Season of Eros (Part 2)[MF, MMF, Free use, jealousy, femdom, cum play, cuckold]

[Part 1](

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are 18 years or older.

Dave had run out of eggs a few days ago so he was relegated to making oatmeal for breakfast. He made the most of it by stirring in what was left of the strawberry jelly sitting at the back of his fridge. It made the otherwise bland and tasteless meal edible. Dave sat in his plain but comfortable armchair. It was situated in the middle of the room facing his tv, directly behind him was the kitchen. He used the few remaining moving boxes as a foot rest. Flipping channels for a while he briefly paused on an interview between a journalist and a historian discussing the history behind the Season of Eros. Dave found the conversation to be rather dull. With a click he went to the next channel to watch cartoons. He glued his eyes to the TV and spooned oatmeal into his mouth.

He was just about finished the bowl when a loud buzz came from the intercom. Sophie had arrived. Dave got up, put his bowl next to the sink, and walked to the intercom.

“Hello,” Dave spoke with a knowing lilt.

“It’s Sophie, Dave.” He could hear the smile in her voice.

Dave hit the entrance buzzer and held it till he was sure she got in. He waited patiently by the door wringing his hands. His breathing had picked up a bit and he was surprised by how nervous he felt. They were a comfortable and happy couple, what was there to be nervous about. A knock at the door made him jolt. He quickly swung open the door and was relieved at how undisturbed she looked. She was as put together as she always was. She had an airy look about her with wide set grayish blue eyes, high cheekbones, and peach lips. Her thin septum ring gave a slight edge to her look. Her auburn hair fell in gentle curls to just above her shoulders. Sophie was wearing a white button down shirt that she had only half buttoned and then tied off just below her ribs. The look revealed her flat stomach. The arms of the shirt had been torn off as well but he had seen this top before and know they were supposed to be torn off. For pants she wore blue and cream stripped linen shorts that were held up by a drawcord belt. She also had a duffle bag slung over one shoulder.

Dave welcomed her in and they embraced once he had closed and locked the door. He held her in his arms kissing her neck. She smelled of rosewood. Soft sounds of moist lips and light moans filled the otherwise noiseless apartment.

“I’ve missed you, Dave. So much,” Sophie whispered in Dave’s ear. One of her hands clutched the back of Dave’s neck. The other wrapped around his back.

It had been a week since they last saw each other. Sophie had needed to focus on grading final papers before she could commit time to be with Dave. It wasn’t too much of a bother to Dave since he was in the middle of moving apartments.

Dave pulled away just enough to look her in the eyes. “I know I said you didn’t need to come over today but I’m real glad you did,” he whispered back. They both smiled and laughed a bit at their palpable excitement. Then Dave kissed her inviting lips. He felt his way into her mouth with his tongue. She loved when he did this. It made her knees buckle a bit and she made a soft grunt. To keep her up Dave cupped her cute ass. For fun he tried spreading them apart and speaking her cheeks hard.

“Ah! You dirty fucker,” she gasped and laughed warmly. Smiling and biting her lip she pushed a way from Dave and walked over to his armchair to take a seat.

“How do you like the new place?” Dave asked watching her walk away, placing her duffle bag next to the chair and sit down.

“It’s definitly a step up from the old place,” Sophie remarked as she looked around the space. The majority of the apartment was a single 500 square foot room that was at once the living room and kitchen. The kitchen took up about a quarter of the space with an island helping to divide the room. There were two doors on opposite sides of the kitchen space; one to the bathroom and one to the bedroom. Perpendicular to the bedroom door was a wall of floor to ceiling windows. A door in the windows led to a balcony outside of the apartment that connected the living room and bedroom like an outdoor hallway.

Dave was very proud of being able to afford such a nice apartment. He had gotten lucky joining a few software development teams right before they had big breakthroughs. He took the money when they got big, learned what he could from them, and jumped ship before their well of ideas dried up.

“How long did it take to get down to just these two?” Sophie asked pointing a finger back and forth to the two boxes beside her.

“Two days,” Dave said proudly. “Like, two whole days but I got that shit done.” He closed his eyes and nodded with a smirk. “Okay, most of it,” he chuckled to himself.

“Well we’ll get it done today. How long do you think the bathroom’s going to take?” Sophie asked.

“Uh, two hours at most I think. I already taped off the corners.” Dave grabbed his bowl of oat meal and finished the last bite. He gave the bowl a quick rinse and let it sit in the sink.

“Great, that works. I was hoping we could finish by 5 so we could have a fun night together. I was thinking we could order in for dinner, at the store we could get some ice-cream. Put on a good movie later. Anything to lose my mind over. Grading those papers put me in a tense headspace.” Sophie’s eyes were closed as she ran her hands through her hair, lounging in the armchair.

“Honestly I couldn’t have come up with a better plan,” Dave assured her. He walked over and leaned with his elbows on the back of the chair. He reached down and ran a hand over her exposed belly. Sophie immediately let out a high giggle and her stomach tensed up.

“Stop! I hate it when you tickle me,” She said between fits of giggling.

“Doesn’t sound like you hate it.” Dave tickled her for a little longer then moved his hand a breast. Her perky breast filled his hand. The shirt must have been thick because he hadn’t notice she wasn’t wearing a bra until he was groping her.

“Fuck you,” Sophie playfully simpered and threw her arms back, her chest pushing up into Dave’s firm grip.

Dave leaned in to her and said, “Time to get going” and gave her a quick deep kiss. Their tongues sliding against each other.

“How is it so easy for you to make me feel like being the irresponsible one here when I said I was gonna help you out?” Sophie muttered getting up from the chair, a smile on her face.

“It’s actually really hard,” Dave pointed to the tent in his shorts.

“Hah, okay, that’s fair,” said Sophie laughing a little as she tidied herself up. Once she was settled the kissed once more and made their way to Dave’s car.

The parking lot to the grocery store was maybe a third filled when they arrived at a quarter to 11. A large temporary sandwich board sign was situated outside the entrance. The board had two bold letters printed on it; an A and an O which abbreviated Adults Only. Dave gave a subtle sigh of relief after he parked the car. They hadn’t crossed paths with anyone yet. But he knew it would happen eventually.

“Are you good, Dave?” Sophie asked already having stepped outside the car.

Dave became aware again. “Yeah, just going through the list again in my head. Trying to think if I’m forgetting anything.”

“Whatever you forgot you’ll realize it when you see it,” Sophie said and closed the door.

They walked hand in hand into the store, grabbed a cart, and entered the cavernous grocery store. So far Dave could only see a handful of people and they were all women. There was no way who he could see was everyone in the store. Dave pushed the cart towards the cereal aisle, Sophie striding beside him looking at the shelves. They turned down to the cereal aisle. Dave’s heart skipped a beat. There were to men looking up and down the shelves of cereal. They looked like stoner types. Not completely grungy but clearly were going for the look. Both in hoodies and baggy gym shorts. Dave’s knuckles were turning white he was gripping the cart so hard. That was the only thing that could have given away his excitement and fear. It would have been too obvious if he turned around so he pushed forward. He told Sophie his list in the ride over. And the two men were standing right in front of the frosted cornflakes he was looking for.

“Excuse me, gotta get to the flakes,” Dave let out at the men when they were right next to each other.

“Oh, no problem, man.” One man replied and stepped back to let Dave pass.

Sophie stayed right behind Dave as they walked in front of the men. Dave was reaching down when he heard from behind him exactly what he dreaded and expected.

“Greetings,” the two men said one after the other to Sophie in deep voices.

“Greetings,” Sophie breathless cooed, using same tone she had always used when saying good morning to Dave whenever they woke up together.

Dave was scared to see what was happening behind him but he had to act normal and keep cool. He grabbed a box of flakes and stood up slowly. Just a foot away from Dave the two men stood hip to hip on either side of Sophie. They had each put an arm around her back, Sophie’s arms wrapped around their necks. The man on Dave’s right had grabbed Sophie by her chin and was kissing her hard. His tongue tracing around her lips before diving into her wet mouth. She was sucking his tongue in response. She sucked his tongue like a cock, drawing it in and out of her mouth. She opened her mouth to let their tongues slide over one another in open air. Spit was starting to collect at the corner of her lips. Her eyes were closed but scrunched in pleasure from what the other man was doing. Sophie had spread her legs apart so he could fondle her crotch over her shorts. His hand firmly rubbing her pussy. His hand was rubbing and swirling around her entire mound through the fabric. Sophie got weak in the knees easy and they buckled when the man lightly spanked her crotch.

Sophie broke from her kiss to let out a husky moan, “Ohhh fuck.” She licked her lips. Mouth agape she looked down to watch the hand grinding into her crotch.

She flashed a thin grin to Dave and through heavy breaths said, “I don’t know how long they’re gonna be so you can go ahead and come back to get me if you want.” Sophie offered Dave.

The man who had been kissing Sophie then asked, “Is this your girlfriend, man?”

“Yeah, she is.” Dave did his best to hide the hint of bitter jealousy he knew might be in his voice.

“Damn dude, I wish she was my girlfriend.” He brushed his hand over her breast and gave it a squeeze. His thumb idly rubbed her so obviously hard nipple. “I doubt I’ll last five more minutes with her.”

Wanting to look nonchalant Dave said, “That’s fine, we’ve got time so I’ll wait.” Dave put the box he was holding into the cart and pulled out his phone. He didn’t understand what he was doing but he was so turned on he decided to try and secretly record the lewd scene. He tried to make it look like he was browsing the internet. He was just in time to catch the hand that was on Sophie’s crotch slide up and then dip inside her shorts. A wet and sticky noise came next. Dave could see a large wet spot on her shorts where the hand had been. A small trickle of Sophie’s wetness rolled down the inside of her thigh out of her pant leg. Dave couldn’t help but notice the large erections in the two men’s gym shorts. Small dark spots were visible where the tips of their cocks pressed hardest. They were already leaking pre-cum. Dave’s heart thumped in his chest.

The man who had had been kissing Sophie skillfully unbuttoned a few of the top buttons on her top. His hand slid inside slowly. Dave made an eager glance up from his recording to see Sophie’s shirt swell when the strangers hand cupped her breast. He whispered something in her ear and she flashed a wicked grin. His tongue began swirling in her ear and she purred, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and mouthed the words, “Oh my god”. The man let go of her tit and made a gesture to the other man who had been engrossed by Sophie’s sopping pussy. The two men let go of Sophie and she dropped her arms to her sides. Practically in unison the men pulled their shorts away from themselves by the waistband. This must have been the order the one man had whispered in her ear. As if by design Sophie reached with her delicate hands inside their shorts and lifted out two incredibly hard cocks. They were both uncut and thick. The men let their shorts drop to the floor and Sophie began stroking their cocks with her small feminine hands. With every stroke she pulled back their foreskins revealing pinkish-purple heads that were covered in pre-cum. And every time she stroked towards herself pre-cum would spew thick and clear onto her hands. Some dripping onto the floor or landing on Sophie’s shoes. She was enchanted by the cocks in her hand. The men were grunting at Sophie’s expert handling of their members. She knew they were close and wanted so badly for them to cum. Her strokes became faster and firmer. Her thumbs rubbing around their exposed cockheads. Soon both cocks were completely lubed up from pre-cum. Loud and sloppy wet strokes and low grunts and breathy moans were all Dave could hear.

“Oh god I can feel you guys are getting so close. Are you gonna give me your cum just like you said?” Sophie panted eagerly.
“Uh-huh, so close,” the man to the right said, his eyes clenched shut from pleasure.

Sophie looked back and forth between the faces of the two men she was so blissfully jerking off. She then gave a worried look at Dave and said, “Dave, quick, pull open my shorts.” She nodded her head eagerly at him needing him to do this for her.

Without blinking he reached out and pulled her loose waistband towards him grabbing the band of her underwear too. There was now five inches of space between Sophie’s belly and Dave’s hand. He looked down and could see her light gray panties wedging themselves between her labia and she was soaking wet. The two men scooted a bit forward and were now breathing heavily beside Dave, their cocks being stroked energetically by Sophie. For a brief moment Dave and Sophie locked eyes. They were quickly distracted by a grunt from the man on the left. Sophie aimed his cock down at her panties as a leak of watery cum dribbled out turned into large gushes. Cum was flying everywhere. It spilled across Sophie’s belly and hips, dripping into her trimmed bush. Some cum splashed onto Dave’s hand. But most pooled where her panties met her pussy. The sight must have really turned on the other man. He squirted thick ropes in contrast to the other mans watery seed. Thick gooey ropes streaked Sophie’s already soaked bush. It clung to her body and her panties. One errant glob and even gotten into her belly button. Sophie’s strokes had slowed now and only small drops of cum came out of each cock. She had been completely drenched.

Sophie looked in heaven as she surveyed the cumdump that coated her belly and underwear. The two men were breathing deep slow breaths now. One at a time each man kissed and groped Sophie once more before tucking away their cocks into their gym shorts

“You’re a lucky dude,” said one man sighing

“He really is,” said Sophie, now licking and sucking the cum off of Dave’s hand.

And with that the men walked away. They didn’t even take a box of cereal with them.

Dave and Sophie stood in front of each other for a moment collecting their thoughts. Then Sophie noticed Dave had a very obvious hard-on. “Looks like someone wants some action.” Sophie teased him. “Come on, pull your cock out, no one would care if they knew we’re a couple.” She started pawing at his bulge.

“Okay…” the word falling softly out of his mouth. Sophie undid Dave’s belt, button, and zipper. Reached inside and pulled her third cock of the day from a pair of shorts.

“I’ve got an idea I think you’ll like,” Sophie suggested alluringly. With one hand she pulled open and down her shorts and underwear again to reveal the wet sticky mess that had been made there by two complete strangers. With her other hand she lifted Dave’s whole package from under his balls and rested them onto the still hot and wet, cum soaked, panties. The tip of Dave’s cock pressing gently into her engorged clit.

“How does that feel?” She asked looking deep into Dave’s eyes as she softly wiggled her hips letting Dave’s balls and cock swim in the cum.

“I…It feels…really good, Sophie.” Dave stared back.

She smiled wholeheartedly over Dave enjoying himself and stepped a little closer. Dave could feel the cummy panties sliding under his balls. His cock now spreading apart Sophie’s pussy lips. It was so warm and so wet. Sophie put her arms around Dave, and nuzzled her face into his neck then started grinding herself on Dave’s cock. She was moaning uncontrollably.

Knowing exactly what he was feeling around his cock only slightly upset him but quickly focused on the sensation of the smoldering hot and wet pussy lips that wrapped around his shaft. The overwhelming sensations and situation practically broke Dave’s mind. He was hotdogging his girlfriends pussy using other men’s cum as lube. It didn’t take long for him to cum after that. He came as hard as he ever had, throbbing with each of Sophie’s additional thrust. He didn’t know how much he came but he doubted it was as much as the other men.

The couple split apart and mixture of male and female cum coated Dave’s cock. The creamy white mess that coated his cock and balls almost made him cum again. Sophie pulled up her shorts tight and retied the string that helped keep them up. She then used a finger to wipe some of the more obvious cum off of her belly and sucked the finger dry with a soft, “Mmmm”. She did the same thing to Dave’s cock giving it one long slow tug then licking the palm of her hand.

“I think we’re behind schedule now. But I think that was worth it,” Sophie chuckled languidly and she started walking to find the next thing on Dave’s list.

Dave was speechless as he tucked his cock back into his shorts and watched Sophie walk away as cum dripped down her legs.

To be continued.
