*It’s easy to hate someone. People say, “*hatred takes energy to maintain*,” but I would argue the opposite. Hate is self-maintaining. Forgiveness is a supremely difficult task. Even after I forgave fleur for her cruel words, I still relished my hatred. I bathed in it. Truly, I hated the Americans as well. As I pondered it, I’m not sure what I was expecting them to do.*
*Fleur felt much of the same rage I did. Many of her family and friends had perished as well. We both fought for the opinion and attention of the Americans, trying to convince them we were right. Perhaps it’s for the best they didn’t give in. Had they sided with one or another, our family would have torn apart, and I never would have fallen in love.*
For once, at dinner, Fleur was glaring at someone else. She held Felicia under a burning stare. Felicia hadn’t announced yet, but we had our suspicions. They weren’t even trying. It was a slap in the face to a woman whose third in vitro fertilization had failed.
I decided that a distraction was in order. Plus, it had been quite some time since I added to the dinner conversation. I had a theory. I’d done a bit of research, and it was time to share.
“There’s no easy way to say this,” I spoke up, catching the table off guard. “It’s quite a strange thing to ask, so I’m just going to do it.”
They looked at me, even Fleur, with curiosity.
“I’d like to test a hypothesis. Could you all please affirm or deny whether you have ever been a part of a polyamorous relationship prior to your entry into the Arisa Settlement program?”
Roberta paused her feeding of Trey and drew her eyebrows together.
“Say what?”
“Prior to entering the Arisa Settlement—” I began.
“No, we get it,” Quade murmured, “but—”
“So, you have not, then?” I wondered.
He looked away. Xi thought that it was ironic for a man who was actively seeing a trio of women to be ashamed of his non monogamous past.
“Well, in college—” he began
“Yeah, I have,” Felicia admitted. “I’m sure I told you at least once while I was drunk, though.”
Fleur nodded.
“Me as well. You know I love who I love.”
I looked to Roberta.
“I mean,” she turned away from Trey as though his sixteen-month-old mind could discern the finer points of dating multiple partners. “I fucked around a lot. I’m not sure I’d call it poly, but—”
“Were they all aware?” I asked.
“Most?” she shrugged.
“Now, Quade,” I turned to face the man. “It is nothing to be ashamed of if everyone else at the table has had simultaneous partners.”
“So you?” he asked.
“Yes,” I replied. Though I wouldn’t get into the details tonight.
“Well, God’s honest truth,” he chuckled, “I was a Longhorn wide receiver at UT, so yeah, I got around.”
“But was it a healthy, true, polyamorous relationship? Did the partners know?” I clarified.
He scratched his neck.
“It was—” he blushed slightly, “in the same room a lot of the time.”
*One checkbox ticked*, I thought.
“Did you know the approximate percentage of people who have admitted to a polyamorous relationship around the globe?” I smiled.
“Educate us, you nerd,” Roberta sighed. She saw my less than amused face. She knew my year had been awful. She began to backpedal. “I’m sorry, Xi. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Four percent,” I replied. “The odds of randomly acquiring a result such as this are astronomically low. You’d have a far better chance of being bitten by a shark, twice.”
“So—” Quade wondered. “What? Did they figure out who in the Ag program was poly somehow, and then make sure they bunked together?”
“I thought of that,” I said, “But the population size is too small. It would still be a very small percentage chance of occurrence. Did anyone else enjoy the statistics that we had to take as—”
“No, I did not,” Roberta chuckled.
“The result is most obtainable when you begin with the end in mind,” I replied. “If you desire a sample with quality X, you find that first, not the other way around. Did anyone else hear about agriculture through a targeted ad?”
“What?” Fleur whispered. “I’ve always loved farming!”
“And how did you hear about the astronaut program?” I asked.
Her mouth dropped open.
“I saw it on my Instagram,” Roberta replied. “But they weren’t ads. They were just posts by people I followed.”
“Embedded ads are the most effective by far,” I informed.
“So—” the picture came together for Quade. I continued.
“It’s far easier to begin with your desired trait, and then mold them to your end profession. They weren’t looking for astronauts who were poly. They were making polys into astronauts.”
Everyone was stunned.
“Of course, this is all an educated guess,” I followed up.
“But—” Felicia spoke up. “I didn’t post anything online about being poly.”
Poor girl didn’t know how much information the apps on her phone had access to.
“Did you send a text, or a DM, or read an article about polyamorous lifestyles?” I asked.
“Fuck,” Felicia shook her head. “They—groomed us? Do you think they profiled us, so we’d work together as a unit?”
“Huh,” I shrugged. “Didn’t even think of that part. Almost certainly. They’ve got their new quantum computer which supposedly helps with advanced modeling and could have orchestrated the whole thing, but all they’d really need is dating profiles. Who doesn’t have one of those?”
I had a dating profile. I was sure the other degenerates around me did as well.
“They probably picked the most virile men,” I continued, gesturing to Quade, “and paired them up with the most compatible women of childbearing age.”
Fleur’s face fell. She tried to hold it together, I could tell, but she was falling to pieces. She snapped. Tears began to streak down her cheek as she ran to her room.
“Fleur!” Quade called.
“I’ll get her. It’s my fault,” I interrupted.
“*She knows,*” I heard Felicia whisper. “*I feel awful.*”
I knocked on Fleur’s door.
“Go away!” she shouted. “Just let me be!”
The benefit to programming the entire hab and modular walls was that I had admin access. I tapped the tiny transparent square in the bottom of the screen five times and a keypad emerged. I entered the password and clicked the door override button. I entered. Fleur screamed obscenities in French. I shut it behind me.
“Okay, stop!” I yelled. “Just, let me talk for a moment!”
“Why should I let you?” Fleur’s words were filled with anger.
“Because I *hate this!*” my voice cracked. “I hate—”
I waved between the both of us.
“—This! We have nothing to do with what’s happening back on Earth! I didn’t bulldoze Paris. You didn’t bomb—”
My hand shook as I brought it to my face. I joined her in sorrow.
“You didn’t kill my—”
The words wouldn’t come out. I couldn’t even imagine them. I didn’t wonder if my parents and cousins survived. The bombs were strategically placed. The entire city of thirteen million was just gone. It was ash. I used to stare at the news reports as they toured the rubble. There was no searching for survivors. The whole place was irradiated beyond recognition.
This was why I adored Fleur. She stood up in her brokenness and wrapped her arms around me. I didn’t stop her. I couldn’t. We both just sobbed. Our worlds had been destroyed, utterly vanquished, and all we had left was our little farm.
“I don’t want to hate you,” I sniffed. “You were the first one I talked to after we were assigned.”
Fleur laughed and wiped her eyes.
“You were so lost. I grabbed you by the arm and said—”
“—Let’s both be lost together,” I finished. I shook my head and smiled. “It was so uncomfortable for me!”
“Eh, maybe, but we found each other, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I nodded.
I took her hands.
“I’m so sorry. I know I’ve been treating you like—an enemy. Really, you’re my friend. You’re my best friend. I love Roberta and Felicia, but—”
“They are a bit—standoffish?” Fleur guessed.
“Bitchy,” I corrected.
Fleur smiled and patted her bed. We both sat down.
“So, one thing bothers me that should not,” Fleur began, “And another thing does not irk me that should.”
“Felicia?” I asked.
She shut her eyes and tilted her head.
“Our family has plenty of resources. We live well,” Fleur whispered. “I love Quade, and it does not bother me that they do as well.”
She took a deep breath and stared forward.
“I love Trey,” she whispered. “Of course, we are a family. I play with him, and change diapers, and it’s like having a child of my own.”
“Is it?” I asked.
She shut her eyes and rolled her lower lip inward. The tears began to flow anew.
“No,” she wept, dropping her face into her hands.
I put an arm around her.
“Fleur, you are more than just an ability to reproduce!” I whispered. “Are you feeling support from Quade?”
She nodded her head.
“Sometimes I wish no. He loves me. He cries with me. He holds me tight. He even had his swimmers checked because the clinic thought it could be an issue. I wanted to burst out laughing in the middle of the office. It’s not—”
She sniffed. I passed her a tissue.
“It’s not him. My eggs are fine. The doctors say it is a problem with implantation. I—I know that it is a waste every time we do in vitro, but I have this hope that maybe—I will get to feel as they do. I will look down and feel life within me.”
“I understand that,” I whispered, rubbing my hands along her cold trembling form. “That sounds really hard.”
“It is awful!” she whined. “First Roberta, now Felicia, maybe you get pregnant next and leave me alone as the barren fool.”
“That’s it,” I smiled.
“What?” Fleur squeaked. “Are you seriously talking about that right now?”
“No!” I shouted back. “I mean yes! Sort of.”
She sat up.
“No,” she whispered, sitting up and turning to face me cross-legged on the bed. “I could not let you do that.”
“Why not?” I asked. “Surrogacy is an extra step, and maybe not life growing within *you*, but it is life. Your life. The child who I carry would be yours, through and through.”
She kept shaking her head and squeezed my hands tight.
“But how would that work with the credit bonus? I think you should take—”
“I don’t give a fuck about printing credits!” I shot back. “I’m doing this for you!”
Her mouth opened and she took in a shaky breath, deep into her chest. She threw her arms wide and hugged me. It was a warm, loving, long missing, embrace. I breathed a sigh of relief and stroked her back.
“I’m here for you, Fleur. I’m never leaving you again. You’re stuck with me. Let’s get lost together.”
Then, something happened I didn’t expect. Maybe it was the emotion getting to her. Perhaps it was gratitude, but she just kept repeating thank you. Her eyes were full of love. She kissed me.
“I—” Fleur shook her head. “I don’t know why I did that.”
I stared at her, the beautiful French flower I’d adored since she first took my arm.
“Do it again,” I breathed.
Fleur and I kissed, and it felt even better than getting my only friend back. I felt my heart lighten. There was only us. I stroked her long hair and she smiled at me.
“You are not just being kind,” she whispered, “kissing me out of pity?”
I chuckled.
“You don’t really think that.”
“No, I don’t,” she admitted. “I have missed you and your daily breakfasts.”
“I missed your warm hugs,” I smiled. “The way you would toss an arm over my shoulder whenever I made breakfast—for you.”
“For me?” Fleur asked.
I blushed and looked to my lap.
“The first week you said how much you enjoyed my crepes. That’s why I made them at least once a week.”
“Usually more,” she added.
Fleur cleared her throat. She laughed and stood up.
“We should probably get back out there,” she began. Her face changed and she looked directly at me. “Perhaps I’m very far off the mark, here, but would you like to go into town tomorrow, just you and me?”
I smiled so wide. I thought she’d never ask.
“It’s a date!”
Our time together was glorious. Fleur and I were not judged by the others for our relationship. Our love grew and blossomed. One night, she had set up a picnic for us in the dome on Felicia’s dance floor. We didn’t tell her, for obvious reasons. When she kissed me, I knew it was with all the affection in the world.
I took her hand. I led her to my room. It was late, so no one else was awake. I opened my door and invited her inside. She smiled coyly. We’d been dating for a few weeks. Even though she was being satisfied by Quade, she desired me. I could see it in her eyes.
Out of nowhere, she seemed to darken. Her eyes were locked on my family’s small shrine at the corner of the room. Fleur suddenly became a lot more serious. She seemed to consider her words.
“I am so sorry about your loved ones,” she whispered. “I have been so focused on my own loss, that I didn’t even consider you.”
“That’s not true!” I replied, taking her hands. “I know it’s just more real when their pictures are hovering right before your eyes.”
Fleur remembered how we were just a month prior. A tear flowed down her face.
“I said many cruel things,” she whispered. “I am so sorry to have complicated our friendship. I feel horrible.”
“I did too, Fleur,” I admitted. “I thought worse. The party propaganda was in my ear and I—”
“No more apologies, my darling,” Fleur reached out and touched my face. “We have wasted so much time together on sadness. Let us never waste breath on hatred again.”
“Let it die,” I nodded. “But—”
“Oui?” she wondered. “What is it?”
“What about you and Quade?” I breathed.
She smirked.
“Is my having another person I love a problem with you?”
She knew it wasn’t. I laughed and blushed. I noticed her use of the word *another*.
“Do you really think my darling Quade will be bothered by us sharing a bed?”
“Oh!” I giggled; she was jumping to conclusions rather quickly. The fact that I *did* want to devour her like a tasty treat was ancillary to the point. “No. I understand that you love Quade. I’m glad that he’s been able to be there for you. He’s a very good-looking man, but I—”
“Don’t like boys?” Fleur finished.
“Actually,” I chuckled. “I’m bisexual. I haven’t been in any M-F relationships lately because the last triad I was a part of—”
“You’ve been in more than one?” Fleur seemed surprised.
“Sort of,” I admitted. “I met some of my best friends there and didn’t want to leave. I stayed far too long. He viewed me as some kind of sex object. Darius thought that Asians were supposed to be slutty, so I was his slut. Period. I didn’t want to be—”
Fleur kissed the side of my head.
“You don’t have to say it,” she tried to be sensitive to my trauma.
I shook my head. It was about time to talk about it with someone I could truly open up to and who would understand.
“I told him what I didn’t like, but he was so dominant. He refused to listen. He’d force me to orgasm and then when he finished using whatever hole he wished, he’d remind me that ‘I came, so I must have liked it.’”
I exhaled, trying to cope with the feelings that came rolling back.
“I lost all my friends when I left. They claimed they would stay in touch, but it was short lived. I was alone until I came here.”
Fleur nodded.
“You know, I want to hate Fox Life for what they did. They invaded our very consciousness and nudged us down a path we never would have taken, but I don’t. The thing I mentioned earlier, about what I should be frustrated with, but am not, is their interference in my life. How could I hate the thing that brought me the two people I love most?”
It was true what they say…
“*What do a couple girls bring to their third date? A moving van.*”
“It’s evil what they did,” I sighed. “It’s horrendous. I hate how well the assumed algorithm worked. It screened us out of three million applicants to fit together like pieces of a puzzle.”
We both stared at each other. I believe we were thinking the same thing. This quantum intelligence was tasked with finding an optimal result. Before they invested billions into the program, they probably ran thousands of simulations. It was almost romantic, choosing to look past the ugliness. Out of three million people, we were picked for each other by the most advanced machine in the universe.
“We are stuck together,” Fleur added, “but it has never felt like a prison. The only time I felt anything, but joy was when we weren’t talking, and when—I couldn’t—”
“But that’s over now,” I finished. “You *will* have a baby that is all yours, and I’m so excited to give it to you.”
She kissed me again. I smelled her perfume as she climbed atop me. She smelled like jasmine and mandarins. I felt completely at ease as she combed her fingertips through my hair and kissed my cheek.
“You are so beautiful,” she whispered.
“Stop!” I shook my head. “No I’m not. I’m glad you love me th—”
“What do you mean you silly stupid woman?” Fleur gasped, leaning back.
She could have doubted me a little bit nicer.
“I just look around at all of you. You’re supermodels. Fleur, you’re named after a flower and personify it in every way. Roberta has her wide hips and full frame that make her the *perfect* candidate for a job like this. Felicia is literally a ballerina. She is tall and gorgeous. I’ve heard how she satisfies Quade.”
“And what is the problem with that?” Fleur leaned back. “Are you actually jealous?”
I rolled my eyes.
“You weren’t even listening,” I sighed. “I’m very intelligent. I’m not fat. That’s about it.”
My breasts were far too small. My ass was as flat as a board. If you turned me sideways, you’d likely lose track of me or think I turned invisible. For all intents and purposes, I might as well have been. Maybe that’s a bit of why I stayed as long as I did with that abusive, narcissistic, maniac. At least he saw me as a woman.
Fleur climbed out of my lap and put both hands on my shoulders. She looked into my eyes.
“You cannot look away, yes? If you look away, I will just have to start over. Deal?”
What the fuck was I signing up for?
“Deal,” I shook my head.
Fleur flipped her hair and her gorgeous curls settled behind her shoulder.
“Xi,” she began. “You are beautiful. Your eyes are a gorgeous brown, like the color of mahogany. Your lips are—”
I looked away without thinking of it. I had a very hard time accepting compliments. When I looked back, Fleur cleared her throat.
“Xi, you are beautiful. Your eyes are a gorgeous brown, like the color of mahogany. Your lips are sensual, and half of why I watch you talk. I love the way your eyebrows dance when you are explaining something that intrigues you. I adore your long straight hair. It shimmers when you walk. Your sense of humor is dark and hysterical. Your best quality, though, is how truthful you always are. You do not lie to make anyone like you.”
“You—” I shook my head in disbelief, but didn’t look away, “believe that?”
Fleur smiled.
“Darling you belong with us. You were picked for a reason by the quantum calculator, yes?”
*Supercomputer,* I thought.
“I suppose,” I admitted.
“Then that means,” Fleur began, “that the most analytical force in the universe looked at you. . .”
“. . .Picked you up. . .” she continued.
She lifted me by the shoulders. I was shocked that she could. Her arms were so slender and sexy.
She lowered my back to the bed, and I squeaked in surprise. That was one advantage of being fun-sized. Everyone liked how I could be moved around so easily. Fleur was gentle as she settled in beside me and danced her fingers around my stomach and chest.
“. . .And set you here with me,” Fleur finished. “Maybe they knew I was the one who would treat you with the gentleness you deserve. Every woman wants something different. I will worship you gently, my darling.”
That sounded very, *very*, nice, coming from the world’s sexiest woman. She hailed from the French countryside, and looked like she had just stepped out of an artsy movie.
Every movement she made was slow. She dragged her lips down my neck and I shivered. I hadn’t had sex in several years. I hadn’t been treated the way I wanted—ever. Fleur read my body’s movements like a book. She was exceptionally intuitive. As I would shift, slightly overstimulated by her total-body-assault, she would pull back a thigh that caressed between my legs, or a hand that barely grazed my nipple under my top, or her lips that kissed down my arms. She was an artist.
Fleur brought her face over mine and held her lips so close, I could feel the energy and heat dripping from her. I raised my face to meet her and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck. She kissed me as the French do. She was exploring every corner of my body with her wandering hands. I felt her grind against me as I lifted a hand under her shirt.
I gasped as I felt her breast in my hand. I pulled back.
“You’re perfect,” I whispered.
“So are you, ma chère,” she returned, exhaling a slight moan.
I *loved* it when she called me that. It was then that I realized, she only ever said it to me. I bit my lip and acted out of impulse. I lifted her shirt up and over her head. Fleur showed no resistance. She let me stare. She grabbed my hands and brought them back to her chest, massaging into her nipples.
“I like it when a woman plays with my tits,” she declared. “I want to be very open about what we desire in the bedroom. That is how our sex life will be—”
I rushed her, flipping her to the bed. It was entirely unlike me. Something about how much care she was taking with me set a fire inside. No one treated me this way. I wanted to shower her with as much attention.
I held a hand to her stomach, pinning her to the bed.
“We know I like it slow and soft,” I whispered, “but that isn’t you, right?”
“Darling, do it however you—” Fleur began.
“You like it a bit harder, I believe?”
I dropped down between her legs and ordered a single word as I tugged at her waistband.
She lifted her ass and I pulled the tight workout shorts from her body. I crawled back up to her face but allowed a hand to drift around her pussy without actually touching it. She wiggled her hips, trying to outmaneuver me.
“I heard him tease you so many times. I am guessing that you told him it’s what you like,” I smiled.
She bit her lip and nodded, still trying to guide my hand to her.
I kissed her deeply, being rougher, doing it for her, and for the first time—enjoying it.
As I slipped my tongue into her mouth, I brushed my fingers down her clit, just barely grazing her. It might have felt like a butterfly’s kiss. She moaned much louder than she had before.
“Oui, ma chère!” she breathed, grabbing my shirt, and trying to tug it up with one hand.
“Fuck that’s hot,” I purred. When she spoke in French, I just melted. The language was a potent aphrodisiac. I stripped my shirt in one rapid motion. I loved the way her eyes made me feel.
She fondled my breasts and spoke up in a low, sexy, voice.
“Tu aimes ça? Tu veux me baiser?”
I leaned in close and bit her earlobe as I began to slowly circle her clit.
“What’s that mean?” I asked.
“I said,” she returned, “you like it when I speak French? You want to fuck me?”
I nearly collapsed as she extended her tongue and licked my ear. It wasn’t something that I would have imagined liking from anyone else, but Fleur had a gift. She leaned back with a sly grin and knew what she’d done to me. She was getting hornier. I knew she wanted me because of how she slipped a hand under my workout pants and grabbed my ass.
“You ready to come?” I asked.
Fleur was surprised. I believe she’d intended on taking me first. Without waiting for an answer, I dropped down her body and left my right hand on her breast as I finally let her have my tongue. She cried out, arching her back, then I slipped my fingers inside her.
She moaned, grabbing a handful of sheets as she wriggled against my tongue. Her words were quick and high as she cried out.
“Oui! Ne vous arrêtez pas! N’arrête pas ma chérie!”
She knew I wanted to hear it. She translated a moment later.
“Don’t stop! Don’t stop my darling!”
I wanted to be more adventurous with her, but I knew how it felt to be at the edge of a *good* orgasm and have it ruined by someone showing off. I simply pumped her g-spot and kept licking right where she liked it, increasing my speed just a touch.
I felt her walls tighten around my finger and pulse as she came. I slowed a bit, allowing her to breathe, but kept licking through each quaver, keeping pace with her. She squealed in delight and brought a hand to my head. She held it still and I licked slowly, focusing on her clit in tiny gentle circles. As she came down, she looked down at me and I looked up, mouth still where I’d longed to be for years.
“Alright, enough!” she giggled.
I considered coming back up, but I licked again.
She giggled and her legs jumped.
“Too much, my darling!” she whined, trying to get me to stop.
I tried again, tonguing her soaked entrance, and she jumped back.
“You little minx!” she teased. “Lay back.”
I moved past her and she wrapped both arms around my torso. She laid me down to the bed, and spent what felt like years kissing my shoulders, and nipples, and stomach, and it was honestly too little. I was so turned on that I wanted a bit of a fast forward. Hearing her come was so incredibly hot that I needed it too. We could go slow a different night.
“Please,” I began. “Lick me. I need your tongue, *now*.”
Intuitive as she was, Fleur didn’t question it. She dropped between my legs, raised them, and pulled my pants free. I felt my soul leave my body as she sucked my clit into her mouth gently. She began to hum a little tune. It sounded French, but the low frequency was teasing me. I had never had it done to me, but I wanted more. She licked a single finger and pressed into me. How did she know I didn’t want two?
The woman is a virtuoso of her craft.
She was using so many fingers, in so many places, at just my body’s pace. I don’t think I had ever finished so quickly in my life. She giggled as I began to quiver and opened her mouth as she continued licking.
“Already, ma chère?” she smiled, sucking me back into her mouth.
She helped me ride the wave for as long as she could, timing her strokes to my body’s natural rhythm. I could enjoy men going down on me, but a woman’s touch was supreme. She multi-tasked like a champion as I fully crashed, finally pulling away.
We didn’t have a marathon sex session. We didn’t fuck for hours. We simply cuddled afterward. It was heaven. I never wanted to leave her arms. Turns out, she didn’t either.
“I’m just saying it’s bullshit that you’re makin’ a momma move her shit,” Roberta growled.
“I’m sorry!” I laughed, pausing with a box in my hands. “We can always switch with Felicia, but Fleur and I figured that with her being so far along—”
“Girl, I’m playin’!” Roberta laughed, moving past me and rocking her hips into mine. “I’m the one who offered! I think it’s goddamn adorable that you two are moving in together. It ain’t like I gotta walk far.”
“Plus, you only have two-hundred square feet of belongings to move anyway,” Quade smiled, emerging from Roberta’s room with another box.
In truly strange fashion, completely unique to our little family, Fleur and I had decided to move in together. I had opted to go on a few dates with the man who I was *technically* going to be having a baby with. I understood a bit of how he was able to maintain his family. He was sexy, and polite, and gentle.
I laugh at what monos must think of us, that we spend hours making love with each other in a triple king-sized bed, that we get jealous when we hear the sounds that do come through the walls, even that *he* might be jealous of how I take his Fleur while he is with one of the others.
But that’s not how we work. When Fox Life set out to maximize their space faring profits, what they accidentally did was build a utopia for those who had never felt at home in a judgmental world. Twenty-seven farms, and counting, were feeding the ever-growing Arisa colony. I’d only checked on a few, but they all looked like slightly different shades of our life. As a few of us would walk in together, I would count the minutes until they figured out that *we know*. That stigma, that nervousness, was bred from a hatred of that which was different on Earth. On Arisa, we were free to love as we pleased.
News travels fast. We were all so thrilled to be unchained from society’s judgmental stare, that it felt like bliss. We didn’t have to worry about experimental monos getting jealous and breaking up families. We weren’t required to explain the herculean amount of effort it took to ensure all members were cared for equally and treated with respect. We all knew what it was like to live under a boot’s heel, to be called freaks.
There were breakups, of course. Some families would band together and form new ones, while others chose to live alone. Either way, they didn’t begrudge the others for doing what they had never been able to—live freely.
Every one of us is unique. Roberta doesn’t like girls, neither does Felicia. They don’t take part in any steamy threesomes, and they don’t mind hearing Quade ravage my Fleur. If they are anything like me, it is likely that it only spurred them sexually for when it was their turn. I know that I never fucked Fleur harder than when she would come back from Quade’s room.
This brought us to a wonderful week. I’d been implanted with Fleur’s embryo. That said, the fertility treatments, and inability to sate my desires, had left me quite thirsty. We were a few days into the waiting period. I was either pregnant or wasn’t. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Fleur and I had an idea. What better way to ease back into dating a man than to do it with the woman I loved?
I was ready to try again. I was truly excited by the thought. I was titillated thinking about what his face would be when he discovered our plan. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t salivating at the thought of being serviced by the man I was dating, and the love of my life, simultaneously.
We checked to make sure Roberta and Felicia were alright with the change of plans. Felicia rolled her eyes and said, “*Oh my God. You two are going to make his year.*”
Roberta just chuckled and sarcastically clucked, “*Y’all are freaky deaky, but it’s cute. You know that perv’s gonna like it.*”
The stage was set. The others went into town and took Trey to see the newly finished playground. We weren’t totally irresponsible. As Trey grew older, Quade had already started looking into ways of soundproofing the abode. Luckily, we had a *lot* of printing credits. With any luck, we’d have a few more after our three-way date.
He emerged from the shower to an empty house, save for me and Fleur sitting on the couch.
“Where’d everybody else go?” he asked.
Fleur smirked and raised her eyebrow in that sexy way she always did.
His face went blank. He looked between the both of us. He tried to keep himself calm.
“So—” he stood there in his towel, “Are we—uh—”
“Oh my God, he’s so cute when he is trying not to offend anyone,” I smiled.
Threesomes did happen in poly relationships from time to time, but they were never assumed and never asked for unless all parties were comfortable. Rules and boundaries had to be set. We knew it had been a long time since Quade had gotten to partake.
“Are we—joining them?” he asked.
I could almost hear his mind scream out, “*Please say no. Please say no!*”
Fleur turned around on the couch and leaned on her elbows.
His smirk was wicked. He knew, but clearly wanted to be sure without making me uncomfortable.
“So,” he laughed, walking toward us with a bit of swagger, “what are we doing here, then?”
“You know—” I began. “just enjoying each other’s company.”
He swallowed and both Fleur and I burst into laughter.
“Did you see his face?” she giggled.
“Hah, yeah,” he breathed, trying not to get too excited. “It’s uh—what are we gonna do?”
“Anything you want,” I grinned, turning around side by side with Fleur.
He walked with more confidence. If he wasn’t sure before, he became certain as I gave him the best *fuck me* eyes I could muster.
Fleur turned to me and winked. I moved my hands slowly, not to give away the surprise.
“Come to the front of the couch, my darling,” she smiled.
We didn’t turn around to face him as he obeyed with a spring in his step. I nodded to Fleur. We both raised our matching black frilly skirts and revealed our thongs around our ankles.
“Hah!” Quade called out. I was almost sure he literally jumped for joy. “Hot damn! Woo! Would you look at that?”
He paced back and forth, not knowing what to do with himself.
“Right, so—right,” he nodded, full of the same can-do attitude he always sported. “We should talk ground rules. What we are and aren’t—”
“Fleur and I got it,” I replied. “I only have one request—be gentle.”
“*With her!*” Fleur quickly clarified. “I require no such treatment.”
I smiled, looking at the dumbstruck man over my shoulder.
“Does that sound okay to—” Fleur began but was interrupted by a rough slap to her ass.
“Am I cool with it?” Quade asked. “Are you really asking that right now?”
I knew his past. Quade had been chosen because, cliché as it was, he was a stallion. He had no limit to his sexual urges. He could move through the whole house in a single day if he wasn’t so responsible and focused on his work.
“I thought you might enjoy it,” I smiled up at the man I was lusting after.
I loved the way he treated the others. I felt pampered by him. Maybe I’d love him after a bit, but I was enjoying the flirty fourth date, unorthodox as it was. Just like a mono relationship, I was so ready for sex.
It was when he walked behind me and immediately caressed both my thighs that I realized I’d made the right choice. He ran his hands up my back and kissed along my spine. I arched it and exhaled.
“He is very good at that,” Fleur grinned, reaching her hand underneath the fold of his towel.
“Yes, he is!” I whispered, feeling excited as I felt his cock flip out against my thigh.
“Xi that was Fleur,” Quade spoke seriously. “Don’t worry. I’m takin’ my time with you. I ain’t gonna put it in until you’re ready—”
He leaned in close to my ear and slipped a palm under my shirt.
“—and you say please.”
There’s a working formula for threesomes that many monos mess up entirely. It’s not about smashing crotches together and hoping everyone fits, it works best with a focus. What Fleur suggested was working on one partner at a time. Make sure they get fully satisfied, then move to the next. Sometimes the circle might repeat a time or two, but this way no one feels neglected.
Fleur was up first.
He approached her and I jumped down from the couch. I dropped my panties to the floor. He licked between her folds and gasped when I brought my mouth to his cock. He wasn’t expecting me to be so eager.
Honestly, I was excited. I was off script. I was supposed to be helping Fleur, but I saw it there and I just wanted to take the leap. Quade approved.
I popped him out of my mouth and looked up.
“You want to go break in our new double bed?”
He grinned and wrapped an arm around Fleur’s waist, tossing her over his shoulder. She was joyous. I was excited. I followed them in, and Fleur was up on all fours with Quade approaching from behind. I stepped up onto the bed and nearly fell sideways as I walked toward the pair. I placed a hand on Fleur’s ass to steady myself. Quade was tall, but I didn’t realize how utterly massive he was in comparison to me until I realized that I, standing on the bed, was at his eye level. I shook my head and grabbed the man’s face. It wasn’t our first kiss, but it might have been our eighth or ninth.
I smiled and grabbed his dick and guided him toward Fleur like a tarmac flag director. I rubbed a moistened hand over it and smiled at Fleur’s moan as he entered her. It was then that I decided to blow her mind. I scooted down underneath her in a sixty-nine position and began licking as Quade absolutely pummeled her. He was thrilled, like a kid in a candy shop. He looked to me, making sure I was alright, and I gave a wink from below.
I reached up and began massaging her ass and the woman we both loved opened her mouth and released the loudest, sexiest, moan I’d ever heard her produce. Her orgasm continued and intensified as Quade pushed deep into her, moving slowly. I reached up, feeling a bit mischievous, and started to play with his balls.
He pulled out right away.
“Whoa, Xi!” he laughed. “Listen, it’s been a long time since I been this excited, alright? You can’t go—”
Fleur laughed as she collapsed onto me, still feeling fading remnants of her orgasm.
“You almost made him bust!” she giggled.
“Ain’t gonna lie,” he smiled. “I was thinking through tomorrow’s crop rotation in my head.”
“Oh, sexy!” I giggled.
*Hey, while we’re taking a lovely break, why not take the opportunity to follow my profile? I’ve got some pretty smouldering hot stuff coming out later this week. Don’t miss it!*
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/haw6ie/five_horny_entrepreneurs_finally_have_their_first
Quade got a dirty look and stepped forward. He stroked my face, then pressed his tip to my already open mouth. He stopped to make sure I was alright with it.
I gave another wink and dragged my hand up his thigh to his ass, pulling him into me.
“I mean—” he tried to talk, “You two are jus—fuck!”
I was being naughty. I raised my other hand to stroke him again, despite his words of warning.
“You two are so *fucking* hot!”
The delightful man was losing himself. I stopped and looked into his eyes. I’d planned on a bit more foreplay, but his first orgasm was close. I tapped Fleur and she rolled off me, breathless and satisfied. I spun around on the bed and he climbed atop me. It was so traditional. He felt my pussy. I was drenched.
Between Fleur eating me out in that sixty-nine to the knowledge that I had that same ability as the others to cause a premature firing, if I wanted to, I needed Quade inside me. He wouldn’t last long. Then again, neither would I.
Fleur lay down beside us and looked into my eyes. She massaged my clit gently.
“You ready, darling?” she asked.
I looked up into his eyes. It was the first time I had been with a man in almost ten years.
“Do it,” I whispered, biting my lip.
He slid forward and I was expecting it to hurt, at least a little. I’d never experienced anything but that. My previous long-time partner was massive. He loved how tight I was. He never paid attention to my needs, or my pleas to slow down. Size does matter. Sometimes, it can be a bad thing.
This was not.
I gasped and moaned as he pushed the tip inside. It didn’t feel like something to be scared of. It felt amazing. Still, his concern was there.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah,” I smiled. “Give me more.”
It felt like he was most of the way in as he pressed forward. It was amazing. I felt so warm and full. Dildos were great, but as a woman who was able to appreciate both cock and silicone, the intimacy of a man on top of me was much to be preferred. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I felt Fleur’s delicate hands dance around my chest. I heard her kissing his shoulder.
Quade groaned. I think he liked how tight I was, too. The difference from my previous lover was, I adored this feeling. I was complete. I felt pressed to my limit, but he was taking my desires to heart, stifling his own raucous spirit because it was what I needed. I wanted more of him. I wriggled my hips and pushed my tongue into his mouth. He retreated and gave a full thrust by instinct.
“Shit, sorry—” he tried to apologize.
“No, fuck! Do that again!” I moaned.
It was so different. He wasn’t hammering me. It was more like a gradual, wonderful, stroking, which flowed all the way in and out of me. I was lost, enamored with the feeling of it. As I leaned sideways and moaned with an open mouth, Fleur met my lips and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my fingers around her head and pulled her tight as Quade began to pick up the pace.
“Oh—my—shit!” I gasped, feeling his full length within me.
“Like it, ma chère?” Fleur whispered, licking my ear as only she could. I dropped a hand between her legs, and she kissed my cheek. She returned the favor and began to rub me as Quade continued to slide in and out. The little circles she was making were soft, barely there. I let out a high moan and felt transcendent as the woman I loved and the man I was just starting to be intimate with worked together for my gain.
I clutched his hips and dragged him deeper, wanting to feel every bit of him within me. I reached my limit. Quade gasped. I was lucky to be so close. I felt him jerk back and try to hold off, but the moment he began to twitch, I giggled and said a three-word phrase that seemed to break his brain.
“Go deep, babe!”
I couldn’t usually feel when guys finished. I could tell because of their reaction, and the slow thrusts, but I would just take their word for it. Quade was, like I said, a stallion. I felt him. It was too much. I finished alongside him. He collapsed atop me and held me tight as he fulfilled his duty. It was adorable. He was embarrassed. He was laughing as he kissed my cheek.
“I’m so sorry,” he chortled. “I don’t usually—”
“I can’t believe you left me with just *one* orgasm!” Fleur joked, slapping the back of his shoulder.
“Well just give me a few minutes and I’ll rectify the issue, darlin’,” he groaned into my chest, feeling satisfied.
I turned his head to face mine and kissed him.
“Everything you’d hoped?” he asked.
“Better,” I laughed. “It’s really hot that I made you pop too early.”
“Well, glad you liked it,” he grumbled. “I thought I’d have more than fifteen minutes with the two of you.”
Fleur pulled his face to hers and kissed him next.
“Darling, it is sweet. You were excited. It shows you are a human, and not the god you appear to be.”
“Well,” he shrugged, slipping out of me. “Glad *you’re* happy.”
As I lay there staring at the metal ceiling, I had time to think. It was odd to think of carrying a child that wasn’t mine. I hardly cared. I would do anything for Fleur. I had no desire for babies, not yet anyway.
Fleur entered my field of vision like a pop-in on a children’s showxxxx. She lowered her lips and kissed mine.
“You look beautiful,” she whispered.
Quade stroked my stomach. He kissed my chest and whispered next.
“Xi, you’re why I wasn’t able to hold out. You’re just incredible. The thought of you carrying our baby is—too good for words.”
I rolled my eyes and looked away. Fleur and I had talked about this. Despite any doubts I had about her compliments, I was learning to receive them. I turned to Quade and said the phrase I used even when I doubted myself.
“Thank you,” I smiled. “You’re very sweet.”
Fleur nuzzled my face for a moment and then clapped her hands together.
“Very sweet,” she repeated to Quade, “now get on your back.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Well I’m sure you would like more from the both of us, no?” she asked. “I certainly have expectations of you.”
His smile was bright and surprised, like a man given a second chance at proving himself. I rolled out of bed and cleaned up a bit. We didn’t need to roll around in that mess all afternoon.
I saw Fleur tending to Quade’s needs and smiled. How had we gotten so lucky? Even among polys, there are compatibility issues. Two, or three, people need to fit together. Fleur and I were like matched halves that both seemed equally receptive of Quade. It was too good to be true.
I took a swig of water from my bottle and closed the top. I was sure of one thing:
The afternoon was hardly over.
**OK, so I know I said three parts, but I’ve got a tiny bit more story left. Epilogue coming soon. If you liked it, please follow my profile!**