Tie (part 1)

The night was not much different to any other Friday. Working late, followed by some take away on the way home from my fave Thai place. Thoughts of peeling off my scrubs and a spa to ease my tired muscles on my mind was my only focus as I walked in and placed my order.
At that time I became conscious of the figure sitting in the corner of the restaurant. Admittedly, I had a double take as I evaluated the attractive man, sitting relaxed on the chair. He was wearing a suit, tie loosened and top button undone, revealing tattoos that were slightly mismatched with his neatly groomed appearance.
It was only at that moment, I noticed his gaze had met mine.. I felt the flush reach my cheeks as I realised I’d been caught staring at his chiseled features and piercing eyes.. I smiled to hide my embarrassment and looked away.
When I glanced back, I realised he was still looking in my direction, this time the smile curled the corners of his lips, and I felt my face flush further, though didn’t look away.
“Good night for Thai” I said, immediately cringing and regretting this silly statement. But his smile broadened “couldn’t agree more” was the reply as his hand went instinctively to his own tie.
Again I felt a flush, but this time it was slightly fuelled by a desire..
I sat a chair away for this handsome stranger and we made small talk while waiting for the take away.. I felt an electricity as he spoke, as he looked into my eyes. Brushing it away, telling myself my sex deprived mind was reading too much into things.
I felt a pang of disappointment as his number was called, knowing I’d probably never lay eyes on this alluring stranger again.
I let my thoughts again drift to my awaiting spa, though my thoughts were now of having company.. the readiness of my food distracted me, and I walked toward my car.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the newly familiar shape of the man from the shop leaning against the wall, looking at his phone. Looking up, he was the one to blush slightly this time. “I.. ah.. was wondering if you’d like some company for your Thai? I’ve got a nice bottle of wine.. and.. ah.. I don’t usually do this kind of thing”.. the words seemed to tumble nervously from him, again mismatched from his smooth appearance.
And before I could think of an answer, I heard myself eagerly agreeing, as if the words had not conjured by conscious thoughts..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hchelp/tie_part_1


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