He was on the bed now, on top of me, his fully awake cock pressing against my clit, which was still covered by my panties. He kissed me and while he did, he reached down and got my panties under his thumb and began to drag them down before he stopped. “Do you want to keep going?” he asked, looking into my eyes just an inch from my face. My heart. *Oh, my heart*. Well, my heart *and* my nether regions—let me tell you what, I was so wet I was making a spot on the bed after only a minute. I shook my head yes, as any eloquence I had was completely out the window in this heated moment. He continued pulling my panties down and started teasing my clit with the head of his cock.
I wanted to reach down and grab his hips and shove his massive bare cock right into me but I knew he still needed a condom and I knew I needed to play it a tad cooler than that. This huge sexy man lowered down on top of me, kissing my naked body, his talented fingers making their way around my pussy—it all became very overwhelming and I felt myself getting close to orgasm. “Put a condom on,” I whispered to him, buying myself some time to cool down. He got up and disappeared into the bathroom for a moment before emerging, his long, thick cock covered in a rubber. I couldn’t believe Adam from work was about to fuck me and that I was on his bed. Whoa.
He climbed back up onto me and it began.
My legs widened to accommodate his large frame and he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me with a passion and intensity that I’d never experienced. He reached between my thighs, letting his body weight fall to one arm as he gently pushed two fingers inside me. He slowly moved his fingers in and out of me while using his thumb to circle my clit. I was so wet that all I could hear were my own juices as he played with me.
After fingering me for a few minutes, he lowered himself back down onto both arms and positioned his head between my lips. “Tell me if you need to stop,” he whispered, and then he simultaneously kissed me and pushed his throbbing cock into me. I moaned through our kiss, a moan of pleasure and pain, and he kissed me harder. He kept pushing himself inside of me and pulling himself out of me and it felt so insanely good I thought I might scream, or cry, and I tried very hard not to do either.
I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist, trying to pull him in but the more I pulled his cock into me, the more it hurt and I knew I wasn’t ready all of it just yet. “You’re so big,” I whispered into his ear before kissing his neck and then his shoulder. He kept fucking me gently with just some of his cock before I suggested we try a new position. I turned around on the bed on got on all fours, looking over my shoulder at him. There he was—strength rippling through his chest in the dim light, his hair crazy and his white teeth shining brightly as he smiled at me. “Ready?” he asked. I nodded yes.
His cock was massive, the biggest I’d ever seen or felt, and though I wanted to take every inch of him into every orifice of my body, I just couldn’t. Instead he pushed his length into me just halfway and it felt amazing. He pumped and pumped, my DD tits swinging around wildly as I cried out with pleasure. Right as I was reaching my orgasm, he wrapped his arm around my torso, keeping his aching member tucked inside my wetness, and lifted me up. He continued to fuck me from behind, us both on our knees on his bed. He reached around with his hand—that marvelous hand which he knew how to use in so many capacities, I was learning—and squeezed my tit. Adam’s hand on my tit, his tremendous penis inside of my now completely drenched pussy—it sent me into an insane orgasm in just seconds. I came hard and as he felt me coming, he too erupted inside me, our moaning almost as intense as our orgasms.
When we were done, we fell like limp noodles onto his bed, his cock pressed against my bare ass. We were sticky and panting, trying to catch our breath, his hand still holding my breast. My head was tingling—the alcohol and the intensity of the moment was getting to me. “We need water,” he said, climbing out of bed and wandering out to the kitchen. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to see this beautiful creature nude in the light so I tiptoed after him. He pulled the fridge open with two fingers and almost no effort, the fluorescent light illuminating his abs and semi-erect cock. I could see my own juices glistening on his groin as he leaned forward and pulled a bottle of Gatorade from the top shelf. He turned and saw me, watching him get us a drink, and he smiled.
“You wouldn’t be stalkin’ me now would ya?” he teased. Yes, he was Southern so not only did he have that sexy Southern drawl, but he also had manners that I hadn’t seen in a man… ever. We stood there naked in his kitchen, passing the blue Gatorade back and forth, taking sips and talking—still completely naked. It was hard to not just stare at this body, his length great and admirable even soft. I glanced at the stove; the green digital clock read 2:43am. We had worked a full 12-hour day, drank all evening and now it was nearly three in the morning. He saw me look at the time and got a mischievous grin on his face. He ran his hand through his tousled hair then charged me, grabbing me up by my waist and hoisting me over his shoulder, running back to his bed.
“Not so fast,” he laughed, tossing me back onto his bed like he did an hour before. The room was much darker now as we were smack dab in the middle of the night. He climbed up into bed next to me, both of us lying flat on our backs looking up at the ceiling. He asked me what my very favorite part of each work day was and though I toyed for a moment with saying “seeing you”, I ultimately decided to say taking a shower; rinsing away the woes and worries of a hard day with very sick people. He was silent for a moment and I wondered if my answer was too raw. “Have a shower,” he said, getting out of bed. I wanted to say no but I also actually did want a shower and the fact that he was offering his up to me at 3am just because I said it was my favorite thing? Swoon. I stood in the shower, the steam swimming up around me, creating clouds around my head. I used his shampoo and dug my fingers deeply into my scalp, the suds dripping down my face and chest. It felt so amazing to wash off sweat from dancing and to refresh myself after all the intense sex—though I was sad to wash away *his* smell. I began soaping up my body, paying close attention to my most important parts when Adam came in, saying nothing, but holding a beer over the top of the shower door. Ahh, shower beer. I reached out and took it, taking a long deep swig. The cold beer sent a brief chill through me, making my nipples hard and goosebumps grew across my skin.
I wrapped myself with his bath towel—it smelled like him—when I was done and walked into his bedroom. He had a pair of his pajama pants and one of his old t-shirts sitting on the bed for me. He watched me drop my towel, my full breasts looking quite pornographic with the dampness of the shower still covering them. I pulled on his shirt and pants and sat down on the bed next to him.
“I don’t know why I gave you pants,” he said, smiling at me as dropped to the floor between my legs. Adam grabbed the pants by the ankles and yanked them off me with such force that I fell back on the bed. I knew where this was going and I fucking loved it.
He held my foot in his hand and delicately kissed my ankle, making his way up my calf, to my thigh, leaving nothing un-kissed. I grew horny and anxious as he made his way up, knowing where his kiss was going to end. I felt his lips against my lips—at first, he just kissed them gently and then he used his tongue to part me and then taste me deeply. He probed my hole several times before moving up to my clit, which he lapped at gently. I wanted to look down and see this beautiful man going down on me but I was scared that if I did, I make orgasm right then and there. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and put my hand in my mouth to prevent from screaming as he drug his tongue down over my clit and into my hole and then back again. He used to his hands to push my thighs up, digging his thumbs into them a bit harder now as he quickened his pace. I was so horny I was scared that his bed may be soaked after he was done with me.
He pressed his lips to my clit and began to gently suck it, and the feeling was indescribably good. He alternated sucking and licking, and just when I thought I was going to go insane, he stuck two fingers into my drenched cunt, palm up, and began pushing on my g-spot. Moments later I erupted, orgasming so intensely that I clenched my thighs down around his head so tightly that he actually had to use his hands to pry them open. He crawled into bed next to me and reached down, interlacing his fingers with mine. I could feel my nipples grow hard again. He asked me if I wanted to sleep over and I did—but I knew after a long day at work, an evening of boozing and coming, I needed to get some serious, drool-on-your-pillow and snore so loud you wake yourself up type of sleep. So at 4am, dressed in his pajamas, clutching my clothes to my chest, I took an Uber home and immediately curled up in bed. I fell asleep in a complete state of euphoria.
When I awoke, nearly 15 hours later, I had a text message from Adam waiting for me. My heart leapt.
“Let’s do that again except let’s cut the bar and you just come straight to my house next time.” I smiled. I had just gotten a new friend with benefits—one that was handsome, smart and well-hung. Wasn’t I the luckiest girl ever?
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hc3x5f/the_nurses_part_2_nsfw