Coercion, pt. 3 (mf)

The day seemed especially monotonous. She sat in on two meetings as a recorder, noting each piece of mundane information on her laptop, every fifteen minutes checking the silver delicate watch on her wrist.

Sitting alone in her small office, she glimpsed her supervisor only once during the entire day as he strode pass with another suit, off to another meeting. He had not even looked in on her, never once even acknowledging she had bothered to attend work.

Feeling crestfallen, but mostly embarrassed, she sulked in her office for the remainder of the day. She had taken special care that morning, brushing out her long hair and placing it in an ornate bun towards the back of her head. She worse a knee length red and brown plaid skirt, with a cherry red blouse that buttoned up to a loose silk bow at the neck. She decided against stockings and simply put on a pair of candy apple red spiked heels. Under her outfit she wore her new black bra that clasped in the front, hidden by an array of beige lace that crept up each breast paired with a set of black panties bordered with a similar beige lace. She had applied her make-up with extra care, using water proof mascara elongating her lashes and similar eyeliner to darken her eyes and make them appear more round and large. She had applied a light dusting of rouge on her cheeks and applied a dark red, smear free lipstick.

And now, she sat in her office, uncomfortably in her tight skirt and heels, replying to an endless barrage of emails. She couldn’t focus most of the day finding herself staring into space.

The day had finally whittled to an end, watching the clock on her computer screen count down each second until it finally read that magical number. She watched each of her coworkers file passed her office, waving them good bye and wishing them good nights.

The light outside her window was barely am ember in the horizon. She had now waited one hour since the last person had walked out, the parking lot emptied of the last vehicle outside of her small car tucked in its usual spot at the treeline and her supervisor’s menacing black SUV sitting on the west side of the lot opposite her’s.

Shaking her head to herself, she stood precariously on her heels what she hoped would be the final time today, and began packing up her things. Placing her purse and take home files on the edge of the desk, she slipped off her heels and walked to the restroom in her bare feet. After, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair had partially fallen, her blouse was slightly wrinkled, and he face no longer looked as vibrant as it had this morning. She felt deflated. Flicking off the light, she walked back to her office.

As she approached she noticed the light was off and door was slightly ajar. Pushing the door open, her purse was no longer perched on the desk, but the files were still where she had laid them. Her heels were also not sitting on the floor where she had slipped them off. Stepping back she looked down the hallway and saw that the only door open was that of her supervisor.

Taking a deep breath she walked the length of the hallway, stopping just shy of the open doorway. Another breath and she rounded the corner.

He was leaning against his desk opposite his chair, arms folded across his torso. As their eyes met, she stopped where she stood.

“Sir…” she began. He slowly stood up from his position and walked to her, standing a few inches in front of her.

“Sir, I waited as you asked.”

“No.” He said bluntly, “no, you were getting ready to leave without asking for permission. That’s another infraction.”

The sound of his lowered, husky voice sent a pulse of electricity down her spine.

“Well, I…” he waved her words away. “There’s no excuses. You have another day of punishment added on.”

Her heart was beating so loudly in her chest she was sure he could see the fabric of her blouse moving to its rhythm.

“Sit down in the chair in front of my desk,” he said, stepping around her and closing the door. She walked barefoot to the chair and sat down delicately. Her back was to him and the door, but she could hear his shoes on the low carpet as he walked to his desk.

“I want you to put your shoes back on.” He said this while picking them up off the floor and handing them to her. Leaning again on the desk he watched her slide each heel back into place, quickly latching each silver buckle around her ankles. When she finished she crossed her feet at the ankles and sat face forward, not looking up at him.

Moments passed as she sat there, feeling him stare at her his eyes roaming over her body. Her face flushed scarlet under the fluorescent lights as she waited.

Breaking the silence, “I want you take off your blouse and skirt. Leave on your bra, panties, and heels. Now.” He stood from the desk and walked over to the large windows, closing each set of blinds with a twist of his fingers.

She stood and slowly slid her skirt down over her hips and thighs until it puddled on the floor around her. She unfastened the bow at her neck with a pull of the silk ribbon and unbuttoned her blouse, sliding it off her shoulders. She laid it across the back of her chair. Bending down, she picked up her skirt and did the same with it.

Flustered, she wasn’t sure if she was to sit back down or stay standing. He hadn’t instructed her either way so she found herself standing behind her chair, hands clasped in front of her. Her feet screaming in her heels, she tried not to squirm and was alternating her weight slightly from foot to foot.

She watched as he moved to a wall, flipped a switch the corner lamp came to life. He then walked the distance of the room and turned the overhead lights off. He was then standing behind her. She could hear his breathing and feel warmth behind her.

“I want you to lean over the desk with your knees shoulder length apart.”

She looked down at the desk. The excitement in her veins was palpable. Walking the short distance to the desk, she leaned over it, her breasts coming to rest on the wooden top, her flesh pushing upwards towards her neckline. She spread her legs as far apart as she could in her heels, feeling the pressure on her ankles. She didnt know what to do with her hands and so she placed them on either side of her head.

He walked around to the front of the desk, opening a drawer and then closing it again. He returned to her, standing on her left side. She heard the air move before she felt the sting on her backside. A short scream escaped her lips in surprise.

“Don’t make a sound. Don’t move.”

Another crack landed across her left side. The flesh stung where he had hit it twice. Her mind was rushing with thoughts, first being what she was being hit with. All she knew was it was flexible.

Another slap came landing further down on her exposed skin, her body pushing up on the desk. The hits came more methodically after this, alternating each side. Every so often, he would stop and run a hand across her ass. She winced at his touch as she began to feel welts forming across her skin. She was biting her lip with each slap, the taste of copper filled her mouth. Sweat had started to bead on her chest pressed to the desk, the surface slick enough that with each crack of the flexible device her body slid up onto the desk. Her hips were now locked against the side of the desktop.

Finally, he stopped. She could hear his breath coming in short, ragged bursts. Her skin was aflame and she irrationally worried that she wouldn’t be able to sit down tomorrow. A ring of heated moisture outlined each of her fingers. Her bottom lip felt swollen and tears she had been holding back gathered in the corners of eyes, spilling over the bridge of her nose and onto the desk.

She waited, trying desperately not to squirm. Or scream. Or moan.

“Stand up.”

She slowly pushed herself into standing, leaning heavily on the desk, her feet tingling in her heels. Shakily she was standing up right but she didnt dare move. He came to stand in front of her, his shirt inches away from her breasts and erect nipples. She glanced at his hand and saw there was a device no longer than a ruler with the same diameter in his hand. The device was wrapped in a black leather, a short loop formed on the end as if for hanging up.

“I want you to move around to the other side of the desk and sit down.”

She found it difficult to move. The spikes of her heels feeling weak under her weight, threatening to tip her onto the carpet at any moment. When she made her way around the desk she reached for the armrests of the chair and as softly as possible, sat down. Her flesh immediately sent a shock of pain through her spine, making her sit up straight in the chair. The cool leather inviting on her unscathed skin and upper thighs.

He walked around to her side now and pointed to places at the edge if the desktop.

“I want you to out your feet here and here. Hook your heels under the top of the desk.”

She looked at him and shook her head slightly.

“Do you really want to disobey me right now?” The question framed more as a statement in his tone. Applying weight to the armrests with her forearms, she first put one foot up and then the other. The movement of sliding on the chair causing her backside to ache, feeling each welt scream.

“Now,” he started, sitting himself on the corner of the desk near her, “you will pleasure yourself until I say to stop. You will not cum until I tell you are allowed.”

She felt awkward and embarrassed. Not knowing how to start she simply stared down at her body, her legs spread wide on the desk, her heels reflecting the lamp behind her. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the chair.

She imagined. Imagined his hands on her body. Running his hands through her hair, across her neck, down each of her breasts.

She found her own hands mimicking his, pinching each nipple, cupping her breasts and gently squeezing them.

She imagined him pulling one nipple into his mouth and biting gently while his other hand roamed down her stomach.

Her own hand moved toward the wet mound between her legs, her other hand continuing to roll her nipple between her fingetips. Her hand slipping down the front of her panties, feeling the warmth and moisture there. She peeled back her lips, seeing him in her mind using his tongue on the same fashion. She rolled her thumb around the nub, inserting her index and middle finger into the wetness.

She could feel his eyes watching her movement, making her face flush and her body tingle with excitement. She continued moving her fingers in and out of her, quickening the pace and then slowing down.

Suddenly she felt his hand on the wrist that was squeezing her breast. He moved her arm back to the armrest and clamped his hand around her wrist fastening it there. She felt his shirt on her arm and then his lips encircled her nipple, his tongue licking slightly and his teeth lightly nibbling. Her back arched instantly as the edge she was building toward almost toppled through. She removed her hand from her panties and gripped the other armrest.

His mouth released the nipple, “put your hand back”, he said gruffly.

“But I’m going to cum.” She said this almost in a whining voice. The tingle in her groin had spread into her hips. She wiggled slightly on the chair.

“Not until I tell you that you can. Put your hand back.” He was now standing up fully, looking back at her. She felt like a child being scalded. Begrudgingly she slid her hand back down until her fingers were nestled in her hot, wetness. He continued to stand looking down at her. She closed her eyes again, focusing this time on not letting her body go over the edge.

She worked her body up and then let herself settle down. She was uncontrollably sliding further down on the seat. She again felt the air change around her, his cologne wafting into her nostrils as he bent close. She kept her eyes closed tight, focusing on anything outside of her body and his.

She could feel sweat glide down her back, her calves were tight. The sensation that she was going to explode was getting harder to ignore as she worked her fingers in and out, her palm glancing off her clit on accident and making her gasp.

“Stop.” The command came from above her. She opened her eyes and looked up at him.

“Put your legs down and sit up.”
Shakily, she did as she was asked, gingerly pushing herself back up onto the chair. Putting her hands across her stomach she waited.

“Get dressed and go home. Do not pleasure yourself.” A small whimper threatened to escape her lips but she simply bowed her head.

“Tomorrow after work, you will wait in your office for me, as long as necessary. Now go.”

Confused and frustrated, her groin aching for release, she stood from the chair barely able to teeter in her heels, all the blood having left her legs and arms, and walked around the desk to her clothes and the chair.

She slid her skirt back up over her hips and pushed her arms through the sleeves of her blouse. She buttoned it all the way but left the silk ribbon dangling between her breasts.

He had come around the desk and handed her her purse and immediately turned away going to sit back at his desk. She stood there a moment, not knowing if she should say something or what. She simply decided to turn and walk out, opening the door and then pulling it closed behind her.



  1. Wow this is really hot.

    I read the first two parts of this as well, and I really enjoyed both them, and this part.

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