I (28[F])catfished my university crush (29[M]) and had the hottest cyber sex with him, with a big twist ending – PART 2

Hi all, I shared part one of my story a few weeks ago and got a really positive response which really surprised me as I didn’t really think anyone would read it! A lot of people asked for a part two once I met up with David in real life, so here it is.

If you haven’t read part 1 yet, you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gdr3zw/i_28f_catfished_my_university_crush_29m_and_had/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

For info: We weren’t able to see each other in really life until 2 weeks after the events in part 1 due to wanting to comply with COVID restrictions where we live. We initially thought it would be ok to see each other that following weekend but unfortunately we were wrong. Sorry for keeping you all hanging. Below is the story of our first meeting after all those years.

Part 2-

It had been almost a two weeks since mine and David’s big reveals, him revealing that he knew it was me catfishing him all along, and me revealing my reasons behind my actions.

I must admit I was a little nervous. Would we still want to talk to each other when there was no game for either of us to play? Would our chemistry still be there when we were just being ourselves? Would we get bored of each other now that the outside world was reopening and we didn’t just have to sit at our respective homes all day? David was heading back physically to work after working at home for over a month, and I was starting to do some face to face consults with clients as well. But everyday without fail at 6:30pm I’d hear my phone ring and it would always be David calling to FaceTime me. Our conversations flowed as naturally as they always did when I was pretending to be Jill and if anything, we felt more comfortable speaking together just as ourselves. We spent a lot of time talking about how excited we were to see each other in person on the weekend, for the first time in years, and our plans for what we would do to each other. These conversations got steamy pretty quickly and we would end up having some pretty intense cyber sex, with the wifi controlled vibrator getting a decent workout.

When Friday finally arrived I was almost shaking with anticipation. While David and I still lived in the same city we did when we were in uni together, we didn’t really live very close to each other. I had moved into a townhouse in a city fringe suburb about 10 mins south of the centre of town. David had however moved out to a quaint countryside area 50 minutes north of town, and owned a small acreage property. He suggested I come stay with him for the weekend, so that we could have more “privacy and space” than we would have at my small townhouse that shares walls with my neighbours on either side. In the back of my head I was a little concerned that maybe this was some elaborate revenge scheme and I was going to end up dead at this property several kilometres from the nearest house but I snapped out of it. This was David I was talking about. I had known him since I was 18. He was always a great friend to me and a stand-up guy at uni, I shouldn’t be afraid. I simply told my sister the address of the “friend’s house” I was going to go stay at for the weekend, in case anything happened, and I packed my bag and set off on the long drive.

After an hour of driving, the sun was setting as I pulled onto a long gravel driveway. What I could see of the outside was beautiful, big open spaces and lots of leafy trees. I pulled up to the house and immediately saw David standing under the light by the front door. He looked so handsome, his tall frame in beige chinos and a smart navy blue jumper. His dark hair was neatly brushed back out of his eyes, that stared at me intensely. I could tell he was as nervous as me. I stepped out of the car and immediately felt underdressed. I had dressed for comfort knowing I had a long car trip. I wore skin tight black leggings that were the comfiest pants I owned but had the added benefit of making my peachy butt look great. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you asked, I wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath as the leggings were so tight they would show the panty line and look stupid, so I went without. On top I wore a cropped white hoodie that stopped just at the top of my leggings. When I lifted my arms up to wave at him I felt the cool air hit my milky white abdomen, and I immediately got goosebumps from both the cold and the knowledge that I had just shown him my entire midriff as my first real life interaction with him in 8 years. I could see his hungry eyes taking me in, almost in disbelief. I broke out into a massive smile showing him my dimples as he crossed the few metres between us and wrapped me in his arms.

“I can’t believe it’s really you Helen” he laughed. I was feeling slightly breathless just being in his arms so it took me a few seconds to respond. I stepped back from his arms so I could get a better look at his perfect face. “I can’t believe it’s really you either David. It feels like forever since I’ve actually seen you with my own two eyes”. He chuckled “I’m pretty sure you saw a lot more of me with your own two eyes just last night, unless that wasn’t really you, and I was being catfished again”. I laughed and then blushed, “well that was a bit different, but it was definitely me. I more meant seeing you in real life”.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, because I didn’t know it was even possible” he said, “but you are even more gorgeous now than you were in university. Being a grown up suits you”. I laughed. “You don’t look too shabby yourself” I responded. He looped his hand around my waist and directed me towards the front door and then into the house.

Once inside I saw a lovely long wooden table already set with what looked like a delicious home cooked meal. “You cooked for me?” I asked in shock. David just chuckled. “Is this really the same David from university? I’m pretty sure you just lived on a diet of mi goreng and redbull back then. Hardly gourmet!”. He threw back his head and let out a carefree laugh. “I still have a soft spot for packet noodles and energy drinks, but I had to eventually grow up. I’m sure my body thanks me. Really I have Jessica to thank for saving me from an early death from scurvy. When we moved here she refused to let me eat that crap anymore and she taught me how to cook” he laughed. My stomach dropped. Jessica? Did he mean the same Jessica he was dating in university? Surely not! Had they had lived here together? I had broken up with my university boyfriend pretty much 1 week after I got a real job and realised all he wanted to do was drink all day and had no intention of ever getting his life together. David however seemed to have stayed with his university girlfriend for all these years and bought a house with her. In all my conversations with David she hadn’t really come up. I think he mentioned they had broken up but I assumed he was talking about years ago, not this recently. He had told me he had only moved into this house 2 years ago. I looked around the living room, and suddenly I could see it, a million tiny feminine touches. Throw rug here, candle there, she had definitely lived here. Recently. By this point David could tell something was wrong as I had just been standing there silently for enough time to make things awkward. “Uhhh Helen, are you ok?” I quickly gave him a reassuring smile and replied “Sorry, long drive, now where were we?” and took a seat at the table.

Dinner was delicious and the endless bottles of wine quickly look the edge off my nerves. The conversation flowed pretty easily and things were starting to feel normal again. Having been sat in the same chair for a few hours, I did a big stretch to loosen up, lifting my arms out and to the side, it felt so good. I opened my eyes and saw David staring at my midriff like he did when I got out of the car. He caught me looking at him looking and gave me a mischievous smirk. “Hey, how am I not supposed to look? You’re gorgeous.” I threw my serviette at him in mock anger. “Well I’m having a hard time concentrating over here too just looking at you, but I’m not letting myself lose my manners” I scolded. “Well in my opinion you’re a lot better to look at than I am. Looking at you was my favourite pastime in university. Well not just looking…. fantasising too. Bending you over a table in class, running my hands up under your dress when we would go clubbing, shoving my cock into your smart mouth to shut you up when we would bicker about something….” he smirked. “I thought you were a gentleman” I tutted. “The way you make me feel is anything but gentle” he winked. I took a sharp intake of breath. I could feel myself getting wet just staring into his burning gaze. A plan formed in my mind. “Well I’m going to need you to try and be gentle until we have at least finished our meal” I joked. “Our meal is finished” he stated, gesturing to the empty plates in front of us. “That’s not true”, I replied “we haven’t had our dessert yet”. His intense gaze faltered, “oh I didn’t get anything in for dessert, I’m sorry. I don’t usually have anything after dinner and it slipped my mind. I could pop down to the local store, but they might be closed…. or I could see what we have in the freezer, maybe there’s ice cream…”, he rambled. I laughed internally, he had fallen right into my trap. “It’s ok David, I actually brought something.” I responded. He looked visibly relieved. “Oh terrific, very thoughtful of you. Do you need me to get out some clean plates? Or bowls”. This time I couldn’t help but giggle aloud “No David I don’t think that will be necessary.”
“Oh ok sure, it’s no hassle” he replied. “Because it’s me David” I breathed. “What’s you?” he asked. “I’m dessert”, I purred.

David immediately caught on and pushed all our plates and glasses to the side spilling wine on the table. I crawled onto the now wet table and he pulled me towards him by my hips hungrily. He stood up and I wrapped my legs around his waist while sitting on the table. He leaned in and kissed me feverishly, every inch of my body on fire with his touch. I could feel his cock hardening against my leg, driving me wild. His hands reached down to the hem of my jumper, and lifted it, revealing my pale stomach and breasts. His eyes locked in on my DDs peaking over the top of my lacy white bra. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to see these in the flesh”. He cupped one and popped it out from the bra, my nipple going hard immediately from my arousal and the cold air. He ran a finger over it, smiling as he saw it tightening even further, before he bent down and put it gently in his hot mouth. I couldn’t help but moan and push my petite but curvy body into him, feeling his now rock hard penis bruising my inner thigh. My hand reached out to grab it, but he swatted my hand away, “No way, not yet. I’m going to need you to just let me enjoy my dessert first” he said playfully with my nipple between his lips. He went back to sucking, now alternating between both my nipples and I could feel myself turning into a puddle between my legs. As if he sensed it himself, he brought a hand down to between my legs and started rubbing my wetness through the outside of my pants. “God, you’re soaking”. All I could do was moan, I was far past the point of witty remarks. He pulled me right to the edge of the table and slid my pants down to my ankles easily. “No panties I see” he laughed, “you really haven’t changed. I remember many nights out with you when we were at University, wearing those skimpy little dresses. Did you think I didn’t notice back then that you never wore underwear underneath them. God how I wished I could have done to you then what I’m doing to you now”. He started to slowly move his face towards my dripping slit. It took a lot of concentration but I managed to piece together a sentence, “it was for you David”. He paused and looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. “The no panties, the flirting, the tight dresses. It was always for you. I never thought you noticed”, I continued. He smiled a devilish smile. “I noticed” he said, before diving face first into my soaking pussy. His tongue was gentle but insistant, lapping at my wetness as I writhed in ecstasy. I pushed myself harder into his face and he started to lick harder, making every hair on my body stand on end and my toes curl. He pulled his face away but before I had time to complain he dipped one long finger into my dripping slit. I almost came then and there, but he could tell I was close and paused what he was doing, giving me a few moments to recover. He retracted his finger slowly and re-entered, this time with two. My head slumped back in pure pleasure. The arousal I was feeling was like nothing else I had ever felt. “You are so fucking beautiful” he breathed. My head snapped back up to look at him, taking me in with his intense stare. Pants around my ankles, breasts spilling over my bra, pussy glistening with my juices which were now dripping down his nimble fingers. “And you’re mine, all mine” he continued. All I could do was moan in agreement. “Say it” he commanded. “I’m yours” I managed to get out between deep breaths. “All yours”, I finished. “Good”, he replied as his fingers increased their tempo. My whole body started to quiver. I couldn’t hold on much longer and he knew this. His fingers took it up another gear and were now pounding in and out of me at an accelerating rate. My vision went black and all I could concentrate on was breathing in and out and the intense pleasure I was feeling. “I’m coming” I moaned, and as if on cue, he artfully replaced his fingers with his face and feverishly licked me as my hips bucked on and off the table. My orgasm rippled through me in a moment that felt like it lasted an eternity. When I finally stopped shaking I opened my eyes and saw his cheeky grin between my legs. The entire lower half of his face covered in my juices. He stood up. “Thank you for dessert. I think that was the most scrumptious dish I have ever had the chance to enjoy”. I managed to sit up straight and pop my breasts back into my bra. “You’re the one hosting me here for the weekend with such hospitality. Really it’s the least I could do”.

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/harmxb/i_28fcatfished_my_university_crush_29m_and_had


  1. Ahhh this is one of the best stories I’ve read here! Can’t wait for part 3!

  2. Fantastic story. Thanks for the notification, I await your next update with interest…

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