[MMF] Game night between best friends develops into a threesome (long, pt. 1)

Hi there!

I’ve been lurking and enjoying this subreddit for quite a while now and there’s one story I always wanted to share in order to give something back. With this quarantine, I finally found the time to sit down and write it all out (like many others have). The story is how about a year ago, one of our usual nights of hanging out and playing videogames with my girlfriend and best friend turned into something much more. It was an unexpected and incredibly fun night which ended up being a bit of a transformative experience for us as a couple, leading to a more adventurous sex life.

This post is going to be super long and have a slow buildup, as I want to detail the story as much as possible, both for your enjoyment and my own archival purposes. It’s also my first ever time writing something like this, so apologies in advance if it doesn’t turn out great!


**First, some brief descriptions…**

Ash (my girlfriend) – 24F, 165cm, slim, long regular brown hair (dyed blonde and slightly wavy at the time), green/gray eyes, cute and nerdy type. She has small but perky 34B breasts and a beautiful round ass that makes it look like she works out even though she doesn’t. Despite having an amazing body, she was never really seen as one of the attractive girls growing up, so she has self esteem issues and is a pretty quiet and shy person in general.

Me – 25M,182cm, average shape, short light brown hair and a full beard, blue eyes, black-framed hipster glasses, a few tattoos.

Chris (my best friend) – 25M, 184cm, very thin but rather muscular arms as he works out, short slightly curly dark hair, brown eyes, the clean shaven look, overall decently attractive guy. He’s the “quiet and mysterious” type and it can often be difficult to understand what he’s thinking, but he’s a really polite, respectful and warm person.


**…and bit of backstory:**

Since we were both young, nerdy and insecure, me and Ash were a pretty jealous and sexually vanilla couple in the beginning of our relationship. After around 3 years, things started to lighten up and we were getting a bit more open and curious about sexuality, seeking to spice things up a bit. It was still pretty standard stuff for most people – watching porn together, some anal experimentation, mild public/exhibition stuff, etc. Something I’d always enjoyed watching was MMF threesomes (something about it is just really visually stimulating, especially spitroasting), and at times, in private, I would also fantasize about it involving Ash. When it came to reality though, I had very mixed feelings about it. Part of me really wished to eventually experience something like that in life, and I was really craving for something new, crazy and exciting, but at the same time I was still too jealous of a person in that regard and the thought of sharing my own girlfriend with someone, specially a man, was very uncomfortable. Thus, it was not something I thought I’d ever get to do, and I had just accepted it as a fantasy.

Occasionally when the mood was right, we’d chat more openly about ideas and fantasies, and eventually the threesome/MMF stuff came up aswell. Admittedly it was a pretty funny and awkward thing to admit to her, but at the time she was probably mostly just happy I preferred that to the idea of MFF. We ended up watching quite a bit of MMF porn together and as things progressed, sometimes we’d joke around with the idea of trying it or even do mild fantasizing and roleplay with toys. It was an exciting and refreshing time, as even talking about something like this towards the beginning of our relationship would’ve definitely resulted in a lot of awkwardness or cause a fight. She had previously always been strongly against involving other people in anything sexual, but I guess seeing the porn and knowing I was turned on by the idea eventually made her grow used to the concept, and maybe even mildly curious what it’d feel like as well. There was one time where, after having some wine, we discussed it in a hypothetical manner, and both of us agreed that if we were to ever actually experiment with something crazy like this, we’d actually prefer to do it with someone we both know, approve of and completely trust, as opposed to a stranger. There was only one person that came to mind for the both of us – my best friend Chris.

Me and Chris grew up together as we lived on the same street and our parents were acquaintances through their work. We stayed close friends throughout life as we share the same interests/hobbies. We chat, play online games or hang out all the time. We’ve also supported each other through some really dark times in our lives, which I guess has made us closer and more comfortable with sharing private stuff than perhaps most friends do. Discussing things like depression, anxiety, relationships and sex was pretty normal. Once me and Ash got together and she met Chris, they immediately clicked and became great friends as well, as we’re all very similar people. During my last year of university, we were all also roommates for about 6 months, which was one of the most fun periods in our lives. Because of all this, Ash and Chris feel super comfortable around each other – they socialize and play games with and without my involvement, don’t mind physical touch at all, and Ash is much less shy and more outgoing around him than other people. During the roommate days, he has inevitably seen her in more revealing clothing than most – underwear (including lingerie), sleepwear, casual wear such as shirt with no bra underneath etc – which is somewhat rare, as in public, she tends to avoid showing a lot of skin. I know he finds her very attractive and we’ve spoken and joked around about that, but there’s never been any sexual tension between them and it’s all always been very casual. He’s a shy, respectful and pretty innocent guy who’d never do anything to jeapordize our friendships, and he’s always been genuinely happy for us, constantly repeating that we’re the perfect couple.

Anyhow, coming back to the conversation with Ash, I just remember being really surprised and thinking that it was super funny and weird to hear her say that she might hypothetically be up for having sex with Chris someday. It was the first time she had ever even remotely shown interest in doing something with someone else, and felt very uncharacteristic from her. An exciting but terrifying thought at the same time. It was just one of those fun ‘poke around with limits’ types of conversations though, so there was no actual consideration or planning, and it never really came up again after that.


**The story:**

Fastforward 3-4 months, on a nice mid-summer Friday evening, Chris comes over to our place for another usual evening of chilling, drinking, playing video games and maybe watching a movie. I welcome him, we grab a few cold beers from the kitchen and proceed to the living/bedroom to play some Tekken on the PS4 (our apartment is small, so our TV setup is at the foot of the couch which opens into a bed). Meanwhile, Ash was finishing up some random small chores and then took a shower. Around 30-40 minutes later, she joins us in the room. She walks in while still drying her hair with a towel, wearing a loose pastel pink hoodie with a zipper on the front and no pants, just underwear. The panties are tanga-shaped and purple, with nice small lacy edges and relatively thin smooth fabric. They’re nothing too fancy or revealing, but look great on her and emphasize the right areas. Her hoodie is slightly oversized and covers her panties halfway. She doesn’t usually dress this casual with guests around, but since it was nothing Chris hadn’t seen before from our roommate days, it wasn’t that weird. It was a really warm evening and pretty stuffy in the room too. The three of us make some smalltalk while she she sits at the left side of the bed next to Chris, plugging her phone up to the charger (as the only outlet is on that side) and finishes drying off her hair. I hand her a beer and she puts away the towel, then makes herself comfortable on the bed. She lays down on her stomach, next to Chris, to watch us play on the TV. I can’t help but notice how her butt is right in parallel with him and it’s now quite a nice view, one Chris was definitely aware of too. His head turns to steal a quick glance occasionally as we resume playing.

At one point during a game, Chris’s controller batteries almost die, so Ash gets up on all fours and leans forwards to grab a charger cable from the TV stand. She’s attaching it to the console but as usual, the USB is being finnicky and it takes her a moment to find which is the right side up. As she’s doing that, she’s obliviously giving both of us a really hot view of her ass. Her panties had dug between her buttcheeks a bit, making them look more like a tanga or thong and emphasizing how round and beautiful her ass is. Me and Chris kinda just stare for a bit in silence, then look at each other and he chuckles “Damn”, probably not really knowing how to react. I lean over slightly and give her a gentle slap on the ass, saying “Ever heard of pants?”. It jiggles a bit. She’s startled and looks back at me, then realizes what’s happening, sits down on her knees, goes “Oh..” and starts laughing quietly and shyly, while adjusting the sides of her panties from the back. “It’s too hot in here for pants” she replies with a cute voice and big grin, hands the controller cable to Chris and starts going back to her initial laying-down position. Chris thanks her and makes a casual joke about how he agrees and would like to get rid of his pants as well, but will save us the ugly, hairy view. We laugh and joke around a bit. In the beginning, I felt slightly uncomfortable with what had happened because she was totally oblivious to it. However, as it was more funny than anything else, and it was just Chris who got to see it, I didn’t dwell on it.

The night goes on, we’re all chatting and starting to get fairly tipsy from the beer, while me and Chris continue beating on each other in Tekken. Ash decides to get up and refresh our stash of drinks, along with which we get a pretty nice view of her butt and thighs yet again as she walks in and out of the room. We make some more jokes as she returns and hands us new cold beers, and Ash seems to be in an exceptionally fun and energetic mood in general. One of the running themes of the evening becomes that she’s bored watching me win every time (I had been beating Chris most of the time, but also in reference to me generally beating her when we play), so she antagonizes me in a playful and teasing way, cheering for Chris instead. Chris is on a bad losing streak and eventually Ash gets jokingly frustrated, loudly demanding him to kick my ass etc. “Well, he obviously can’t play with such sexy distractions next to him” I counter and chuckle, as I notice Chris quickly glancing over her butt again. “I can see his eyes shift from the game to something else every now and then” I add just to mess with him. Chris chuckles, slightly embarrassed in front of Ash, and acts like he has no idea what I’m talking about. Ash watches him struggle, then looks at me and sticks her tongue out while making a funny, teasing face. She quickly wiggles herself closer against Chris and rubs against him with her thigh. “Think of it as motivation instead then, you can look all you want”, she says to Chris jokingly with a wink. Chris chuckles and facepalms, then continues playing while seemingly mostly trying to ignore the uncomfortable situation we put him in.

The next match ends up being a very exciting one and Chris manages to just barely clutch out a win, with an epic slow-mo finish. As me and him are wrapped up in hype and laughing at the crazy bit of gameplay, Ash grins and exclaims “Holy shit, it worked”. She grabs Chris’s hand and places it on her buttcheek, saying “Here, your prize”, smiling and then looking away, acting oblivious. Chris, taken aback for a moment, laughs and replies “O-oh. Okay?”. He somewhat hesitantly moves his hand around and squeezes her butt slightly, but doesn’t linger there for too long, keeping the situation pretty casual. “Damn.. if we had motivation and prizes like this all the time, we’d be e-sports pros by now” he laughs as he turns his head towards me “…right?”. I look at both of them, not knowing how to react for a sec. I’m used to them touching but not really like this. Somehow I didn’t actually mind though, and it was pretty funny. Lucky night for Chris, I thought. “Well shit, indeed”, I reply eventually with a jokingly skeptical expression. I then realize something and continue, “Hey what the hell, where are the prizes for all the times I’ve won then?”. Ash chuckles. “Yeah yeah… You’ll get yours later tonight” she replies teasingly, sticking out her tongue once again. “Or what, you want them here in front of Chris?” she adds, after a brief pause. Not having much of a comeback to that, I just chuckle and look her in the eyes. “Ooookay, as tempting as it would be to see that, I feel like I should probably just go” Chris laughs. “No” we reply to him in unison and laugh it off. I start queueing up the next Tekken match. “You know what though? We should turn this into one of those drinking games” I propose while taking a sip of my beer. “Like we did with Dark Souls, but this time instead of taking a drink when dying, you get to slap Ash’s ass or something” I laugh. “HEY” Ash exclaims and reaches out to smack me while laughing. Chris laughs as well, but the subject gets quickly dropped as our next match had already begun. Ash gets up from her stomach, moves to the head of the bed, gets her phone and lays down resting on a pillow. She proceeds to do something on her phone for a little while while we play.

After a few matches, Ash sits up and rejoins us. She chuckles and starts talking about this app that has several party and drinking games, one of which is sexy truth or dare. “We could do this instead” she says. After finishing the ongoing match, we take a small break, sip our beers and check out the app. We give it a couple of spins to see what kind of questions and dares there are. They seem relatively harmless but do have a few spicy things sprinkled in – various sexual facts, kisses, slight touching, etc. We then get the dare “send a nude picture to one player of your choice” and laugh and joke around for a while about how it’s going to be me and Chris sending each other dickpics for the rest of the game. Deep down the nude picture dare sparks something in me though. Exhibitionism is definitely a turn-on for me, and Ash is incredibly sexy, which no one besides me ever really gets to see. She’s basically been on display this evening and the mood is right… would I mind if Chris saw more? Part of me really wants to play this now, and even though things could clearly get potentially uncomfortable, the danger is actually kind of exciting – probably in no small part thanks to the alcohol. I decide to roll with it for fun to see what would happen, we can always just stop anyway. “Anyway alright, so the winner of each match gets to do a dare with Ash, she will be our prize” I propose while taking another sip of beer with a big grin. “Really? You’re just going to pimp your poor girl out like that?” Chris laughs. “Well, I mean, I’m going to be collecting all the prizes anyway, so…” I mess with him, acting jokingly cocky. “Lol. Who knows, she was very motivating earlier for sure. You sure you can handle the risk?” Chris replies as a comeback. Ash looks at us go back and forth in silence, making jokingly annoyed faces. She then shakes her head while chuckling and turns to Chris. “You know what, if it gets you to win and wipe that smug grin off his [my] face – sure, let’s do it!”. Chris is surprised and chuckles. I’m annoyed by the sudden gang-up, act jokingly pissed off and promise to break their little “romance”. We briefly go over the rules – dares only, and Ash always being the “target” of them as she’s the prize, grab our controllers again and start up the next match.

We play and I win, in a bit of a quick and anti-climatic fashion. “Haha, see?!” I grin and exclaim, making fun of them. “Aw c’mon man!” Ash is disappointed and frustrated. Chris shakes his head and chuckles in defeat. I think there’s an expectation in the air that everyone was joking about the dare thing, but I want to do it even more now, just to rub it in (in good fun, of course). Before I can really even bring up the topic again though, Ash hands me her phone – “Oh well then… What do I have to do?” she chuckles. I now understand that she probably did want to play this as well after all, and must find it as exciting as me. I hold her hand for a moment as I take the phone and give her a warm smile. She eases up on the tough act a little and gives me a loving smile back. “Alright, let’s see” I go ahead and hit the dare button in the app. “Make out a player of your choice” it says. “Awww, how wholesome” Chris laughs, after I read the dare out loud. “Pssh, more like boring” I joke and tease. Ash sighs, chuckles, moves closer to me and we start kissing in front of Chris. Turned on as I am that we’re actually doing this, I slide my hands over her back and sides, then down to her ass. I squeeze repeatedly and give it a gentle slap. “Hey, that wasn’t part of the dare” she interrupts me for a moment, to which I just smile and continue kissing her. It seems to actually turn her on more too, and we start kissing even more intensively, for what was probably an uncomfortably long time for Chris. We eventually realize he’s waiting and stop. “This could’ve been you, man” I shrug and tease Chris, gently grabbing Ash’s ass at the same time. “Hey I was already way ahead of you with the ass grabs though” he laughs it off and tries not to look at us too much, while finishing his beer and grabbing a new one from the side of the bed. We joke around and settle down a bit, then go back to our usual positions to queue up the next game.

I actually go a little easier on him this time, because the curiosity and excitement is really starting to get the better of me at this point. Ash seems to be in a really open and playful mood and is clearly enjoying teasing us a lot, which is something I’ve never seen before. It’s new and exciting and really turns me on. Part of me genuinely wants Chris to have a little fun too, especially as he’s being really nice and respectful about the whole thing. He ends up winning the match. “Aw shit, nice one haha” I fistbump Chris. “OMG! You finally did it! Grats!” Ash exclaims and claps, happily cheering for him. Chris does bowing motions, saying “Thank you, thank you…” while chuckling. “Phew, finally” he adds. “Aaalright then, moment of truth huh…” I say with a grin. “So we’re really doing this?” Chris laughs hesitantly. Ash then grabs his hand and drags it towards the dare button on her phone. “Yes! Gogogo before he changes his mind” she laughs. I look at Ash and jokingly shake my head. Chris shrugs and finally presses the button. “Lick the inner thighs of a player of your choosing” the dare reads. “What the hell is that dare…” he bursts out laughing. Ash wants to read it again and grabs the phone. “Nice! Enjoy those hairy mainthighs Ash!” I laugh and mess with her. “Fuck off” she chuckles and gently smacks me. “Well this is certainly an.. interesting one…” she says while chuckling as she puts down her phone. After a brief pause, she tells Chris to move back a bit, sits in front of him with her legs crossed, moves her arms back to support herself on the bed, moves up her knees and hesitantly starts spreading her legs. “Well, come here then” she says while blushing and pressing her eyes closed from embarrassment. Chris looks at her and laughs “Are you serious…?”. “Shut up, just do it already” she laughs. I look at them and shake my head while chuckling, slightly conflicted. It’s quite a funny and weird sight, seeing my girlfriend spreading her legs in front of my best friend, wearing only panties which due to the thin fabric also make it possible to faintly make out the contour of her pussy. She covers her face with her hand from embarrassment and keeps chuckling. “Welp… yolo I guess” Chris eventually gives in and does a dive motion between her legs, approaching the situation lightheartedly and casually. As his head reaches the targets, he slows down and chuckles repeatedly into the blanket before being able to get on with it. He then licks and kisses both of her inner thighs, fairly close to her pussy, at least closer than what I would have expected him to dare to do. Ash grabs his hair, laughs and twitches as the kissing tickles. After he’s done, she falls on her back and closes her legs again while we all laugh, me somewhat uncomfortably. “What the fuck is even happening” I shake my head. At this point, I’m really starting to think about where this evening could potentially go, and about that conversation with Ash from a few months ago. The laughing doesn’t stop for a while and it’s really obvious now that we’re pretty drunk. “Oookay, let’s move on though, shall we?” I eventually grab the controller and start queueing up the next game while they recover and slowly and awkwardly move back to their spots, while giving me funny and embarrassed looks. Ash stays between me and Chris this time though.

We compose ourselves, sip some more beer and start playing. I’m a bit distracted with my thoughts, but it’s still a fair game which Chris eventually ends up winning. “Damnit, not again” I laugh. “It’s fine, we can stop” Chris says while chuckling, trying to be respectful “I’m still recovering from that previous awkwardness anyway”. I think for a brief second, but respond with “Nah… a win’s a win”, throwing him the phone. “Oh-kay” he replies after gathering himself for a moment, then presses the dare button. “Remove one piece of clothing from a player of your choosing” he reads the dare out loud. “Theeere we go, the classics!” he laughs. “Oh my god” Ash whispers to herself. “Niiice! Now we’re getting somewhere!” I cheer. This is the kind of dare I had secretly been hoping for from the start, and a wave of excitement washes over me. “Soooo which item are we getting?” I excitedly ask Ash. “For fuck sake” she laughs and facepalms, hiding her face. There’s a small mildly awkward silence. I’m wondering why she’s acting so hesitant, as teasing us with her ass earlier seems to have been no problem for her. She’d most likely just need to remove her hoodie, and Chris has technically seen her in a bra before as well. She eventually manages to compose herself a bit and quietly says “I don’t know. What item *are* we getting then, Chris? It’s your choice…” while chuckling and looking at him. “It’s fine, we really don’t have to do this one” Chris chuckles and comforts her. She then glances at me with a cute smile and seems to think about something for a moment. I give her a warm, reassuring smile back and we keep eye contact for a bit. “It’s fine” she continues to Chris. He thinks for a bit, then gathers his breath and says “Well… if you actually wanna do this… it would seem I only have two choices, and I’m thinking one of them would probably get me killed so…” he laughs, as Ash only has her hoodie and panties. He briefly looks at me as well and decides “I’ll go with the safe option which is the hoodie”, as that would expose her less. Ash smiles while looking down and inspecting herself for a moment, then hesitantly agrees. “Aaaalrighty” she chuckles shyly, gets into position in front of us and starts slowly pulling down the zipper. About halfway through, as the sides part and her chest becomes visible, she slides her hand in there. At this moment, me and Chris both come to a realization – she’s not wearing a bra. “Wait, really?” I chuckle in confusion, unsure how to feel about the sudden and unexpected progression of things. “Holy shit, Chris is going to see her tits” I think to myself. A feeling of extreme excitement but also terror hits me – “Do I truly want this? Is it really okay? Why am I so turned on by it…?”. She looks away, embarrassed, and continues pulling down the zipper all the way, then takes the hoodie off, getting her arms out of it one by one while covering her chest with the vacant arm. She throws the hoodie to the side of the bed and places both her hands on her boobs, squeezing them tightly against her chest. That, along with her great posture makes them look bigger and exceptionally nice, I’ve always loved this kind of a view. “Well, ta-dah I guess?” she chuckles in embarrassment, bringing her fingers closer together and moving them directly on top of her nipples, which reveals a little more of everything else. She gives them a gentle shake for us. “I’m so sorry Ash, didn’t know” Chris chuckles hesitantly, embarrassed as well, trying to avoid gazing at her for too long. “Not like the other option would’ve been better” she smiles. After a brief awkward moment of no one really knowing what to do, I say “Well that progressed a little faster than I anticipated…” and move closer to Ash, give her a kiss on the cheek and hold her gently to help her cover up a bit. I shake my head and smile at her, then whisper “You look so fucking hot though baby” in her ear. She seems to be relieved and feel more comfortable from this, then looks up at me with a certain devilish smile, biting her lip. She wanted this, I’m sure of it. Fuck, why is it such a turn-on? How far is she willing to go? “Okay, show’s over” she chuckles and gently pushes me back, starting to move back to her initial spot on the left side, next to Chris. She once again lays down on her stomach, as this way she also doesn’t need to keep hiding her chest with her arm or hands. We all take a moment to compose ourselves. I look at Chris and am pretty sure he’s very much into it, still just too scared to visibly show it. “Shall we continue?” Ash asks with an eager smile.

Continued in part 2, coming soon! :)

I hope you’ve enjoyed the story so far.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hcryfa/mmf_game_night_between_best_friends_develops_into


  1. This is the dream for me!

    Can’t wait for part 2. And on the off chance this is real, what’s the app?!

  2. I couldn’t finish this story. It was just waaaay too long with too much unnecessary detail. Did it ever get to the part where anyone has sex??

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