Breastfeeding that never stopped [FF] [Incest] [NC] [Nipple] [Lesbian]

I’m 30/F and my mother breastfed me for an abnormally long time.

She was a single mother for the majority of my life until I left for college. She was caring and supportive in every way as a parent. She encouraged my interests with enthusiasm and showed up to any recitals, video camera in hand. We didn’t always live in the best places, but we made due. I was raised to be diligent and hard-working because of the example she set, and everyone who knew her adored her.

But there was…just that thing we did. It literally started when I was a baby so it was completely normal for us. I think some part of me knew it was taboo because I never really told any of my friends. It’s not like my mom was lactating for my entire life.

Sometimes, to me, it felt like a ritual. Almost every night, after I was done with my evening bath or shower I’d go to my room to put on some panties and a robe or a long t-shirt. I walked through the cold hallway on our hardwood floor to her room. Usually by the time I got there I was ready for her warmth. She was almost always sitting in bed with just her nightstand lamp on, reading whatever romance novel she was on. If I visited her, it was never forced or compulsory, and we never really talked about it…but her door was always cracked.

I would come in, ask how her day was, and hop into bed. As we chatted, I would make my way to her side and wrap my leg around her torso. I switched sides every night I visited. As the conversation progressed, she would start to rub small circles on my back, hips, arm, whatever she was touching and that was the cue to start.

She’d muse softly about her day as I took her nipple into my mouth, telling me about her coworkers or about taking the car in. I would make gentle eye contact as her nipple squeezed between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. The circles she rubbed would turn into a back rub or her running her fingers through my drying hair. We never really had a time limit, things ended when one or both of us fell asleep.

This ritual became a comfort for both of us, and because the act of sucking on her nipples started immediately after birth it just never clicked that this wasn’t normal. I latched on to the idea of it just being “breastfeeding” at an early age as just a simple explanation for what was happening. I didn’t really have any feelings about it at the time.

Things went on like this for a long time. Regular intimate sessions with my mom where I’d suck on one or both tits. She eventually would request that I at least lick both to “balance”, and there was even a couple of times where she asked me to spit on her other nipple and rub and pinch it with my fingers to “simulate sucking”.

As I got older, I noticed some new feelings about spending time with my mom at night. I never escalated anything, but I would go back to my room and notice a wet spot on my panties. I know my mom must have noticed when it happened, but she never said anything. I also started seeking out her sex toys and any homemade videos she had, which did exist from time to time. That didn’t happen very often but every once in awhile the curiosity or desire would overwhelm my senses.

It wasn’t until I was a bit older that she started to give me brief “breast inspections,” to teach me how to test for cancer and excuses like that. They weren’t as long as my time with hers, but she would usually start with a general chest massage and end up briefly tweaking my nipples to make me twitch before stopping. It didn’t take long for that to escalate to the occasional lick and suck of one or both nipples. I never stopped her, and I never asked for it. But I still masturbate thinking about it sometimes.

My mom never directly touched my pussy, and nor I hers. I sometimes wish she had pushed my soaked panties aside and slipped a finger or two in me. On a good night, she would praise me softly as I sucked on her, so I imagine her telling me how good I was for taking her fingers. Just like she used to tell me how good I was for doing well in school or with my art.

Things stopped when I moved away for college, and since I realized the dynamics for what they were I haven’t really spoken to her. That being said, I’d be lying if I tried to say that these memories didn’t get me off. Double the fact that I have access to some of her old nudes, including some shots from around the time this was happening. I have them saved and touch myself while looking at them fairly regularly.



  1. This is a lovely and sweetly erotic story. Thank you for sharing. Is this a true story? To me it sounds like a true story.

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