Landscape [F]emale

We have landscapers who come every week, father and son, I’d say the dad is in his late 40s or early 50s and the son is probably 18 or so.

This morning they showed up about 7 as I was getting up to shower, I finished and they were in the front doing their job…I have a pretty big window so I could see them and I’m pretty sure they could easily see me if they wanted to.

So I slipped out of my towel, put some shorts on and proceeded to do my bed topless, I pretended to be oblivious to the fact they were out there and out of the corner of my eyes I could see the son had taken notice (turned me on quite a bit) I kept cleaning putting away laundry and whatnot, not really focused on a certain task just doing what I could topless. After about 10 minutes or so of the son staying near my window the dad approaches him and says something so the son kinda nodded in my direction so the dad could see. I continued on as they both pretended to work and were looking at me while I continued to do what I did.

They ended up finishing and knocked on the door (we pay them cash) so I put a white tank top on and opened the door and told them to give me a second, (they both tried hard not to stare at my hard nipples) I offered them a bottle of water and they accepted and I handed them their cash and made small talk about the weather and about their day all the while knowing my shirt was practically see through, they were very nice and made it not so obvious. And as they left and were gathering their equipment I went back into my room and took my shirt off again right by the window so they could see, damn positive they enjoyed their pay and their tip today lol


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