Empire of Scale Story – Part III (Warning: Vore)

((Third entry in this story, and the last of that particular incident. Vore warning, as usual. Please enjoy))

So there I was, in the second stomach of a sea lamia, being slowly digested. I wasn’t hurt, though. The acids in the first stomach were starting to sting a fair bit, but once I’d been moved, and what a squeeze that was – felt like someone hugging me way too tight. -, the burning eased up. I’m not sure just how long I waited for Arollia to finish enjoying the feeling of Vera in her stomach, but when my fellow slave was moved down, I was greeted first with her feet, then her hips, and lastly her large, pillowy breasts enveloping my face. It wasn’t as fun as you might think, given the cramped conditions, but it was still kinda nice. The tight confines of our shared prison forced her to sort of hug me as we lay there.

“Oh thank the gods you are actually alive!” Was the first thing she said to me. I didn’t bother to answer that.

“You wanna get out of here?” I asked instead. “Or, are you having fun, still?”

Now it was Vera’s turn not to dignify a response.

“Can you concentrate like that?” Vera asked as I peered at her over her cleavage. “‘Cause… I don’t think I can do much about it.” She shifted uncomfortably, to demonstrate, and didn’t really manage to change anything about our position.

“I can cast it, fine.” I answered. “Just hold me tight, I don’t want to risk leaving you behind by accident.”

I felt a shudder go through Vera at the prospect. She wrapped her arms around me, and just to be certain, I wormed one leg around one of hers as I muttered a few arcane words.

There was a thrum and flash, for an instant, I felt like I was falling, then I opened my eyes and…

We were still inside Arollia, the slick walls of her stomach pressing in on us both. As the pit dropped out of my stomach, Vera slowly opened one eye.

“Are… you going to cast that spell or…?”

“I… just did.” I admitted. Vera’s look said it all. “I didn’t count on the magical resonance…”

“The. What?” Vera demanded.

“Well, y’see, certain creatures affect the way magic flows in and around their bodies.” I explained. “If it was just a normal person like you or me, or even a regular lamia it would have been no biggie, but… I guess sea lamias are a bit different. They must have some sort of inherent magic.”

“Well that’s all very interesting,” Vera said, “But how are we going to get out now?”

“I… I do have another kind of teleportation.” I said, racking my brain. “It’s less powerful, and…”

“Well, will it get us out?” Vera asked.

“Yes!” I answered. “Well, that is… it’ll get me out. It only works on me, and anything I’m wearing or carrying.”

Vera’s face fell. “I… see.”

“I didn’t say it was a great plan.” I shrugged. Both Vera and I stared at each other for a few moments. I knew what she was thinking. Obviously it’d be easy to skip out without Vera, save myself and leave her to be digested. But… how could I do something like that? As I thought about it, a plan began to form.

Muttering a few words, I tapped Vera’s thigh and she began to shrink. She let out a startled yelp as soon she was barely six inches tall. She wobbled, trying to get her balance on my heaving chest before falling to her knees.

“Oh, I think I get it!” She said after a moment. “This way you can carry me, allowing me to come with you when you teleport, right?” I smiled guiltily at her.

“Um… I can’t be sure that’ll work. I’m going to need to be more drastic to be certain.”

“Drastic?” Vera tilted her head.

“Yeah. Sorry about this.” I said, sweeping my hand up from behind her. She didn’t notice until I’d already clasped her backside and swept her into my mouth. She had only a second to shriek in surprise before she was in my mouth. And a moment later she was down my throat. It was a strange sensation, feeling my friend slide down my throat, kicking and fighting all the way.

I could hear, faintly, muffled screams and shouts from inside my belly, and I felt her kicking and struggling.

“Hey, calm down!” I moaned. All her thrashing was making me feel ill. “I’m not going to keep you there forever. But this way, I can be certain you’ll come with me when I teleport out.”

That statement calmed her down, though she did yell something at me one final time before settling down.

“Okay…” I muttered, “Now I can think about getting out of-”

I was cut off by someone’s face colliding with mine, then shortly a perky set of tits, and finally a pert ass as another girl was swallowed into the chamber, landing on top of me, facing the other way around.

“Umm… hello?” was all I could think to say. The tan-skinned bottom in front of me shifted, and I heard a voice call back.

“Hi…” She sounded a little miserable.

“Not thrilled to be dinner, huh?” I asked.

“Not really, no.”

I smiled slightly and tapped her on the ass. Within moments, she was tiny. Now that I could see her more fully, I could tell that she was indeed a slim and charming beauty with tan skin and brilliant red hair, still pulled back into a pony tail, but with a lock that came over her face to hide one of her green eyes. She had a cute, perky set of tits and hips that were just a little bit wider than would be average for someone of her build.

“The hell?” She demanded, stumbling a little as she stood on top of me. “Did you do this?”

“Yup.” I nodded, giving her a grin. “If you want to get out of here, why don’t you try jumping into my mouth?”

The redhead stared at me agape for a moment. “Are you serious!?” She demanded. “Do you think I’m that fucking thick?”

I shook my head slightly. “I’m just asking for a little trust.” I said.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” the redhead yelped.

“I’m not kidding.” I insisted. “I’m getting out, and if you want to come with me, then you’ll need to get in.” I opened my mouth and pointed to it.

“How do I know you’re serious, and not just trying to eat me?” I had to chuckle at that.

“Who knows, I might be.” I answered smugly. “But look at it this way: If I’m lying, you’ll get eaten and digest. Big deal, right? That was already going to happen. Already did, sorta. But if I’m telling the truth, you’ll get a chance to escape. So what do you think? Worth the risk?”

The girl stared at me for a long moment, then, her arms slowly lowering from their defensive posture, she began to walk toward my mouth, along my chest. I felt triumphant as I opened my mouth.

“Just for the record,” She remarked, pausing with her hand on my upper lip. “If you do digest me, I’m going to haunt the shit out of you.”

“I’m no’ sur tha’s po’ible.” I tired to say as she swung her legs into my mouth. She didn’t try to reply, so I just pushed her inside and swallowed her with one quick gulp. It was even easier that time. When I felt her reach my belly, I heard a surprised yelp, probably two, but it was so muffled it was impossible to tell. The two women in my stomach began to move around, and I suddenly felt extremely queasy.

“I better get out of here before I puke…” I muttered to myself. “At least it won’t be hard to get them back out… urp…”

I started to prepare my spell, when suddenly another body crashed over the top of me. When the newcomer had come to rest, straddling me, I looked up to the top of the stomach chamber, and by proxy more or less in the direction of our host’s head.

“Geez, slow down, you pig!” I yelled. “You’re gonna eat everyone at the orgy at this rate!”

I glanced down to the newcomer. She was a halfling, fair-skinned, but with a bit of rosyness from the sun, unlike me. Her hair, styled into twintails, was black, but with a large streak of white that took up much of her right side, including all of the right tail. She looked up at me with bright blue eyes.

“This is the last one.” I said, tapping the halfling and shrinking her. “If anyone else decides to slide down here, I’ll have to leave them behind!”

The halfling said nothing as I scooped her toward my mouth. She was the easiest of all to swallow. She didn’t fight it at all, and her body was so tiny I didn’t even have to strain to gulp her down.

But by the time she reached my stomach, I was really beginning to feel ill. I normally ate so meagerly that my master had begun to give me only a small bowl of rice. Even that I rarely finished. I was just too engrossed in my work to eat most of the time. Now, I had three women in my stomach. Granted, it was three tiny women, but it was still a lot. My stomach threatened to rebel any moment.

“K-keep it together…” I groaned to myself. “Just another few seconds…”

Trying hard to keep my squirming passengers in my gut, I quickly made a gesture and cast my spell.

With a shudder and a pop, I was suddenly outside, in the street beside the nobleman’s house. The storm had picked up. What had been hidden by the protective magics in the noble’s courtyard was a dreary rainstorm, and it was hot, too. The rain did nothing to cool the humid sweltering of the swamp.

It did feel cool compared to the lamia’s hot insides, though. And no sooner had I had the time to consider that, then my stomach fully rebelled. Clearly my guts had had enough.

I fell to my knees and heaved the three girls out. They all went sliding across the cobblestones. My concentration on the shrinking spell was broken by the trauma of the event and all three of them popped back to their normal sizes.

All still nude, and now in the open, the three of them got to their feet. I remained on my hands and knees, coughing and retching. My stomach and throat were sore.

“Well, we’ve escaped.” Vera remarked.

“I’ll admit, I wasn’t fully convinced.” The redhead said, leaning on her knees. “My name’s Seline, by the way.”

“Vera.” My friend replied. “And that’s Lily. Well, crap, what do we do now?”

“I know a place we can go to get some clothes and hide.” Seline said. “We’ll be safe enough there while we figure out our next move.”

Vera came over and helped me to my feet. “Let’s get going, then.” She agreed. The other three started down the road.

“‘Thanks for saving us from being digested, Lily.’” I muttered bitterly to myself. “‘Oh sure, no problem, it wasn’t traumatic or difficult at all. No need to thank me.’”

That bit of bitterness dealt with in my own way, I followed my new companions.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/h9pn7f/empire_of_scale_story_part_iii_warning_vore