**(There’s quite a bit of backstory to this one, so if you’re just here for the climax, skip to the dashes. I’ve also included time stamps to help you keep track of the timeline as you read.)**
**Edit: I’m [M] 21 and Mari [F] is 22.**
*Fall 2018*
I first met Mari in the Fall of 2018. We went to the same college, had the same major (film), and even had some of the same friends. But, our paths never crossed until that one September evening.
We went to a small school, so our film program was less than stellar. But, nearly all the professors were adamant about providing resources outside of class to help us grow as filmmakers. One of the younger members of the staff, Professor Williams, suggested that we start a Movie Club. He had a huge collection of BluRays and offered to show one every week in the school’s auditorium. Naturally, I jumped at the opportunity to help him get the club up and running. After a few meetings, the club started to gain a little more traction and more people started showing up. One of those people was Mari.
I was outside the auditorium, taking down the names and emails of people coming in. That’s when I saw her. She was small, probably only 5’4. But even then, she stood out from the crowd. Her outfit was simple. An oversized T-Shirt tucked into her loose-fitting jean shorts. Yet, she had the confidence and beauty of a model walking down the runway at Fashion Week in New York City. Her light brown hair curled ever so slightly. In a way, it looked natural, as if her hair simply fell that way all the time. But, it was clear that she had spent the afternoon with her curling iron, working to get it just right. As she got closer to the front of the line, we shared a glance. Her eyes were stunning, a shade of green that is mirrored only by the sea, complemented by her perfectly symmetrical winged eyeliner. She smiled at me, and I smiled back.
“Hey, can I get your name and your email?” I asked as I handed her the sign-in sheet.
“Is this information for the club? Or is it for you?” She said smirking.
I felt my heart begin to race and I laughed nervously, “It’s- it’s for the club,” I replied. I paused for a moment, trying to think on my feet. As she handed me back the notepad, I tore a small piece off the bottom and said, “Your phone number is for me though.”
She laughed and jotted down her phone number. “Well, you should know that I have a girlfriend.”
My heart dropped, and I panicked. “Me too,” I said, clearly lying.
“Always looking for new friends though,” she quipped, handing me back the slip of paper. As she walked into the auditorium she turned and said, “See you in there…”
“Mari. With an i, not a y.”
As she walked away, I couldn’t help but stare. It wasn’t her figure that I was drawn to. There was just something about her energy. It was magnetic, palpable. I slipped the scrap of paper with her number into my pocket and went back to taking down emails.
I walked into the theatre as the movie started and quickly made my way to an empty seat. I don’t even remember what film we watched that night because for the next two hours I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about Mari.
As the lights came up and the credits rolled, I made my way to the door. I saw Mari get up a few rows in front of me, so I took my time as I exited the auditorium. Surely enough, she caught up to me.
“Hey,” she said. Her voice was soft and sweet, but I could tell there was something fierce about her. “What did you think of the movie?”
“Oh, uh…” I struggled for a moment to think of a response as I looked at her. “It wasn’t bad. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I liked it.”
“Yeah, it was pretty good! I might have to watch it again though, I think there are some things I missed.”
“Yeah, me too,” I said, laughing to myself a little we walked outside. “So where are you headed?”
“Oh, I’m just heading back to my apartment. What about you?” she asked.
“Same, do you live on campus or…” I said, wondering if I was being too forward.
“Oh no, I live right off-campus. It’s the apartment complex just past the 7/11.”
“I guess we’re heading the same way then.”
“Do you live there too?” she asked. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but I felt like she was looking for a yes.
“Unfortunately not. I live in the on-campus housing right by there. But we can still walk together,” I said.
“Works for me,” she said. “It’s getting dark anyway, so it’ll be nice to walk with someone.”
And so we walked. It was only about 15 minutes from the auditorium to my apartment, but I swear that walk felt like it lasted an hour. Honestly, I wish that it had. Conversation with her was effortless. We had only just met but it was as if we had known each other for years.
When we finally got to my apartment building, we parted ways. I made my way upstairs, slinked into my apartment, and collapsed on my bed. I was in a state of bliss as I pulled out the scrap of paper from my pocket and entered it into my phone. I sent her a text saying, “Hey, it’s Daniel! Thanks for walking home with me tonight, it was really nice to meet you.”
And so began my friendship with Mari. We started hanging out after movie club meetings, getting lunch between classes, and texting pretty much anytime we weren’t together. But, I knew what we had was platonic, even if it didn’t feel that way.
She rarely talked about her relationship with her girlfriend, but I knew she was still in the picture. They were doing things long distance, and while it wasn’t her first relationship (she had dated guys in the past), this was the first girl she had ever dated. As her friend, I wanted nothing but the best for her. But privately, I was hoping that what was best for her was a breakup.
However, as the weeks passed, I realized just how foolish I was being. Wishing for Mari to go through emotional turmoil, all because I had built up our platonic connection into something it wasn’t. So, I committed to being a friend and nothing more. I moved on, and I was happier for it.
Like Mari, I joined Tinder. Soon after, I started seeing a girl named Evelyn. We went on a few dates, and we took to each other. She went to a school about an hour away, but a lot of times we would meet halfway. Just before Winter Break, we became exclusive. I went home for the holidays, intoxicated with the feelings of a new relationship. But when I came back for the Spring Semester, the bliss I had felt was transformed by one simple text.
*January 2019*
Mari: Hey, can we talk?
Had I been dating her, that text would have shaken me to my core. But because we were just friends, it was somehow worse. I was apprehensive, but I texted her back almost immediately.
Me: Sure, do you wanna call me?
Mari: Actually I was hoping you could come over?
My anxiety shot through the roof, but I was already putting on my shoes.
Me: Yeah, I’m on my way.
I walked over to Mari’s apartment, my heart pounding through my chest. The cold, winter breeze pierced my skin, and at that moment I was numb. But only physically. Emotionally, I had never felt so raw.
I made my way up to her apartment, and I knocked on the door. I took a deep breath, and before I could even breathe out the door swung open. She stood in front of me, her eyes as red as the morning sky. Tears streamed down her face, and she pulled me inside.
“We broke up,” she whispered through her tears.
We sat on the couch for hours, and Mari poured her heart out to me. She told me how they fought over Winter Break, how they tried to sweep everything under the rug, and how it all came to a breaking point tonight. It happened over the phone, and though she said it was mutual, she was still broken.
As I sat there listening to her, I couldn’t help but be disgusted with myself. *This* is what I thought I wanted for so long. I was ashamed that I had ever hoped for this to happen. It was hard seeing her so distraught, so I did everything I could to help ease her pain.
Over the next couple of months, I watched Mari recover from a broken heart. She downloaded Tinder and even went on a few dates. But, no one seemed to fill in the void her ex had left. We would hang out after every date she went on so she could rant. Some of the dates went better than others. I even met a couple of the guys/girls she went out with more than once. But none of them ever stuck around for long.
*April 2019*
Eventually, she reached a breaking point. It was Saturday evening towards the end of our semester. She came over to my apartment after a particularly miserable date. Supposedly, the guy was looking for a threesome. And since she was bisexual he “thought she would down for sure.” She walked in and immediately collapsed on the couch with a groan.
“I. Hate. Dating.” She covered her face with a pillow as I laughed to myself.
“Well, then why do you keep going on dates? Why not just be single?” I asked
“Says the person that’s in a relationship,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Yes, but there’s nothing wrong with being single! Need I remind you that I was single when we first met?”
“And need I remind you that you lied about being in a relationship when we first met?”
“Okay, I panicked-“
“But you still said it! Because just like me, you’re afraid of admitting that you’re alone.” She turned to me, and she giggled a little. “Too far?”
“Too real,” I said chuckling and sinking into the couch. “And you’re not alone, you’ve got friends. You’ve got me.”
“You know when I mean though. It’s not the same,” she said, feigning a smile. “I know I have friends, but I want a relationship. I wanna go on dates with guys that aren’t just trying to have a threesome with me and my hottest friend.”
“Yeah,” I said laughing a little.
“Evelyn is so lucky.”
My heart skipped a beat, and I stopped laughing.
“What?” was all I could manage to say.
“Evelyn is lucky to have you. I mean, you’re such a great guy, Daniel. And you’re such a good friend…” She trailed off for a moment. “I mean, I would date you.”
And there it was, a shot straight through my heart.
“You would date me?” I said, laughing and trying to cover the palpable tension in the room.
“If you weren’t with Evelyn obviously, I know that I don’t have a chance,” she said laughing along too. But I could tell we were both just trying to hide from what we were thinking.
“Well, if she dumps me, I’ll make sure you’re the first person I tell.”
But she didn’t dump me. And I didn’t dump her. And Mari and I, we just stayed friends. It seemed as though we were both pretending that conversation never happened.
And that’s how things were for the longest time. For the next year, Mari kept going on dates, and she always ended up breaking things off. Every time she told me she was no longer seeing someone, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was because she was still hung up on me. Then, quarantine happened.
*March 2020*
I had moved into Mari’s apartment complex a few months before the pandemic. We were closer than ever, literally and figuratively. I think I saw her more than I saw my girlfriend. Granted, my girlfriend lived and hour away and Mari lived down the hall. And with quarantine, it looked like things were going to stay that way indefinitely.
Evelyn lived in on-campus housing at her college, so she was forced to go home and live with her family. But because I had my own place, I decided to stay in my apartment. Lucky for me, Mari decided to stay too.
On the first night of quarantine, she sent me a text.
Mari: Wanna come over? We’re drinking cause it’s the end of the world.
Me: Doesn’t sound like social distancing to me…
Before I could even put my phone down, she replied.
Mari: “You practically live here, come over”
So, I grabbed a few drinks from my fridge and headed over to her place. I walked in and saw her sitting on the couch. She was just wearing pajamas, like everyone else. Short, grey shorts and an oversized T-Shirt. No makeup. Glasses on. Still beautiful.
We all just sat around and drank the night away. We joked about it being the end of all days, but I think we all knew that there was a hint of truth in our words. At around 2 AM, her roommates headed off to bed, so then it was just me and Mari. Sitting on the couch.
As I sipped my drink, I had a stunning moment of deja-vu from the year before. I turned to her and said, “Hey, do you remember like a year ago when you told me-“
“Yep,” she replied, staring straight ahead at the wall and putting her drink down.
“Oh,” I said, turning away and putting my drink down too. We both sat there for a moment, silent and motionless.
“I meant it,” she said.
“I meant it. I wasn’t just saying that or being dramatic.”
I looked over at her, and she was staring back at me. “I know,” I replied.
As I looked at her, I felt this wave of emotion come over me. It was a feeling of lust, a feeling of passion for her that I hadn’t felt in so long. It was like when we first met. Maybe I was just drunk, or maybe it was just the existential crisis we were both having. But at that moment, I just wanted to kiss her.
I started to lean in, and before I knew what was happening, she straddled me and started to kiss me. It was by far the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. My right hand cradled her face, and my left trailed its way down her spine. Her hands were entangled in my hair. Neither of us wanted to break the seal. Our tongues danced around each other, and then she bit my lip. I pulled away.
“Too far?” She asked, smirking.
“Not even a little bit.”
I dove back in as both my hands made their way down past her waist. I grabbed her ass and she started to grind her hips against me, moaning softly into my mouth. She pulled away, a devilish look in her eyes.
“Should we…” she trailed off, looking to the bedroom door.
Suddenly, the gravity of what we were doing came crashing down on me. I looked at her and shook my head laughing “Mari, we’re so drunk.”
“But you know I want this. I’ve told you-“
“You told me you would date me not sleep with me. And that was a year ago” I said, looking up at her. She pouted a little, and damn if it wasn’t sexy. Then I had a realization, one I’m ashamed to admit was not even close to the front of my mind. “And I have a girlfriend!”
“I know,” she said crawling off of me. “I really do feel bad, but fucking hell I’ve wanted that for so long.”
“Me too,” I said, slightly ashamed of myself.
“You think I haven’t ever thought about us… ya know?” I replied sheepishly
“Well, then what’s the holdup?” She said punching my arm playfully.
“We’re drunk. I’m not doing anything until we’re sober”
“Then I guess you better come over tomorrow night.”
“Only if you still want-“
“I will,” she said, cutting me off.
So I went home, showered, got in bed, and couldn’t sleep for hours. I kept replaying that moment in my head, over and over. It was like when we first met. It was only a few minutes but in my head, it lasted hours.
Eventually, I fell asleep, and when I woke up the next day, I immediately checked my phone. I had no idea if what had happened was even real. And there it was. A text from Mari.
Mari: How’s 9 PM sound?
Me: Are you sure about this?
A few minutes later, she replied.
Mari: Positive
I felt awful. I was knowingly making plans to cheat on my girlfriend of more than a year. It was as if the exhilaration outweighed my morals. I can’t pretend that I was in the right, and I would never try to. But, for reasons I can’t explain, it felt right.
I went over to Mari’s at 9 PM sharp, and when she opened the door I was stunned to silence. She wasn’t wearing anything special, just her usual jean shorts and a T-Shirt. But the fact that I knew those clothes would soon be on the floor was enough to excite me beyond comprehension.
I walked inside and noticed that the TV was on Netflix and there was a bowl of popcorn on the table.
“Roomies having a movie night?” I asked, closing the door.
“No. We are,” she said, sitting down on the couch.
“We are…?” I asked, a bit confused as I sat down next to her.
“If you wanna fuck me, you’re gonna have to take me out first” she whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “And since we can’t really go out, this will have to do.” She smirked at me and put on a movie. It was a Netflix Original, a rom-com I can’t remember the name of. Once again, I had a moment of deja-vu. I watched her while she watched the movie. And when it was over I couldn’t tell you a single thing about because I was too busy thinking about her.
“What did you think?” She said when the credits rolled.
“Honestly, I hated it” I replied, putting my arm around her.
“I don’t think you were even watching it,” she said leaning closer.
“Guilty as charged.” I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I hated it because…” and her neck. “it was two hours long,” and I pulled back. “And it was keeping me from doing this,” I gently kissed her lips, and our bodies slowly melted together. As we pulled away, I could see she was thinking the same thing.
“Bedroom?” she said, raising an eyebrow.
“Do you even have to ask?”
We walked to her bedroom and she shut the door behind us. I noticed a pack of condoms sitting on her bedside table, and I smiled. I sat down on the edge of her bed, and just like the night before, she straddled me. Our lips met with the same ferocity, and we wasted no time. I grabbed the hem of her shirt, begging for entrance. She lifted her arms and I slipped her shirt off. I quickly reached around back and unhooked her bra. For such a petite girl, she had an incredible pair of boobs. They were honestly much bigger than I was expecting, but I certainly couldn’t complain.
“My God,” I whispered under my breath.
She giggled and I immediately started kissing her chest. I ran my tongue around her nipples until they were hard, and bit them gently as she moaned in my ear.
“Fuck, Daniel,” she said as she clawed at my shirt. I slipped it off and then immediately flipped her on her back. I hovered over her, and we kissed again. I started to make a trail of kisses, from her neck down to her chest down to her stomach. She took a sharp breath as I kissed her waistline. I slowly undid the button of her jeans, and I looked up at her from the foot of the bed. She nodded, and I slid them off along with her panties.
She was already dripping wet, but I wanted to tease her a little more. So kissed up her thighs, and crossed gently over her pussy to the other side.
“Mmm, what are you doing?” She whimpered, running her fingers through my hair.
“Payback for making me watch that movie. Now it’s your turn to wait” I said playfully as I slid my tongue slowly up and down the lips of her perfect pussy.
I wrapped my mouth around her clit and started to flick it back and forth with my tongue. She grabbed on tight to my head, and so I kept going. I brought my hand up and slid a finger gently inside of her. She let out a small gasp.
“Fucking hell,” she moaned. I slid a second finger inside of her and she got even louder. Before I could even get going, she sat up and said, “Get on the bed.”
I pulled away, pleasantly surprised, and laid down on the bed. She had my pants pulled down within mere seconds. My cock (7 inches, average girth, nothing special) sprung out and she smiled. “Oh, I can definitely work with that,” she said slyly.
She bent down and slid her tongue from my balls to the tip of my cock. I groaned with pleasure as she took my length into her mouth with ease. She looked up at me, her piercing green eyes shining even in the low-light of her bedroom. I put my hand on her head, guiding her as she worked.
After a few minutes, I lifted her head off my cock. I moved off the bed, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her to the edge. I grabbed a condom from the bedside table and ripped it open with a sense of urgency. She giggled a little as I stood above her.
“What?” I asked, smirking as I rolled the condom on and rubbed the outside of her pussy with the tip of my cock.
“Mmm, I just like how excited you are,” she replied.
“Well, I’ve been wanting this for so damn long,” I said as I slipped my cock slowly inside of her. She let out a small whimper, and I leaned down to her ear to whisper, “Don’t act like you didn’t want this too.”
I slowly started thrusting my hips, pushing my cock deeper and deeper inside of her with each stroke. Her eyes slowly rolled back with pleasure, and her whimpers grew in to moans. I straightened up, grabbing her waist with one hand and lightly choking her with the other. Her eyes opened suddenly, but she bit her lip in ecstasy. I squeezed a little harder as I started to pick up the pace. Eventually, I took my hand off her throat and moved it down to her clit. I started rubbing circles around it with my thumb and her moans became even louder.
“Fuck. Just like that,” she said as I pounded her. Her eyes closed again, and I could tell that she was getting close. I kept up the pace, making sure my strokes were long and deep. Soon enough, I felt her walls tighten around me as she screamed. She slowly came down from her climax, wrapping her hands around my neck and pulling me in for a kiss.
“Take that fucking condom off,” she said through heavy breaths. I was stunned, but quickly pulled out and ripped off the condom. I tossed it in the trashcan by her desk and when I turned back, she was bent over on all fours. She shook her ass, as if to say ‘Get over here and fuck me.’
I walked back over to the bed, and slapped her ass. She let out a little yelp, and giggled again. I bent down and licked her pussy, not that she needed to be any wetter. I pushed the tip of my cock against her pussy, and was met with very little resistance. My cock slid inside her with ease, and we moaned in unison.
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” I said, grabbing her waist and building up a rhythm again. I slapped her ass, marking my territory with a clear red handprint. I reached forward, grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled, forcing her to arch her back. The sound of my hips clapping against her ass filled the room. Whatever worries I had about our little rendezvous disappeared in that moment.
I let go of her hair and used both my hands to grab her waist. I slammed my cock deep into her pussy with every single stroke. I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer, so I started to go a bit faster. Mari knew what I was up to and looked over her shoulder.
“I want you to finish in my mouth” she pleaded.
She didn’t have to ask twice. In a split second, I pulled out of her and she spun around. Her lips met the tip of my cock and her hand grabbed the shaft. She sucked and stroked me intensely, and I felt a wave of pleasure overtake me. My dick began to pulse in her mouth, shooting warm ropes of cum down her throat. The whole time, she looked up at me, clearly quite pleased with herself. She swallowed every last drop, and kept me in her mouth until she was certain of it.
We collapsed on the bed together, and she stuck her tongue out at me. I cupped her face and kissed her. She latched on to me, our naked bodies fully intertwined.
“Maybe this quarantine won’t be so bad after all,” she said, kissing my neck.
We laid there for what felt like hours, wrapped in each others arms, just talking and laughing like we always did. I ended up spending the night and sneaking back to my place early the next morning (as if her roommates hadn’t heard every single second of what we had done.)
After a few more nights like that, we agreed that it was just temporary and that we would stop as soon as the quarantine ended. Well, needless to say, quarantine ended up being much longer than we thought. A few weeks in, I called my girlfriend to break things off. She was surprisingly understanding, which confused me at the time. But, I found out recently through a mutual friend that when she moved back home, she started seeing her ex-boyfriend from high school. I felt far less guilty about what I had done, even though I knew I was still in the wrong.
Mari and I are still seeing each other, and we’ve been exclusive since late May. This isn’t at all how imagined things would go when I met her in 2018. But I can’t say I’m disappointed.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hdj6fk/i_m_finally_fucked_my_best_friend_f_in_quarantine
I request more stories. You’re writing style is great
Dear friend
Your story was lovely but now, dont fuck this up.
Regards, person with scars
I’ve been reading here a long time and this might just be the best story I’ve ever read on this sub.
Yup. Don’t fuck this up. Source: myself.
You write so well! Was really hooked in your story apart from being in the same situation before, though mine had ended well quite differently. Hope everything goes well for you too ?
Looking forward to more stories from you.
I’m going to take a different angle than all the people saying “Don’t fuck this up.”
Accept that yes, it might fuck up. But this has the potential to be one of the most emotionally important periods of your life, so make it one you won’t regret. *No matter what happens.* If it’s not forever, make the memory one you’d keep. And if it is, then you’ll be building on the most solid foundation you can.
How did it feel after the sex, did the weight of chilling hang over your head overcome the experience you just had?
Best of luck to you.
Time to start setting aside money for a ring, bud.
As others have said: don’t fuck this up. This clearly isn’t the kind of love that just fizzles.
Mari sounds like the perfect girl next door. I’m so happy for the two of you, what a story! :)
Excellent recounting of a lovely story. If it is real then I wish you and Mari nothing but happiness. You sound like star-crossed lovers who needed exceptional circumstances to realise that fact!
You may hate Rom Coms but you have to admit as a filmmaker, this would make one hell of a movie.
I feel like this isn’t even the right Reddit for this…
You’ve shared an excellent build up, including how you felt at those first moments of meeting. I stayed riveted during that awkward moment when you met her in line and the haulting attempts to connect at that first meeting. We all relate to this power of love and that blood rushing first connection. Without mentioning love you captured th essence of the feelings there. I enjoyed that you include the ups downs tensions and release. You could’ve developed her character a bit more but I enjoyed this thoroughly! What fun. Id love to read more.
There’s Something About Mari
I’m glad I read the backstory. That was great! Rooting for you two
Sounds like you two were made for each other, I hope that is true. What I know is true is your writing ability! Thank you for sharing such a hot part of your life.
This is a really cute story. You did do something that nobody can defend as morally justified, but you gotta chase your bliss and in this case it did seem to work out. Plus there’s the alternate timeline where you stayed faithful only to find out that Evelyn did not, so I’d call this the best of a potentially bad situation.
Hope things work out for you two bud, sounds like you both really needed each other
? Wonderful. Great writing too.
Did you write the story together? If not, would Mari ever tell the story from her side?
Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
What a story man! I hope that there’s more stories you ca tell us about you and Mari. And instead of saying “dont fuck this up”, I’m going to say this: “When do you know that you like someone, they like you, and how do you make them yours?” I have never been in a relationship before and I know that bettering myself first is more important (doing keto tp loose weight, need to start exercising more, and once quarantine is over, I’m going to confidence and emotional therapy)
dear penthouse
Good luck dude. I hope it all works out for the best. Also congrats on it all.
Good on ya mate!
Great story, I really enjoyed you’re writing style. It really brought me into your world. I hope things with Mari continue to go well, but I’m guessing they will… just don’t ask for a threesome ?
Cheers mate, good luck to your future.
Sorry but I couldn’t stop thinking “another problem that just wouldn’t exist with polyamory”
This was really cute honestly
Honestly this is an amazing story and I am so freaking jealous of you. Don’t fuck this up!!!! Seriously.
Also probably a great story for r/gonewholesomestories
Please, please, please write more!
This made me so happy. And brings back memories. Thank you OP
Outstanding story…loved your detail…Mari sounds amazing….
Dear Friend,
Your story reminds me of my relationship with my fiancée, just dont fuck it up.
“Me too” was probably the worst answer you could give, but still, I really can relate to that lmao
>“Fuck, Daniel,”
Should have been “Damn, Daniel”. You had a golden chance to incorporate a dead meme from 2016 into your story, and you missed it.
Great story!
I relate so much to this, glad it has worked out better for you than it did for me!
Best story i’ve ever seen on this sub! Now, make a movie out of it :D
Fate and serendipity are nothing to trifle with. Whether it works out or not, this is a special oppurtunity that will form you, and if you let it…it could define you and your life/legacy. Be the best you. Do not fuck this up.
~ Sincerely,
Someone who fucked it up.
Start working on the screenplay.
This is in this subs sense WHOLESOME
Just wow dude . This is how I want to get married.
Being from a religious background in a religious strict family and country and me being the innocent guy following the rules I never got to experience anything remotely closed to this.
I now have moved to a western country I had hoped I would get to live this. Unfortunately being a foreigner here I did not manage to make any close male friends let alone female friends at work nor meet any girls on Tinder yet.
For the longest time I wanted to be in love and not just lust over sex however it feels like this does not exist .
The more I get on tinder and dating sites the more I think this is the case as I think most girls are looking for sex here.
I think I am trying how things go by being more sexual snd embracing my sexual side more than looking for love but so far it still doesn’t feel right.
Somehow this has got me sad and I just wanted to vent off.
Pretty sure this not the best place for it.
Good luck with your relationship.
Edit: sorry for the long comment. Just feels like I wanted to say this.
Nothing special? 7 inches is 98th percentile lol.