They’re Just Boobs [FFM]

I am very allergic to peanuts. I was lying in my dorm room, still wearing the slutty Minnie mouse costume I wore to the Halloween party last night where I accidentally ate a peanut butter cup and emded up in the emergency room. In the room with me were my best friend Tanya and a guy friend named Alex. They had both come by to see how I was doing after my hectic night. How sweet.

Tanya is an Asian girl on the soccer team with me who has a reputation for being very outgoing and a bit of a flirt. Alex is a super nice math major who wasn’t bad looking but wasn’t exactly my type. He’s very timid and a bit nerdy. 6′ tall but not particularly muscular.

I was feeling pretty shitty, as one does after a hospital visit and my main concern was getting some privacy to change out of my stupid costume. “Hey guys, do you mind leaving the room so I can get changed” I asked.
“Oh please” said Tanya, “We change in front of each other all the time in the locker room. And Alex can just look away. What are you afraid of?”

I didn’t expect such pushback from the simple request but I guess I couldn’t fault her logic. It was nice of them to come check on me, so why kick them out.

“Okay Alex, do you mind looking away until I tell you otherwise”

“Sure, no problem” his voice was a little bit shaky, and I could tell, the thought of having me change right in front of him was exciting to him, even if he couldn’t watch. Cute.

I got up to take off the costume. I took off the top and then glanced over to Alex before taking the bra off.

“What are you worried about” laughed Tanya

“It just feels so weird” I whispered so Alex couldn’t hear, “What if he peeks at me”.

“Then he sees your boobs” whispered Tanya, “who cares, they’re just boobs”.

Tanya had a point, I wanted to be more confident in my body and besides, I knew Alex wouldn’t look. I took my bra off and was standing there topless.

“I don’t know why I feel so weird” I whispered to Tanya, “why does it feel like the world will explode if he sees my body”

“It wouldn’t, you’re such a prude” whispered Tanya back.

“How do I know for sure if he’s peeking”

“Let me help you out”

Suddenly, in her normal voice, Tanya said “okay Alex, you can look”. It took me 2 seconds to register what had happened as Alex turned his head and looked right at my chest, his mouth agape. I immediately screamed and covered my chest while Tanya laughed and Alex kept saying “sorry sorry sorry!”.

“Relax,” Tanya cut in, “They’re just boobs. You guys are acting like high schoolers.”

“You’re not the one with them on display!” I replied, upset that my friend would betray me like this.

Without a word, Tanya took off her shirt, revealing that she was not wearing a bra and wiggled her body left and right, her small but perky breasts pointed right at Alex.

“Do you like what you see,” she said to him coyly as she walked over closer, “is the world going to explode?”

Alex was dumbfounded and it was really amusing to see the control she had over him.

“You can play with them if you’d like,” she said as she stood right next to him. He didn’t have to be asked twice, as he reached out and cupped her breasts before squeezing them between his fingers.

My arms went down to my sides as I watched in amazement at the display in front of me. Covering my breasts no longer seemed like a concern. Alex wasn’t even paying any attention to me. In a weird way I was almost jealous so I walked over closer, putting my boobs on display.

Finally, Alex looked over, which weirdly was exactly what I wanted.

“You can suck on them if you want,” said Tanya as she put her boobs right in his face. Soon her breasts was enveloped by his mouth and she moaned gently. It was again like I wasn’t there until Tanya looked over and gave me a sly wink. This was a game to her. Here I was standing completely topless in front of a guy who should be gawking at me and he isn’t even paying attention to me.

I probably should have just put a top on and moved on with my life. Tanya had made her point. But, probably out of some weird competitive drive, I instead announced:

“I’m going to change my bottoms now if you don’t mind.”

I didn’t even get a reply.

I pulled off my costume and revealed my favorite pair of panties. Solid blue, a little bit sexy, and incredibly comfortable. I looked over at Tanya and Alex. They were making out. Eyes closed, deep in concentration, and not even acknowledging my presence. I was almost completely exposed and nobody even cared.

I didnt need to change my panties. I’d put these on just before the party and was planning to wear them for the rest of the day. Well, I guess plans change. I pulled them down and threw them in the laundry. Then I just stood there, as naked as the day I was born. I didn’t even know what to do, I just stood there awkwardly with my arms at my sides for what seemed like forever until Alex looked away from the kiss and exclaimed, “holy shit!”

Tania turned and whistled “Wow! Not so shy any more!”.

“What, it’s just a body” I said with confidence, “I’m going to go take a shower”.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me, then walked out to the nearby single user bathroom. I turned on the water and then gave myself the most incredible orgasm of all time.



  1. ? yes. Finding your confidence and owning that moment is Awesome.

  2. No offense, but a peanut butter cup has a very distinct shape. How did you not know?

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