The Fitness Instructor, Part 1 [MF] [Oral] [Public]

Being 22 year old man, it was convenient to have a nice little corporate gym in the basement of our office building. It had all the equipment you needed, plus access to good running paths and a large aerobics studio. The weights and weight machines were on one level, while the cardio machines and aerobics studio were together on another level.

On days when we lifted, most of the guys I knew would time their workout, so they were finished with the weights in time for aerobics class. Now, that wasn’t because we were actually going to the class. The beauty of this gym was that the all the cardio equipment faced towards the aerobics studio which was separated from the rest of the gym by a massive glass partition. Most of the fitness instructors taught class from the other side of the studio, meaning that all of us horny young men could do our cardio while enjoying the view of a bunch of great, young female asses bouncing around in front of us in tight workout leggings. I’m not sure how many of the women were ever aware that the cardio equipment was always suddenly full of dudes just about the time class started, though I later learned that the fitness instructor certainly knew.

I always noticed this one brunette instructor, at least at first only her back side- a perfectly round and toned butt, toned shoulders and long athletic legs. She had exceptionally muscular-looking calves, which really caught my attention. From the front, her abs were outstanding, as you can imagine, and she always had a decent tan even in winter. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on her, which sadly meant she was somewhat flat in the boobs department. On the other hand, it was very noticeable when she’d walk by that under her sports bra her nipples were pierced, which gave her boobs a naughty attractiveness. Her face? Well, let’s say I found everything else alluring enough to compensate, especially later after I got to know her.

One early spring month, the gym ran a summer body promotion: meet with an instructor, get a body fat test, and plan a diet and exercise routine for free. I wasn’t very interested in it, since I was still young, fit and active. I assumed it was more for the middle-aged execs that came to the gym. Word got out however that the brunette instructor was doing most of the meetings, so I signed up hoping that would be the case. When the day came, I wasn’t disappointed!

Vickie (now I knew her name!) came out from behind the reception desk, and after introducing herself led me into a back office of the weight room. As she walked, I admired having this more up-close chance to take in her ass and legs. Once in the office, I’m not sure how our conversation started, but at some point I blurted out something like, “You’re that aerobics instructor with the awesome calves!” Vickie’s face lit up, she laughed and then struck a pose to accentuate her calves, all the time giving me a big smile. Vickie then said, “You like? I used to be a body builder.” I replied that I liked very much. She laughing added that she knew all the young men would line up outside the aerobics studio during classes watching her and her students hungrily like some pack of wolves eyeing sheep. In fact, she’d always wondered why none of us would act on our desire.

The conversation thereafter was pretty mundane stuff about my current work outs, my diet, etc. Vickie was very easy to talk with, almost too easy. I had seen in her other interactions with men that Vickie was one of those women who is so extroverted and personable that every exchange felt flirtatious. I was and still am terrible at picking up clues about whether someone is interested in me, so I wasn’t sure what I was reading from her during our meeting. Finally we got to the body fat test. When Vickie told me to take off my shirt, I was starting to get turned on. Then she started to touch me while taking her test measurements, and I really got excited. Eventually the inevitable happened and I started to get erect.

I hoped Vickie hadn’t noticed, but she did. Like everything else so far, she took it in her flirtatious manner. Looking down at my bulge, she said, “Well, someone likes what’s happening!” I stood there in awkward silence for a moment before I said, “Well, yeah.” It seemed like something was about to happen between us, but then there was a knock at the door telling her the next appointment had arrived.. “We should meet up later to get to know each other better,” Vickie said, while still eyeing my shorts. I wasn’t sure if she meant her and me or her and my dick. Either was was fine with me, so we agreed to walk over to the coffee shop to get some coffee after her next appointment and plan when.

As it turned out, we were both free that night. After the incident in the gym office, I was pretty wound up for our date. And it was a date. I used to take the subway to work, so Vickie agreed to meet me outside the office building in her pick up. I climbed in and she took off into the street before we even decided where to go to eat. Maybe she wanted to get through dinner quickly! We talked about a lot of things I don’t now remember before and during dinner, although I do recall I told her I had been without a girlfriend for awhile. Vickie was a little more vague on her situation, but I felt no need to push for more details.

After dinner, she drove me back to the office and parked on a dark and relatively quiet side street next to the building. I had thought about going to my place instead, but I still wasn’t sure where I stood with her. Vickie in any event said she needed to be up early to teach a 5:00 AM class, so I let the idea go. I figured I was safe kissing her at least, so I leaned over toward her. I had guessed correctly and she returned my kiss. Almost immediately though, she took a gentle, but definite hold of my crotch. This isn’t getting way, she said, pushing me back onto my side of the car and dropping her head toward my lap. As she began to undo my pants, I was pleasantly stunned. No one had ever blown me on the first date.

After I got over this initial shock, I had a realization like a kid might have on Christmas morning after opening the first gift: this is only the beginning; there are even more presents to open! It had dawned on me in the midst of my reverie that Vickie’s body, especially that ass, which I had fantasized over for long, was now here for me to explore! While Vickie got busy, I reached around her and grabbed a handful of her butt which turned out to be as firm and perfect as I had hoped. From there, I moved down her leg, needing to have a grab at those muscular legs and calves! Vickie all the while kept up her ministration on my cock.

From the moment she took me in her mouth, I knew that this was going to be far different than any blowjob I had ever experienced. Vickie blew me with a confidence and vigor unlike anyone else I had experienced. Some had sucked me tentatively as if they were going to hurt me, some rushed it hoping to get it over, and others had been eager but were sadly unimaginative and mechanical in what they did. Vickie was none of these things. She took her time at the beginning, using her tongue to map out the contours of my dick. Vickie licked up the bottom of the shaft to the tip, where she lightly flicked the hole of my cock. From there, she ran her tongue under the edge of the head. Coming back around to the frenulum, Vickie licked it for some time. I had never experienced this sensation before and began to squirm, my pubic muscles tensing and relaxing with each lick. As she did so, Vickie just held my cock gently, no stroking or even squeezing. I was dying. Being so long since I had sex, I just wanted to blow a load, but that wasn’t going to be soon with Vickie. She then began to lick slowly up and down all sides of the shaft, feeling as if she was attempting follow the course of every throbbing vein. It was only when she seemed done with her tongue-mapping that she started gently stroking me, until finally, finally, she plunged her head right down on my dick. Without much warm up on her part, Vickie took almost my entire dick further in her mouth than anyone had done before. I nearly jumped out of my seat from the rush!

By this point, I had finished my initial exploration of Vickie’s lower body and pushed my hand inside her athletic shorts. She had no underwear on, which I found out later was standard for her. It felt great to finally have some skin on skin contact with her ass, and I began to imagine kneeling behind her rubbing my dick over its curves before entering her. I groped further until I reached her pussy. It was absolutely soaked (another thing I’d come to know about Vickie-it didn’t take much to get her wet)! I slipped down her shorts to her knees, and began pleasuring her.

As I fingered her and rubbed her clit, Vickie picked up the pace, but only slightly at first, her moaning adding a pleasant sensation to her sucking. With one hand cupping my balls and the other helping keep her balanced on all fours, Vickie ground her hips back into my hand while her head went up and down on me. Her sucking varied in pressure, tongue unseen, still working its magic in her mouth. Eventually, Vickie built up to a furious pace, head bobbing, not changing her pace even when I would buck my hips up toward her face.

As I brought her to orgasm, her moans and groans really started to get me close to unloading. She must have felt me tensing to come, so she slowed to a stop and lifted her head, sitting back on her haunches to enjoy the final waves of her own orgasm. I assumed she was going to finish me by jacking me off, but her strokes were slow and light, almost mindless, while she glowed in the aftermath of her release. As she came to the present, the light stroking continued. It was if Vickie wanted to tease me. It was maddening. Looking in my eyes, Vickie had to see my pleading desire to come. I willed her to jack me harder and faster give me relief.

Vickie instead surprised me and engulfed me again, this time sucking me and stroking me with vigor. I let out a deep groan. Very soon, my orgasm was imminent. I warned her of this, as I had learned the hard way from experience to issue such a warning. Everyone that had ever blown me before seemed to expect the warning, so they could stop sucking. Vickie however ignored me. When she heard my first squeals of orgasm, she took me deep and swallowed the whole load- a first in my lifetime. Vickie stayed there with me deep in her mouth until my twitching stopped, at which point she gently licked me until my erection subsided.

We kissed for a bit after as we rearranged did our pants. Finally, she said she needed to go, so I started to get out of the car. As I did, she added impishly, “You owe me a little more though!” Thus began a crazy few months of sexual experiences with Vickie, during which I had a number of new sexual “firsts.” I was never sure if we were actually dating, but I didn’t care as long as sex like that continued.

More to come!
