Dirty Business: Chapter 2 (original work by Kevin Josin) [Cheating] [MF] [Masto]

The next day, Mark left for work as usual. He kissed Natalie and bade her goodbye while she was packing for a camping trip with her friends.

Natalie used to spend a long time when preparing for a camping trip or any other trip. She used to make a long checklist of things she need, things she might need, and even things she might not need, and she made sure everything on the list was ticked.

She was obsessed with details; she had been like that since she started to feel her marriage became somewhat tedious and routinary. It could be kind of a psychological defense, you know, as she always tried to occupy her mind with details whenever she felt bored or frustrated until it became a habit.

She also didn’t have a job or any kind of work to do. Well, she didn’t need to work because she was her father’s only daughter, so he gave her as much money as she wanted. She spent most of her time with her friends since she didn’t have kids, and when she was home, she binge watched her favorite series.


When Mark arrived at the office, Lisa, his new secretary, was at her desk working on her computer. Martin’s desk was in a separate room from the secretary’s desk.

The office was painted white, and it had one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main road. The floor was tiled in black and white looking like a chessboard, and the walls were decorated with carefully chosen paintings.

“Good morning Lisa, I want you in my office in five minutes,” he said as he went by her desk.

“Good morning sir, I’ll be right there,” she stood up and nodded.

Lisa started work two days ago. She was a lovely, blonde haired woman in her mid-30s, but still looking like in her mid-20s. She wasn’t married by her choice, claiming that she didn’t meet the right person yet.

Having worked for different companies, she learned to stay professional at work starting from her appearance. She had a bob haircut, wore a long black skirt and a white blouse that revealed a little bit of her breasts, and she also kept her speech related to work only.

In five minutes exactly, she knocked on the door. “Please come in,” he beckoned to her.

Mark’s office was simply arranged. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at medium, and in the opposite direction, there was a floor to ceiling bookshelf. On the black desk in front of him, sat a desktop computer, a leather notebook, a several stacks of paperwork, and a framed photograph of his wife, Natalie.

As soon as she stepped in, he gazed for a moment at the glorious beauty before him; he couldn’t take his eyes off the little crease of her protruding breasts.

Her charming beauty was irresistible; her genuine smile never left her face, and her green eyes that were hiding behind eyeglasses added more to her charm, let alone her succulent body that had curves at all the right places.

She stood close to him, and he started asking her some questions about work. Although he barely knew anything about her, every time he saw her or talked to her, he felt a rush of strange arousal into his body.

He invented some questions to keep her occupied and hence make her stay longer beside him. Her lady lumps, her enticing perfume, her hair, everything about her was driving him crazy, so he couldn’t help but move his hand to caress her ass.

Her body shuddered at once and her heart raced. Yet, she managed to keep a neutral facial expression despite the blushes that covered her face. “Ok, Mr. Mark. They’ll be ready by an hour,” she stammered and immediately bolted for the door.

As she was walking out of the office hurriedly, he was eyeing the movements of her bubbly butt. “Uh! What a delicious body!” he thought to himself. “I wish I could bury my meat deep in her slot and make her moan like crazy.” Just by imagining the situation, he felt a storm raging between his legs.

However, he knew it wasn’t going to happen because he thought his wife could find about him, and if she did so, he would lose everything starting from his job at the company. So, that might explain why he was into one-night stands with hookers and strangers.

Yet, still he enjoyed harassing his secretaries this way because he knew they won’t do anything about it, and he even considered that a perk of being the boss.

As he kept imagining dirty scenarios about Lisa in his head, his hard-on started to grow larger and larger till he couldn’t keep it in anymore, so he unbuckled his pants and headed to the toilet.

He dropped his pants and his boxers down to the floor and took hold of his rigid cock. He closed his eyes and imagined Lisa sucking him, and then he started stroking his cock slowly while tickling his balls with his other hand.

After few minutes, he led his hand to the drawer beside him and grabbed a bottle of Nivea lotion. He squeezed a good amount of the lotion on his hand and started massaging his cock again, but faster and harder this time.

In another few minutes, he was on the edge, and he finally climaxed and ejected his load all over.


In the evening, Mark and Natalie had dinner together.

“So, what happened with your camping trip?” he asked.

“We canceled it because Sandy was feeling ill, and we can’t go without her,” she was clearly annoyed.

“I see, anyway, you can still go next week,” he gave her a little smile.

“Oh yeah Mark, keep in mind that my parents are visiting us tomorrow, and so make sure not to be late,” she said.

“Yeah, sure! Don’t worry baby, I won’t be late,” he affirmed with a smile.


Next morning, Mark started work at 9:00 a.m. in the morning as usual and talked to Lisa as if nothing had happened yesterday. That was him; a cocky motherfucker, who didn’t care for whatever his inferiors thought of him.

However, aside from his shit personality, he was keen on work, and he was well aware that maintaining and growing a business, especially a small one, requires a lot of effort from the CEO. Therefore, he worked 5 hours in the weekend days in addition to working 8 hours a day in the normal workdays.

Natalie stayed at home preparing for her parents’ visit. Although they afforded to have someone do the housework, Natalie refused to let a stranger in her house and did all the housework, from cooking to cleaning, by herself.

She was especially good at cooking; she was even good at making special dishes, like Risotto, Kofta, Fajita, and many other dishes that are served in fancy restaurants.

Natalie’s parents lived in a two-hour drive village, so they didn’t visit regularly, let alone the struggle because of her mother’s numerous health problems.

Therefore, Natalie made sure everything was perfectly prepared for their visit, from food to music to decorations, and she even prepared what topics she was going to talk about.

For the food, she made her parents’ favorite dishes: chicken Paella, Spanakopita and Lamb biryani as main dishes, and Galette and Clafoutisfor for desert.

Time passed and it was 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon. She grabbed her cell phone and called Mark. Mark was supposed to be home by 3:00, yet it turned 4:00 and he didn’t arrive yet.

“What’s taking him so long?” she mumbled as she put the phone on her ear. She called him multiple times but got no answer.

6:00 p.m. in the evening, the doorbell rang. “Oh, thank god, he finally came,” she said it out loud to herself.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/h9iz2m/dirty_business_chapter_2_original_work_by_kevin


  1. So, this chapter 2 of my original story “Dirty Business”. Pls tell me what you think about this chapter and what are you expecting to happen next. Do you have any suggestion to improve this chapter? (Pls let me know)

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