My Morning Pick Up (Hold the Moan)

Disclaimer ***
First time posting on the subreddit but I read some great stories here. I’m new to reddit in general so I’ll apologize now if I broke any rules. I’m looking for input on my stories and would greatly appreciate some feedback. Please enjoy this little story .


OH FUCK, I can’t walk! My pussy throbbed, wanting more, triggering a need as my skirt brushed me with each step. How did I get myself into this?!? I only stopped for coffee before the bakery opened.  He was so handsome though. We probably won’t see each other again but the way he felt inside me will always be in my mind. 

I’m visiting my family for the month, preparing for my little sister’s wedding. We aren’t very close since she was the “oopsie” my parents didn’t want to admit too. We are 15 years apart. I’m newly divorced and had been away from my old home town for so long that anyone I knew before was closer to my sister than to me. I love my sister but the wounds of my failed marriage were still raw. Any chance I had to escape for a moment, I took it.

That morning I voulenteered to go get some pastries at this little bakery across town. Last nights wedding conversations left me in need of a long quiet drive. I turn up the radio in my car and it seemed like all my favorite songs were on.  Sitting at light, I dance away with the windows down, singing at the top of my lungs. I took the scenic route pass the old park by the river. 

In the midst of my solo dance party, I get interrupted by an obnoxious honk! The light must have recently turned green but no one else was on the road but me and this random silver BMW that came out of no where. He looks at me as he passes to my left and just shakes his head. I smile and wave, continuing to drive with my music blaring. 

We catch each other at the next light and he rolls down his window. “You looked like you were having too much fun at the light. I had to break up the party,” he said with a smirke and trouble in his eyes.

That smile showed his perfect teeth and dimple on his left cheek. I’ve never seen a guy ooze that much sex appeal in 2 sentences. I smile back and said, “my body can’t help reacting to a good a beat.” The light turns green and I turn into the coffee shop. 

 Parking in front of the building, I walk in with my sun dress swaying in the wind. I order my coffee and sit down to wait for it. I couldn’t help but think of how hypnotizing that voice was and how quickly reached into my mind. Suddenly my thoughts get interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I look up to see mister sex appeal himself towering over me. My eyes widen like a kid in the candy store. 

“I got thirsty when I saw you, what are you drinking? ”

“TABBY. ICE CARAMEL DRIP FOR TABBY!” rang the blonde barista’s voice. 

“Oh, that’s me”, I jumped. A sigh of relief washed over me as I walked to get my drink.   

“VAUGHN, here’s your ice black drip,” chimed the barista. 

“I’m Vaughn. Can I join you for some coffee?”

I wasn’t too much in a rush to get home and the bakery wasn’t open yet so I had time to kill. “Sure” and we walked over to a quiet booth in the corner.

“So Tabby, what brings you here, besides the coffee?”he said curiosity as he slides himself next to me.

“I needed a pick me up before running errands. This place was the first place I saw. ”

Amused, Vaughn said “By your car dance moves, it seemed you could be someone else’s pick me up. I’m curious as to what beat makes that body move.” As he grazed my hand with his. 

I feel my blood rushing to my cheeks. I’ve never been so nervous, so embrassed and so excited at the same time. I could sense his heat and his undeniable confidence.  My body started to react and my primal instincts kicked in as my temptation grew. 

Lost in his touch, I couldn’t help myself anymore. I put my hand on his thigh and turn to face him with a bite of my lower lip. He reacts with the same intensity in his smile. His eyes undress me as my hand crawls further up his thigh.  He stops me right before I could feel what that budge was under his jeans. 

” You’re here for a pick me up. Enjoy your coffee, I’ll take care of the rest.” He slowly slides his soft hand expertly up my thigh as he watches me take a sip of my drink.

With precision, the tips of his fingers found my lace thong. He rubs the front of the lace before looking at me with eager intention, waiting for permission. I nod. He trickles his fingers to the seam of my wet panties and moves it to the side. Quickly finding my sweet spot. The insertion of his finger filled me quickly and made me wonder how big the rest of him is. He slowly pulls it back out and finds my engorged clit. The tips of his finger lightly press on my ache and slowly circle the top of my want for him. I moan slightly and he looks at me like I just spilled milk.

“The longer you can maintain your discretion, the more I can wake you up,” he whispers. 

I was speechless. I want it. I want it so bad. My cheeks got rosier as my pussy got wetter and I didn’t know how I was going to keep quiet. 

He continues to please my my pleasure point. Up, down, up and down he’s finger went over and over again. My lip starts to quiver and he kisses me deeply as he plunges his finger inside my drenched heat. I felt a grin sneak through our kiss. His finger found my swollen G spot with ease. He massages it with precision, building me up to the edge. In. Out. In. Out.
My chest is heaving. My heart about to jump out of my skin.

“Looks like I found a beat your body can move too.” 

He press himself closer to me and I can feel his mass. I craved it so bad. He takes my hand and puts it on him to feel the drips of his precum. I couldn’t take it any more. His touch was intoxicating.  I wanted him, I was addicted to his skills. He kept pressure on my G spot and I was getting closer and closer.

I buried my face into his broad shoulders as I started to shiver into him. He pressed on deeper not realizing how close I was getting. The heat and wetness of my pussy had cum rushing from me like a tsunami. It was hot, it was unbelievable and oh so amazing.  He kisses my forehead and smiles that perfect smile. 

“Glad I could help you wake up. I’ll let you finish your coffee.” He whispers. And he strides off and leaves me in the booth with phantom feels of his fingers inside me. 



  1. That is a very sexy and great story. My only feed back is that you talk about feeling his pre-cum, but you never mention how you would be feeling this through his Jeans. Maybe add how you or he undid his pants, or that how it had soaked through his jeans leaving a wet spot.

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