Maid to Order [FF, Fdom, NC, Humil] (part 2/3)


I didn’t talk to Marlene the remainder of the week. Just knowing she needed me for her upcoming party tempered my paranoia.

Saturday morning I showed up at her apartment early. I washed all of her dirty dishes and cleaned and straightened up the living room.

She was still asleep when I entered her bedroom. Being as quiet as possible, I tiptoed to the master bath to collect her dirty clothes. She was partially uncovered, her large natural breast fully exposed. I tried to look away…I couldn’t. They were awesome, like mine.

After collecting a handful of her panties, I tried to quietly slip back through the room. She heard me.

“Sandra, what are you doing in here?” she asked. “Oh, I see. You’re going to wash my panties. Come here a minute. I want to show you something.”

I approached her bed. She reached out, pulling a white pair of her thongs from my hand.

“See how soiled these are,” she said, holding the crotch up for me to see. “I cum in them last night…at least three or four times. They were soaked by the time I arrived home. Here, smell them…smell how nasty they are.”

She held them out, taunting me. I could only stand there, red faced, allowing the harassment.

“Come on, Sandra,” she urged. “Sniff them. Don’t disappoint me again. Let’s not start the day with you pissing me off.”

That was the last thing I wanted to do…piss her off. I was holding myself together by a thread.

I inched my nose towards the panties. The odor was strong, still ripe. I closed my eyes and inhaled.

“Come on, Sandra. You can do better than that. Take a good long whiff. Don’t be afraid to like it.”

I moved closer, within inches. I inhaled deeply.

“That’s more like it.” she said. “I’ll bet you never thought you’d be sniffing your boss’s panties did you. You know, I think you enjoy it. Who would have thought…you’re a panty sniffer.”

Suddenly she forced the crotch between my parted lips. I should have pulled away, not allow her to disgrace me like this. But I was suddenly caught up in the intense sexual intimacy clouding up the room. I let her stuff them into my mouth. The taste was unique, sour but not bitter.

“Suck on them, bitch. Taste me. Taste your boss.”

She let go of them. I stood up erect, the panties partially hanging from my lips. In an attempt to please her, I impulsively reached up and pushed the entire crotch into my mouth. The warmth of my saliva softened the crustiness, intensifying the taste. I had finally crossed the line…the line I vowed never to cross. Maybe I was the slut I pretended not to be.

“That’s a good girl,” she whispered. “Maybe you’d like to sniff my cunt too.”

I shook my head vigorously, backing away from her.

“Okay…okay” she hissed. “Get out of here and make me my breakfast. And get my paper for me.”

I hurried from the bedroom, her panties still hanging from my mouth. I retreated to the utility room, quickly depositing the panties into the washer, I then hustled to the kitchen to start her breakfast.

She sat at the dining room table reading the paper as I served her.

“Do you remember Marge?” she asked. “You know, the friend I entertained here last Monday night. Well, she’ll be here shortly to help with the party arrangements. If I’m in the bathroom, ring her up.”

I didn’t like her friend, especially after the way she had treated me. She had a cruel streak, making me cry the way she did. And now I was going to have to spend the day with her!

After finishing her coffee, I listened to further instructions. “When Marge gets here she may try to give you a hard time. Don’t embarrass me like you did the last time. Indulge her. Who knows, she may let you sniff her panties too.”

“I don’t like her,” I blurted out. “And I certainly don’t want to smell her panties.”

“Why not, Sandra,” she said mockingly. “You seemed to enjoy smelling my panties.”

“No…no I didn’t,” I murmured. “You…you made me.”

I knew my protest rang hollow. She knew it too. She glared at me. I drooped my head, staring at the floor.

“I’ll…I’ll try to be nice to her,” I mumbled.

Within minutes after she disappeared down the hall to the bathroom, the doorbell rang. I buzzed the building entrance door open. Wien Marge entered the apartment, I was putting the last of the breakfast dishes away.

“Well, look who’s here,” she said snidely. “And looking good too.”

She approached me, boldly reaching out to cup one of my breast. “That’s interesting,” she said. “You’re not pulling away. Has Marlene finally tamed you? By the way, where is she?”

“She…she’s in the bathroom,” I stammered.

She continued caressing my breasts through my blouse. She had absolutely no respect for me. I felt dirty.

“What was your name again?” she asked. “I forgot.”


“Sandra, huh. Okay, Sandra. Let’s go over to the sofa and get to know each other. Come on girl. Don’t be shy.”

I followed submissively. “Come here,” she ordered. “I want you to sit here on the floor in front of me.”

I was scared. But there was a sense of excitement too. The woman was so domineering. Just like Marlene. For some reason I was beginning to feel comfortable with my submissiveness.

I slipped down to the floor directly in front of her. She spread her legs lewdly. My eyes were drawn to her crotch.

“You are a naughty thing aren’t you Sandra. Looking up under my skirt like that. “What do you see, bitch? Do you see something you like?”

“Yellow panties,” I whispered. “Pretty yellow panties.”

She slumped further down on the sofa, splaying her legs and thighs even further. Suddenly Marlene appeared behind me.

“She’s a sniffer, Marge,” she said to her friend. “Dirty panties…My new bitch likes dirty panties.”

“Really!’ Marge said, acting surprised. “Well, as it so happens, I’m wearing dirty panties. How about that, Sandra. I have just what you like. Go ahead, bitch. Take a big sniff.”

I peered up at Marlene, giving her a pleading look. Her eyes, as usual, were cold and unblinking. She expected me to do as I was told. And I…I had an overwhelming urge not to displease her.

I tried to appear reluctant. I was sickened by my arousal. I was completely humiliated but Marlene had debased me so many times I was becoming numb to it.

I nuzzled my cheeks up against Marge’s inner thigh, up above her thigh high stocking top. It was shameful, I was relenting to something I swore I would never do. I breathed deeply. She was right, her panties were dirty…the odor strong and pungent. I actually became light headed.

She entangled her fingers in my hair, pulling my face closer to her crotch. She was forcing me like a rape victim. But there was no mistaken the sensation I felt, being used for her sexual whims.

Feeling helpless masked some of the guilt, but wanting to please her was a new emotion for me. I nestled my nose up against her crotch, taking the full brunt of her womanly odor.

She pulled the crotch of her panties from out of her frothy slit, a creamy white substances oozing from her. I wasn’t prepared for this. Nor was I prepared for how succulent I thought it to be.. I tried to pull away but she was holding my head firmly. I continued inhaling deeply, saturating my sense of smell.

“Have a taste,” she sneered. “Have your first taste of cunt.”

I hesitated. I knew what she expected of me. The very thought was repugnant.

“Do it bitch,” I heard Marlene snarl at me. “Lick her cunt you fucking slut. Lick it, make her cum. Make her cum in your pussy mouth.”

I was shocked by Marlene’s outburst and harsh filthy language. But even more shocking…I obeyed. My tongue snaked out, touching her pink slit. And then, with a frightening eager curiosity, I slurped up the creamy substance, swirling it around in my mouth. It was absolutely vile and revolting. I swallowed it.

What followed was a nightmare come true. I actually licked her pussy. Me, licking a woman’s private parts! And it was exhilarating, making this strong, domineering woman moan with pleasure. Marlene, hovering over me, continued urging me on.

For the next two hours they used me, making me do things so disgusting I thought I’d be sick. But, to the contrary, I became caught up in the perversenes of it all. And after my unexpected orgasm, I didn’t care what they did to me or made me do. Eventually I cum numerous times…so many times I lost count. My transformation was complete. I was Marlene’s bitch. The line I vowed never to cross faded away.

Down the hall I posed in front of a full length mirror. It was no mystery how and why my blouse was covered with yellowing splotches. The stains were cum juices dripped from the corners of my mouth. I had fully succumbed to the advances of Marlene and Marge and done things I didn’t think I was capable of doing.

My own body had betrayed me. The sheer number of orgasms I experienced would attest to that. My shame did not deter my participation and pleasure…in fact it seemed to enhance it. I didn’t know how to fight it.

I experienced sexual pleasure so exquisite it nearly shut my body down…I think I even had temporary black outs. Marlene had weakened my resolve by the contempt and disrespect she had for me. She had broken my spirit, How shame and humiliation became so compelling I don’t know.

It was the darkest moment of my life when she declared ownership of me…that I was her bitch. When she ordered me to openly finger myself in front of her and Marge, I did so willing, my knees nearly buckling from an orgasm so explosive I ached from the pleasure. I knew then that it was true. I was her bitch and there was no will left in me to refute it.


As Marlene and Marge showered together in preparation for the party, I lay outstretched on the guest bathroom floor and napped. I smelled of sweat and sex. I looked forward to going home to bathe and crawl into bed..

I was awakened by someone calling out my name. I glanced at my watch. The party guest were due to arrive in less than an hour. Marlene was yelling for me. I hurried to her bedroom where she and Marge were dressing.

“I’ve decided that you should stay for the party,” Marlene said. “You can serve the guest…make sure they have plenty to drink. Go wash your uniform and make yourself presentable.”

“Uh…I…I don’t really want to be here,” I protested. “Especially not as a maid. It would be embarrassing if I personally knew some of your guest.

Couldn’t I at least go home and change?”

“You mean so you can blend in with the other guest,” she said.snidely.

“Uh…yes,” I said. “I would still help serve drinks though.”

“You’re my fucking maid, not my friend,” she sneered.. “Now get that uniform washed. And take a shower. You smell like a whore.”

Just when I thought my life couldn’t sink any lower, Marlene was going to expand my humiliation. I was now going to be displayed before a room full of people, some who may be acquaintances or friends. I nearly had an orgasm at the very thought of it..


The sheer blouse was warm from the dryer when I put it on. My nipples immediately popped out, jutting conspicuously. My breast, clearly visible through the sheer blouse, made me feel uncomfortable in a slutty sort of way.

It was the first washing of he cotton skirt and it shrank considerably. It was now tighter and shorter, exposing several inches of my thighs above my stocking tops. I was the epitome of everything slutty.

Not surprisingly, all the guest were women. Most of them appeared to be married if wedding rings were any indication.

My worst fear was realized when I noticed my friend Kyra across the room. I was surprised to see her at a party like this. Married with two daughters, she was the straightest person I knew. Our friendship had suffered a bit after she refused to hire me because of her fear of retaliation from Marlene.

Kyra and I had a history. I dated her brother for several months. In fact, she had set me up with him. I had been to her home many times for dinner and other functions.. Her brother and I had even baby sat her kids!

I could tell by her reaction she was surprised to see me dressed as a maid. I was totally embarrassed.

“What the hell are you doing, Sandra?” she asked in amazement. “Is this your new boss’s idea of a joke?”

“Uh…not exactly,” I murmured. “It’s more like keeping my job.”

“Wow…you certainly couldn’t look more slutty,” she said with an amused smirk over my discomfort.

Marlene suddenly appeared at our side. “Hi, Kyra. Glad you could make it. I think you know my new maid. What do you think? Sexy bitch isn’t she.”

I hung my head shamefully.

“Yeah, you might say that,” Kyra said.

Marlene reached out and cupped my breast. “Nice, huh,” she said to Kyra. “Go ahead, you can feel her up if you like.”

I was stunned when Kyra actually reached out and touched me, playfully pinching my nipple.

“Kyra, please don’t,” I pleaded. “I’m not…..”

“I’ve always admired her tits,” Kyra declared. “She has a nice mouth too. Soft full lips. I’ve always liked her lips.”

I didn’t understand her comments. She wasn’t like Marlene. She was married…had kids…lived in the suburbs with a yard and a white picket fence?

“Go, wait on the other guest,” Marlene ordered me. “And remember, you’re here to please them. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I whimpered submissively.

“It’s hard to believe,” I heard Kyra comment as I walked away. “Tell me Marlene…will she really eat pussy?”

For the next hour the guest pawed at me, cupping and squeezing my breast, caressing and pinching my ass. Some were even bold enough to slide their hands up under my short skirt, surprised by my soaking wet panties.

As I mingled among the guest, fetching drinks for them, I became completely accommodating to their abuse, and maybe, unconsciously, even encouraging it. My panties were a mess, just like my life.

Kyra signaled me from across the room indicating she wanted another drink.When I delivered it to her she grabbed my arm, pulling me aside. I could tell she had too much to drink. Pulling me close she whispered into my ear.

“I’ve cleared it with Marlene. You’re coming home with me tonight.”

“What? Uh…I don’t think so,” I said. “When I leave here I’m going home.”

“No, you’re going to spend the rest of the weekend with me,” she repeated. “We’ll be leaving within the next hour. Be ready.”

She wandered off, mingling with the other guest. I spotted Marlene across the room. I hurried towards her.

“What did you tell Kyra?” I asked, trying to appear humble. “You’re loaning me out to her?”

“Yes…yes I am,” she said haughtily. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Well…yes. I’m not a slave, I protested meekly. “I want to go home. I’m tired. I’ve been here all day.”

“Your day isn’t over till I say it is,” she spat out at me. “You are going home with her. And furthermore, you’ll do whatever she wants you to do. Do you understand?”

I did understand. I had a choice…defy her and lose my job or do what she ordered me to do.

“Do you understand?” Marlene repeated.

“Yes, I understand,” I said spinelessly.

Kyra motioned to me when she was ready to leave. I grabbed my coat and followed close behind her.

It felt awkward to me, sitting in her car. Apparently the many drinks she had drowned her awkwardness, driving with one hand, caressing my thigh with

the other. It was the ultimate shame, being treated like a compliant slut by someone I considered a friend.

I tried to make small talk with her. “Where are Tom and the kids?” I asked as we entered the darkened house.

“I thought you knew,” she said. “Tom and I were divorced last year. The girls are both in college now.”

I was shocked. I talked to her four or five times a week…even had an occasional drink with her after work. She never once mentioned divorce. The last time I saw her daughters they were fifteen and sixteen years old. Now they were in college?

I followed her through the house to her bedroom. For being in her late thirties and mother of two children, it certainly didn’t appear to have effected her body. It was tight…and voluptuous. Like Marlene, she hid it under conservative business suits.

“Remember the time you and my brother baby sat the girls?” she asked. That was the time Tom and I spent a weekend in New York. Remember?”

I did remember, vividly. It was a fun weekend. We spoiled the girls, taking them to a rock concert, allowing them to play video games until all hours of the morning. They even began referring to me as aunt Sandra.

“Did you have any sexual fantasies about them back then?” she asked.

I was completely taken aback by her question.

“Of course not,” I answered defiantly. “How can you ask me such a horrible, sick question? They were teenagers.”

“I only asked because…uh…I mean look at you now. Look at what kind of slut bitch you are. I thought maybe you were capable of anything. You are capable of anything sexual aren’t you Sandra?”

It was apparent we weren’t friends any more. Our relationship changed almost instantly. It didn’t, however, give her the right to make such cruel off handed remarks about me.

“No…no I’m not,” I said defensively. “I would never…. How could you think such a terrible thing of me?”

Stripped down to her panties, black stockings and red pumps. she deliberately struck up a pose in front of me.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you for a long time,” she said breathlessly, ogling me up and down. “Has anyone ever told you you have a pussy mouth? I used to be so jealous of my brother, knowing you were probably sucking his big cock every night. Am I right Sandra? Didn’t he fuck those luscious lips of yours? Did you let him ram it down that slutty throat of yours?”

“I haven’t seen or heard from your brother for three years,” I said. “Why are you bringing all of this up now? He didn’t do something to your daughters did he?”

“Oh no,” she said. “He certainly was capable though if he thought he could’ve gotten away with it. He’s always been a pig.”

I was only half listening to her. I was more intrigued by the way she was massaging her own tits, teasing her nipples erect. They were like pencil erasers.

She continued to ramble. “When he and I were teenagers, I sucked his cock all the time. I probably swallowed a bucket or two of his cum juice back then. He loved blow jobs.”

It was unbelievable that she would share such a horribly sick and personal thing with me. Equally terrible was how little she thought of her brother. It was difficult to comprehend.

“He was the first boy to fuck me in my ass,” she said. “Just think…when you were sucking his cock, that same cock had been up my asshole many times. How does that make you feel?”

At the moment I didn’t know what I was feeling. Our conversation seemed so insane. I didn’t know what it was leading up to, if anything. If she was trying to shock me she had succeeded. But to what end?

“What do you want from me, Kyra? If you’re trying to shock me, you’ve succeeded. But all this talk about your daughters and brother is…well, to be frank, a little disturbing. I really don’t want to hear about it. I should probably leave. And, quite frankly, I don’t care what you tell Marlene. I don’t want to

have this stupid conversation with you any more.”

“You’re not going anywhere, bitch,” she said with an unexpected sternness.

She moved closer to me. “You’ll do as I say, bitch. Now move your ass to the living room. I’m not through with you.”

I had never seen this side of her…domineering and demanding.. It stirred something inside of me. I obeyed meekly, quickly retreating to the living room with her.

She motioned for me to sit on the sofa next to her. Making obscene gestures with her tongue,she spread her legs and began stroking her crotch.

“Marlene tells me you’re a panty sniffer. Would you like to sniff my panties Sandra?”

Although I could see it coming I was still surprised. She was a lesbian, just like Marlene. I had to applaud her. She had maintained her secret well…from everyone, I now knew what she expected of me but I had no feeling for it. I just wanted to go home.


I cringed from her sudden outburst. I was also aroused by her arrogance. I squirmed on the sofa, aware of the sudden warmth between my legs.


I felt the familiar warm blanket of humiliation drape over me.I obediently slipped from the sofa to my knees. She was so stern and demanding…I had no choice….

She was right…her panties were soiled. She slipped down lower on the sofa, her gaping legs giving me full access to her ripe scent. The odor was intoxicating. I wallowed in shameful pleasure, my nose pressed against her warm wet crotch.

“Finger yourself,” she ordered me. “Go ahead, bitch…finger yourself. I want to see you cum.”

My hand slipped under my short skirt as I continued sniffing her. I was overwhelmed by the sudden need to please her. I wanted her to make me eat her luscious pink cunt.

I heard the television go on. She had a remote in her hand. I heard what sounded like a crowd cheering. I couldn’t pull myself away from her crotch to watch.

“Look at the TV,” Kyra ordered. Watch it…you’re going to enjoy this. Keep fingering yourself.

I turned to watch. It was seven or eight cheerleaders cheering on the side line of a basketball game. The film was directed specifically on the young girls.

“Brenda is a college cheerleader,” she moaned. “She sent this tape to me.”

I recognized her oldest daughter Brenda, second from the left.

“Keep fingering yourself,” Kyra reminded me. “Watch…see how young and fresh they look. Prime pussy. How would you like to smell their sweaty panties after a game?”

“Yes,” I whispered, my fingers stroking my pussy more forcefully.

“Would you like to lick those sweet pink cunts?” she murmured. “Would you Sandra? Can you just smell their girly odor?”

I could feel myself approaching an orgasm. I was trapped by my own burning lust.

“Yesssss,” I moaned as I caught glimpses of their panties every time they jumped and cheered.

“Pretty little pussies…lick them…smell them. Oh god….Yessssss…….”

Buttery cream gushed from me, dripping from my fingers onto the carpeted floor. My body went into an uncontrollable spasm as I watched the unsuspecting girls. I felt enslaved to my perverted imagination.

Kyra grabbed a handful of my hair and crushed my mouth up against her crotch. Pulling her panties aside, I licked her vigorously till her cummy cream flowed into my hungry mouth. I gurgled, the thick sticky substance nearly choking me as it strung itself from my tonsils down through my throat.

I cum again.

