Heartwood Academy – Sweetheart Placements [FF] [lesbian] [passionate] [story heavy] [throuple] [series]

Hey there Heartwood fans (and people passing by!). I’m so sorry for being gone. I had a lot on my plate personally, and the story suffered because of it. I had a recent fire lit inside me to write by a very talented fellow literotica writer, so I made myself sit down and continue the story!

As always, stop by, say hey, and let me know what you thought! Mwah! ?


The auditorium buzzed with conversation. Forty sweethearts fidgeted nervously in their chairs, all dressed in the traditional red plaid skirt and white cutoff top as they waited for someone to appear on the small stage. Three years at the academy lead to this, and soon we would all find out whether the next few years of our lives would be spent in a bikini next to a pool or taking cock nearly every waking moment. There were those of us that wanted the former, and some that wanted the latter. As the saying went, there truly was a Sweetheart for every home.

A few minutes passed by before we heard the school’s bell ring out, signaling the top of the hour, and not a second later Headmistress Fox appeared. Her black hair was slung over her shoulder, resting on her large bust as she peered over her dark-rimmed glasses at us. What once may have been fear within me had been replaced by reverence and respect for her over the past few months. She’d become a teacher, a mentor. I’d begin to develop feelings for her. Feelings that were becoming harder and harder to ignore.

“Good morning sweethearts,” her silky voice rang out through the microphone.

“Good morning Headmistress,” we responded in unison, making a grin dance across her lips. She enjoyed her job immensely.

“Ladies as you all know today is placement for those of you eligible. You’ve spent three years waiting for this moment, so to dispel your anxiety I’ll spare you the speech. I will say one thing though: This is without a doubt the best class of sweethearts we’ve ever had. Each of you has tackled her work with enthusiasm, veracity, and resilience. I am truly proud of all of you. You make this job such a joy. So thank you.”

She paused for a moment, and amidst the giggles of pride we all began to clap, giving ourselves a round of applause. Headmistress Fox joined in a for a moment, smiling before raising her hand. The clapping stopped.

“Well ladies let’s get to it,” she continued, pulling a sheet from the podium and adjusting her glasses. “You will report to your estates this evening at 8:00. Information will be sent to your rooms. You’ll need to pack and say your goodbyes this afternoon,” she looked down at the paper. “Courtney Gerber: the Campbell’s. Chelsea Green: the Swan’s. Caitlin Heath: the Wei-Lin’s..”

She moved down the list, all the way through the names. She’d skipped right over me. Was I ineligible? I’d passed the final exam, she’d been there. I’d taken extra credit to fix my grades. I’d done everything asked of me. Everything! I should be placed, chatting and laughing with the other girls, reminiscing about our time together and how it was at an end.

I was furious. My cheeks grew red, my throat closing up. I felt my eyes begin to well up with tears. All that extra work for nothing. The parties I’d missed, the sleepovers, the class trips. All to do this extra work for Headmistress Fox, for nothing. I stewed in my seat until the roll call ended, my small hands balled into fists, legs crossed tightly. At dismissal I bounded from my seat and headed for the door, ready to find a bottle of anything to drink.

“Ms. Grey,” I heard a voice call out, stopping in my tracks. The other Sweethearts passed by me in the aisle as I turned. Headmistress Fox was now in front of the stage on the auditorium floor, looking directly at me. With a finger she beckoned me towards her, and I weaved through the crowd to make my way to her.

“Yes Headmistress?” I said flatly, my powder blue eyes filled with defiance. As angry as I was, I was sure I looked no more fierce than a puppy.

She smirked, taking in all five and a half feet of me coiled into rage. Her hand reached out and took mine, uncurling my fingers from my fist so they laid flat in her palm.

“Do you know why you weren’t placed today Khloe?” she said softly, peering into my soul with her cobalt blue irises.

I shook my head quietly.

“Because you’re special, Khloe. You’ve been given a special placement,” she continued, taking one of her hands under my chin, stepping closer to me as she lifted my face up to meet her gaze. I could feel her warmth radiating inches from my face. Her sweet perfume filled my nostrils, and I longed to be with her, to be taken by her.

“At 8:00 tonight you are to show up at my door. Because you’re going to be my first Sweetheart.”

She pulled me into her chest, the loving embrace that I’d been craving since that first day in her office. I buried my face in her shirt, the tears I’d been holding back now falling on my cheeks, though for a different reason. My arms wrapped around her neck and squeezed tightly, so tight I thought I may hurt her. She chuckled softly as she took my waist, holding me close as I cried. Relief flooded through me like the waters of the Nile, and after a moment we broke apart, Headmistress Fox planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

“I’ll see you tonight Khloe,” she whispered with a smile. “Don’t be late.”


I stood at the door to the brownstone home next to my suitcase. I was wearing a tight black dress that hugged my hips suggestively, the hem shortened to highlight my toned, smooth legs. My black heels clicked nervously on the concrete steps up to the ornate entryway. My heart beat so loudly in my ears I was afraid my diamond danglers would jump right off my earlobes. I knocked twice before hearing a familiar voice from inside just before the door swung open.

“Headmistress Fox,” I smiled softly watching her take me in with a grin. “I really love your house.”

“Please Khloe, call me Fiona,” she giggled, taking my suitcase with one rippled arm and bringing it over the threshold as if it were nothing. “And thank you. I knew when I took the job as Headmistress I had to have this place. Believe me, I paid for it.

She led me down the hall to an open kitchen, leaving my suitcase at the base of an ornate stairway. She reached back and took my hand in hers, leading me further into the house, further into the beautiful unknown. It smelled of eucalyptus and peppermint, not unlike one of those fancy resort spas, and it was then I remembered that her office had smelled similarly when I’d visited it.

I heard the clinking of glasses in the kitchen, which I thought was odd. I’d always been under the impression Headmistress Fox had lived alone.

“Khloe there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” she said as we rounded the corner and turned into a beautiful, spacious kitchen. Standing next to the large marbled island was a woman in a wine red dress. She was tall and slender, with tight legs and a modest bust, built like a gymnast. Her chestnut brown hair parted near her temple and fell over her shoulders gracefully. Every inch of her screamed at me that it was put together by Aphrodite herself. If Headmistress Fox was the pinnacle of futa beauty, this woman was most certainly her female counterpart.

“This is my wife, Amy,” Headmistress continued, leaving me to glide over to the woman, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. She took the woman around the waist and gently brought her to me, the two of them moving in perfect sync like two souls unbound by place or time. “Amy darling, this is Khloe. The Sweetheart I’ve been talking to you about.”

Amy smiled and crossed the short distance between us, extending her hand to me. When she took mine she pulled me closer, taking in my face with her amber brown eyes.

“Hi Khloe,” she spoke, her voice like an angelic, stringed harp. “Fiona has told me so much about you. We’re so excited to have you here with us.” Every word was genuine, each syllable meant to put me at ease. Her soft hands caressed mine, and I felt my back loosen its tension, my smile less forced. My body felt at peace.

“Let’s sit, shall we dear?” Amy continued, motioning to the couch in the sitting room beyond, but not releasing my hand. We walked together to the adjacent space, and I could feel the Headmistress’ eyes on the two of us. Amy led me to a burgundy armchair before sitting at a small sofa across from me with Headmistress Fox. I watched the two of them cozy up to each other smiling as they situated themselves on the cushion. They looked at each other, then at me, then back at each other before speaking.

“Khloe we wanted you to live with us for an extenuating circumstance,” Headmistress Fox began, placing her hand in her wife’s lap. “And I want you to know that if you feel uncomfortable in this.. role.. that you have full authority to decline the offer here and now. And I’m sure I’d have no trouble placing you in another home by Monday morning. Do you understand?”

Confused by her tone and diction, I nodded.

“Yes Headmistress Fox,” I replied.

“Fiona,” she corrected me, looking at Amy and giggling. “We’ll have to fix that won’t we?”

Amy laughed, showing a perfect set of pearly white teeth. “I think we will. Or it’ll lose its meaning in the bedroom.”

The two of them shared a chuckle before turning back to me. Fiona continued.

“We’ve been trying, rather unsuccessfully for a time, to have a child. And we’ve had some difficulty. Admittedly I blamed myself for a while, but when we went to see an expert we were informed that my muse, my love,” she turned to Amy. “Is unable to bear children.”

I shot a look at the brunette, my eyes undoubtedly wide and sorrowful. How awful that must have been. I imagined the entire visit with the physician in my head. Oh how she must have cried. Sobbed. The both of them no doubt. I wanted to cross the room and hug her, but she simply smiled and shook her head reassuringly. There was no sadness or sorrow in her expression, simply acknowledging this new fact of life and taking it in stride. What a monument of a woman, I thought to myself.

“So Khloe I’m sure you’re connecting the dots here,” Fiona said. “We’d love to have you not only as a traditional Sweetheart: someone to help take care of our home, to aid in our pleasure and relaxation.. But we’d also like you to be.. well a surrogate mother. What do you say?”

The room filled with silence. The AC must have shut off when we walked in, and it seemed like all the birds outside had stopped to wait for my response. My fingers fiddled with my dress nervously as I looked at the two gorgeous creatures before me. Of course I wanted to live with them, to serve them, to please them. Fiona would have been enough on her own, never mind the extra blessing of her wife. My heart raced.

“Yes- um, I mean, yes to all of it. I-I’m not sure what else I can say. I mean, you have a beautiful home, you’re both so kind. You’ve been so very helpful to me at no real reward to you.. how could I say no?” I stammered my way through the acceptance. “Yes, Fiona,” I smiled, finally finding myself. “I’d love to surrogate for you two.”

The two of them smiled, first at me, then at each other. I watched a tear form in Amy’s eyes, and as Fiona also saw it she pulled her wife close, kissing her forehead softly. Almost as she had done to mine this afternoon. No one inside the academy knew she was this loving.

“I’m sorry Khloe,” she smiled, releasing her wife. “Obviously there’s been a lot leading up to this, and we’re just so happy. This has been a big day for you. Should we turn in early this evening so you can get situated in your room?”

As I nodded Amy stood and spoke.

“Let me take her Fiona,” she smiled, wiping the last remnants of moisture from her cheeks. “I’ve got it all set up perfectly, and I’d love to show her.” Her enthusiasm brought the world back to normal.

“Of course dear,” Fiona grinned. “Khloe I’ll see you in the morning. Let’s plan on being down here around 7 for breakfast. Good night.”


Amy led me down a hall at the top of the stairs to a doorway with a golden knob. Turning it, she ushered me in before entering herself. Before me was a large canopy bed draped in crimson with white trim. The headboard was dark mahogany as were the posts. The floor was hardwood, with accent rugs placed neatly in some areas. Along one wall was a fireplace with two lounge chairs, a small end table between them. The far wall held a long set of collapsing doors, which Amy opened to show a generous walk-in closet filled with shoes, jewelry, dresses, skirts, robes, gowns, and even lingerie.

“Come,” Amy whispered, taking my hand to a door at the corner of the room, along the fireplace wall. Opening it, she walked me into a spacious bathroom, complete with a standing shower and a large bath tub. A wall across from the long vanity counter was cut in with shelves holding white and purple towels and washcloths. Two white hand towels hung on a ring next to the sink with “Fox” embroidered in them in purple.

“Oh my gosh,” I marveled, turning to Amy. “This is amazing. It’s wonderful. How did.. how did you know? I mean, this is exactly how I would’ve set this up for myself.”

She turned to me, taking my waist and pulling me to her, our chests nearly touching. I could smell her lavender shampoo from this distance.

“Because I listen, honey,” she murmured, taking a lock of my blonde hair and tucking it behind my ear. “Fiona has talked about you excessively for the past few months. And I’ve listened. And I thought maybe I had an idea of what this girl would be like. And while I got the details and personality right,” she paused, leaning into me.

The tip of her nose brushed mine, and her hand slid to the small of my back. My arms wrapped around her neck in response. As if it was the most natural posture for my body to take in that moment.

“I could have never imagined just how beautiful you would be..”

Her voice trailed off as her lips met mine, a kiss as soft as cotton. They met again as I sighed, tightening my grip on her neck, pulling myself into her, pressing my body into hers. She pulled me close and kissed me again, our mouths opening slightly as we continued. Slowly she walked me backwards into the bathroom, and with pure trust I let her guide me until I felt my back meet the cold tile wall.

Her lips moved to my cheek, gently biting my earlobe before moving to my neck. I let out a hiss as I held her head tightly to me, closing my eyes and turning my face to the ceiling.

“You’re so gorgeous Amy,” I whispered as I felt her fingers searching for the zipper at the back of my dress. My own hands began to pull at her dress as I felt the black polyester fall to the floor, my skin bare for her now. Her eyes met mine, full of desire as she helped me undress her. She snaked one hand around my waist to grab my ass, her fingers dancing over the lace of my panties while she reached out to open the glass door and turn the knob on the shower.

While we waited for the shower to warm I turned the tables, switching spots with the lithe brunette so that her back was against the tile. I planted kisses down her neck until I reached her chest, taking one of her firm breasts in my hand and teasing the hard nipple perched atop it. She let out a whimper as she held me to her, relieving herself of her panties as she coaxed me onwards.

My lips traveled down her smooth tummy, laying a playful kiss on her hip before kneeling in front of her. Just before diving in I looked up at her, my favorite view of a lover. I watched her eyes peer down at me, biting her lip and nodding as she placed her hand on the back of my head.

Often at the academy girls would leave class pent up and frustrated. Some lessons ended in pleasure with no climax, or providing pleasure with no release for oneself. That resulted in girls coming back to the dorms for the evening hungry and wanting. Some of us found each other in the evenings, and in the dim light of a bedside lamp we would learn to bring each other to climax. Often we’d gotten so talented we could teeter each other on the edge before providing a leg shaking orgasm. I leaned on those non traditional lessons here with Amy.

She let out a long, slow moan as my tongue parted her folds. I savored her taste for a moment before continuing, coating her excited slit in a layer of loving saliva. My tongue danced around her, swirling up and down and across the hard nub of her clit. Her legs opened wider now, allowing me further access to her wetness. I let a finger drift inside her, then a second. Probing her gently, I explored until I found that sensitive little area inside her. I was slow, deliberate, torturous even, and I waited for a whine before I gave in.

Locking my lips to her clit I sucked voraciously while my fingers worked inside her, massaging and kneading that gentle little walnut-sized spot. She bucked and squirmed above me, holding my head tightly between her thighs as she convulsed. Her moans grew louder and more frantic, the neediness in her voice apparent. Her hand pressed my face into her, threatening to suffocate me as she came, her thighs shaking violently, panting and whining as she came down from the high.

Always one for aftercare, I began to lap at her gently before I was roughly pulled to my feet. Face to face I met her eyes, a devilish smile on her face as she kissed me deeply, forcing her tongue into mine to taste herself. Ripping my panties from me, she laid a firm smack on my ass before pulling me under the warm water and closing the glass door.

Again and again our lips met in the shower, the water falling on the both of us as we continued our lovers dance. She was soft and smooth and loving, firm but endearing in her movements. I’d only met her moments ago, but our bodies were in perfect harmony. She was an expert lover, just like her spouse.

She sat at a bench with her back to the glass, pulling me to sit in her lap. Nibbling on one of my nipples with her teeth, she guided her knee between my legs, pressing against my needy, wet sex. I craved the friction she gave me, and without prompting began sliding myself up and down her smooth thigh. I looked down at her teasing my breast as I continued, my own pleasure building up inside me. She brought both hands to my hips, controlling the speed at which I rode her muscular groin.

I came once as she spanked me, my wet hair flinging back as I moaned to the ceiling, crying out in praise of Amy’s touch. But it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more. With relative ease she lifted me further atop her, dropping a hand to my pussy. Furiously she rubbed my clit, making me whine in pleasure as my hips continued bucking. I pulled her face back to my chest, begging for her to take a nipple in her mouth, a request she quickly acquiesced to.

My forehead pressed against the glass as I felt her fingers enter me, quickly and firmly fucking me, bringing me ever closer to orgasm. I felt myself nearing the edge, my cries and whimpers growing louder now, echoing off the tile and filling the bathroom. I didn’t care if the neighbors could hear or not. I was in ecstasy.

“Fuck Amy,” I cried out, my face pressed against the glass of the shower wall. “Fuck I’m gonna cum..”

I cried out one last time before my thighs flexed, my wet sex closing in on itself, squeezing her fingers inside me tightly. My eyes opened wide as it continued, my body wracked with orgasmic pleasure as Amy coaxed me further along. I ran my hand along the glass clearing the fog as my hips began to slow, her fingers sliding out of me. I held her close to my chest as I painted, out of breath and unable to speak. And in the doorway I saw a smiling figure.

Fiona stood at the entrance of the bathroom, a pair of gray sweatpants on that were failing to even try to hide her ridiculously large bulge. She smiled at me, biting her lip as she surveyed the two women in the shower. One her lover and one her nymph. Amy’s head turned towards her, looking at her wife through the same glass as I was. With a smile she pulled me closer, kissing my chest before meeting my lips with hers. The two of us took a moment to catch our breath before I settled down into her lap, resting my head in the crook of her neck.

“I like her Fi,” Amy giggled, giving my rump a playful swat before relaxing against the glass with a sigh. “I think she can stay.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hf9vnn/heartwood_academy_sweetheart_placements_ff