Intruder Updated (forced)

One blackened eye puffy from struggle, I am bound in only my briefs to the chair. He, my wife splayed to the 4 corners, only her bra and panties remain, climbs so he is astride her. He leans close to her face, there are words I can not hear. She hesitatingly nods to him, yes. He turns her head so she is facing me, her eyes plead to mine. I felt a sick acidic hole in my stomach.

He spoke to me-she has agreed to submit to me. She will submit to me in order that I won’t further hurt you. with that, he began to remove, unrushed, his clothes. He stood naked, his penis hard, between the bed and the chair, between my wife and me.

His weight on the mattress made a sound, using both of his hands on her waist, he pulled her panties slowly slowly down. One hand on her right, the other on her left hip, gently slowly slid her panties down to below her pubic hair. In an instant, I couldn’t tell if he forcibly jerked them, or if she aided by raising her hips, I couldn’t see, they were removed. Her bushy sex exposed. I felt a sensation, looked down and saw, to my horror, my erect penis had leaked a very visible spot onto my shorts.

He knelt on the bed, his back to me, facing my wife. One hand, toying on her stomach, just above her pubic mound, the other, wrapped around her breasts, still sheathed in her bra. Now sliding under the bra fabric, the other hand, sliding closer to her pussy. I couldn’t see him touching her. I wasn’t sure how close his hand was to her actual sex. My penis pulsated as I watched, bound, his hands move closer to my wife’s little chinese pussy. She shuddered, a sharp inhale, he had…..

his body between my wife and the chair he had tied me to, I couldn’t see what he was doing, but, I could tell he was violating her. Her body jerked, writhed- he withdrew- he turned to me

Tell her- he said looking directly at me, tell her not to resist. Tell her she must submit to me completely, without resistance, or you will be punished. He moved on the bed, closer to my chair, suddenly, I felt a hand on my erection, a firm squeeze, then firmer still, he grasped the base of my shaft, his hand sliding, slowly towards the head as he increased the pressure. He inserted 2 fingers into my mouth- I knew instantly, he had violated her with those same fingers. Don’t resist, he said to me, as he rubbed the inside of my mouth, my lips and tongue with his fingers. Her returned to her side

Your husband kissed my hand, he licked my fingers, look how wet he made them, holding out his hand for her to see. His hand immediately returned to her sex, she pulsed, involuntarily, his fingers were inside her. Remind her, submit, don’t resist or you will be punished, he raised his voice addressing me. Honey- I started, honey please try not to resist, and try to be submissive to him. Like I showed you before. He turned to face me….

He looked at me for a good long minute, his eyes staring at me. He then turned away, turning his hips away from me, kneeling on the bed, his penis certainly pointing directly towards my wife’s mouth. He turned his attention to the bed. I couldn’t see him, couldn’t see between where his hips blocked my view of her, but I could see his hips flexing, pushing his groin forward in slow, short rhythmic thrusts. He was in her mouth.



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