[Group] [MMF] My boyfriend [30M] and I [28F] broke social distancing to fuck our neighbor [19 or 20M] – [Part 3]

Part [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gvlx1f/fm_my_boyfriend_30m_and_i_28f_put_on_a_socially/) and [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gw57td/group_mmf_my_boyfriend_30m_and_i_28f_broke_social/).

Nick quickly became a fixture in our home. We decided to just leave our sliding glass door unlocked unless we were sleeping so that he could come and go by hopping the railing between our patio and his. Most weekdays, he would join Henry’s morning runs, shower in his own apartment, and then come over to eat breakfast and hang out while we all worked on our laptops. On weekends, we would go for hikes, watch movies, and hang out on the patio and just enjoy each others’ company. Nick kept trying to Venmo us for the food we provided, but we would brush him off every time. “We aren’t going to ask a broke college kid for money,” Henry would say, snatching the phone from Nick’s hands before he could press “Pay.”

We continued to welcome Nick into our bedroom, but he also weaseled his way into our emotional lives. He was the one to hold me when I unexpectedly got my period two weeks late while Henry was out grocery shopping, letting me sob and leak snot on his shoulder until Henry came home and took over. We maintained our boundaries, making sure that Nick knew he was a guest in our relationship and not a third member and never acting overtly sexual towards him unless all three of us were in the room.

But Nick still kept us company during our post-coital, attempted-pregnancy routine, making us laugh as he described how weird Henry and I would be as parents and frequently doing an impression about how dramatic I would be while pregnant, a pillow stuffed under one of my shirts to fully embody the character.

Henry was especially fond of Nick, seeing a lot of his younger self in him and not threatened by his sexual presence in the slightest. They had a long heart-to-heart one night after I had gone to bed where Nick finally verbally admitted that he thought he was bisexual. Nick told me later that Henry had hugged him without hesitation and showed nothing but support.

Henry was kind but firm about his disinterest in engaging sexually with Nick, openly displaying physical affection in other ways to show that he wasn’t bothered or freaked out by Nick’s bisexuality. It wasn’t unusual to see them lounging on the couch together, Nick leaning back against Henry’s chest with one of Henry’s arms wrapped around him. I absolutely loved it. I would frequently try to sneak photos of them until I got caught, one or both of them tackling me and wrestling the phone from my hand before we all collapsed in a pile of giggles.

Over a month passed this way, the days blending together. The week I finally weaned myself off coffee completely was the only memorable one. My head pounded from caffeine withdrawals, and I found myself constantly snapping at the boys over every little thing. Nick finally kissed me to shut me up, pressing me against the kitchen counter and then shoving me to my knees and filling my mouth with his cock for “just a few fucking minutes of peace,” with Henry holding back my hair.

We knew Nick would have to figure something out when the semester ended, but we didn’t want to think that far ahead. We just focused on enjoying the present. Nick was in the middle of his review week before exams when we finally talked about it. I was in bed reading when a light knock on the door made me look up. “Can I come hang?” Nick asked.

“Of course!” I said, setting my book down on the bedside table and taking off my reading glasses.

Nick sat down on the edge of the bed, but I pulled him towards me until we were cuddling, my head on his chest as I laid on my side. He laughed, rubbing his hands up and down my back. We settled in, sighing contentedly as my face nestled against the familiar dip in his neck. “So,” he started slowly, “we need to talk.”

“It’s not you, it’s me?” I teased cheekily, “I’m just not ready to settle down?”

“If I ever used clichés like that, I’d deserve to get slapped,” he laughed, squeezing me tighter against him, “but we need to talk about what’s going to happen after exams.”

“Ok. What’s going to happen after exams?”

He paused, mulling over the words. “My aunt has offered to take in my grandma so that I can go home after my last exam next week. My internship is remote, my lease is up at the end of the month, and it doesn’t really make sense to shell out money for an apartment if I can crash at home for free.”

“That makes sense.” I nodded, “Is that what you want to do?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m really fucking happy here with you guys, but this isn’t the real world, you know? Would this ever have happened if the world hadn’t gone to shit?”

“I’m not sure,” I admitted, “but I’m glad we met you.”

He smiled down at me and kissed me softly. “Me too. I can’t believe this all happened because I gave you coffee.”

“Goes to show that you should do nice shit for people. You might get laid.”

We laughed lightly but quickly lapsed into silence, letting our sadness sit with us for a minute. Henry walked in, stretching and showing a delicious line of soft skin on his stomach, unsurprised by the scene in front of him. He flopped down on the bed next to me and spooned me, his warm chest pressing against my back and his hand crossing over my body to rest on Nick’s shoulder. “What’s up?” he asked cautiously, picking up on the room’s energy.

“Nick is thinking about going home next week for the rest of the summer,” I replied.

Henry was silent for a moment. “You know we’ll miss you, but you need to do what’s right for you,” he finally said.

“I’m not sure if or when I’d come back, though,” Nick said softly, “Classes might be online in the fall or my roommates could be living here again the next time I’m in town. We can’t try to explain this to them — they wouldn’t understand.”

We all laid there silently, none of us saying what was on all our minds. Finally, Nick bit the bullet. “This past month has been amazing. I don’t know how I would have survived quarantine without you guys. But we should end this for good when I go home. A clean break.”

Henry and I nodded somberly, squeezing Nick tighter. “Then we’d better make this week count,” I whispered.

Nick looked into my eyes and brushed my hair away from my face. Slowly, softly, he kissed me as Henry began kissing my jaw, down my neck, and to my shoulder. I reached a hand behind me to rub Henry’s leg slowly, just needing to be closer to both of them. Nick ended the kiss and got up to gently reposition me so that my head was slightly hanging off the edge of the bed. He was getting better at taking charge in the bedroom, something I had tried to coax out of him over the past month, but he was always careful to never get so eager that he hurt me or crossed a line. Henry walked around to the other side of the bed, spreading my knees and pulling my panties down slowly, following them with soft kisses down my legs. Nick kissed me upside down, the angle more interesting than awkward. His tongue tangled with mine gently.

Henry began teasing me, his soft lips and light scruff creating contrasting sensations as he licked and kissed his way around my inner thighs. Nick leaned over to kiss down my throat, pulling my flimsy sleep shirt down to expose my breasts. He pressed them together and buried his face in them, kissing and sucking on my skin gently. Henry’s mouth enveloped my clit at the same time that Nick took one of my nipples in his mouth, both of them rolling their tongues teasingly. I moaned, reaching my hands above my head to yank Nick’s sweatpants down.

I played with his cock, tugging it with my hands and lifting it out of the way so my tongue could swirl against his balls. I felt Henry’s mouth pull away from my pussy and heard the telltale sound of his shorts hitting the ground. Henry’s cock tapped lightly against my clit a couple of times, the heavy weight but soft skin of his tip sending shockwaves of pleasure up my body. Moaning, I brought Nick’s cock to my mouth, wrapping my lips around the head and pulling him towards me to sink into me to the hilt. Nick’s hands gripped my tits, and he held me there, my mouth filled with his length. Henry pushed into me slowly until his pelvis kissed mine, his hands gripping my hips for leverage. I moaned, my pussy clenching around Henry’s cock and my mouth vibrating around Nick’s.

They began moving in tandem, undoubtedly watching each other thrust in and out of me to make sure their paces matched. I moaned again, thinking about them staring at each other and calculatingly working together to fill me. I gripped Nick’s ass, not trying to take control the pace — instead just enjoying the feeling of his cheeks in my hands. Henry and Nick pumped into my pussy and mouth rhythmically, filling and emptying me at the same time. Nick’s fingers pinched and rubbed my nipples as one of Henry’s thumbs started pressing against my clit.

My body was so overwhelmed, so full with the feeling of both of them thrusting into me, that I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I moaned and tightened my grip on Nick’s ass, pulling him into me with each thrust to create more force. He moved a hand from my tits to lightly circle my throat, groaning as he felt the way his cock moved inside my mouth from the outside. They both began thrusting faster, their movements getting more urgent and less in sync as we all careened towards our own orgasms. Nick was the first to cum, pulling out of my mouth and spraying my tits while he lowered his balls into my open mouth. I fell over the precipice next, moaning and squeezing Nick’s ass tightly as Henry continued fucking me forcefully and rubbing my clit. Nick knelt down to kiss me again as I came down from my orgasm, his tongue tangling with mine upside down and his hands gripping my cum-covered tits. Henry moved one of my ankles to his shoulders, kissing the top of my foot as he fucked me deeper with this new angle. After a minute or so, Henry’s tell-tale groans began. “I want to cum on you too,” he groaned, “is that ok?”

“Yes,” I moaned, disconnecting from Nick’s mouth long enough to respond, “Please. We can skip a day.”

Henry spread my legs roughly and pulled out, jerking himself until his cum sprayed over my stomach and tits, mixing with Nick’s drying semen. Nick and I watched intently as the last few ropes shot out from Henry’s cock, all three of us panting. Henry rested his spent cock on my pubic mound, the comfortable, familiar weight feeling like its own version of a hug. I dipped a finger into the sticky mess on my tits and swirled it around before bringing it to my mouth, closing my eyes and moaning dramatically as I sucked the tip of my finger. “Ok, Pornhub, calm it down,” Henry laughed, but the flushed look on his face revealed how much he enjoyed my little show.

Henry grabbed a towel and helped clean me up while Nick adjusted me so that I was resting on the bed more comfortably. They collapsed on the bed in turn on either side of me — the pregnancy routine not in effect but all of us just wanting a non-sexual, naked, post-coital minute together. I held both of their hands, squeezing them tightly.

After a few minutes, we piled in the shower and then fell back into bed together, all of us asleep within minutes. I wish I had known it was going to be the last normal night we spent together.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/h814j2/group_mmf_my_boyfriend_30m_and_i_28f_broke_social


  1. The last normal night? THERE HAS TO BE MORE… I can’t live without incredibly cute Henry and Nick moments ?

  2. I am so into this story line that I skipped the sex and want to see the ending…. seems like these tissues are going to be used for their real purpose

  3. Just beautiful. I like that part about the gents “locking eyes and working to rhythmically fill you” or words to that effect. Well done. Sad to read part 4 but such is life. Have my upvote and my condolences. Fingers crossed for good pregnancy news either way.

  4. My best male friend is, tragically, straight. I want him sooooo much, but he just doesn’t swing that way. It means so much to me when he hugs me, which he does readily when we’re together.

  5. You’ve spoilt us with so much in 24hrs! Sexy and heartfelt as usual damn, assuming Nick knows about this he’s got one hell of a record of the amazing time you guys had together

  6. As a bi guy, I’ve gotta say your story really got me… I wish everyone was as supportive as you and Henry??

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