and your ass feels the fur against it.

“Lean back.” She whispers at you as she strokes your cheek. Venetia and Idelisa pull your hands to the sides. Donia, spreads your legs, stretching you and putting you on full display in the moonlight. You feel your back press against the fur as your head makes its journey to the surface of the altar. Once you’re down and their weight against you, “Lock her up.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hf9d43/rite_of_fertility_part_1


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