Naked project day 5 the talent show’s loophole part1

Small bit of housekeeping:
This will be the last 2 chapters of this series for a bit because I wanna write other filthy tales for all you lovely people

So stay tuned for other tales from my naughty corner

Stay classy

Sam sat gingerly in her chair at lunch the next morning, her asshole still sore from playing the role of her best friend’s glove.

As if she’d called her name, Alice plonked herself down in the chair opposite her, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“Saaaaam” She said cutely after a few minutes staring, drawing out her friend’s name.

“Nope” she replied blankly, not looking up from her food.

“You don’t even know what I’m asking yet” Alice pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in a mock sulk.

Sam looked up at her friend batting her eyelashes at her.

“Alright What is it?” She said giving in, putting her leftovers in the bin and rising too leave. she’d already had Alice’s hand up her arse so whatever it was would probably be tame she thought to herself As they both walked out of the canteen.

“Ok promise me you won’t get mad?” She said nervously

“Depends on what it is?” Sam said slightly cautious.

“I want us do do the talent show” Alice said bouncing on the spot, her perky tits bouncing with her making Sam stare slightly.

“And do what? We’d literally be naked” sam said bluntly indicating their naked bodies as they stopped outside the gym.

“Weeeell I was thinking about that” Alice said moving to stand at Sam’s side, her hand resting just above her friend’s ass.

“I was thinking…of doing a ventriloquist act…with you as my puppet” she whispered into her ear, suddenly sliding a finger into Sam’s ass making her jump and her pussy burn.

“But we’d g-get kicked o-out for sure” Sam said stuttering as a second finger slid in her ass, her clit shouting for attention.

“You really should’ve read your letter” Alice whispered again, sliding two more fingers inside, stretching her friend’s tight hole, Sam squirming under her friend’s control.

“Rule 3: ??? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ???????, ???????? ????????????? ?? ??? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????” she quoted perfectly.

“You know what that means?” she said huskily,
Sam could barely shake her head without moaning loudly, her pussy fit to burst,

“It’s a loophole” she said grinning finally slipping her whole hand inside Sam’s ass, her pussy on the edge before she suddenly yanked her hand out, Sam’s asshole twitching for more.

“So you’ll do it?” Alice asked smiling, Sam nodded slightly after a moment, still shaking like a leaf on the edge of cumming.

“Good girl” Alice said before flicking Sam’s clit hard once, pushing her friend over the edge, walking away as Sam writhed on the floor, her orgasm shaking her body.

All she could think of was her ass so full of Alice

She Wanted more…




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